Flying Definition and 243 Threads

A flying saucer (also referred to as "a flying disc") is a descriptive term for a supposed type of flying craft having a disc or saucer-shaped body, commonly used generically to refer to an anomalous flying object. The term was coined in 1947 but has generally been supplanted since 1952 by the United States Air Force term unidentified flying objects (or UFOs for short). Early reported sightings of unknown "flying saucers" usually described them as silver or metallic, sometimes reported as covered with navigation lights or surrounded with a glowing light, hovering or moving rapidly, either alone or in tight formations with other similar craft, and exhibiting high maneuverability.

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  1. B

    If someone wants to go and (not just build), but market a flying car

    If someone wants to go and (not just build), but market a flying car and make it for everyday use just like a regular car,you have to go to an Ivy League School. It seems depressing because for some people just being practical is annoying and sad itself. (Notice I said some people because...
  2. fluidistic

    If you think flying squirrels are cool

    I very recently discovered wingsuit jumping. If you don't know what it is, have a look at: , and why not . Do you find that as breathtaking as I do?! That looks awesome!
  3. R

    Who is Behind the Mysterious Flying Triangles? They have been sighted all over the world including a friend of mine who saw it up close just hovering about 4 storey high in a 2 storey home almost covering it. Who created them...
  4. I

    Force Needed to Stop a Flying Bullet

    A bullet of mass 0.0025 kg moving at 470 m/s impacts a large fixed block of wood and travels 6.2 cm before coming to rest. Assuming that the deceleration of the bullet is constant, find the force exerted by the wood on the bullet. Answer in units of kN I know force= mass * acceleration...
  5. H

    How do aeroplanes fly upside down?

    When a aeroplane is flying due to its shape of aerofoil it gets lift. But it is common to see (as in stunt shows) that they can fly upside down too. When they do so they must experience a "downward" lift and start falling down. but they maintain a constant altitude. How can they do it?
  6. D

    Conductor Tension Due to Birds Landing & Flying Away

    Friends: I have been wondering how a conductor's tension is affected by birds landing on it and then flying away. By itself, the conductor has some tension obviously due to its weight. When a bird lands on the conductor, the tension increases. But what about when the bird flies away? By...
  7. C

    Objects Flying towards each other (2d kinematics)

    Homework Statement A cat and a baby are launched from skeet traps on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon, which are at the same height and a distance ℓ apart. The cat is launched horizontally at speed (v0/√2), the baby at initial speed v0 at an angle of (pi/4) above the horizontal. By amazing...
  8. L

    How do I calculate the distance traveled by an airplane flying into a headwind?

    Homework Statement The velocity of an airplane flying into a headwind is given by v(t) = 30(16 - t^2) mi/hr for 0 < t < 3 hr. How far has the airplane traveled at the instant its velocity reaches 400 mi/hr? Assume s(0) = 0 The Attempt at a Solution I think I would have to...
  9. O

    2D Kinematics; Flying Saucer observed with two velocities

    Homework Statement A flying saucer maneuvering with constant acceleration is observed with the positions and velocities shown below: What is the saucer's acceleration? *note: I created the image in paint and I did forget to label the vectors. The one starting...
  10. O

    Will weight of flying mosquito in a jar affect its weight ?

    As a part of an experiment,..... a scientist put 100 mosquitoes in a jar and shut it... When he weighed the jar, while the mosquitoes were sleeping on the base of the jar, the weight came out to be 250 g... Then, he shook the jar and the mosquitoes started flying inside it. He once again...
  11. C

    Airplane flying in a crosswind problem

    Homework Statement The nose of an ultralight plane is pointed south, and its airspeed indicator shows 45 m/s . The plane is in a 20 m/s wind blowing toward the southwest relative to the earth. Find the x-component of the velocity with respect to the earth. Find the y-component of the...
  12. C

    Vector airplane flying with a side wind

    Homework Statement An airplane has an airspeed of 145 km/h. it is to make a flight in a direction of 72 degees while there is a 32-km/h wind from 342 degrees. what will the airplane's actual heading be? Homework Equations trig functions The Attempt at a Solution this is a calc3...
  13. S

    What are the physics behind flying discs and disc golf?

    I am extremely interested in the physics behind flying discs such as those used in disc golf. I know a few basic principles behind it, but I would love to know all I can learn about it. Anything that any of you know is appreciated, as there is not much information available elsewhere, unless I...
  14. B

    Massless particle sends electron flying?

    massless particle sends electron flying? Hi, I'm an 11 year old boy and I was listening to a lecture on my ipod by proffesor Steven Pollock, who I have been litening to for a while and I would be really surprised if he's giving me false information. More likely I just misunderstood him. But he...
  15. D

    Airplane flying in a horizontal circle

    Homework Statement An airplane is flying in a horizontal circle at a speed of 410 km/h (Fig. 6-41). If its wings are tilted at angle a = 42° to the horizontal, what is the radius of the circle in which the plane is flying? Assume that the required force is provided entirely by an...
  16. M

    Unraveling the Flying Leap of a Flea

    Homework Statement High-speed motion pictures 3500 (frames/second) of a jumping, 210 μg flea yielded the data used to plot the graph given in the figure . (See "The Flying Leap of the Flea" by M. Rothschild, Y. Schlein, K. Parker, C. Neville, and S. Sternberg in the November 1973 Scientific...
  17. G

    Circular motion of plane flying at 40.1 degrees [CAPA Question]

    Homework Statement How fast must a plane fly at a latitude of 40.1° so that the sun stands still relative to the passengers? Note: I am using Randall D. Knight's Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2nd edition because that is the required book for this course. I am told to use the radius...
  18. B

    Flying Capacitor Circuit Analysis?

    Homework Statement I've attached the problem in the pdf, which includes the circuit diagram, but I'll copy the text of the problem here: (a) Draw the equivalent circuit when the switches are in the position indicated in the diagram and calculate the potential difference that develops...
  19. J

    Relative velocity - plane flying

    Homework Statement A plane flies at an airspeed of 250 km/h. A wind is blowing at 80 km/h toward the direction 60* east of north. a) In what direction should the plane head in order to fly due north relative to the ground? b) What is the speed of the plane relative to the ground...
  20. N

    What is the Plane's Bearing from Its Original Position After Changing Course?

    Homework Statement A plane is flying at 56 km/h at a bearing of 65 degrees. After flying for 3 hours the plane heading is changed to a bearing of 90 degrees. After flying for a further 1 hour at 56 km/h what is the plane's bearing from its original position? No clue how to answer...
  21. C

    An flying object needs lift,but this lift is like buoyant force in air?

    An flying object needs lift,but this lift is like buoyant force in air?? just like when any object is immersed in water it feels lighter because a net upward force is acting on it same way do net upward force is acted by air when any object is flying in air?? and that net upward force is more...
  22. MattRob

    Engineering Aerospace Engineering, Physics, or Flying.

    Alright, I was wondering about this, and I've been researching the different lifestyles. I've got three dream jobs. 1. Aerospace Engineering: The draw is the applications of mathematics and design to constructing vehicles, and research, figuring things out, planning, and problem solving are all...
  23. C

    Can radar detect flying animal?

    Hello, Chitose wonder chick here. It's been a while since last time I post my question here. right now I'm working on my new novel and need little help about radar. ........... Can radar that scan through sky detect flying animal? (in my case is 4 meter dragon) I wonder, If it can...
  24. M

    Angular momentum; flying motorcycle

    Homework Statement The distance between the centers of the wheels of a motorcycle is 155 cm. The center of mass of the motorcycle, including the biker, is 88.0 cm above the ground and halfway between the wheels. Assume the mass of each wheel is small compared with the body of the motorcycle...
  25. G

    Aerospace Company Builds Flying Machine

    Hi guys... I am working at an Aerospace company... their hiring procedure is top-notch, coz` they hired me... a guy who has NO training and NO knowledge in the field (I also hate to fly!) So, the question is the following... we are building something that goes somewhere in a flying...
  26. D

    A question about the motion of a flying insect inside a moving vehicle

    I have a very basic question that I have not yet found the answer to. Basically it's this: if you are traveling in a vehicle at 60 mph, what is it that allows a flying insect inside the vehicle to fly around? Is the insect traveling at 60 mph plus or minus its own speed depending on the...
  27. Astronuc

    Medical Incredible Flying Nonagenarian: The Power of Exercise in Old Age

    The Incredible Flying Nonagenarian Exercise (and diet) is important to good health, especially later in life.
  28. S

    A 3000kg Cessna airplane flying north

    A 3000 kg Cessna airplane flying north at an altitude of 1600 m over the jungles of Brazil at 75 m/s collided with a 7000 kg cargo plane flying 35 degrees north of west with a speed of 100 m/s. As measured by a point on the ground directly below the collision, the Cessna wreckage was found 1000...
  29. T

    Two line charges and a conducting cylinder are flying through space

    Homework Statement Griffiths 3.36: Two straight wires having equal and opposite line charges are situated on either side of a conducting cylinder (all the wires and the cylinder are "long", so we can ignore edge effects--this is undergraduate electrostatics, after all!). The cylinder has no...
  30. C

    Need help finding the max velocity I can drive without flying off a hill

    A car drives over the top of a hill that has a radius of 50m. What maximum speed can teh car have without flying off the road at the top fo the hill? Soooo I know I'm supposed to treat the hill like a coefficient of friction given, not sure if I need that though, not really sure...
  31. T

    Calculating the Speed of a Plane for a Stationary Sun at 26.3° Latitude

    Homework Statement How fast must a plane fly at a latitude of 26.3° so that the sun stands still relative to the passengers? Homework Equations I have no idea how I can solve this question. I would like to draw a free-body diagram, but I don't know how to do that either. If I could...
  32. P

    Flying in a Loop: Plane Speed & Pilot Weight

    An airplane flies in a loop (a circular path in a vertical plane) of radius 190 m. The pilot's head always points toward the center of the loop. The speed of the airplane is not constant. The airplane goes slowest at the top of the loop and fastest at the bottom. (a) At the top of the loop...
  33. K

    How come there are no flying cars yet?

    This isn't a joke topic but don't we have the technology to make a flying car? What's the technology behind it anyway? What's needed to design a flying car? On another note, I bet my cousin 8 years ago that flying cars wouldn't come into existence as a "standard" in 2010 (we were watching back...
  34. Andre

    Airshow at Centennial for Dutch Flying: Pics to Share!

    I have been visiting an airshow today, Centennial for Dutch Flying at a moor near Ede. Some of the highlights A private jet team having political issues about the direction to go. A Royal Netherlands Air Force Apache helicopter releasing 'flares' at the apex of the looping and...
  35. P

    Two space craft are flying towards a planet

    Homework Statement Two spacecraft are flying towards a planet at 0.9c and 0.3c relative to the planet, respectively. If they fire their laser beams simultaneously from a range of 109 m, which will strike the planet first and what will be the delay before the other beam strikes? Homework...
  36. C

    Flying Wing Aircraft: Hand Launch Climb Necessity?

    Is a horizontal tail really necessary for climb on a flying wing if it was to be hand launched?
  37. N

    There are tiny bugs flying around my sink

    Tiny little buggers. Sometimes one will float in front of my monitor here. A little annoying, but they don't bite and pretty much stay away from me. And they like wine. They really like wine. So, I put a strip of fly paper over the sink. Most of them are eventually crushed by the adhesive over...
  38. T

    Solving the Mystery of the Flying Fly: How Many Trips?

    Homework Statement A car moving at constant speed of 40 km/h in a straight road which heads towards a wall makes a 900 (90 degree) turn by the side of the wall. A fly flying at constant speed 100km/h starts from wall till car and when it reaches the car turns back and flies towards wall at...
  39. L

    Flying for the Masses: Is it a Good Idea?

    Well I'm sure we've all heard of all these people who want to bring "flying for the masses", using these sorts of contraptions: I haven't finished getting my license yet, but I still have a fairly good understanding of what it...
  40. Astronuc

    Is the Terrafugia Transition the Future of Transportation?

    Flying Car a Step Closer to Reality The Terrafugia Transition. If one has a spare $194,000 + TTL.
  41. E

    Charged particle flying into an electric field

    If a proton flies into a magnetic field I've seen the trajectory but I'm not sure about the directions of all the forces involved. In this picture [PLAIN] I drew in a red, blue and yellow arrow. I assume the proton is moving in the direction...
  42. S

    New Flying Machine Idea - Is It Possible?

    This may be a bit weird but please consider my idea.. Flying Machines like the aeroplane work on the principles of aerodynamic lift employing a special wing structure. What if I make an alteration to this design such that these "wings" are replaced by moveable "curved surfaces" like the...
  43. N

    Spaceship flying towards earth at relativistic speeds?

    Here is something I thought about the other day that could use some clarification... say a spaceship starts its voyage towards the Earth at 0.5c at a distance of 1 light year away from the earth. All measurements are made from an observer on earth. An observer on Earth only notices the ship...
  44. M

    XBee Communication For Flying Device

    I am currently working on a project that will be a flying device, so i require a bit of range for control. I have been looking around for control systems, and have come across the XBee-PRO 802.15.4 RF Modem, which seems to me to be the best solution for me. Has anyone used this device before? If...
  45. L

    Solving the Direction of an Airplane Flying in the Wind

    Here's the problem: An airplane is flying on a bearing of 340 degrees at 325 mph. A wind is blowing with the bearing of 320 degrees at 40 mph. a) Find the component form of the velocity of the airplane. b) Find the actual ground speed and direction of plane. I can find the component form...
  46. O

    Supersonic plane flying horizontally

    Homework Statement Dr.Botha sees a supersonic plane flying horizontally in a straight line, directly overhead. If the plane is flying at a height of 500m above the ground, and Dr.Botha hears a sonic boom 1.00s after the plane flies over him, where is the plane at the instant he hears the boom...
  47. M

    Navigating Wind: Flying East in a Light Airplane

    Homework Statement You are flying in a light airplane spotting traffic for a radio station. Your flight carries you due east above a highway. Landmarks below tell you that your speed is 52.0 m/s relative to the ground and your air speed indicator also reads 52.0 m/s. However, the nose of your...
  48. D

    Why does changing the mass of a flying ball affect its trajectory?

    So there it is me trying to program some simple physics for flying ball. I have done some research and generally I was always understanding physics very well. But what is happening in my application is not understandable for me, even tho I have checked everything twice and I think everything...
  49. J

    Plane flying in a straight line

    If an aircraft is flying in a straight line, are there no forces acting on it, or is there an upward force acting on it?
  50. T

    Optimizing Flight Path: Accounting for Wind Speed and Direction

    A pilot flying his plane... Homework Statement A pilot is flying his plane 48.5 km/hr northward. He has forgotten to factor in a light wind from the east, going 0.85 km/hr. At what angle should he head his plane to factor in the wind? Homework Equations I don't know :( The Attempt...