Gamma Definition and 714 Threads

  1. B

    Calculating Width of SM Higgs Two-Photon Channel

    Hello! I would like to know how to calculate the width of the two-photon channel of the SM Higgs. It seems to be quite a tedious calculation with a dimensional regularization to perform. There are two one-loop contributions (leptons and W). Thank you very much in advance for your help! B...
  2. M

    Exploring Gamma Radiation in the Nucleus

    [SOLVED] Gamma radiation gamma radiation does anyone know how it is produced within the nucleus? and I know that gamma radiation takes place after a isotope has undergone a decay and is in an excited state. I know that what interest me is the very nature of the excited state! and how the...
  3. montoyas7940

    Simplify the following formula with Gamma functions

    \frac{\beta^\alpha \Gamma(\alpha + 1)}{\Gamma (\alpha) \beta^{\alpha+ 1}} = \frac{\alpha \Gamma (\alpha)}{ \beta \Gamma (\alpha)} = \frac{\alpha}{ \beta} This is the solution. In trying to get the middle expression out of the first I quickly end up with a mess. How should I approach this?
  4. D

    Functions that integrate to a gamma function?

    maple syntax: int(theta^y * exp(-theta*(1-alpha) ) , theta) I have a distribution that I need to integrate, and I know the result should have a gamma function in it. The only thing I have found helpful is: My function is kind of in that...
  5. T

    Gamma Ray burst in the Milkey Way

    If the exploding star that caused the gamma ray burst on Wednesday had occurred as close to us as Alpha Centauri what would be the effect on Earth?
  6. manjuvenamma

    Vector of magnitude m making angles alpha, beta and gamma with i,j,k

    Many of us have seen how to find a vector satisfying the following conditions (i) magnitude is m (ii) makes angles alpha, beta and gamma with i,j,k vectors i.e. unit vectors along x,y and z axes. My question is can the angles be taken arbitrarily or they should satisfy some condition like...
  7. Z

    How infinite does time get by gamma

    How infinite does time get by gamma... So I was thinking, say you have a photon traveling at c. I would assume that the photon's own time frame would have time passing as normal. Now after a time t has passed in the photon's frame, some infinite amount of time would have passed say, on Earth...
  8. B

    Find the frequency and wavelength of a 100 MeV gamma ray photon

    Homework Statement Find the frequency and wavelength of a 100 MeV gamma ray photon Homework Equations 100 MeV=1.602 X 10^-11 The Attempt at a Solution I do not know how to do this. I am in a class for elementary teachers and we have to solve this problem.
  9. M

    Deriving the Beta Function Integral Using Residue Theorem

    Will some one help me to prove this identity G(n)+G(1-n)= pi/ sin npi 0<n<1 B(m,n) = (m-1)! / n(n+1)...(n+m+1) ,for beta function
  10. V

    Trouble understanding the Gamma function

    The" is the integral \Gamma(z)=\int_{0}^{\infty}{dt\, t^{z-1}e^{-t}} . It has poles for integers of z less than 1 and is finite everywhere else. But to me it seems like it should be infinite for non integer values of z less than 0. My reasoning...
  11. M

    How to Prove Gamma and Beta Function Identities?

    Homework Statement Need to prove these 2 identities of beta function & gamma function ? Homework Equations G(n)G(1-n)= pi/sin npi B(m,n) = (m-1)! / n (n+1)...(n+m+1) The Attempt at a Solution I tired using beta function in 1st one but did not get the solution .
  12. R

    Sum/integral/zeta functions/ Gamma functions

    [SOLVED] sum/integral/zeta functions/ Gamma functions ...problem solved. Question erased.
  13. wolram

    Can Gamma Rays Reveal Their Source?

    Does a gamma ray ray carry enough information to prove its source?
  14. S

    LIGO detects no gravitational waves from gamma ray burst

    On February 1, 2007, the Konus-Wind, Integral, Messenger, and Swift gamma-ray satellites measured a short but intense outburst of energetic gamma rays originating in the direction of M31, the Andromeda galaxy, located 2.5 million light-years away. The majority of such short (less than two...
  15. P

    Can Gamma of negative integers be proven using a Laurent expansion?

    \Hi, I know the Gamma function has a first order pole at the negative integers, and the residue at -k is (-1)^k/k! So now I want to compute Gamma(-k)/Gamma(-l) , k and l positive integers, and I have a feeling it should be [ (-1)^k/k! ] / [ (-1)^l/l! ] =(-1)^{k+l} l!/k! What would be an...
  16. C

    Regression Analysis for a Gamma function

    [SOLVED] Regression Analysis for a Gamma function My regression analysis program that I developed in BASICS back in the 1980's applies for half a dozen linear equations some of which are transormed into log forms. I would like to modify my program to include this Gamma function...
  17. EnumaElish

    Antimatter clouds and gamma rays

    Can anyone point to the current state of research about the relationship between antimatter clouds and gamma rays, specifically gamma ray bursts? There was a article quoted in a Yahoo news story. If anyone has read the article, does it say anything pertinent on this question?
  18. P

    Exponential Integral & Incomplete Gamma function

    Hello, I need to compare an exponential integral -E_{-2k}(-m) -where k is a positive integer and m just a real number- to a Gamma function \frac{1}{m^{2k+1}}\Gamma(2k+1). I am using the notation from Mathworld here
  19. T

    Inverse gamma distribution & simulated annealing problem

    I've hit a problem trying to sample an inverse gamma distribution, 'scaled' using a temperature variable, T. If my distribution is defined as (where the normalising constant k=(b^a)/Gamma(a) ): IG(x|a,b) = k * x^(-a-1) * exp(-b/x) then the scaled version is (IG(x|a,b))^(1/T) = k^(1/T) *...
  20. M

    Gamma and Weibull location parameter estimation

    Hi all, I have a set of samples and I would like to detect the probability distribution that best represents the data. I'm using the kolmogorov-Smirnov test to verify the goodness-of-fit for some well-known distributions, like Gamma, exponential and Weibull. Since I don't know the...
  21. Angelos K

    Exploring Escape Peaks from Gamma Rays

    How do escape peaks occure? I mean peaks originating from a gamma ray located at the Energy value of \ E_{peak} \equiv E_{gamma}-511KeV. I read that an annihilation process takes place and one of the annihilation photons escapes detection.To arive at detecting an Energy of E_{peak} the...
  22. M

    Looking for a mainstream explanation for gamma gays and nuetron capture signatures.

    Looking for a "mainstream" explanation for gamma gays and nuetron capture signatures. One of Elizabeth's homework problems got me to thinking: Now if Elizabeth is reading this thread, please note that the "correct" answer (in mainstream thinking today) is probably a). However...
  23. W

    Proving the Trace of Gamma Matrices with (Anti-)Communtation Rules

    Homework Statement Show that tr(\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}\gamma^{5}) = 0 Homework Equations (anti-)commutation rules for the gammas, trace is cyclic The Attempt at a Solution I can do tr(\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}\gamma^{5}) = -tr(\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{5}\gamma^{\nu}) = -...
  24. O

    Splitting of Eu characteristic L gamma radiation in EDX analysis?

    Haven't been able to find the answer anywhere IRL yet, so I thought I'd see if someone in the PhysicsForums could help me with this one. When doing SEM/EDS (EDX/EDXS) (~equivalent to x-ray fluorescence) analysis it looks as if my europium containing samples contain copper as well, which'd...
  25. I

    Gamma Spectroscopy: Measuring Atomic Numbers?

    Is there a way to measure the atomic number of a source using gamma spectroscopy? Like, I know that if you have different back scattering material, it will produced different intensity backscattering peaks, but is there a formula that relates intensity of backscattered peaks to the atomic number?
  26. wolram

    Natural Gamma radiation from Earth ScienceDaily (May 2, 2005) — DURHAM, N.C. -- Duke University engineers have led the most detailed analyses of links between some lightning events and mysterious gamma ray emissions that emanate from Earth's own atmosphere. Their...
  27. J

    What are the main sources of gamma ray bursts both short and long duration

    Hey guys having a bit of problem with my year 1 essay. Would really appreciate any help :) What are the main sources of gamma ray bursts both short and long duration? I know some are from supernovae but where do others come from?
  28. T

    Gamma energies from fast neutron activation.

    I've looked around and not found any good sources on the gamma energies from fast neutron activation. I need to find the characteristic gamma rays for an MCNP project and currently, I'm relying on energies I get from running some simple cases I set up for the element of interest. Does anyone...
  29. J

    Can the Speed of a Gamma Ray Burst Exceed the Speed of Light?

    I was watching a show on Discovery about things that could end the Earth and one of them was a Gamma Ray Burst. They said on the show that by the time we knew it was coming towards us, it would be too late but if it moves a the speed of light or slower wouldn't that mean that we would see the...
  30. S

    Gamma Rays Photons Slower?(Quantum Foam)

    I don't know if you've heard the latest news from the MAGIC telescope researchers, but they may possibly have come across evidence of Quantum Foam: Gamma rays were apparently found to have...
  31. S

    High Energy Gamma Rays Go Slower Than the Speed of Light? Bad news or bad journalism?
  32. M

    Do Supernovae Emit Gamma Rays in All Directions?

    Do all types of supernovae emit gamma rays? If so, is it an initial burst, or does the GRB last as long as the visible light? If so, is the GRB in all directions or just in jets? Thanks.
  33. I

    Co-60 Gamma Spectroscopy - What Can We Learn?

    please reference the link here This is the gamma spectrum for Co-60 from the wikipedia site: though wikipedia might not be the best of sources, I was just wondering a few things. The two peaks around channel 700 and 800 are referred to as a...
  34. M

    (special relativity) derivation of gamma with approximation of v c

    Homework Statement "Use the binomial expansion to derive the following results for values of v << c. a) γ ~= 1 + 1/2 v2/c2 b) γ ~= 1 - 1/2 v2/c2 c) γ - 1 ~= 1 - 1/γ =1/2 v2/c2" (where ~= is approximately equal to) Homework Equations As far as I can tell, just γ = (1-v2/c2)-1/2The Attempt at a...
  35. B

    How Do Film Badges Used in Nuclear Plants Respond to Microwave Radiation?

    Someone told me that the film badges used in nuclear plants respond to microwave radiation from microwave ovens, as well as to the ionizing radiation they're intended for. I don't understand how this could work. Can someone explain it, or is it just not true?
  36. D

    What Determines the Upper Energy Limit of Gamma Rays?

    Hello you guys. I was wondering about the energy limits of the gamma rays. I allready know that the gamma ray spectrum varies from some MeV to 50 MeV (approximately). Does anyone know how can these limits be justified?
  37. P

    Black Holes: X-rays, Gamma Rays & Light Emission

    IF nothing can escape from a black hole's event horizon, then how do x-rays and Gamma rays escape? and how does it emits light? it says in "Brief History of Time" that the light it emits is just at the boundary of the event horizon. So then how does it escape the gravity and reach earth...
  38. K

    Why is the gamma function so complex?

    Hi The compound summation formula v = \frac{(m + l)!(al + a + cm)}{m!(l + 1)!} listed in the "Solve v = f(x) for x" thread uses factorials and in an effort to extend it to non-integral values of "m" and "l", I stumbled across the gamma function" ...
  39. S

    Gamma Ray Bursts: Nature & Why they Last 2 Seconds

    Hello Guys! Please help me in this question: What is the nature of the gamma ray bursts? Why do they last for mo only 2 seconds? thx!
  40. Amith2006

    Dissociation of deuteron by gamma rays

    Homework Statement I have a doubt in the following problem. I get an answer which is slightly different from the book answer. 1) A 6 MeV gamma ray is absorbed and dissociates a deuteron into a proton and a neutron. If the neutron makes an angle of 90 degrees with the direction of gamma ray...
  41. P

    Trace of gamma matrices with FORM

    Hello everybody, I have to calculate the matrix element of the process gg-->ttbar-->lnub lnub (ttbar dileptonic decay) using FORM. I have three feynman dyagrams for such a process. When I calculate the interference term i have as output thousands of terms with Levi civita tensors inside (but...
  42. O

    Why do we need Gamma point in Band structure

    First post,a good begin. As far as I know,the band gap is generated from the bragg reflection at the BZ boundary.So I think we just need the special K-point at the surface of 1BZ,and also the band gap(direct or indirect) is at the special K-point on the surface. But it seems not real in most...
  43. I

    Gamma decay and binding energy

    I was just doing a little test and one question that I got wrong and can't seem to rationalise the supposed correct in a satisfactory way involved gamma decay and binding energy. What it basically asked was, if gamma decay occurs, and hence energy is released, how is the binding energy per...
  44. J

    Does X/Y Follow a Beta Distribution?

    If X and Y are gamma distributed random variables, then the ratio X/Y, I was told follows a beta distribution, but all I can find so for is that the ratio X/(X+Y) follows a beta distrinbution. So is it true that X/Y follows a beta distribution?
  45. V

    Gamma Ray Bursters: Electrons, Anti-Electrons & Mass Exploding

    When an electron and anti-electron come together a gamma ray is produced. So are gamma ray bursts just the product of lots of electrons and anti-electrons coming together? I gather that at least twice the mass of our Sun is required for a gamma ray burster to form,so if we have two masses and...
  46. E

    Gamma Distribution Homework: Estimating % Days > 10

    Homework Statement so, I'm given some sample data: electricity consumption on randomly selected n days, and asked to model the problem using Gamma distribution, then the question is to estimate percentage of days on which consumption was > 10 by using moment estimates. So, I can find the...
  47. T

    Gamma function (complex and negative)

    Has anyone seen this representation for gamma function before? \Gamma(z) = \int_0^1\ dt\,\, t^{z-1}(e^{-t}\, -\, \sum_{n=0}^N\frac{(-t)^{n}}{n!})\,\, +\,\, \sum_{n=0}^N\frac{(-1)^{n}}{n!}\frac{1}{z+n}\,\, +\,\, \int_1^\infty dt\,\, e^{-t}\,t^{z-1} for Re(z) > -N-1 I can't figure out how...
  48. V

    Gamma function as solution to an integral

    Homework Statement Calculate \int_0^{\frac{\pi}{2}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+\sin^2 x}} dx expressing its solution in terms of the gamma function. It's suggested to first use the change of variable \sin x = t Homework Equations The gamma function is defined as p>0, \Gamma(p)=\int_0^\infty x^{p-1}...
  49. tony873004

    Numerical Calculation of \Gamma = 2.354 \sigma

    For starters... What does "data reduction" mean? The book starts throwing around this term (which is also part of the book's title) without even defining it. homework question: Show by numerical calculation that, for the Gaussian probability distribution, the full-width at half maximum...
  50. J

    Exploring Gamma Function: A Grade 11 Student's Perspective

    Hey , i am in grade 11 not yet studied gamma function, and not sure if it will be in the program but i have studied it a bit on my own f(x) = gamma(x) x = 1 : y = 1 x = 2 : y = 1 x = 3 : y = 2 x = 4 : y = 6 x = 5 : y = 24 x = 6 : y = 120 and i found a pattern : 1 * 1 = 1 2 * 1 = 2 3 * 2 = 6...