Format Definition and 133 Threads

In computing, format, a command-line utility that carries out disk formatting. It is a component of various operating systems, including 86-DOS, MS-DOS, IBM PC DOS and OS/2, Microsoft Windows and ReactOS.

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  1. M

    How to Format a Table in Excel 2010?

    Hi, all. I use excel 2010 and when I click on Format as Table there is no " Format as table diaglogbox" which asks "where is the data for your table" but rather discontinous lines under the names light,medium, and dark.
  2. A

    Allowing Users to Change the Code of a Website (a Post-Like Format)

    Hi, So what I'm trying to do is enable visitors to the site, provided they have the correct login details, to change the code on the site. So say there was a page, if user1 visited the page, (s)he could just enter the login details and change the code on...
  3. B

    Need help integrating? Format Help?

    Homework Statement This may seem like a strange question but I need help putting and integral into wolfram alpha/mathematica. I have to find <x>, <x^2>, <p>, and <p^2> for a given wave function. I know the formulas for all these values but the wave function is ψ(x,t)= Axe^[-x^2...
  4. J

    Arcsin Integral Format: Solving ∫1/(x^4)(sqrt(a^(2) - x^(2)) for Homework

    Homework Statement Evaluate the integral ∫1/(x^4)(sqrt(a^(2) - x^(2))Homework Equations u= dx/sqrt(a^2-x^2) du= arcsin(x/a)dx The Attempt at a Solution Am I even doing this right? And if so, how would I express 1/x^4 in terms of u? Have I taken the right u-substitution? Thanks.
  5. M

    LaTeX Changing the \subsubsection format in LaTeX

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to find out some way to change the \subsubsection format in LaTeX so that the number comes after the word "Definition" or "Theorem" etc. Now obviously, I could simply use \textbf{} and put my stuff in there and ignore the \section commands altogether, but then I would...
  6. marcus

    Easy steps to groom TabCosmo output for PF post format

    Different forums have slightly different formatting so if you implement an idea or discover something using Jorrie's online calculator and want to share the output table with the rest of us, these are some simple things to do to make the table clear and legible in PF setting. For example say...
  7. O

    Comp Sci Java Help: Decimal Format Class

    Homework Statement Problem: Tele-Annoy, a telemarketing company has asked you to write a program that when given the area code to dial, generates the next three potential telephone numbers, and then outputs them to the screen for one of their sales representatives to call. Use the area code...
  8. M

    University Format over the centuries

    So does anyone know how teaching has evolved over the centuries? How Aristotle taught his students, was it like everyone gather around him as he gave a lecture in the sand making circles and such? How about Oxford in the 1600s? What was a lecture like back then?
  9. samalkhaiat

    Windows was unable to complete the format

    "windows was unable to complete the format" Like myself, my PC is getting old! I have just noticed that it is not able to format any CD's and most DVD's. It certainly can not format any disk which has been erased. After 20 minutes of trying, it displays the message "windows was unable to...
  10. M

    What is the effectiveness of a lecture-based teaching format?

    So I watched this video from Sal Khan, basically he was talking a lot about reformation of education and how the standard lecture-type classroom model of education dates back to Prussia in the 1800's and how it follows a sort of assembly line-esque format, push kids to learn a subject by a...
  11. A

    Fortran Using FORTRAN to Read & Output Text Data in Column & Row Format

    Hey I have a text file with 2 blocks of Data Example Numbers 1: 1,2,3,4,5,6 7,8,9,10,11 ... Numbers 2: 92,93,94,95,96 97,98,99,100,101 ... How would i use FORTRAN to read the text file and output in a column and row format.. Example 1 92 2...
  12. M

    How to correctly format proofs?

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm taking a mathematical proofs class and I'm having trouble formatting my proofs correctly. We haven't done any proofs in class yet, but some simple proofs are due in this week's homework assignment. I've tried using the internet to help me, but all the hits that I get...
  13. dexterdev

    Equation format of laplace distribution

    Hi all, I know that normal guassian distribution has the form exp((-x^2)/2), similarly is there any single eqn that could describe laplace distribution? -Devanand T
  14. N

    Mathematica Data format AFTER import into Mathematica from Excel.xls worksheet

    . I have a large Excel worksheet (200 columns, 4,000 rows). Every column has a unique and carefully chosen title/label. I'm attempting to use it within Mathematica to create a large number of contour plots (1,000) -- using three columns at a time, for x, y, z. The import, I suppose...
  15. L

    Atomic Force Microscopy data format

    I have recently started using an AFM machine, and have some issues with the way it saves the data. The people who maintain the machine haven't been very helpful with my concerns, so I'm hoping somebody here might be able to help me. I have been using Gwyddion to display the raw data images...
  16. S

    PDF eReader for Journals? Two-Column Format?

    Let me start out and say I'm cheap so I would prefer not to buy an iPad or a Samsung Galaxy tablet. I'm looking for an eReader that does okay on reading the two-column scientific journal format. I don't care about any other features, battery life, etc. I've read people complain about all...
  17. J

    How Can I Manipulate Numbers in Excel's General Number Format?

    I have an csv file that has a column of numbers in the form ab:cd:ef:ghy The cell's number format is general, I want to be able (if other criteria are met) to change y into y+1. The final column must again have the form ab:cd:ef:ghy and the number format general, can anyone out there give me an...
  18. L

    Mathematica How Can I Extract Data from Mathematica's NDSolve Output for Use in Gnuplot?

    Hi, I solved a differential equation using Mathematica using NDsolve, I get some solution, but I only know how to plot it in Mathematica. The problem is that I need the data - numbers - and I want to work with then a finally make the graph using gnuplot. Is there any way how can I cat...
  19. B

    How Do You Convert 111011.0101 to IEEE 754 Floating-Point Format?

    Homework Statement The problem is how to begin converting 111011.0101 into floating point. I actually did begin looking at the first digit number "1" and identify that it is a negative since is one and zero is positive. Then I try working 111011.0101 separately by splitting 111011 for now and...
  20. N

    Finding the limit of a function in f(x)-f(a)/x-a format

    Homework Statement Let f(x)=lim (csct-cscx)/t-x. Find the value of f'(pi/4) t-x Homework Equations f(x)-f(a)/x-a The Attempt at a Solution I tried doing it from first principles but couldn't figure out how to get rid of h. I also tried doing L'hopital's rule and got...
  21. C

    Comp Sci FORTRAN 90 Help- reading input in format DDMMYYYY + more

    Homework Statement This is assignment is on FORTRAN 90: In an assignment i have, i am to enter a date in the format DDMMYYYY, and its suppose to compute and display the day of the week that date falls on (based on a given algorithm). I was able to code a program that would give me the right...
  22. P

    How Far Should the Opposite Vehicle Be to Safely Overtake the Truck?

    Homework Statement You are on the highway traveling at 110 Km / Hr and are trying to overtake a big truck in front of you (travelling at 100Km/hr). From the opposite direction at 100Km/hour, another car is coming. Assume that you need 50 metres to overtake the truck. Approximately how far...
  23. C

    Fortran How to Fix Fortran Formatting Issues in .pvd Files?

    Hi all I am trying to use fortran to write a .pvd file, an example of what one line of such a file should look like is <DataSet timestep="1.00000E-07" part="0" file="Psb000001.vtu"/> however with the following code: write(90,2000) ttim,fname 2000 format('<DataSet...
  24. M

    Radar Camera for Large Format Photography

    Large Format Photograph Machines usually uses 8x10 inches size negative. Can I make a radar large format camera with using similar or bigger size plate as antenna and when transmitter was a cw radio transmitter ? I know only need of mixing transmitted to received. If this does not work , can...
  25. M

    Can't read strange mixed format text file in Matlab

    Homework Statement I have to read a text file with fixed format as follows The first column is supposed to be year, 2nd is month and 3rd is day The file has following format: 4d 2d 2d f9.4 f9.4 f9.4 f9.4 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 2000 218 0.4546 0.2394 0.0761 0.1167 55 58 1 1...
  26. C

    Something i've been wondering about in an expressable format

    something I've been wondering about in an expressable format... I've had thoughts about this before but this is the first time that I've been presented with such an ideal situation to express it (i couldn't figure out how to ask this question before, and still am not able to fully tie it into...
  27. V

    Which Formulas have this format?

    Can you please give me any physics related formula that appears in this format? \frac{x^2}{4} Its part of a really crazy proof I am trying to do. The variables are irrelevant. Anything that looks like this would be fine! Thanks!
  28. E

    Thermodynamic properties in excel format

    Hey all, I'm looking for a version of steam/water thermodynamic properties for excel. I need it to be able to compute properties based on pressure and entropy. Something similar to the X Steam Tables ( would be awesome, but again, I need the ability to...
  29. S

    Gaussian 09 .out file format specification (and freqchk)

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the documentation exists for the output of Gaussian 09 runs. The .out file is plain text and human readable, but I can only decipher parts and units are not always clear. I would have thought the Gaussian website would have an explicit...
  30. T

    What does E mean in this format?

    I'm just playing around with some stuff in excel. I asked it to create a Polynomial trend line to the order 6 adn it came back wiht this... Y = -9E-19x6 + 2E-14x5 - 2E-10x4 + 1E-06x3 - 0.0027x2 + 3.5222x - 1656.5 I just want to write that as a formula, but what's the E? I've seen it...
  31. T

    Understanding Audio Formats & Codecs

    Can someone explain the difference between audio format and codecs? wikipedia says this: A codec performs the encoding and decoding of the raw audio data while the data itself is stored in a file with a specific audio file format. I don't get this. lets says 1000 1111 is the digital...
  32. S

    What is the meaning of 'kappa' in Parcs cross-section input files?

    Background: For a BWR-transient calculation I'm trying to convert cross-sections I got from PSG2/Serpent simulations in Parcs [CrossSection] Input files. My Question: Parcs makes use of SNF Nu-fission cross section SKF Kappa-fission cross section I assume this means Nu (as in...
  33. L

    What does the X represent in the scanf format specifier %X.Yf?

    C: Format Specifier "%f" I understand the format specifier is a placeholder for a value to be calculated via scanf feature but I'm unsure of the notation %X.Yf What does the X represent? i understand Y gives the number of spots after the decimal but i don't understand what the X portion does...
  34. D

    Initial Velocity in Vector3 format - non equal height

    I have been toiling over this for the last three weeks. I am programming a tank to fire at a target. The target can be all over the landscape up, down left right. Currently I have the turret turn to face the target turning the problem into a 2d equation. So I need help finding the right equation...
  35. M

    Aeronautical & Astronautical Journals: Availability & Format

    is there a journal that is written specially for the students in the aeronautical and the the astronautical fields ? i heard something like that but unfortionatly i'v found any thing related. i'm looking for a journal in hard copy form
  36. I

    Star Catalogs within 200 LY of Earth - Needed in Table Format

    I am looking for star catalogs of stars within 200 lys of Earth for a project I am working on. I would like to have them as .csv, but any table format should do. I'll need such info as name, dist, mass, luminosity, spectral type, galactic coords or RA and Dec., radius. So far my attempts at...
  37. S

    Solving Problems Playing .cda Format Songs

    Can anyone tell me how to play this song which is in .cda format. i copied the song from the net and i burned it on a cd but its still not playing from the cd.
  38. L

    Converting Healpix file to traditional fits format

    Not that this is really an astronomy question per se, but astronomers are most likely to know the answer. I have a file containing a sky survey that is in healpix format, and I need to extract the data at certain longitudes and latitudes and at certain frequencies... In a traditional fits...
  39. Saladsamurai

    VBA PowerPoint AnyoneReplace Exisiting Pictures in New Format?

    Okay. Here's a good one: I recently used a PowerPoint pres to organize a bunch of Data from Excel. I have about 100 slides that have 4 Objects on each slide. Each Object is a Copy/Paste Special of a Range from an Excel spreadsheet. Unfortunately, in my haste I Paste Specialed them all...
  40. S

    IEEE Project Format: What is the Standard?

    I have to submit a project report on a pattern recognition project I am working on this semester. The professor wants me to submit the same in some IEEE format. Is there an IEEE standardized format for project reports? If yes can someone post links explaining the same format? Regards...
  41. D

    What is the content of an exported STL file from Pro-E or Solidworks?

    Whe you export a stl file from Pro-E or solidworks, wat does the file contain? x,y cordinates of vertices etc or what?
  42. G

    Format text(ifstream, ofstream)

    I'm having problem with a program I am trying to write that reads a .text sourcefile and then format the .text file while removing excess whitespace. #include <fstream> using std::ofstream; using std::ifstream; #include <iostream> using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::cerr...
  43. P

    Reading in ASCII Data in IDL with Format Codes

    Hi all, I have a tab delimited ASCII file (an output from IRAF). I need to read it into IDL, but it features a timestamp column (in UT - hh:mm:ss). I assume I need to read it in with some format codes, but I'm not familiar with fortran or C (or IDL to be honest), and it seems the format code...
  44. D

    Proper format for writing basis in linear algebra

    if i am asked to find a basis for a vector subspace, am i meant to jus write one possible option, for example basis: (8,0,0)(0,6,0)(0,0,2) or am i supposed to write the whole span basis: sp{(8,0,0)(0,6,0)(0,0,2)} or am i meant to write it with parameters basis: a(8,0,0) +...
  45. R

    F=ma calculation in vector format

    I am given F=(3i + 2j + 4k) N and mass = 2kg I need to calculate acceleration, so I plugged it into F=ma, am I right in saying (3i + 2j + 4k) = 2 a \frac{(3i + 2j + 4k)}{2} = a therefore a = 1.5i + 1j + 2k ? cheers.
  46. R

    How Do I Format This Excel Equation Correctly?

    Ok, so the teacher gave us an assignment to write a program that calculates the ratio below, tabulate it and plot it.. for given values of R and λ. T_b/T_a =([R^4-(R-λR)^4])/([4λR^2 (R-λR/2)^2]) I figured that I would use Excel to do this. I think the above equation converts to the...
  47. T

    Put an augmented matrix into RREF format

    I am looking to find an easier way (if there is one) to put an augmented matrix into RREF format. Thanks for the help.
  48. M

    MATLAB Matlab: Change Number Format to Remove Decimals

    Hi All Matlab is displaying numbers with 4 decimal places and i hate when it does that for whole numbers. for example i have a matrix C(i) that starts off from 1 down to 150/275. When i multiply it by 275 i get the first entry as 275.0000 and the last as 150.0000 how do i turn that off or...
  49. L

    C/C++ How can I read CSV format in C/C++?

    Hi Guys, I have be trying to read CSV formatted data with C/C++ with no help... The format is following 8/29/2008,19.54,19.6,19.28,19.38,11204900,19.38 8/28/2008,19.48,19.76,19.38,19.65,11729500,19.65 8/27/2008,19.08,19.45,18.93,19.37,9300100,19.37...