Force of friction Definition and 140 Threads

Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other. There are several types of friction:

Dry friction is a force that opposes the relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in contact. Dry friction is subdivided into static friction ("stiction") between non-moving surfaces, and kinetic friction between moving surfaces. With the exception of atomic or molecular friction, dry friction generally arises from the interaction of surface features, known as asperities (see Figure 1).
Fluid friction describes the friction between layers of a viscous fluid that are moving relative to each other.Lubricated friction is a case of fluid friction where a lubricant fluid separates two solid surfaces.Skin friction is a component of drag, the force resisting the motion of a fluid across the surface of a body.
Internal friction is the force resisting motion between the elements making up a solid material while it undergoes deformation.When surfaces in contact move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into thermal energy (that is, it converts work to heat). This property can have dramatic consequences, as illustrated by the use of friction created by rubbing pieces of wood together to start a fire. Kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy whenever motion with friction occurs, for example when a viscous fluid is stirred. Another important consequence of many types of friction can be wear, which may lead to performance degradation or damage to components. Friction is a component of the science of tribology.
Friction is desirable and important in supplying traction to facilitate motion on land. Most land vehicles rely on friction for acceleration, deceleration and changing direction. Sudden reductions in traction can cause loss of control and accidents.
Friction is not itself a fundamental force. Dry friction arises from a combination of inter-surface adhesion, surface roughness, surface deformation, and surface contamination. The complexity of these interactions makes the calculation of friction from first principles impractical and necessitates the use of empirical methods for analysis and the development of theory.
Friction is a non-conservative force – work done against friction is path dependent. In the presence of friction, some kinetic energy is always transformed to thermal energy, so mechanical energy is not conserved.

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  1. T

    Force of friction and Torque problem

    Hi all, I'm a new member here. I've encountered a lot of help from searching through this website! I've searched through several threads dealing with friction and torque on here, but still can't quite figure out this problem... Homework Statement A plot of \tau vs. \alpha has a vertical...
  2. M

    Inclined Planes; Finding Force of Friction

    Homework Statement A 275 N box is sliding down a frictionless inclined plane. If the incline makes an angle of 30.0 degrees with the horizontal, what is the acceleration along the incline? I don't need to know how to figure out the solution to this problem - yet, atleast. Im trying to...
  3. L

    When does Force of Friction = Fnet

    Just need to know, when does Force of Friction = Fnet
  4. D

    Inclined plane and force of friction

    Homework Statement I am having some difficulties finding out the force of friction for an inclined plane. If we know the mass of the object, the angle of the inclined plane, and the acceleration, how to we find Ff? I know how to draw the diagrams, but I can't seem to find what force of...
  5. N

    How Do I Find the Force of Friction for My Lab Report?

    Homework Statement Ok, I am doing attempting to do a lab report right now and I am unable to find the forces that I need. This is what i am being asked to do: "Plot the force (not mass) applied by the sand versus the force exerted on the track by the block and its load for both the...
  6. P

    Solving Physics Homework: Force of Friction & Work Done

    Homework Statement Joe puts 11400 J of energy to drag crate 25 m across floor with constant speed. Rope makes 48 degree angle with horizontal. Force exerted by the rope on the crate? What is the force of friction acting on the crate to impede its motion? What work is done by the floor...
  7. X

    How can I calculate the force of friction on a rocket launched at school?

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  8. B

    How Does the Force to Start and Maintain Car Movement on Asphalt Differ?

    Homework Statement A car of weight 1500 N has its brakes locked. Calculate the force needed to begin to drag he car on dry asphalt. How will the force needd to slide it along the asphalt compare with the force needed to start sliding it? Why? (Static coefficient=1.2, Kinetic coefficient=0.8)...
  9. B

    What is the magnitude of force of friction of the snow

    seld pulled at a constant velocity acroos a horizontal snow surface, if force 80 apploed to the sled rope at an angle of 53 to the ground, what is the magnitude of force of friction of the snow? i don't know how to solve it i have test 2morrow i need some explanition plez
  10. P

    What is and how do we derive force (F) opposite the force of friction (Ff)?

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  11. A

    Work of pushing box horizontally - including force of friction

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  12. A

    Ladder Question - Force of friction required to prevent ladder from slipping

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  13. M

    Calculating Forces of Friction with Coefficient of 0.544 and Weight of 86.5N

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  14. H

    Average Force Of Friction (attempted Question)

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  15. H

    Average force of friction help

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  16. K

    What is the magnitude of the upward force of friction

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  17. N

    HELP problem involving force of friction and normal force

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  18. M

    Solving Force of Friction for Homework

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  19. S

    I need the normal force, the force of friction, and her acceleration

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  20. J

    Force of friction of this cart on wheels with a motor driven propeller

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  21. J

    Cart with propeller - Find force of friction

    can anyone show me how to solve this problem? a cart on wheels with a mass of 250 g has a motor driven propeller with a force P of .3 N, and it moved down an incline of 30 degrees with an acceleration of 3.5 m/s^2. What is the force of friction ? determine coefficent of friction
  22. Z

    Force of friction with multiple coefficient of frictions

    I'm working on this problem for homework. Basically it's to find the work done by friction. Now for the work it would be the force of friction times the displacement. The problem is the board being pushed is going over 2 different surfaces, with 2 different values for friction, at the same time...
  23. Z

    Calculating Force of Friction on 8.1g Bullet in Rifle Barrel

    please help me FRICTION A 8.1g bullet leaves the muzzle of a rifle with a speed of 605.8m/s. What constant force is exerted on the bullet while it is traveling down the0.5m lengthof the barrel of the rifle? answer in N. Thanks in advance!
  24. M

    Force of Friction: Solving for 15 kg Child on 4.0m Slide at 40 Degrees

    This is my problem A 15 kg child slides, from rest, down a playground slide tht is 4.0 m long, as shown in the figure. The slide makes a 40 degrees angle with the horizontal. The child's speed at the bottom is 3.2 m/s. What was teh force of friction that the sldie was exerting on the...
  25. K

    How Do You Calculate the Force of Friction for a Moving Car?

    This is probably horribly easy, but it's almost 1 AM so I'm going nutty trying to figure this one out. The questoni: "A 2000kg car is traveling at a constant 30m/s with the motor producing a force of 4000 N forward. Find the force of friction." I drew the diagram. Is acceleration 0...
  26. V

    Calculating Force of Friction on a Bicyclist

    with a terminal speed of 0.2 mm/s. The particle has a mass of 10^-10 g and a retarding force of the form bv. What is the value of b? i converted everything to SI and i got -4.905e-08 kg/s but it is wrong.. am i close? another question... A bicyclist travels in a circle of radius 26 m at a...
  27. E

    Force of Friction: Calculating Car's Acceleration

    I'm stuck! Please help! I have been looking @ this problem for 2 hours! :rolleyes: A 1200 kg car has a speed of 30 m/s - it runs out of gas and coasts, stopping in 40 secs. What is average force of friction on the car? Do you find the car's acceleration first? There is no force, so you...
  28. F

    Calculating Average Force of Friction on a Roller Coaster

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  29. T

    Is the Normal Force Correct in Your Friction Work Calculation?

    A 19.1 kg block is dragged over a rough, hor- izontal surface by a constant force of 195 N acting at an angle of angle 29.1 degrees above the horizontal. The block is displaced 30.3 m, and the coeficient of kinetic friction is 0.116. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 . the...
  30. T

    How Does Friction Affect the Motion of a Spring-Attached Block?

    a block of mass 10kg is attached to a spring with a constant of 1850 N/m. the coefficient of sliding friction between the block and the surface is .25 the block is pulled back 11 cm to the right and released. the question asks the speed at different points, and how far the distance after...
  31. G

    How do you calculate the force of friction on an inclined plane

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  32. U

    Velocity related to force of friction

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  33. N

    Help with Physics Problem: Calculating Force of Friction

    i need any help that anyone can give me... i understand some things in physics, but i don't get the big picture, and I am really not sure of how to do things, and i am really confused about this one problem in particular... it states: a tractor uses a chain to drag a 675kg tree along the...
  34. B

    What Is the Coefficient of Kinetic Friction for a Two-Mass System on an Incline?

    masses m1=4.00kg and m2=9.00kg are connected by a light string tht passes over a frictionless pully. m1 is held at rest on the floor and m2 rests on a fixed incline of 40.0degrees. the masses are released from rest, and m2 slides 1.00m down the incline in 4.00seconds. determine the acceleration...
  35. K

    Find Force of Friction for 990 kg Car on 4° Incline

    Any help? A(n) 990 kg car is parked on a 4 degrees incline. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. Find the force of friction keeping the car from sliding down the incline. Answer in units of N.
  36. A

    What happens to force of Friction when Force of Gravity is DOUBLED?

    would the force of gravity also double? and what about when the force of gravity triples, then what would happen to the force of friction? Would it be the same down the road, like for example, when it quadruaples, would the force of friction also quadruaples..and have a direct relationship btw...
  37. P

    Ways to find force normal in relation to force of friction

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  38. P

    What is the Equation for Force of Friction?

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  39. K

    Force of friction in circular motion

    I'm having trouble with the following problem: If a curve of radius 80.0 m is perfectly banked for a car moving 70.0 km/hr, what must be the coefficient of friction in order to prevent skidding when the car is moving at 90.0 km/hr. OK, I know that I need to find the angle of the "perfectly...
  40. H

    SIMPLE force of friction question

    You are pulling a 15kg wagon by the handle (with 5N of force) forming a 45 degree angle level to the ground. What is the force of friction on the wagon? Okay, is it just me, or does this problem seem way to easy to be worth 100 pts? It's -3.54N, right? Is the weight of the wagon irrelevant...