Galilean Definition and 158 Threads

Generically, a Galilean (; Hebrew: גלילי‎; Ancient Greek: Γαλιλαίων; Latin: Galilaeos) is an inhabitant of Galilee, a region of Israel surrounding the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret). The New Testament notes that the Apostle Peter's accent gave him away as a Galilean (Matthew 26:73 and Mark 14:70). The Galilean dialect referred to in the New Testament was a form of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic spoken by people in Galilee from the late Second Temple period (530 BCE) through the Apostolic Age (c. 100 CE). Later the term was used to refer to the early Christians by Roman emperors Julian and Marcus Aurelius, among others.

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  1. L

    Galilean and Lorentz transformation

    1. What is the limitation of the Galilean transformation? 2. What are difference between Lorentz transformation and Galilean transformation?
  2. L

    Galilean transformation / calculating frequency problem

    Hi everyone, Homework Statement I have a mass like in the drawing and a moving cart with constant acceleration. The potential (also in the drawing) is given as V=A4x^{4} I want to calculate the frequency of the oscillation of the mass as a function of the acceleration when the cart is...
  3. S

    Galilean invariance of Maxwell equation

    always say us Maxwell equations are not covariance under Galilean Transformation They say merely this because of constant speed of light that the result of Maxwell Equations But there arent any excitability prove for Non-Ggalilean invariance of Maxwell equation I Decided try to show...
  4. T

    Galilean invariance verification (kinetic energy and momentum)

    Hi all, First of all, sorry for not using the template, but I think in this situation it's better to explain my problem right away: I'm studying for a physics test, but I think I don't really understand Galilean invariance. In my textbook there is an example in which they proof that if you...
  5. S

    Verifying Galilean Invariance of the KdV Equation

    Homework Statement Show that the KdV has Galilean invariance. That is ut + 6uux + uxxx = 0 is invariant under the transformation xi = x - ct, tau = t, psi = phi - c/6 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Do we use the chain rule on these and plug into the KdV?
  6. H

    Understanding kinetic energy under Galilean transformations

    Hello, Consider the following two situations. There is a train of mass M, going at V=10 m/s with respect to the train station. There is a mass m passenger on that train, who starts walking at v=1m/s parallel to the direction of the train motion. The kinetic energy of this system...
  7. C

    Galilean transform of the Laplacian

    Homework Statement I'm trying to show that the wave equation is not invariant under Galilean transform. To do that I need to figure out how the Laplacian transforms from S to S'. I seem to have trouble understanding why the laplacian actually changes. Homework Equations x'=x-vt, t'=t The...
  8. grav-universe

    How to make two frames purely Galilean

    It is possible to synchronize two inertial frames with a relative speed between them such that what they measure of each other is purely Galilean. That is, according to each of the frames, they will measure no time dilation of each other, so their clocks will tick at the same rate, no length...
  9. K

    The generator of Galilean boosts

    Hey folks, I'm reading a paper by T.F. Jordan which was referenced in chapter 3 of Ballentine. He's introducing the Galilei group commutation relations, and I'm having trouble with one of them in particular. He states that in the Heisenberg picture, time dependent position operators can be...
  10. A

    Calculating Distance in Galilean Transformations

    Homework Statement A bus travels forward at a constant speed of 24 m/s down a straight highway. the driver puts on her sunglasses, and 3.5 s later, a passanger stiing 5 m behind her drops a pen. In the frame of reference of the earth, what is the distance seprating these events? Homework...
  11. D

    Finding the Angular Distance Between Jupiter and its Moons (Galilean)

    I am having the hardest time figuring out the angular distance between Jupiter and Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto! I asked my teacher for help: "How would one find the angular distances between Jupiter and its moons?" and he said: "Do you know the field of view of your telescope? Once...
  12. A

    Galilean Relativity & Inertial Frames

    I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. Please critique: Under Galilean relativity, Newton's Law of Inertia retains the same form under any inertial frame of reference. There are relative velocities between inertial frames but its possible to determine absolute velocities under...
  13. R

    Galilean Transformations and Postulates

    I read that the form of a galilean transformation on the point (t,x) is the following: constant velocity transform by velocity v: (t,x) ---> (t,x+vt) translation transform by (t0,x0): (t,x)--->(t+t0,x+x0) rotation transformation by rotation matrix R: (t,x)--->(t,Rx) and that it is based...
  14. J

    Galilean transformation from velocity composition?

    Hi. Is there a quick way of deriving the Galilean transformations from the Galilean composition formula for velocities? Cheers.
  15. Advent

    Wave equation and Galilean Transformation

    Hi! I was reading some notes on relativity (Special relativity) ( and it says that the classical wave equation is not Galilean Invariant. I tried to show it by myself, but I think there is some point that...
  16. r.vittalkiran

    Stargazing Galilean Telescope: Taking Photos with Digital Camera

    I have an Galilean telescope with me...with 1Ox EYEPIECE and 100cm Focal lengthlens at the other end... I can see the craters of the moon properly with it, i require to take a snap of it using my digital camera... but not able to get a proper image in camera. What can i do? any Idea?
  17. maverick280857

    Galilean Algebra in the low velocity limit of Poincare Algebra (Weinberg vol 1)

    Hi, Can someone please explain the following statement on page 62 of Weinberg's Vol 1 on QFT: (I understand the part for P ~ mv, so the "quote" is slightly distorted, intentionally). Also how is ? Thanks in advance!
  18. J

    Galilean Invariance: Determining Invariant Quantities in Newtonian Mechanics

    Homework Statement Explain which of the following quantities are invariant in Newtonian mechanics. Position Distance between two points Velocity Acceleration Momentum Kinetic Energy Potential Energy (I presume gravitational) Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I understand...
  19. P

    Modern Physics - Extension of the Galilean Transformation?

    Homework Statement Conventionally, the Galilean Transformation relates two reference frames that begin at the same location and time with one reference frame moving at a constant velocity {\vec{v}} along a positive {x}-axis (which is common to both reference frames) with respect to the other...
  20. J

    Wave equation under a Galilean transform.

    Homework Statement Show that the wave equation becomes \left(1-\frac{V^{2}}{c^{2}}\right)\frac{\partial^{2}\psi'}{\partial x'^{2}}-\frac{1}{c^{2}}\frac{\partial^{2}\psi'}{\partial t'^{2}}+\frac{2V}{c^{2}}\frac{\partial^{2}\psi'}{\partial t' \partial x'} = 0 under a Galilean transform if the...
  21. P

    Galilean Coordinate Transformation (Classical Relativity)

    Homework Statement An observer in an inertial reference frame S sees two cameras flash simultaneously. The cameras are 800 m apart. He measures that the first flash occurs at four coordinates given by X1=0, Y1=0, Z1=0 and T1=0, and that the second flash occurs at four coordinates given by...
  22. S

    Galilean Transformations and Relativistic Physiology

    Hey, I have two separate questions: 1) If one is moving in a car and throws a ball straight up, say out the sun roof, the ball will have zero velocity relative to an observer in the car. Conversely, it will have the velocity of the car to a stationary observer. How does one account for drag...
  23. S

    How Does Galilean Invariance Explain Different Observations of Falling Objects?

    Hi, I've been reading Vic. Stenger's book "The comprehensible Cosmos" and have a question about the example he gives for Galilean invariance. In his example, Galileo drops a weight from the tower of Pisa and to a person standing near the tower (and thus in the same inertial? frame of the tower)...
  24. M

    Galilean invariance and conserved quantities

    Hi I have a simple question what is the conserved quantity corresponding to the symmetry of galilean invariance? and Lorentz invariance? cheers M
  25. G

    Are These Valid Galilean Transformations in a 1D System?

    in a 1 d system. x measured WRT an inertial frame k, are the following, valid Galilean transformations: x=x'- sin(wt) and x=x'3Not sure where to go with this... I can't find any relevant material anywhere.
  26. S

    Solve Galilean Relativity Homework: Find Staple Distances

    Homework Statement An assembly line has a staple gun that rolls to the left at 1.0 m/s while parts to be stapled roll past it to the right at 3.0 m/s. The staple gun fires 10 staples per second. How far apart are the staples in the finished part? Homework Equations r = r' + Vt The...
  27. P

    Galilean Relativity & Inconsistency with Classical Physics

    Hi, I am a novice here and i am trying to solve the following problem: 1.Show that Galilean relativity transformation produces inconsistent classical physics result when used with equation of expansion of light sphere. (2 different frames) 2. x2 = x1 - vt1 y1 = y2 z1 = z2 t1 = t2...
  28. P

    A galilean puzzle in electromagnetism

    A "galilean puzzle" in electromagnetism Well, I still didn't managed to find the answer, since the puzzle seems a little bit more involved than I first perform the computations, you only need to know a little bit about lagrangian/hamiltonian dynamics in electromagnetism. Consider...
  29. J

    How Does the Galilean Transformation Affect Raindrop Perception in a Moving Car?

    Homework Statement In a Summer's day, there's no wind, and start to rain. So the drops fall vertically for an observer on the ground. A car has a velocity of 10 Km/h and the driver see that the drops are coming perpendicularly to the windshield. If 60° is the angle between the windshield and...
  30. D

    Find Focal Length of Biconcave Lens with Galilean Telescope

    [b]1. For a Lab I have set up a "galilean telescope" where the objective lens a convex lens with focal length about 20 cm (F) and a biconcave lens of unknown focal length. I placed the biconcave lens at about 15 cm away from the convex lens as the ocular (so closer than the focal point) and then...
  31. S

    Galilean beam expander and spherical aberration

    Sorry for posting this post in two different place, I could not decide where is the best place to post it. I am trying to build a Galilean beam expander/contraction using a plano-convex and plano-convace lenses. My question is how should I arrange them to reduce the spherical aberration...
  32. Zarlucicil

    What Is Galilean Electrodynamics and Its Controversies?

    Galilean Electrodynamics?!? I finished reading The History of Pi by Petr Beckman, thoroughly enjoyed it and wondered what other works/activities the author was involved with. Soo I eventually came across this thing called "Galilean Electrodynamics" (which Beckman apparently had a hand in...
  33. R

    Proving Unique Decomposition of a Galilean Transformation

    hi... I´m attending a course of advanced classical mechanics. I´m working on statistical mechanics, so I´m not so familiar with some things on the course. I must solve the follwing problem for homework: show that every galilean transformation g on the (galilean space, using natural...
  34. P

    Galilean Transforms-Relativity

    Homework Statement A 9.0 kg artillery shell is moving to the right at 100 m/s when suddenly it explodes into two fragments, one twice as heavy as the other. Measurements reveal that 900 J of energy are released in the explosion and that the heavier fragment was in front of the lighter...
  35. A

    Galilean vs Lorentz transformation equations

    Let S' = a stationary two-dimensional space-time coordinate system, and let the x'-axis of S' lie along the x-axis of another stationary two-dimensional space-time coordinate system S. Let S' move along the x-axis of S with a constant velocity v = 29,800m/s in the direction of increasing x...
  36. S

    What Angle Ensures the Ball Appears to Move Straight?

    Homework Statement a railcart A moves in a fixed accelaration a_1=a_1 \hat{x} (a_1 is relavive to earth) at moment t=0 a ball is thrown from it in the velocity v_0 (v_0 is relative to the railcart A) and with the angle \alpha above the horizon. the velocity of the railcart when the ball...
  37. Jim Kata

    Lie algebras of the Galilean group: Problem three chapter 2 of Wienberg vol. I

    Homework Statement Derive the commutation relations for the generators of the Galilean group directly from group multiplication law (without using our results for the Lorentz group). Include the most general set of central charges that cannot be eliminated by redefinition of the group...
  38. C

    Tensors: Lorentz vs Galilean invariance

    What is the physical significance of tensors? Occasionally, motivating statements are made roughly along the lines of "if an equation can be expressed purely in terms of tensors, then it is true for all observers". But that doesn't seem quite complete because different tensor-users would have...
  39. B

    Galilean transformation problem

    Homework Statement Pilots are racing small, relatively high-powered airplanes arounds courses marked by a pylon on the ground at each end of the course. Suppose two such evenly matched racers fly at airspeeds of 130 mi/h. Each flies one complete round tripof 25 miles, but their courses are...
  40. C

    Galilean structure, inertial system and two bodies

    Say I have two bodies, idealized as points with mass, in Galilean spacetime A^4. When thinking about the 2-body problem (just two bodies with interaction forces in the entire universe), one usually goes from the 3-dim. to the 2-dimensional problem using some special idea. I read the following...
  41. cepheid

    Seeing the Galilean Moons with Celestron 7x50 Binoculars

    I have a pair of Celestron 7x50 binoculars. I was looking at Jupiter a few nights ago. Sometimes, I imagined I could just barely make out a row of specks that might have been the Galilean moons, but it was really hard to hold the binoculars steady enough to be certain. Is it at least...
  42. Amith2006

    Is the Electromagnetic Wave Equation Invariant Under Galilean Transformation?

    Homework Statement 1) Show that the electromagnetic wave equation, d^2(phi)/dx^2 + d^2(phi)/dy^2 + d^2(phi)/dz^2 –(1/c^2)( d^2(phi)/dt^2) = 0 is not invariant under Galilean transformation. Note: here d is a partial differential operator. Homework Equations...
  43. X

    Understanding Galilean Transformation: A Troubleshooting Guide

    i have trouble taking the equations given, that is the conversion of one coordinate frame to another. lets assume at the starting point there are two observers (coordinates (x,y,z,t)). one observer moves in the x direction and the other observer stays still. the observer that moves has the...
  44. F

    Galilean Transformation and Substantial Derivative

    I'm having trouble with the 2nd part of this problem. By letter "d" I mean "partial," I wasn't able to preview latex, so I went without it. x=x'+V*t' (V is a constant) t=t' f=f(x,t) Part a ===== Find df/dt' and df/dx'. I got the following: df/dt'=df/dt+V*(df/dx) df/dx'=df/dx...
  45. Y

    Why Are Galilean Transformations Important in Understanding Relative Motion?

    I understand the concept of relative motion, but I don't know why I can't understand what Galilean Transformations are. Could anyone please explain it? Thank you.
  46. B

    Calculating Ice Cube Landing Points Using Galilean Relativity

    2 trains are traveling at constant speeds on 2 parralel straight line. The first A is traveling at 5m/s the second B is traveling at 2 m/s. An observer at the station observes both trains. At a given instant of time, a passenger in A, a passenger in B and the observer at the sation are all...
  47. M

    Galilean Relativity: I can't figure this out

    Here is the problem: "A passenger in a convertible throws a ball up into the air. The car is going 35.0 m/s. The upward velocity of the ball is 8.00 m/s. Give the equations which specify the ball position at any given time with respect to the passenger (prime values) and respect to an observer...
  48. Pengwuino

    Momentum in Galilean transformation

    I need to show that the definition of linear momentum p=mv, has the same form p'=mv' under a Galilean transformation. What does it mean to "show" such a thing? I have no idea where to start :(
  49. quasar987

    Galilean invariance (and Maxwell's equations)

    Right or wrong? Specifically, an equation is said to be Galilean invariant if a substitution x \rightarrow x \pm v_x t y \rightarrow y \pm v_y t z \rightarrow z \pm v_z t t \rightarrow t doesn't change the equation. If right, would simply showing that x \rightarrow x \pm vt y...