Fourier transform Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. J

    How Does Finite Acquisition Time Affect NMR Signal Spectrum?

    The "Free Induction Decay signal" (FID) is a particular type of NMR signal observed in both MRI and MRS. An idealized representation of the signal S(t) is given by: S(t)= S(0)exp (i*w_0*t)exp(-t/T2*), t>=0 S(t)=0 , t<0 You showed the spectrum G(w)...
  2. T

    Solving the wave equation numerically using the Fast Fourier Transform

    Homework Statement According to the website, the statement is as follows: Write a program which will calculate the evolution of the Wave Equation, in the case of a bound string. Test this program on the base eigenfunctions, i.e. the sinusoids, and on more interesting combinations. You...
  3. H

    Solve Fourier Transform of f(x+6,y), f(x,-y), f(2x+6,y) - Help Me

    fourier transform please help me if the Fourier transform of f(x,y) is f(u,v) what is the Fourier transform of the following: f(x+6,y) f(x,-y) f(2x+6,y) please solve it and help me
  4. T

    Messy Fourier Transform Integral

    I'm teaching myself some basic Fourier analysis from Boas's "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences." I'm a little stuck on Example Problem 1 on p.382. This is a basic example of getting the g(a) Fourier transform of a certain function (pictured on the page) and then plugging it into...
  5. T

    Fast Fourier Transform Amplitude Units

    Hi there, So I have a multi year time series of of heights in meters that I am working on. If I compute the FFT on the data and then calculate the amplitude as: abs(FFT)/N where N is the number of samples what units do I end up with for the amplitude? Is it still in meters? Cheers
  6. S

    Fourier Transform quartic interaction

    Hi all, This might be simple but I haven't figured out a way to do this. Basically I have the result in coordinate space and 3+1 spacedimensions, to order lambda^2, \frac{(-i \lambda)^2}{2!} \int dx dy (i D_F(x-y))^2 (i D_F(x1-x)) (i D_F(x2-x)) (i D_F(x3-y)) (i D_F(x4-x))...
  7. A

    What is the difference between a Fourier Transform and Integral?

    Apologies in advanced for not following the guidelines, but this seems to be the most appropriate place for this question. My professor had recently taught us the techniques for performing Fourier Transforms, but I had recently lost my notes. I have the textbook, but it seems hung up on Fourier...
  8. T

    Fourier transform interpolation windowing

    Homework Statement Suppose we have a signal given by \[f(t) = rect\left(\frac{t}{64} - 1\right) + 3*rect\left(\frac{t-96}{64} - 1\right)\] or in piecewise notation, f(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{c l} 0 & 0 \leq t < 32,\\ 1 & 32 \leq t < 96 \\ 0 & 96 \leq t < 128 \\ 3 &...
  9. B

    Fourier transform same as signal.

    Hi friends, I was looking for signals which will have themselves as the Fourier transform. Few of them are given below. \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{t^2}{2}}\longrightarrow e^{-\frac{\omega^2}{2}} \sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty}\delta(t-kT)\longrightarrow...
  10. N

    Sqaure Wave Fourier Transform question

    Homework Statement This is a question from a Physics Lab i recently completed. We used a function generator to provide a signal to a spectrum analyzer that performed a Fourier transform on the signal. In this case the signal was a square wave. When viewing the Fourier transform on a log...
  11. D

    What Is the Fourier Transform of a Truncated Sine Wave?

    I apologise in advance, I don't know latex or any of those math-prettifiers, so this'll be fairly crude. I'll opt to write thing in words to avoid confuson where possible... Homework Statement Find the exponetial Fourier transform of the given f(x) and write f(x) as a Fourier integral...
  12. M

    Proving the Shift Theorem in an Inverse Fourier Transform

    Homework Statement We are asked to prove that if F(\omega ) is the Fourier transform of f(x) then prove that the inverse Fourier transform of e^{i\omega \beta}F(\omega) is f(x-\beta ) Homework Equations F(\omega)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}f(x)e^{i\omega x}dx...
  13. Q

    2D delta function fourier transform

    Homework Statement Given f(x,y) = DeltaFunction(y - x*tan(theta)) a) Plot function. b) Take Fourier transform. c) Plot resulting transform. Homework Equations Delta function condition non-zero condition DeltaFunction(0) = Infinity Sifting property of delta functions The...
  14. C

    How Do You Apply Fourier Transform to sin(2t)/t?

    1. Homework Statement f(t) = (sin(2t))/t Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution I know that sin(t)/t has the Fourier transform pi(w). I'm just not sure how to apply that fact to this problem. Knowing that sin(t)/t --> pi(w), I reasoned that sin(2t)/t --> 2pi(2w). I'm...
  15. X

    Help with fourier transform for special square wave

    I know how to describe a square wave with Fourier analysis, but what if I'm looking for a square wave with "peaks" that are longer than the "valleys." For example, from f(x)=1 {from 0 to 2}, f(x)=-1 {from 2 to 3}, f(x)=1 {from 3 to 5}, f(x)=-1 {from 5 to 6}... and so on in a periodic fashion...
  16. S

    Fourier transform of a gaussian

    fourier transform of the gaussian (1/\sqrt{2 pi \sigma}) e ^ (^{x^2/2\sigma^2}) now the Fourier of a gaussian is said to equal another gaussian as shown by equation (4) here: but when i also did it using equation (1) here...
  17. P

    Calculate the Fourier transform of a product of three functions

    I have a problem understanding the following: I should calculate the Fourier transform of a product of three functions: \mathcal{F} \left[ f(x_{1}) g(x_{2}) h(x_{1} + x_{2}) \right] = \int dx_{1} dx_{2} f(x_{1}) g(x_{2}) h(x_{1} + x_{2}) e^{i p x_{1} + i q x_{2}} okay, and this goes over...
  18. D

    Help with digital signals (discrete fourier transform)

    I've been working on this problem for around three hours, and I'm getting nowhere... I think it may be that I don't have even the most basic grasp of the material to even get a decent start on the problem, but hopefully someone here will be able to help me... Homework Statement Calculate...
  19. B

    Reflection Rule of a Fourier Transform

    I feel a bit dumb, but could someone help me see this: G(s):= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(-x)e^{-2\pi isx}dx = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(u)e^{-2\pi i(-s)u}du = F(-s)
  20. J

    Fourier Transform NMR Physics Work Shown

    Fourier Transform NMR Physics... Work Shown... Please Help! Suppose you would like to detect the NMR signal from water within an area of the brain using a 2 Tesla Magnet. Intially, the magnetization from the protons in water has a magnitude (length) represented by Mo and oriented in a direction...
  21. O

    Fourier Transform Applied to Electrostatics

    Homework Statement How would you solve the one-dimensional Poisson's equation: $\nabla ^2 \phi = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}$ Using Fourier Transforms? $\phi (x) = \int ^{+\infty}_{-\infty} G(k) e^{-i k x} dk$ $G(k) = \int^{+\infty}_{-\infty} \phi (x) dx$ I've been trying to understand Fourier...
  22. M

    How do you take the Fourier transform of sin(t)/t using Parseval's Theorem?

    Homework Statement Evaluate INT(|X(t)|^2) dt using parsevals theorem where x(t) = (sin(t)cos(10t))/(pi*t) Homework Equations parsevals theorem: int(|f(t)|^2 dt = (1/2*pi)INT(|F(W)|^2 dw The Attempt at a Solution So I've tried several attempts at this problem and this is...
  23. M

    Help with Fourier Transform integration

    Homework Statement Find the Fourier transform of f(t) = 1 / (t^2 +1) Homework Equations F(w) = Integral f(t) * e^-jwt dt The Attempt at a Solution Hi guys, so I've been having problems trying to solve Fourier transforms. It seems that slapping the e^-jwt makes it hard to...
  24. Spinnor

    Human population verses time, fourier transform of that function .

    Human population verses time, Fourier transform of that "function". Let the human population of the Earth be plotted verses time. Assume that this function is almost continuous. What would a Fourier Time Transform of that function look like? Is there a "strong" exponential component of...
  25. L

    Fourier Transform question

    Why can't Fourier transform distinguish between a clockwise and a counter clockwise rotating vector? Why does it give peaks at both + and -. If we discard the -ve frequency and use only the +ve frequency, we can just use \int f(t)coswt instead of {f(t)(coswt-isinwt)}
  26. B

    Fourier transform of Green's function

    By taking the Fourier transform of the fundamental Helmholtz equation (\nabla^2+k^2)G(\vec{x})=-\delta(\vec{x}), one finds that G(\vec{x})=\frac{e^{ikr}}{r} and \tilde{G}(\vec{\xi})=\frac{1}{k^2-\xi^2}. However, I can't figure out how to directly confirm that this Fourier...
  27. L

    What is the Fourier Transform of f(-x)?

    Homework Statement Find the Fourier transform of f(-x) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The way I tried to solve is Fourier series is a sum of even and odd functions. If f(-x) is even then, f(-x)=f(x) If f(-x) is odd then, f(-x)= -f(x) Sum of even and odd...
  28. K

    Fourier Transform Decomposition

    Hello, If I've a real signal, and I do a forward Fourier transformation I receive two parts: Real and Imaginary, what's the difference between them? i need to represent the transform in a software program, which part do i represent ?
  29. B

    Why Does Inverse Fourier Transform of Sinc Function Require Contour Integration?

    I can easily find the Fourier transform of rect(x) to be 2sinc(2\pi k) using particular conventions (irrelevant here). But when I attempt to inverse Fourier transform the sinc function, I find I have to resort to contour integration and Cauchy principal values. This is troubling to me. It...
  30. G

    Help with Fourier transform of T'(x)/x

    Homework Statement T(x,t) What is the Fourier transform of \frac{1}{x}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x} F(\frac{1}{x}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} \frac{1}{x}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x} e^{i \theta x}dx = ?? Homework...
  31. V

    Fourier transform of Bessel functions

    Hi there, I am calculating the Fourier transform of the bessel function J_0^2(bx) by using Maple. I tried two equations and get two results. \int J_0^2(bx)e^{-j2\pi fx}dx=G^{2, 1}_{2, 2}\left(-1/4\,{\frac {{w}^{2}}{{b}^{2}}}\, \Big\vert\,^{1/2, 1/2}_{0, 0}\right) {\pi }^{-1}{b}^{-1}...
  32. M

    How to Compute Inverse Fourier Transform for a Specific Function

    Hi all, I'm having a bit trouble computing the Inverse Fourier Transform of the following: \frac{\alpha}{2\pi}\exp\left(\frac{1}{2} \alpha^2 C^2(K) \tau \omega^2\right) Here, C^2(K), \alpha and \tau can be assumed to be constant. Hence, we have an integral with respect to \omega. Who...
  33. R

    Fourier transform of cos(100t)

    Homework Statement Find the Fourier transform of cos(100t) The Attempt at a Solution now I know just from looking at a Fourier transform table that if the equation is in the form cos(2Pi*k*t) then the answer is just 1/2(delta(f+k) + delta(f-k)) So in this case is the answer...
  34. M

    Fourier transform of a wave equation

    Hello, I have a question about the following problem: Given a wave equation \Psi(n,t) where t is the time, and n is an integer. What is the Fourier transform? I'm trying to reproduce this paper: One-dimensional Quantum Walks by Ambainis et al...
  35. Z

    Fourier transform of Logarithm ?

    does anyone know how to calculate (in the sense of distribution) the Fourier transform of f(x)= ln|x| that is to obtain the integral \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dx ln|x|exp(iux)
  36. J

    Sum of random variables and Fourier transform

    If X_1 and X_2 are independent random variables in \mathbb{R}^n, and \rho_{X_1} and \rho_{X_2} are their probability densities, then let \rho_{X_1+X_2} be the probability density of the random variable X_1+X_2. Is it true that \hat{\rho}_{X_1+X_2}(\xi) =...
  37. R

    What is the point of Fourier Series if you can do the Fourier Transform?

    Hey, I was wondering. Since the Fourier Series coefficients can just be represented in the form of a Fourier Transform, what is the point of ever finding the Fourier coefficients and not doing the transform?
  38. N

    Step in fourier transform derivation

    Looking at how the Fourier transform comes about from the Fourier series when the period goes to infinity, they make the following step h \left( x \right) = \frac{2}{\pi}\int^{\infty}_{0} \left( dk \right) \left[ \int^{\infty}_{0} h \left( \varsigma \right) sin \left( k \varsigma \right) sin...
  39. P

    Fourier Transform question F o sin(10t)

    Fourier Transform of sin(10t) Hi all, Can some1 explain how to get the complex Fourier transform of sin(10t) I understand how to steal it off a Fourier transform table, but i have no idea how to do it manually. Any help anyone? Cheers
  40. J

    Fourier transform with mixed derivatives/ 2nd order ODE

    Homework Statement Hi, So I'm suppose to solve the following problem: \left.\frac{d^{2}u}{dt^{2}}-4\frac{d^{3}u}{dt dx^{2}}+3\frac{d^{4}u}{dx^{4}}=0 \left.u(x,0) = f(x) \left.\frac{du}{dt}(x,0) = g(x) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution First I use Fourier transform on...
  41. N

    Fourier transform of tent signal

    Hello, I'm having an issue with a given problem. Homework Statement Using Parseval's Equation find the energy of the signal z(t)=\frac{4}{4+t^{2}} Homework Equations The book solves that problem by using the tent signal CTFT and duality property (i.e ). However that properly...
  42. P

    FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) - a method for phase continuation

    Hello everyone, Finding a good query to find an answer in www search engines isn't as easy as I thought. The subject is very narrow and sophisticated. When one performs a FFT, he/she/IT ;) gets the amplitude and phase spectra. The phase spectrum ranges from -PI to PI. Then, there are of course...
  43. C

    Fourier transform spectroscopy

    Hey guys, There is something I have known and applied for a long time, that the greater the length of an interferogram the greater the resolution of the resulting frequency-domain spectrum. But I've never fully understood why, I've always waved it off as something to do with the uncertainty...
  44. pellman

    Reason for Fourier transform convention in QM?

    I always tended to think that we ought to use formulae which explicitly remind us that position and momentum are on equal footing in quantum theory (even though this may not be ultimately true) and write my transforms symmetrically f(x)=(2\pi)^{-3/2}\int{F(p)e^{ix\cdot p}d^3p...
  45. C

    Is the Fourier Transform Isometric and Linear?

    let S(R) be the schwartz space, M(R) be the set of moderately decreasing functions, F be the Fourier transform Suppose F:S(R)->S(R) is an isometry, ie is satisfies ||F(g)|| = ||g|| for every g in S(R). How is it possible that there exists a unique extension G: M(R)->M(R) which is an...
  46. B

    Fourier Transform of cos(2*pi*t)

    I have a practice question, which is to find the Fourier Transform of cos(2^pi^t) By substitution into the FT formula, and use of eulers formula,I have managed to reduced to: INTEGRALOF ( (cos(2*pi*t) * ( cos(2*pi*F*t) - j*sin(2*pi*F*t) ) ) By plotting the frequency graph of the...
  47. C

    Fourier transform of f \in C_c^\infty(R^n)

    I have noticed that this result is hinted at in several books, but am having trouble proving it: f, \hat{f} \in C_c^\infty(R^n) \Rightarrow f \equiv 0. in other words, if both f and its Fourier transform are smooth, compactly supported functions on n-dimensional euclidean space then f is...
  48. C

    Fourier transform of hat function

    Homework Statement obtaining the Fourier transform of the hat function h(x) = 1 if modulus of x</= 1 =0 otherwise Homework Equations F(k)=1/sqrt(2*PI) *integral from -1 to 1 of exp(ikx) The Attempt at a Solution I've carried through the transform and got an answer of...
  49. Z

    How Can You Implement the Numerical Fourier Transform in MATLAB or FORTRAN?

    hi, i would need some info on how can implement in MATLAB or FORTRAN (g90) the Numerical evaluation of the integral \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dxf(x)exp(iux) and the evaluation of the ivnerse Fourier transform \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}du\frac{F(u))}{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}g(x)exp(iux)dx}...
  50. A

    Mathematica FFT, Mathematica, Continuous Fourier Transform

    Hi all, First a warning: my Mathematica skills, and computery-type skills in general, are not very hot. My problem is thus: I have a function which I know: \hat{f}(k) I'd like mathematica to approximate the inverse Fourier transform of this function for me and plot the result. I've...