Final Definition and 1000 Threads

Final Destination is an American horror franchise composed of five films, two comic books, and nine novels. It is based on an unproduced spec script by Jeffrey Reddick, originally written for The X-Files television series, and was distributed by New Line Cinema. All five films center around a small group of people who escape impending death when one individual (the protagonist of each film) has a sudden premonition and warns them that they will all die in a terrible mass-casualty accident. After avoiding their foretold deaths, the survivors are killed one by one in bizarre accidents caused by an unseen force creating complicated chains of cause and effect, resembling Rube Goldberg machines in their complexity, and then read omens sent by another unseen entity in order to again avert their deaths.
The series is noteworthy among other films in the horror genre in that the antagonist is not a stereotypical slasher or other physical being, but Death manifested, subtly manipulating circumstances in the environment with a design on claiming anyone who escapes their fated demise.
In addition to the films, a novel series, which includes the novelizations of the first three films, was published throughout 2005 and 2006 by Black Flame. A one-shot comic book titled Final Destination: Sacrifice was released alongside select DVDs of Final Destination 3 in 2006, and a comic book series titled Final Destination: Spring Break was published by Zenescope Entertainment in 2007.

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  1. G

    Calculating Final Pressure of Gas Mixture in Two Identical Containers

    Homework Statement A and B are two identical containers connected by a tap initially closed. A contains an ideal gas at a pressure P1 and temperature T1. B contains the same gas at a pressure P2 and a temperature T2. The tap is the opened. If the temperatures of the containers A and B remain...
  2. J

    Calculating Final Velocity of 4kg Block with T=35N

    Homework Statement You have a 4kg block attached to a string with T=35N. If the block begins at 5m/s and is lowered 10m what is approxaimate final velocity of block? So I got the question right: Find Fnet and times it by 10m and set (Fnet)(10)= work = KE and find velocity from KE. But...
  3. T

    Final velocity of the mass on an incline?

    A spring with a spring-constant 3.4 N/cm is compressed 27 cm and released. The 9 kg mass skids down the frictional incline of height 13 cm and inclined at a 17◦ angle. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . The path is frictionless except for a dis- tance of 0.5 m along the incline...
  4. D

    What is the final temperate of the aluminum?

    Homework Statement Suppose 69.3 J of heat is added to a 121 g piece of aluminum at 22.5 C. What is the final temperate of the aluminum? Homework Equations Q = m c (T - T1) I think, but I am only given 1 temp. The Attempt at a Solution There are examples that are simialr in my...
  5. E

    Trebuchet Help: Calculating Final Velocity & Acceleration

    Trebuchet help! 1. Hi, I am writing a report for a trebuchet project, and trying to find the final velocity of the tennis ball, my teacher told us to just use this :F=m(v^2/r) for initial velocity. so I am really confused right now. I don't know how to find final velocity. Also, which equation...
  6. G

    Calculus final in 24 hours - failure imminent - need some advice

    Hi everyone, I guess I'm coming to that point of realization that I'm not going to pass my calc course. I don't really know why I'm writing this, maybe in the hope that someone on this forum may have been in a similar spot and could advise me about their experience. I've never really failed...
  7. T

    Two moving blocks, find small blocks final velocity

    Homework Statement A small block (mass m) slides down a circular path (radius R) which is cut into a large block (mass M), as shown. M rests on a table and both blocks slide without friction. The blocks are initially at rest, and m starts at the top of the path. Determine the velocity of m...
  8. F

    Find Acceleration with only Initial Velocity and Final position?

    Homework Statement A hockey puck sliding on a frozen lake comes to rest after 238 m. If its initial velocity is 3.8 m/s what is its acceleration if it is assumed constant? Answer in units of m/s^2 How long is it in motion? What is its speed after traveling 180 m? Homework Equations x=xo +...
  9. W

    Preparing for a Junior Q&M Final: Strengthening Concepts

    I have a Q&M final coming up. The math I can do. However I would like to strengthen the concepts. Can anyone point to a resource that includes conceptual test? This is for junior level Q&M. Thanks
  10. M

    How Do You Calculate Final Velocity and Time for an Object on a Sloped Surface?

    Homework Statement A 20kg object is on a 10 m long, 15 degree slope , that has a coefficient of friction that is 0.2 Calculate the time to slide down the final velocity at the bottom [b]2. Homework Equations [/b Fg=mag Fn=Fgcos(theta) Fp=Fgsin(theta) mu=Ff/Fn Fr=MAr The Attempt...
  11. B

    Celebrating My 85 on AP Bio Final!

    I got an 85 on my AP Bio Final! Wohoo
  12. X

    Reducing final answer of laplace transform

    Homework Statement The problem is not getting the answer to the laplace transform but instead reducing my answer so i dnt lose marks. If i work out the laplace transform of: L(t^3 * sinh(4t)) to be 3!/(2(s- 4)^4)- 3!/(s(s+ 4)^4) then how do i add these to get a single fraction? Its doing...
  13. A

    Who Will Win the UEFA Champions League Final?

    Who will win the Final Is it : Manchester United Or FC. Barcalona
  14. R

    Final Project Presentation Topic?

    Hey, I'm a high school student interested in persuing Physics in college. I just took my AP Physics exam, and I think it went well =]. I realize this isn't a specific homework question, but because it pertains to my AP Physics class I thought it would be appropriate here. Because we took...
  15. B

    How Fast Does a Ball Move When Pushed by Compressed Air?

    final velocity of a ball pushed by compressed air..pls. help! Homework Statement Compressed air is used to fire a 1.72 kg ball vertically upward from a 1.50 m long tube. The air exerts a upward force of 28.7 N on the ball as long as it is in the tube. With what velocity does the ball leave...
  16. B

    Five train cars and their final speed

    Homework Statement Three identical train cars, coupled together, are rolling east at 1.13 m/s. A fourth car traveling east at 6.43 m/s catches up with the three and couples to make a four-car train. A moment later, the train cars hit a fifth car that was at rest on the tracks, and it couples...
  17. C

    Help me find the final velocity tnx

    0.5Kg snowball moving at 20m/s strikes and sticks to a 70Kg man standing on the frictionless surface of a frozen pond. what is the final velocity?
  18. M

    Change in temperature between the initial and final state of the gas?

    Not sure what I am doing wrong What is the change in temperature between the initial and final state of the gas? A) A monatomic, ideal gas is in a sealed container (the number of gas molecules is always constant: n = 2 moles); the initial pressure is Pi = 1.01 x 10^5 Pa and the initial...
  19. C

    How Does Constant Temperature Affect Heat Transfer in a Piston-Cylinder Device?

    Homework Statement T1=300K P1=100kPa V1=1m^3 T1=T2=T3 P2=P3=200kPa V3=0.1m^3 Q: Air initially at 300kpa is contained inside a piston-cylinder device with a volume of 1m^3. The cylinder is equiped with a check valve allowing air to escape when the air pressure reaches 200kPa. An...
  20. Y

    What Determines the Final Temperature of Ice and Water Mix?

    Homework Statement A 81-g ice cube at 0°C is placed in 878 g of water at 25°C. What is the final temperature of the mixture? Homework Equations No heat is loss therefore m*Cp*deltaT+m*Cp*deltaT=0 Cp ice=2.09 Cp water=4.19 The Attempt at a Solution...
  21. K

    Final temperature after calories are added

    Homework Statement A 60.5g piece of lead is at 18.6oC. If 328 cal of heat is added to the lead, what is its final temperature? Do not enter units. Homework Equations I was trying to use 328 as the Q value and solve for delta T Q=mCdelta T HOWEVER, this wasn't working. The...
  22. M

    Solving the Yo-yo Problem: Final Velocity Calculation

    Homework Statement A yo-yo has mass of 400 kg and radius of 1.5m. Its axle of rotation has a radius of 0.1m. Its string is attached to a crane. What is its final velocity after it is released. mass (m)=400 kg Radius (R)= 1.5 m axle of yo-yo (r)= 0.1 m...
  23. T

    Calculating Final Speed & Angle of a Rocket Motion

    Homework Statement A rocket is traveling with a speed 20 km/s in a non-gravity space. To fix the direction of motion, it turns on an engine, which pushes the gasses with constant speed 3 km/s w.r.t. the rocket perpendicularly to the direction of its motion. The engine is on till the mass of...
  24. M

    Energy added to Ice- determine final temperature

    Homework Statement A 10 kg block of ice has a temperature of -8°C. The pressure is one atmosphere. The block absorbs 4.17 x10^6 J of heat. What is the final temperature of the liquid water? Q=4.17x10^6J T_0=-8 Mass=10kg 4184= specific heat of water 2000=specific heat of ice...
  25. G

    Schools Final University Choice UK : Manchester Or Nottingham

    Hi guys, Well I now have a few weeks to make up my mind in which to put as my first choice (not sure if I have a second but even if I did it would be sort of irrelevant as all offers are AAA or AAB :D). I've basically numbered it down to Manchester and Nottingham, I had offers from both York...
  26. C

    Calculating Final Velocity of 100kg Object Dropped from 100m

    How can I calculate the impact speed(final velocity) of an object of mass 100kg, dropped from a height of 100m, only considering gravity.
  27. A

    Calculating Final Velocities of Elastic Collision in 2D

    Homework Statement A 1.2kg mass moving 2.4m/s [East] has an elastic collision with a 2.4kg mass moving 1.8m/s [North]. What are the final velocities? ------------------------------------- I know that I need Ek before and after the collision, but I'm not sure how to calculate it for this...
  28. D

    Making the final decision: Bucknell v. F & M v. Rutgers v. Grinnell

    If anyone has advice as to which of these institutions I should enroll at please inform me! Some things to consider: I got into a Mathematical Scholars Program at Bucknell (note: I plan on majoring in both Physics and Mathematics. sidenote: A professor at Rutgers told me not to do this...
  29. M

    Work Problem/Graph Given/Find final velocity.

    Homework Statement The graph shows the net external force component F cos θ along the displacement as a function of the magnitude of the displacement s. The graph applies to a 65 kg ice skater. (a) How much work does the net force component do on...
  30. V

    Conservation of momentum question FINAL

    Can someone care to explain the mathematics behind it? i initally thought that she'd go the full 15m, but because the cart does move slightly to the left as she runs it's just a bit less than the full 15m, can someone give me the maths to it...
  31. A

    Azeotropic distillation Please help final coming up

    Homework Statement Hello, I am curious on how azeotropic distillation works. I know it has to do with the gas law, PV=nRT but I would like to know in depth analysis how this process works. I have organic 2 lab final coming up (this Tuesday) and it may happen we might be asked to...
  32. Z

    Calculating Time and Forces with Frictionless Surfaces

    Homework Statement 1. A woman weighing 730N stands in the middle of a frozen pond of radius 5m. She is unable to get to the other side because of a lack of friction between her shoes and the ice. To propel herself, she throws a 1.2kg backpack horizontally towards the south shore at a speed...
  33. A

    Help Finding Final Temp of Mixing Water Together

    Homework Statement What would be the final temp if you mixed 1 liter of 20°C water with 4 liters of 40°C water? This question is very straightforward, and is, of course, assuming total conservation of temp. Homework Equations My book mentions q=mc∆t, but using that equation, I get...
  34. C

    Physics Final: Can You Help Zaphod Beeblebrox Navigate the Universe?

    there are pictures and hints missing, view fullo version in the attached file. Below is a short-story of a scenario where you are president of the universe Zaphod Beeblebrox. In order to answer several of the questions below you will need access to appropriate references. You may use any...
  35. D

    What is the Final Velocity of Two Repelling Magnetic Masses?

    Homework Statement Consider 2 magnetic masses, m1 and m2; these 2 repel each other for a distance s with force f (relative to each other)...which applies from m1 to m2. Predict final velocity of m1 and m2. Assume final distance to be v1 and v2 Assume the force that f acts is constants, i.e...
  36. R

    Verifying an Electron's Final Speed After Releasing from Rest

    Homework Statement Two stationary positive point charges, charge 1 of magnitude 3.45 nC and charge 2 of magnitude 1.85 nC, are separated by a distance of 50.0 cm. An electron is released from rest at the point midway between the two charges, and it moves along the line connecting the two...
  37. Z

    Why Are There Two Solutions for Pion Energy in This Kinematic Process?

    Hello, It may not be the best place to ask but that is the best place I found :) So I have been trying to calculate kinematic variables for the following process (incoming electron with energy ~360MeV and neutron at rest) : e^- + n \rightarrow e^- + \Delta^0 \rightarrow e^- + \pi^- + p So I...
  38. F

    Minimizing final velocity on a balistic trajectory

    I thought of the following academic problem while watching a baseball movie. I ballplayer wishes to throw the game-winning ball to a kid in the stands. He wants to minimize the final velocity of the ball. Not the horizontal component of the velocity, but the the total magnitude of the...
  39. T

    Finding components of final velocity- on homework

    The problem states that a plane approaching a mountain peak at a speed of 50 m/s is located at a vertical distance of 100.0 m above the peak. I calculated the distance at which the plane should release the package so it lands on the peak (first question), but the second question ask what the...
  40. D

    Deriving formula for final velocity in 2 repelling bodies

    Homework Statement Consider 2 magnetic masses, m1 and m2; these 2 repel each other for a distance s with force f (relative to each other)...which applies from m1 to m2. Predict final velocity of m1 and m2. Assume final distance to be v1 and v2 Assume the 2 masses at rest initially...
  41. E

    Final speed of an asteroid using escape speed

    Homework Statement The escape speed from a very small asteroid is only 32 m/s. If you throw a rock away from the asteroid at a speed of 44 m/s, what will be its final speed? Homework Equations Ki + Ui = 1/2mv^2 + (-GMm/R) = 0 (for v<<c) The Attempt at a Solution I am unsure of how to do...
  42. D

    Conservation of Momentum 2D - 2 marbles collide - find final velocities

    Homework Statement A 10.0 g marble slides to the left with a velocity of magnitude 0.500 m/s on the frictionless, horizontal surface of an icy, New York sidewalk and has a head-on elastic collision with a larger 30.0 g marble sliding to the right with a velocity of magnitude 0.150 m/s Find...
  43. M

    Calculating Work & Final Velocity of a 70kg Mass

    Homework Statement A 70kg mass is in a space and moving at 2.5 m/s. You push it with 200N for 4 m. You then move to the front of the mass and push it backwards with 170N for 3 m. What was the total work done? What was the final velocity? Homework Equations W = rest energy + F1*r -...
  44. S

    What is the final velocity of an asteroid on a collision course with Earth?

    Homework Statement A NASA satellite has just observed an asteroid that is on a collision course with the Earth. The asteroid has an estimated mass, based on its size, of 5 × 10^9 kg. It is approaching the Earth on a head-on course with a velocity of 611 m/s relative to the Earth and is now 5.0...
  45. I

    What Percent of Final Charge Does a Capacitor Reach After 4.5 Time Constants?

    Homework Statement Consider an RC circuit in which a capacitor is being charged by a battery connected in a circuit. Initially the capacitor is uncharged. Then the switch is closed. After a time equal to 4.5 time constants, what percent of the final charge is present on the capacitor...
  46. A

    Finding Acceleration Given Distance and Final Speed

    1. A pitcher uses 3.5m to accelerate a baseball before release. Find the average acceleration of a ball starting at zero m/s and traveling 41m/s at release Thanks in advance. I'm lost with what I need to do.
  47. M

    Lenses/Images - Find final image

    Lenses/Images -- Find final image Two converging lenses, each having a focal length equal to 8 cm, are separated by 35 cm. An object is 30 cm to the left of the first lens. (a) Find the position of the final image using both a ray diagram and the thin-lens equation (c) What is the overall...
  48. F

    Ideal diode questions final soon help

    Ideal diode questions final soon urgent help its actually an example in my book (sedra and smith, 5th ed) which i fail to understand completely! Question: the question is : Assuming the diodes to be ideal find V and I in the circuits. I obviously went through the example but it totally...
  49. P

    Find the final angular speed of the target

    Homework Statement A fairgorund target consists of a uniform circular disk of mass M and radius a that can turn freely about its diamerter which is fixed in a vertical position. Iniitally the target is at rest . A bullet of mass m is moving with speed u along a horizontal line at right...
  50. G

    Solving Projectile Motion: Finding Max Height & Final Speed

    For a force F = −mg ± cv^2 (the sign is chosen so the drag force is opposite the motion), you can use a trick: let u = v^2, and generate a differential equation for u(x) (not u(t)!), which is not too hard to solve. (Hint: the chain rule gives this dv/dt=dv/dx * dx/dt should help.) a) Solve...