Fortran Definition and 876 Threads

Fortran (; formerly FORTRAN, derived from Formula Translation) is a general-purpose, compiled imperative programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing.
Originally developed by IBM in the 1950s for scientific and engineering applications, FORTRAN came to subsequently dominate scientific computing. It has been in use for over six decades in computationally intensive areas such as numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, geophysics, computational physics, crystallography and computational chemistry. It is a popular language for high-performance computing and is used for programs that benchmark and rank the world's fastest supercomputers.Fortran has had multiple versions, each adding extensions while largely retaining compatibility with prior versions. Successive versions have added support for structured programming
and processing of character-based data (FORTRAN 77), array programming, modular programming and generic programming (Fortran 90), high performance Fortran (Fortran 95), object-oriented programming (Fortran 2003), concurrent programming (Fortran 2008), and native parallel computing capabilities (Coarray Fortran 2008/2018).
Fortran's design was the basis for many other programming languages. Among the better-known is BASIC, which is based on FORTRAN II with a number of syntax cleanups, notably better logical structures, and other changes to work more easily in an interactive environment.As of June 2021, Fortran was ranked 17th in the TIOBE index, a measure of the popularity of programming languages, climbing 17 positions from its ranking of 34th in January 2020.

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  1. J

    Fortran Arrays with parameter and data statements in fortran 77

    Let's say you have an array A and a variable B (both reals). Apparently parameter (A = (/1.2, 3.4, .../) ) is illegal, so you have to do data A /1.2, 3.4, .../ instead. However, what if you have a statement afterwards like this? 1 parameter (A = (/1.2, 3.4, .../) ) ... 2...
  2. S

    Trying to look for a fortran compiler for my windows XP

    not sure where this goes, but I am trying to look for a fortran compiler for my windows XP OS that is free so i can get into doing some programming. My school may be getting into a engineering competition and i would be a frontrunner on the team and want to get a headstart. if anyone can help i...
  3. K

    Fortran Fortran spacing/coordinate question

    Since the graphing idea is not available. Does the fortran write/print command let me choose where a number or * is printed at. Like a row column thing if I want to print say a * on the page. * * * * *...
  4. K

    Fortran Drawing Polygons in Fortran: How to Use Code to Create Geometric Shapes

    Anyone know the codes to draw polygons in fortran. Actually a few points work too.
  5. K

    Fortran Fortran Newbie: Help Installing Compiler

    Hi I need a fortran compiler and mostly, I need help installing those binaries or folders and files. I am a newbie and do not know how to install one of those compilers. If anyone has a better suggestion for a compiler that is free please help
  6. M

    Fortran How to use a variable in format statement in Fortran?

    hello everyone! I was do programming in fortran and i wanted to print my answer in the format below. I was not able to do it. I have written a part of my program also. i.e, ##### greeting = 'Good Morning!' do 110 I = 1, 12 write (*,115) (greeting) 115 format (A<I>) 110 continue end ##### here i...
  7. B

    Fortran Fortran help: deleting items from a list

    Hi , I need help to write a code for this function(fortran 77): integer function delete(id, list, n) where • delete returns 0 if the deletion was successful, -1 if the list is empty, and -2 if the user is not currently in the list. •id is the integer identification number of the user...
  8. J

    Fortran Fortran 90 Program for Processing Output Files | Looping Through File Names

    Im trying to write a program in fortran 90 to process some output files that i have. Here is the problem I am having. All of the output files are named file.datA, file.datB,...ect. I set the variable "file" to equal file.dat. I want the program to run through a loop and each time change the...
  9. J

    Seeking 64-bit Linux Compiler for Fortran 95 Binary

    hi, I was wondering if anyone was running 64-bit linux. In particular, I need someone to compile a 64-bit fortran95 binary for me.
  10. E

    Fortran Help with simple Fortran program

    I need to write a program that will print the prime factorization of a number. Here's what I have so far: integer:: n,i print *, "enter integer" read *, n do while (n>1) i=2 if (mod(n,i)==0) then print *, i n = n/i else i = i+1 end if end do end program I'm just...
  11. Astronuc

    Fortran Learn About Fortran: A Beginner's Tutorial

    Believe it or not, it is still widely used!
  12. K

    Comp Sci Help with Fortran: Get Assistance with Programming Assignment

    help with fortran please i'm new with programming and i have a problem with a homework I've been assigned from university. it's quite a simple programm but I'm stuck and going crazy . can anyone please help. there seems to be a problem with the random function. but i couldn't fix it. I'm using...
  13. D

    Fortran Is Fortran 90/95/2003 worth learning?

    It appears that the newer versions of Fortran might be the best environment for technical computing. Aside from Matlab at least. It also appears that very few entities use Fortran. Is Fortran 90/95/2003 worth learning if all I really want to do is put it on my resume?
  14. J

    Convert a text file into an image (or generate an image with fortran)

    Hello, I just made a program that puts numbers into a two dimensional array, and then saves them in a text file that looks something like this: 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5...
  15. J

    C/C++ Can Fortran 90 match the speed of C++ in running external programs and loops?

    Im writing a program in fortran 90. what I am trying to get it to do is to open an input file for another program, change a few variables. then run that program. Then when the program is done running it will change the variables in the input file again and run the program. This will be a Do...
  16. Norman

    Fortran Solving Fortran Error on Linux: invalid number

    Hi all, I am trying to run some fortran code on Linux that was originally written (and worked) on Windows. I am getting the following error: invalid number: incomprehensible list input apparent state: unit 63 named NUCLEAR.DAT last format: list io lately reading sequential formatted...
  17. T

    Need FORTRAN Code for 3D Aerodynamic Matrices Calculation?

    Hello everybody, I need a FORTRAN code (the source code) with the capability to calculate the generalized aerodynamic matrices given the modes of the structure. In particular, I need a code that is able to handle 3D structures made by assembling trapezoidal plate elements. Does anyone...
  18. O

    Chemical engineer how useful would FORTRAN be

    As a chemical engineer how useful would FORTRAN be to me. It is listed on the University of Florida's ChemE homepage as a good language, but I have heard it is on its way out. All Comments Welcome
  19. L

    Fortran code for projecting a grid on to a surface

    Does anyone know the fortran code for projecting a grid (cartesian or not) onto a surface? Thnx
  20. J

    Printing certain values from a DO loop in Fortran

    I've written a program in Fortran which has a do loop of the form do i=0,20000 (operations) end do I want the program to print the values of the do loop, but only want it to print every 100th value of i (i.e. 100,200,300,400...20000), can anyone suggest a way to do this?
  21. C

    Need Urgent Help with Mathematica and Fortran for Online Class?

    Mathmatica + Fortran HELP! Please help me, there are several questions I'd like to ask the professor but he is not responding to me. I have an online class that I have to finish by tomorrow and I don't know how to solve most of these problems. If there is anyone out there that can help me with...
  22. F

    Learn Fortran for Mechanical Engineering: Beginner's Guide

    I'm in the first year of mechanical engineering and can't afford a Fortran textbook. Does anyone have a beginners guide that would be suitable for the level I need to learn? I need to know that basics. Thanks in advance my friends.
  23. J

    Anyone familiar with the fortran language?

    hello all Im new here but is anyone familiar with the fortran language? I need to make a program to do the following: a) read a 3x3 array of REAL NUMBERS b) calculate the inverse of the 3x3 matrix c) write out the answer and the original Matrix d) multiply two 3x3 matrices. this...
  24. B

    Maple How Can I Convert a Fortran Program to Maple?

    Hello, I have a program in Fortran language, and i need to translate it to Mapel program, can somebody help me? thank you. This is the program: Program SMOL1A3M c c23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 c c Resolution de l equation de...
  25. F

    Help with Fortran: Reading/Sorting a List of Integers

    I know this isn't really physics related, but I was wondering if anyone here knows Fortran. I'm trying to read a list of integers from a file and sort them. Well, I'm reading them and sorting them, but my problem is the list looks something like: 23 253 23 45 75 4 856 45 234 54...
  26. F

    Fortran prog - flight traj of projectile

    Hello, I have to write a fortran program to computer the flight traj of a projectile. I am given dt, initial velocity, angle of departure, initial height, and gravity. I am also given the aerodynamic drag factor (A) values. I have been given the equations, but I am confused as to what the...