Functional Definition and 416 Threads

  1. jk22

    How to solve this functional (recurrence) equation ?

    I'm in a problem where I have to solve the following functional equation : F(n)^2=n+F(n+1) Does anyone know some methods to solve this kind of problems ? A similar equation happens in Ramanujan example of root denesting :
  2. U

    What is the Condition for a Unique Solution in a Complex Functional Equation?

    Homework Statement Suppose f(z) is a possibly complex valued function of a complex valued function of a complex number z, which satisfies a functional equation of the form af(z)+bf(\omega ^2 z)=g(z) for all z in C, where a and b are some fixed complex numbers and g(z) is some function of z and...
  3. I

    How can I solve a non-linear functional problem numerically?

    Hello, I'm not really sure where does this question fit and what title should it bear, but here is my problem: \psi(x) \exp (a\psi(x)^2) = C f(x) given a positive definite f(x), find ψ(x) and the constant C, subject to the condition \int \psi(x)\, dx = 1 I want to solve this numerically...
  4. A

    Preimage of Linear Functional and Closedness of Subspace

    Homework Statement Let f be a linear functional and set A=f-1({0}) Show that A is a closed linear subspace. Homework Equations The linearity comes from the fact that if f(a)=0 and f(b)=0 then f(βa+γb)=βf(a)+γf(b)=0 But how do we know it is closed? Do we show every sequence in A is...
  5. P

    Functional Derivative of Long Range Dipole Interaction Energy

    Homework Statement Dear all, Good day. I am currently working on the phase field modeling of ferroelectrics. For this reason, I need to find functional derivative of an expression as presented in attached picture 1. Then in picture 2, it shows the final form of equation that I am...
  6. L

    Calc I: Raising Limits to Functional Exponents

    Homework Statement Suppose ##f(x)## and ##g(x)## \rightarrow 0 as x \rightarrow 0+. Find examples of functions f and g with these properties and such that: a.) ## \lim_{x\rightarrow 0+} { f(x)^{g(x)} = 0 } ## Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution Let ## f(x) = 2^x-1...
  7. R

    Calculation boundary terms of a functional

    Dear all, I am stuck with the problem which is given below; In this problem the equilibrium equations of the given functional must be derived in u, v, and w directions from which the boundary terms must be found. I think that i have derived the equilibrium equations( 5 equations), but i...
  8. boneh3ad

    Recommended texts for self-study [real & functional analysis]

    Hello, I have been increasingly running into topics in my field where at least a basic faculty with real and functional analysis would be quite helpful and I would like to go about self-studying a bit in that area. I know that Rudin is the canonical text in the field, but I have also heard...
  9. Saitama

    How Do You Solve This Functional Equation Problem?

    Homework Statement Let ##f:R^+ \rightarrow R## be a strictly increasing function such that ##f(x) > -\frac{1}{x} \, \forall \,x>0## and ##\displaystyle f(x)f\left(f(x)+\frac{1}{x}\right)=1 \, \forall \, x>0##. Find a. f(1) b. Maximum value of f(x) in [1,2] c. Minimum value of f(x) in [1,2]...
  10. G

    Functional analysis and real analysis

    In my schools functional analysis course, under prerequisites, it says "real analysis would be a good preparatory course, but is not required". In the concurrent real analysis thread, it was mentioned that real analysis is a stepping stone to functional analysis. I'm curious about two things...
  11. Saitama

    Finding f(2) - Functional equation question

    Homework Statement Let ##f\left(\frac{x+y}{2}\right)=\frac{f(x)+f(y)}{2}## for all real x and y. If f'(0) exists and equal -1 and f(0)=1, find f(2). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Substituting y=0, 2f(x/2)=f(x)+1. This doesn't seem to be of much help. I don't see how...
  12. G

    MHB What is the probability density for a given exponential functional integral?

    Good day! I have a question regarding the law of the ff: $$ \int_0^t h(s) e^{2\beta(\mu(s) + W_s)} $$ where $\beta >0;$ $h,\mu$ are continuous functions on $\mathbb{R}_+$ with $h\geq 0;$ and $W=\{W_s,s\geq 0\}$ is a standard Brownian motion. Thanks for any help.:D
  13. K

    How can I prove that this 2D expression is always less than 1 for n≠β?

    Hello, While analysing the asymptotic value of a ratio of a bessel and a hankel function, I reduced it to something of the form [(1 + β/n)^ n * (1 + n/β)^ β] / 2^(n+β) ; n and β are integers and greater than 1 how do I show that the above expression is always less than 1, for n≠β...
  14. W

    How to learn functional analysis

    I major in physics, but I'm also very interested in mathematics, especially analysis. Until now, I have taken mathematical analysis and real analysis. Now, I want to learn functional analysis by myself, and my teacher adviced me to read topology first. But I found it difficult to understand and...
  15. C

    Functional or regular (partial) taylor series in Field theory

    When expanding a function (for example the determinant of the space-time metric g) as a functional of a perturbation from the flat metric ##h_{\mu \nu}##, i.e. ##g_{\mu \nu} = \eta_{\mu \nu} + h_{\mu \nu} ## i would think that the thing to do is to recognize that ##g_{\mu \nu}## and thus also...
  16. C

    Interpretation of the functional Z (in Zee).

    In Zee's book at page 12 in both editions he finds that he can write the amplitude $$\langle q_f|e^{-iHT} |q_i\rangle = \int Dq(t) e^{iS} $$ where T is the time between emission at ##q_i## and observation at ##q_f##. He then states that we often define $$Z = \langle 0 | e^{-iHT} |0...
  17. P

    Question on density functional theory

    Dear PF, I'm reading a book on DFT, and it says that only ground-state wave function is a unique functional of the ground-state density, n(r). However, if in DFT the potential, v(r), is a unique functional of n(r), then shouldn't all wave functions be functionals of n(r), because you can...
  18. A

    Can We Show Y=X If Y is a Subspace of X and Y^c is First Category?”

    Suppose that $$X$$ is a f-space and $$Y$$ is a subspace of $$X$$ and $$Y^{c}$$ is a first category in $$X$$. Can we show $$Y=X$$?
  19. M

    MHB Troubling contradiction in Functional Analysis

    Hello I was doing an exercise that said: "If $P$ is a continuous operator in a Hilbert space $H$ and $P^2=P$ then the following five statements are equivalent". The first statement was that P is an orthogonal projection. Now this was suposed to be equivalent, under the condition of $P^2=P$, to...
  20. V

    Using Density Functional Theory to make a Tight Binding model?

    Hi all, A professor asked me to do something, but I'm not quite sure what he means -- He asked me to use Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of the band structure of a certain crystalline metal and adjust the matrix elements of a Tight Binding (TB) model to make a "minimal" TB model...
  21. J

    MHB Bounded linear functional question? Real Analysis

    Consider the functional Tf = f(5) - i f(7). If we take the domain T to be C_0(ℝ) with supremum norm, is T a bounded linear functional? What if we take the domain to be C_c(ℝ) with L^2 norm || . ||_2?I know I should post what I have so far but this time I have no idea because I had to missed 2...
  22. S

    Linear algerba: trace of square matrix is a linear functional

    Lets define trace for each square matrix A its trace as sum of its diagonal elements, so tr_{n}(A)=\sum_{j=1}^{n}a_{j,j}. Now proove that trace is a linear functional for all square matrix. I would be happy to know what has to be true for anything to be a linear functional? If I...
  23. T

    How to find find all P(x) for this functional equation

    Homework Statement Find all the polynomials P(x) for which P(x^2+2x+3)=[P(x+3)]^2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't really know how to solve functional equations systematically. I tried to to find a linear P(x) and found P(x)=x-2 through trial & error. I also tried...
  24. F

    Role of real & functional analysis in physics?

    I know complex analysis is of immense help in physics at it aids us in calculating certain integrals much more easily. But what about real analysis and functional analysis? Are these branches of mathematical analysis of much use in physics? If so, in what branches of physics and how?
  25. C

    Splitting up of functional integral (Peskin and Schroeder)

    I'm reading about path integrals in Peskin and Schroeder's Introduction to Quantum field theory and there is a few things in the text which I find puzzling. At page 283 in the section about correlation functions we are considering the object (equation 9.15) \int D\phi(x) \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2)...
  26. A

    Imo small question about the functional equation

    Homework Statement as some of you might've done it this is the functional eqUATION FROM THE IMO 2012 / a + b + c = 0 f2(a)+f2(b)+f2(c)=2f(a)f(b)+2f(b)f(c)+2f(c)f(a). f:Z->Z <- link of the problem and its SOLUTION now i worked with...
  27. A

    MHB Prove No Uniformly Convergent Subsequence: Functional Sequence

    SOLVED Prove that the functional sequence has no uniformly convergent subsequence -check n \in \mathbb{R}, \ \ f_n \ : \ \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, \ \ f_n(x) =\cos nx We want to prove that {f_n} has no uniformly convergent subsequence. This is my attempt at proving that: Suppose...
  28. Hercuflea

    Numerical analysis vs functional analysis vs statistics for engineerin

    Hey all, back with another question. I have the opportunity in the fall to choose 1 (maybe 2 if I'm lucky) of the following classes: Numerical analysis (undergrad numerical linear algebra, using matlab), Functional Analysis (as a directed study course with a prof), and the other is doing a...
  29. L

    What is the Functional Differentiation of F[y(x)] with Respect to y(x')?

    Homework Statement F[y(x)]=\int [y(x)\frac{dy(x)}{dx}+y(x)^{2}]\,dx Homework Equations δ(x-x') I think this is the Kronecker Delta. It might be the Dirac Delta. The Attempt at a Solution I have the whole thing written in my notes, I just don't know how to make sense of it...
  30. L

    How to do functional derivatives

    Here's an example from my homework. I already turned it in, though. I basically just copied what I could from my notes, but I have no idea how this is done. Could someone explain this to me? I can't find anything intelligible (at least to me) of this stuff on any website. My notes contain parts...
  31. D

    Functional analysis and topology books needed

    Hi folks ... I urgently need good books about Functional analysis and Topology. These must be comprehensive and thorough, undergraduate or graduate. Please, advise and provide your experiences with such books. I accept only thick books ;) e.g Introductory Functional Analysis with...
  32. L

    Convexity of a functional using the Hessian

    Homework Statement Consider the functional I:W^{1,2}(\Omega)\times W^{1,2}(\Omega)\rightarrow \mathbb{R} such that I(f_1,f_2)=\int_{\Omega}{\dfrac{1}{2}|\nabla f_1|^2+\dfrac{1}{2}|\nabla f_1|^2+e^{f_1+f_2}-f_1-f_2}dx. I would like to show that the functional is strictly convex by using the...
  33. micromass

    Analysis Functional Analysis by Reed and Simon

    Author: Michael Reed, Barry Simon Title: Functional Analysis Amazon link Level: Undergrad
  34. micromass

    Analysis Essential Results of Functional Analysis by Zimmer

    Author: Essential Results of Functional Analysis Title: Robert Zimmer Amazon Link:
  35. micromass

    Analysis Functional Analysis by Riesz and Sz.-Nagy

    Author: Frigyes Riesz, Bela Sz.-Nagy Title: Functional Analysis Amazon link:
  36. Jameson

    MHB What is a function that satisfies the iterated functional equation $f(f(x))=-x$?

    I don't know what to title this but will change it if $f(f(x))$ has a name. Anyway, I need to find $f(x)$ such that $f(f(x))=-x$. My friend gave me this challenge question and I haven't been able to figure it out. There are many examples where $f(f(x))=x$ for example f(x)=\frac{1}{x} but that...
  37. micromass

    Analysis Functional Analysis by Stein and Shakarchi

    Author: Elias Stein, Rami Shakarchi Title: Functional Analysis: Introduction to Further Topics in Analysis Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Real Analysis by Stein and Shakarchi Level: Undergrad Table of Contents: Foreword Introduction...
  38. micromass

    Analysis Real and Functional Analysis by Lang

    Author: Serge Lang Title: Real and Functional Analysis by Lang Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Undergrad analysis Level: Grad Table of Contents: General Topology Sets Some Basic Terminology Denumerable Sets Zorn's Lemma...
  39. A

    Creating Input Files in Quantum Espresso: A Beginner's Guide

    I am a new user for Quantum Espresso(QE). Recently I have installed Quantum Espresso in my system. Now i am struggling to give input file in QE. How to generate input file in QE?
  40. micromass

    Analysis Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications by Kreyszig

    Author: Erwin Kreyszig Title: Introductory Functional Analysis wih Applications Amazon link Prerequisities: Being acquainted with proofs and rigorous mathematics. Rigorous Calculus and Linear algebra. Level: Undergrad Table of...
  41. T

    Polar Coordinates functional notation.

    I've always been curious why points in polar coordinates are defined as (r,θ) when all equations (including parametric equations formed from them) are defined as r=f(θ). Considering that point in cartesian coordinates are defined as (x,y) where y=f(x). Also a,b=(r,θ) ∫1/2[f(θ)]2 further...
  42. MarkFL

    MHB Can You Solve This Challenging Functional Equation?

    A few days ago on MMF the following question was posted with no one showing how to solve it so far: Given: $\displaystyle f(f(x))=x^2-x+1\, \forall x\in \mathbb{R}$ find $\displaystyle f(x)$. I have never known how to solve such equations, except by trial and error, and this one has me...
  43. jfy4

    Propagator using Functional QFT

    Hi, I am trying to write down the propagator for a scalar field theory, but I want to try and get it in the functional representation. My plan is to compute the following: \langle \psi (x', t') | \psi (x,t) \rangle which gives the amplitude to go from x' to x. Now I guess I have to...
  44. J

    Minimizing a functional definite integral

    I have a definite integral defined by \begin{equation}T\left(G\left(g\right)\right)=\int_{g_{1}}^{g_{2}}G(g)\mathrm{d}g\end{equation} where G is a continuous function of a variable g, and g_{1} and g_{2} are known numbers. I want to minimize T\left(G\left(g\right)\right), that is I want to...
  45. R

    Are These Calculations of Functional Derivatives Correct?

    Homework Statement Hey, can I just check these functional derivatives?: 1) \frac{\delta F[g]}{\delta g(y)} where F[g] = \int dx \left[ \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+(g'(x))^2}} - 2g(x) + 5 \right]\>. 2) \frac{\delta F[a,b,g]}{\delta g(y)} where F[a,b,g] = \int d^4x \left[ A(\partial_{\mu}...
  46. M

    Convergence of a functional series (analysis)

    Homework Statement Determine whether the following functional series is pointwise and/or uniformly convergent: \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{x}{n} (x\in\mathbb{R}) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My answer to this seems very straightforward and I would be very grateful if...
  47. R

    Functional derivative expansion (from Chaikin)

    I'm self studying Chaikin's Principles of Condensed Matter Physics. I'm trying to figure out how to go from (5.2.30) to (5.2.31). Homework Statement 5.2.30 is the one-loop approx. to the free energy. I'll denote G0^-1 from the book G ~ Integral(ln(G(phi(x))) 5.2.31 is (as far as...
  48. T

    Functional analysis - task on convexity and dual spaces

    Homework Statement Let C be a non-empty convex subset of a real normed space (X,\|\cdot\|). Denote H(f,a):=\{x\in X: f(x)\leq a\} for f\in X^* (dual space) and a\in\mathbb{R}. Show that the closure \bar{C} of C satisfies \bar{C}=\bigcap_{f\in X^*,a\in\mathbb{R}: C\subseteq H(f,a)}H(f,a)...
  49. B

    Potential Energy Functional - Timoshenko Shear Locking

    Folks, The total potential energy functional for an isolated finite element timoshenko beam is given as ## \displaystyle \Pi_e(w, \Psi)=\int_{x_e}^{x_{e+1}} \left[ \frac{EI}{2} \left (\frac{d \Psi}{dx}\right )^2 + \frac{ G A K_s}{2} \left ( \frac {dw}{dx} + \Psi \right )^2 +...\right]dx...
  50. S

    Can Calculus of Variations Prove the Path of Least Resistance for Current Flow?

    Current follows the path of least resistance or shortest path. I just want to prove this or rather reproduce it using calculus of variations. I just want to show it in a fancy way. I want help to form the FUNCTIONAL for it. Useful equations: I=dq/dt=nqvA R=rho*l/A Where v is drift velocity...