Formula Definition and 1000 Threads

In science, a formula is a concise way of expressing information symbolically, as in a mathematical formula or a chemical formula. The informal use of the term formula in science refers to the general construct of a relationship between given quantities.
The plural of formula can be either formulas (from the most common English plural noun form) or, under the influence of scientific Latin, formulae (from the original Latin).In mathematics, a formula generally refers to an identity which equates one mathematical expression to another, with the most important ones being mathematical theorems. Syntactically, a formula(often referred to as a well-formed formula) is an entity which is constructed using the symbols and formation rules of a given logical language. For example, determining the volume of a sphere requires a significant amount of integral calculus or its geometrical analogue, the method of exhaustion. However, having done this once in terms of some parameter (the radius for example), mathematicians have produced a formula to describe the volume of a sphere in terms of its radius:






{\displaystyle V={\frac {4}{3}}\pi r^{3}}
.Having obtained this result, the volume of any sphere can be computed as long as its radius is known. Here, notice that the volume V and the radius r are expressed as single letters instead of words or phrases. This convention, while less important in a relatively simple formula, means that mathematicians can more quickly manipulate formulas which are larger and more complex. Mathematical formulas are often algebraic, analytical or in closed form.In modern chemistry, a chemical formula is a way of expressing information about the proportions of atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound, using a single line of chemical element symbols, numbers, and sometimes other symbols, such as parentheses, brackets, and plus (+) and minus (−) signs. For example, H2O is the chemical formula for water, specifying that each molecule consists of two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. Similarly, O−3 denotes an ozone molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms and a net negative charge.
In a general context, formulas are a manifestation of mathematical model to real world phenomena, and as such can be used to provide solution (or approximated solution) to real world problems, with some being more general than others. For example, the formula

F = mais an expression of Newton's second law, and is applicable to a wide range of physical situations. Other formulas, such as the use of the equation of a sine curve to model the movement of the tides in a bay, may be created to solve a particular problem. In all cases, however, formulas form the basis for calculations.
Expressions are distinct from formulas in that they cannot contain an equals sign (=). Expressions can be liken to phrases the same way formulas can be liken to grammatical sentences.

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  1. avito009

    What does Griffiths formula measure?

    What does this formula measure? c= \sqrt{2EY/\pi} This topic is from fracture mechanics. Does this formula tell you how much stress is required to cause the crack to increase?
  2. ognik

    MHB Please check Cauchy Integral Formula excercise

    Find $ \oint\frac{e^{iz}}{z^3}dz $ where contour is a square, center 0, sides > 1 There is an interior pole of order 3 at z=0 CIF: $ \oint\frac{f(z)}{(z-z_0)^{n+1}}dz = \frac{2\pi i}{n!} f^{(n)}(z_0) = \frac{2 \pi i}{2}f''(z_0) = -\pi i $
  3. Y

    Limits - Formula Validation/Verification

    Homework Statement The picture attached appeared in my powerpoint for my class. It's been a long time since I took calculus 1, but if I remember correctly this formula is wrong correct? I mean thinking about it limit k-> inf ( cos(theta)^k ) = 0 if theta is not a multiple of pi OR +/- 1 if...
  4. 5P@N

    Need help understanding a lift coefficient formula

    Please go to this Wikipedia article on Lift Coefficients, and behold the first formula. The last part of the equation has a "S" which is supposed to stand for "relevant plan area". Now, there was no explanation of what this "relevant plan area" is or means. I was guessing that it means the...
  5. A

    LSZ reduction formula derivation following Peskin's book.

    Question: In page number 225 of Introduction to quantum field theory of peskin and schroeder, looking at the equation that follows to Eq. (7.41), I cannot understand how the general state $|\lambda_K>$ (one eigenstate of the full Hamiltonian Lorentz shifted so its momentum be K) is annihilated...
  6. B

    Unpacking the Implication of a Formula: n=2

    Edited by moderator In the attached file it says that the formula for when n=2 implies the next one but I don't understand why it suddenly became (s-t0)^2 inside the integral instead of (s-t0) in the next one and keeps this pattern, it doesn't seem to be implied anywhere for me.
  7. W

    Confusion about the gravitational time dilation formula

    Homework Statement I'm reading the book Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology by Ta-Pei Cheng. I'm in the part where he derived the gravitational time dilation formula for static gravitational field, τ1=[1+(Φ1-Φ2)/c2]τ2. This implies that clocks at a higher gravitational potential will run...
  8. G

    Formula of weight of surface water

    Homework Statement Why the weight of water at water surface is given by formula 2(pi)Rσ(cos angle) ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  9. N

    How do you calculate annuity payments with a 5% increment each year?

    So, unless you've been living under a rock, you should know the jackpot for the powerball is at 1.5 billion dollars. I was looking up the distribution of annuity payments and the website said that the payments are not equally distributed. They are incremented by 5% each year. Like the nerd I...
  10. E

    Calculating Moles of NaCN from Gram Formula Weight

    Homework Statement How many moles is 0.01 gram formula weight of NaCN?Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I thought it meant 0.01/49 moles of NaCN. The solution simply says 0.01 moles. Why?
  11. sinkersub

    A: Reciprocal series, B: Laurent Series and Cauchy's Formula

    Problem A now solved! Problem B: I am working with two equations: The first gives me the coefficients for the Laurent Series expansion of a complex function, which is: f(z) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty a_n(z-z_0)^n This first equation for the coefficients is: a_n = \frac{1}{2πi} \oint...
  12. H

    Proof of the Rodrigues formula for the Legendre polynomials

    How is the below expression for ##a_{n-2k}## motivated? I verified that the expression for ##a_{n-2k}## satisfies the recurrence relation by using ##j=n-2k## and ##j+2=n-2(k-1)## (and hence a similar expression for ##a_{n-2(k-1)}##), but I don't understand how it is being motivated. Source...
  13. H

    Verify the Rodrigues formula of the Legendre polynomials

    How does (6.79) satisfy (6.70)? After substitution, I get $$(1-w^2)\frac{d^{l+2}}{dw^{l+2}}(w^2-1)^l-2w\frac{d^{l+1}}{dw^{l+1}}(w^2-1)^l+l(l+1)\frac{d^{l}}{dw^{l}}(w^2-1)^l$$ Using product rule in reverse on the first two terms...
  14. victorhugo

    Why is the "escape velocity formula" the "escape velocity"?

    I'm doing my HSC physics course and I was playing around with the algebra in space unit and came upon something that confused me (note this isn't required to know by the syllabus except knowing that escape velocity is the velocity to escape from a planet's gravitational field) Ok, so from the...
  15. Flinze

    Instantaneous Velocity of a electron with a provided formula

    Homework Statement The motion of an electron is given by x(t)=pt^3 +qt^2 +r, with p = -1.9 m/s^3 , q = +1.3 m/s^2 , and r = +9.0 m. What is the velocity at: a) t=0s b) t=1s c) t=2s d t=3s Homework Equations v=x/t The Attempt at a Solution I have tried plugging in the time to equal to t, in...
  16. 5P@N

    Is this integral formula correct?

    Quick question: is the following a correct integral formula? $$\int \! \frac{1}{(-x + a)^2} dx = -\left(\frac{1}{-x + a}\right)$$ I couldn't find it on the integral tables, so I just extrapolated from a similar integral formula I've found there. That formula being: $$\int \! \frac{1}{(x + a)^2}...
  17. olgerm

    Troubleshooting N-Spherical Cap Area Formula

    I am trying to understand N-spherical cap area formula (surface area of blue part), but it seems to give wrong answers. for 1 dimensional cap obviously ## \frac{l_{cap}}{l_{sphere}}=\frac{l_{arc}}{l_{circle}}=\frac{r*θ}{r*2π}=\frac{θ}{2π} ## But according to wikipedia formula...
  18. BensonCa

    Centripetal acceleration formula

    Homework Statement In a certain carnival ride, visitors enter a circular room with radius r=9.1m. The room then begins spinning around its center, reaching an angular speed of 1.7rad/s. What centripetal acceleration do the riders experience? Homework Equations ac= v^2/r The Attempt at a...
  19. D

    How to derive formula for capacitance of spherical capacitor

    Please explain in detail how to derive formula for capacitance of spherical capacitor?
  20. S

    What kind of formula is this and how is it to be retraced?

    This is basic maths but I kind of forgot how to retrace such an equation. My question is: why does "+-2*xi(n-1)*delta" which is in the middle of the first long equation cancle out? I'm thankful for an answer!
  21. S

    Is a^2+c Always a Prime Number Under Certain Conditions?

    dear sir, i wish to know if i am correct. a^2+c can be a prime number provided if a is even then c is odd or vice versa, also a and c are not multiple of same number. and c is not a negative square of any number. finally prime number is unique combination of 1,2,and other powers of 2. each power...
  22. S

    Solving the Mystery of the Missing Term in the Compton Effect Formula

    Hello everyone, I have a question regarding a formula which can be derived from conservation of momentum and energy in the Compton effect. From conservation of momentum and energy during the collision of a photon with an electron, it is possible to get two expressions for the final energy E of...
  23. D

    Arriving at parabola formula via distance formula

    Homework Statement Hello! Please, help me to get through equations. I can't derive the equation in the way suggested. Here is the definition: So, if vertex is at (h, k) and there is a given point on a parabola at (x; y), then focus is at (h; k + p), and point of a directrix is at (x; k -...
  24. P

    The # of bright fringes in a double slit with finite width?

    Homework Statement Laser light with a wavelength 633 nm is used to illuminate two slits separated by 0.125 mm. The width of each slit is 0.0150 mm. Assuming that only fringes between the first minima in the pattern are counted, how many bright fringes are visible? lambda = 633nm d = 0.125mm w=...
  25. J

    MHB I just want to know one divergent formula

    Hello. I asked my professor and he couldn't figure it out. If train A and B leave the same point at the same time, A traveling 60mph, B traveling 75mph, how long will it take for B to have traveled twice as far as A?
  26. L

    MHB Rieman inversion formula in Laplace transform

    Hello everybody! I'm sorry if it's not the right section to post in. I'm trying to solve this exercise: \frac{1}{2i\pi}*\int_{8-i\infty}^{8+i\infty}\frac{e^{s(t-5)}}{(s+4)^2}ds The request is to find the result in function of t I know i must use the Riemann inversion formula, and so the request...
  27. V

    What is the "Book proof" of Euler's formula?

    The eccentric mathematician Paul Erdos believed in a deity known as the SF (supreme fascist). He believed the SF teased him by hiding his glasses, hiding his Hungarian passport and keeping mathematical truths from him. He also believed that the SF has a book that consists of all the most...
  28. A

    Empirical Formula of Sulfur & Oxygen Compound

    A sample of sulfur having a mass of 1.28 g combines with oxygen to form a compound with a mass of 3.2g. What is the empirical formula. So what i did is found the mass of oxygen which is 1.92g . Then converted the 1.28g S to 0.04 mol. Then converted the 1.92g O2 (as it says oxygen, or should it...
  29. phy9

    Excel formula for rounding a value & error

    I'm having a physics lab in which a report needs to be submitted after an experiment. The experiment includes many measurements: values with their errors. I need to round the error up to 2 significant digits, and then to round the value up to to the amount of digits that the error is presented...
  30. ognik

    MHB Exploring the Convergence of p^n Cos (nx) and p^n Sin (nx)

    They ask for both $ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} p^n Cos nx, also \: p^n Sin (nx) $ I'm thinking De Moivre so \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}p^n (e^{ix})^n = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} p^n(Cos x + i Sin x)^n= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (pCos x + ip Sin x)^n I also tried a geometric series with a=1, $r=pe^{ix}$ But those...
  31. M

    A proof for a given formula of a normalization constant phi4

    Homework Statement Show that phi_n will find the proper phi_4. IE: show that it gives the correct normalization constant. Richard Liboff...chapter 7 Homework Equations A_n = (2^n * n! * pi^1/2)^-1/2 The Attempt at a Solution I don't know where to start really. I tried some things with <...
  32. Kostik

    Propagator for free particle: question about Shankar formula

    I am hung up on what must be a very elementary matter, but I’m unable to see where I’m wrong. I reference R. Shankar's "Principles of Quantum Mechanics". For the free particle with ...
  33. Taryn1

    MHB Sum or difference formula (sin, cos, and tan)

    So I'm supposed to find the exact values of the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle by using a sum or difference formula ( i.e. sin(x+y)=sin(x)cos(y)+cos(x)sin(y) ), but this is the angle I was given: ${-13\pi}/{12}$. How do I use a sum or difference formula to get the sin, cos, and tan of that?
  34. W

    Derivation of formula of centroid

    Homework Statement what is y ′and y bar ? why y ′ is changed to y bar ? why are they = 0 ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  35. L

    Physics lab formula question - help please

    Homework Statement An ideal solenoid is expected to generate a dipole field that falls off quickly as you move away from the solenoid. The magnetic field at distance r along the axis of the solenoid is given by B = (Mo/ 2pie) (M/r^3) In this equation the parameter M is called the dipole moment...
  36. lep11

    Derive error formula for Lambda (25 C)

    In physics lab course I measured equivalence conductivity of NaCl in infinite dilution Λ0 as a function of temperature T. So I have observations (T, Λ0) and fitted a line using the least squares method in Ms excel (lol :oldbiggrin:). The formula of the line is Λ0(T)=c0+c1T, where c0 and c1 are...
  37. Bizmuth

    Calculate Time Dilation for Space Travel w/ Formula

    Sorry, there's going to be a lot of preamble here. I've written a book that involves a lot of space travel, therefore a lot of time dilation (all sub-light travel). I've been calculating the transit times and subjective durations by brute force, i.e. I wrote a program to calculate tau on a...
  38. W

    Unsure about formula for kinetic energy

    Imagine the flagpole and ball with mass m fall together. Can I here use the formula mg*l*sin(theta)=(1/2)*mv^2 If I can, in what direction will the velocity vector be - is it going to be tangential to the flagpole?
  39. W

    Can't use formula for kinetic energy 1/2*mv^2?

    Question number 1; find the angular speed. I imagine a point mass at the very top, it has potential energy mgL, this is converted to kinetic energy 1/2*mv^2. I put them equal to each other and say that v=ωL. This gives me ω=sqrt(2g/L), the answer is supposed to be ω=sqrt(3g/L). Why can't I...
  40. Alfreds9

    Capillary action speed formula?

    Hi, I was looking for a formula to describe capillary action speed in a medium. On wikipedia ( I came across a formula which describes the cumulative volume of a liquid drawn by capillary action after time t where V is cumulative volume, A is...
  41. S

    MHB Find Mean Formula With Penalty as Parameter

    hi all... i have payment schedule with parameter like this : e.g. original price $\$$5000 - if i pay in <=6 months i have penalty (add penalty) 1% from original price - if i pay in >6 months i have penalty (add penalty) 10% from original price e.g. my problem is : i have $\$$5000 and...
  42. J

    Transpose Formula & Find Correct Solution: Homework Help

    Homework Statement I need to transpose the following equation to make E the subject (see deflection due to bending attachment .jpg) and I'm not sure whether my attempt is correct or not. Could anybody advise on the corrections needed on my attempts. Homework Equations see deflection due to...
  43. S

    How Do You Calculate the Moment of Inertia for a Tapered Tube?

    Homework Statement To calculate the moment of inertia of a cantilevered tapered tube with mid-thickness large radius RL and mid-thickness small radius RS Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Area of the larger end of the tube AL=2*pi*RL*t Area of the smaller end of the tube...
  44. gracy

    How Is the Electric Field Intensity Calculated on a Charged Sphere's Surface?

    Homework Statement The electric potential on the surface of a sphere of radius R and charge ##3##×##10^-6## is 500V.The intensity of electric field on the surface of the sphere (in N/C)is Homework Equations ##V##=##(\frac{1}{4πε0}\frac{q}{R})^2## The Attempt at a Solution Actually I have...
  45. UchihaClan13

    Refraction Formula For Thin Lens

    I was browsing about my optics books,completing numericals and stuff When I found a a statement called different lens formulas It had 2 formulas One,called the thin lens formula or rather the geometric sign convention formula was called 1/v-1/u=1/f(Symbols have their usual meanings) and another...
  46. G

    What is the formula for winning at Pentago?

    Pentago is a board game and you can think of it as a highly advanced version of tic-tac-toe. With the aid of supercomputers, it has been strongly solved. Just like tic-tac-toe, it is possible for the player who starts first to always in. I'm looking for a formula to always win at Pentago if...
  47. C

    MHB Vector Field Formula for Graph in [-2,2] x [-2,2]

    Give an example of a formula for a vector field whose graph would closely resemble the one shown. The box for this figure is [−2, 2] x [−2, 2]. Not sure where to start.
  48. O

    SPIF formula interpretation assistance

    Hello, I'm trying to apply formula 30 as described on page 12 of this paper: However, the results I am getting when testing against the table of results on that same page for Al 2024 (Rm = 435 N/mm2) are off in my...
  49. D

    Merge sort running time O(nlogn) formula

    Hello! If T denotes running time, then, as I heard at the lecture, T(n/2) + T(n/2) + O(n) = O(nlogn) where T(n/2) running time for sorting the left half T(n/2) running time for sorting the right half O(n) merging sorted Please, help me to see the math - how did the...
  50. P

    Need clarification about asymmetry term in Bethe and Weizsäcker formula

    well ... we are studying bethe and weiszacker semi empiric formula , and i am confused . specifically about the third term the asymmetry term and how it lowers the binding energy . so just so i know that i am getting this straight , originally the binding energy no matter the nucleus is...