Friends Definition and 123 Threads

Friends is an American television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which aired on NBC from September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004, lasting ten seasons. With an ensemble cast starring Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer, the show revolves around six friends in their 20s and 30s who live in Manhattan, New York City. The series was produced by Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. The original executive producers were Kevin S. Bright, Kauffman, and Crane.
Kauffman and Crane began developing Friends under the working title Insomnia Cafe between November and December 1993. They presented the idea to Bright, and together they pitched a seven-page treatment of the show to NBC. After several script rewrites and changes, including title changes to Six of One and Friends Like Us, the series was finally named Friends.Filming took place at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California. All ten seasons of Friends ranked within the top ten of the final television season ratings; it ultimately reached the number-one spot in its eighth season. The series finale aired on May 6, 2004, and was watched by around 52.5 million American viewers, making it the fifth most-watched series finale in television history, and the most-watched television episode of the 2000s.Friends received acclaim throughout its run, becoming one of the most popular television shows of all time. The series was nominated for 62 Primetime Emmy Awards, winning the Outstanding Comedy Series award in 2002 for its eighth season. The show ranked no. 21 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time, and no. 7 on Empire magazine's The 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time. In 1997, the episode "The One with the Prom Video" was ranked no. 100 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All-Time. In 2013, Friends ranked no. 24 on the Writers Guild of America's 101 Best Written TV Series of All Time, and no. 28 on TV Guide's 60 Best TV Series of All Time. The sitcom's cast members returned for a reunion special aired on HBO Max on May 27, 2021.

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  1. E

    No Newbies Here? - Isolation & Yearning for Friends

    no newbie?? i don't know why i always see some particular members posting here. some new people come but they soon leave. isn't it because you're always talking to your old friends and don't give a f*** to a poor newbie?:cry: how many years i should resist and put up with this situation till...
  2. D

    Went to see several of my friends

    I feel really sad, I went to see several of my friends off a few hours ago. I miss talking to them. I am like a wreck, so empty. Believe me...
  3. wolram

    Chocolate Fondue Party: Invite Friends & Enjoy!

    If i hire one of these,, will you come visit me :biggrin:
  4. *Kia*

    Friends of Wolram: Updates on His Whereabouts

    Ok wolram won't be on for a while. :cry: He's OK :smile: so no worries but he's moved out :bugeye: and at this time has no internet connection. As soon as he gets him self sorted out with long term accomodation o:) and the like he WILL be back. :biggrin: hugz kia xxx
  5. M

    Boyfriend, kills girl friends parents

    what should happen to this kid and his girlfriend?
  6. Mk

    Do you like to poke fun at your friends

    How much, often and how do you like to poke fun at your friends, neighbors, relatives, pets, strangers, local politicians and laywers? I think I end up saying a lot of things that piss them off. One time I compressed an ice cube onto my dog's balls while he was sleeping. *tee hee!* :approve: I...
  7. Danger

    Wish Me Luck: My Trial, Guns & Fines

    I only have a couple of minutes to post, then off to my trial. My lawyer thinks that he might be able to just hash things out on the courtroom steps. If things go well, the only issues will be 'how big is the fine' and 'when do I get my guns back'. I'll log back in from work when it's over...
  8. M

    Hi friends about metallurgical & materials engineering

    I'm studying at Physics ,but I am interested in materials engineering,and I want to learn more about the world. :confused: thanks, maria
  9. K

    Two person with the same number of friends?

    Imagine a population p. What is the probability that two person in p will have the same number of friends? If you figure out the solution, then explain your reason. I found this problem in a book. I really like the solution...
  10. N

    Could you ask your friends if you don't know

    Again, two identical Air Compressors, interlocked=working alternatively=one ON another one OFF=then again second one ON first one OFF, etc. MOTORS SPECS; power supply=600V each motor phases=3 each motor rpm=1725 each motor amperage=24A each motor HP=25 each motor fuses=3 fuses=60 Amps...
  11. Mk

    Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

    A while back, Huckleberry said he liked the show a lot, I watched it. Its great! Mac and Bloo! Yay! I try and catch it every chance I get, I recommend it. :approve: Thanks. :smile:
  12. K

    Welcome Back! Introducing Dr. Kam: A University Student Studying Medicine

    I hope you guys still remember me. I do miss you, and of course I miss PF as well. :shy: Also want to say hi to those who don't know me. :smile: Just a brief introduction of myself. I'm a rather old member here but have left here for about a year, and now I'm back! Why have I left? A long...
  13. D

    Which is most important to you? Family, Lover, or Friends?

    Which is most important to you? Family, Lover, or Friends?
  14. J

    Are Two Spherical Capacitors in Series Affected by Outer Applied Voltage?

    Hello Everybody, I am new to this site, However I have a quick question about the two spherical capacitors. Please take a look at this link here: This is a problem about two spherical capacitors and I...
  15. N

    Have our old friends returned to the forum? Let's celebrate!

    Let's break out the champagne! Several cherished members have resumed posting here! :biggrin: :smile: :!) FZ+, Mentat, loseyourname, ... and the rumours are that Zoobie has been sighted (if not cited) too! "Come to my (our) arms, my (our) beamish boy! O frabjous day, Callooh...
  16. Ivan Seeking

    Can Faith and Reason Coexist in the Search for Truth?

    I've been chuckling over this all evening so I decided to make a post. I have a good friend, in fact one of my best friends, who enjoys those slightly, or more than slightly heated philosophical/religious/science debates. Even though we have been friends for a long time now, I drive him totally...
  17. R

    News Sympathies for my American friends

    My sympathies really do go out to all the Americans out in the world. They are in the unenviable position having to pick from one of two bad choices. Here in Canada we had a similarly tough time trying to pick from Harper and Martin (both of them are jackasses). I voted Layton personally, but...
  18. M

    Find a Free FTP Server to Share Files with Friends

    hi guys could you please tell me a freeware FTP server with which I can share my files with my friends..,, cu
  19. jimmy p

    Feeling Alone: Dealing With Friends Going to University

    All alone... I haven't been on for a while. My friends are going to uni. It sucks. I'm jealous.
  20. A

    Can We Connect with Friends Across the Globe?

    maybe if WE build it they will come?
  21. D

    Anyone Here Play Warcraft 3?

    anyone here play wc3
  22. T

    Amaze your friends, well maybe amaze is too strong a word

    Here's a neat little trick I just learned: Tell your friend to write down a 3 or 4 digit number, but don't let you see it (it can actually be any number of digits over 2, but if your friends are like mine they get confused easily). Tell them to use a variety of different numbers. Let's say our...