Frictionless Definition and 475 Threads

The frictionless plane is a concept from the writings of Galileo Galilei. In his 1608 The Two New Sciences, Galileo presented a formula that predicted the motion of an object moving down an inclined plane. His formula was based upon his past experimentation with free-falling bodies. However, his model was not based upon experimentation with objects moving down an inclined plane, but from his conceptual modeling of the forces acting upon the object. Galileo understood the mechanics of the inclined plane as the combination of horizontal and vertical vectors; the result of gravity acting upon the object, diverted by the slope of the plane.However, Galileo's equations do not contemplate friction, and therefore do not perfectly predict the results of an actual experiment. This is because some energy is always lost when one mass applies a non-zero normal force to another. Therefore, the observed speed, acceleration and distance traveled should be less than Galileo predicts. This energy is lost in forms like sound and heat. However, from Galileo's predictions of an object moving down an inclined plane in a frictionless environment, he created the theoretical foundation for extremely fruitful real-world experimental prediction.Frictionless planes do not exist in the real world. However, if they did, one can be almost certain that objects on them would behave exactly as Galileo predicts. Despite their nonexistence, they have considerable value in the design of engines, motors, roadways, and even tow-truck beds, to name a few examples.The effect of friction on an object moving down an inclined plane can be calculated as









{\displaystyle F_{\mathrm {f} }=\mu _{\mathrm {k} }F_{\mathrm {N} },}



{\displaystyle F_{\mathrm {f} }}
is the force of friction exerted by the object and the inclined plane on each other, parallel to the surface of the plane,



{\displaystyle F_{\mathrm {N} }}
is the normal force exerted by the object and the plane on each other, directed perpendicular to the plane, and



{\displaystyle \mu _{\mathrm {k} }}
is the coefficient of kinetic friction.Unless the inclined plane is in a vacuum, a (usually) small amount of potential energy is also lost to air drag.

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  1. F

    How Does a Box's Speed Change When Sliding Down a Frictionless Ramp?

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  2. Saladsamurai

    Three stacked blocks w/ friction between sliding on frictionless floor

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  3. D

    Final Velocity of Mass on Frictionless Incline

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  4. T

    Calculating Horizontal Force on a Frictionless Ramp: A 100kg Crate Problem

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  5. H

    Falling meter stick on a frictionless surface

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  6. J

    Blocks moving on frictionless incline at constant speed, accleration

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  7. I

    What Is the Acceleration of an Object on a 78-Degree Inclined Plane?

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  8. C

    How Does Tension Affect Motion in Atwood's Machine?

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  9. C

    Solving the Forces on a Frictionless System

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  10. M

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  11. A

    Frictionless incline, 2 masses.

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  12. K

    A 6kg box is placed on a 32degree frictionless ramp. Find accel. of the box.

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  13. T

    Force on a Frictionless Surface

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  14. T

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  15. C

    Frictionless tension/pulley problem.

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  16. K

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  17. H

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  18. K

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  19. P

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  20. V

    What is the acceleration of the block on a frictionless wedge?

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  21. J

    Frictionless Pulley with two weights

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  22. B

    Solving a Frictionless Three-Block System: Find Acceleration, Forces

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  23. A

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  24. P

    Perfect Ball on Perfectly Frictionless Ramp - Does it Roll or Slide?

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  25. D

    Banked Frictionless Curve, and Flat Curve with Friction

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  26. P

    Solve Frictionless Wedge Homework: Find Acceleration

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  27. T

    3 blocks on a frictionless surface

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  28. R

    Frictionless inclined plane help

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  29. M

    Penny sits on top of a frictionless sphere, please

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  30. A

    Work, Energy, and Acceleration on a Frictionless Plane

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  31. K

    Two boxes are on frictionless ramps (Speed and KE)

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  32. B

    Block pushed up 35degree incline (frictionless)

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  33. J

    Frictionless Boxes: Finding Tension in Connecting Cord

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  34. T

    Stopping a Box of Unknown Mass on Frictionless Floor

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  35. P

    Two blocks on a frictionless horizontal surface connected by a massless string

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  36. B

    Speed Sliding down a hill (frictionless)

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  37. P

    Frictionless Slide (mastering Physics)

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  38. T

    Block held against a spring going up a frictionless plane

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  39. R

    Calculating Work on a Frictionless Horizontal Table

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  40. L

    Frictionless Peg Slide On Wedge

    Hey, I am new but was trying to find help online and found this site...hopefully someone will be willing to help me. I used to be really good at mech but I've gone blank and my exams wed and i was wondering if someone could just help we with where to start even if they don't know the ans it...
  41. L

    Spring Energy-a block slides down a frictionless incline plane

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  42. J

    Propulsion for a Robot on near frictionless surface.

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  43. P

    Block sliding down frictionless semicircle

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  44. G

    Frictionless cylindrical flywheel, of diameter 250mm and mass 30k

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  45. Q

    Uniform disk lying on a flat, frictionless surface

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  46. S

    Elastic collision, frictionless surface

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  47. D

    Frictionless Bead Sliding Down A Parabola

    Homework Statement It seems simple, doesn't it? A bead starts from (0,1/2) and simply slides down the parabola y=(1/2)(x-1)[SUP]2 under gravity. The problem is to get its position rel. to origin in terms of time, ie. r = [x(t),y(t)]. Anyone into this? Homework Equations y' = x-1 = tan...
  48. J

    Solving Tension on a Ladder with Frictionless Surface

    Homework Statement A ladder is sitting on a frictionless surface as shown in the figure. Each half has a mass m=20 kg and has a length L=1.5 m, and the angle that each side of the ladder makes with the vertical is alpha=20 degrees. A person of mass M=119 kg is standing at a distance x=0.026...
  49. C

    Mass attached to spring on frictionless table

    Homework Statement An ideal spring of an un-stretched length 0.10 m is placed horizontally on a frictionless table. One end of the spring is fixed and the other end is attached to block of mass M = 10 kg. The 10 kg block is also attached to a massless string that passes over a small...
  50. P

    Can a ball roll down a frictionless plane?

    I have posted this question before but have not got a complete answer. I have since been thinking about it quite often, yet still have not had a conclusive answer. I'd really appreciate if someone can give a full explanation, since it is a fact known by most. 1. Under all ordinary conditions...