Gap Definition and 288 Threads

Gallium phosphide (GaP), a phosphide of gallium, is a compound semiconductor material with an indirect band gap of 2.24 eV at room temperature. Impure polycrystalline material has the appearance of pale orange or grayish pieces. Undoped single crystals are orange, but strongly doped wafers appear darker due to free-carrier absorption. It is odorless and insoluble in water.
GaP has a microhardness of 9450 N/mm2, a Debye temperature of 446 K (173 °C), and a thermal expansion coefficient of 5.3 ×10−6 K−1 at room temperature. Sulfur, silicon or tellurium are used as dopants to produce n-type semiconductors. Zinc is used as a dopant for the p-type semiconductor.
Gallium phosphide has applications in optical systems. Its static dielectric constant is 11.1 at room temperature. Its refractive index varies between ~3.2 and 5.0 across the visible range, which is higher than in most other semiconducting materials.

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  1. S

    Air gap flux density in DC machine

    Why is it that the air gap flux density is flat topped at no load. What happens to it's shape when machine is loaded?
  2. D

    Direct and Indirect Optical Band Gap

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  3. P

    Newton's Rings and Gap Size - See Attachment

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  4. O

    Gap between two displaced spheres

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  5. W

    Band gap calculation,how to choose the Kpoints?

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  6. B

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  7. M

    Exploring Gap Exponents and Their Significance

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  8. E

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  9. M

    Interpretation of 1D Band Gap in Metallic Systems

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  10. S

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  11. M

    Newbie Questions on Band Gap and Fermi Level

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  12. J

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  13. P

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  14. I

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  15. F

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  16. C

    Solar efficiencies of photovoltaics in relation to the band gap energies?

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  17. M

    Pairing gap equation weak coupling

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  18. E

    Energy Gap of Intrinsic Semiconductors: Temperature Dependence

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  19. D

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  20. A

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  21. N

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  22. S

    Why Can't Electrons Occupy the Band Gap in a Material?

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  23. R

    Gap between the plates of a Thermal Electric Modules

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  24. E

    Exploring Element Band Gap: What Determines the Size and How Can It Be Altered?

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  25. Pythagorean

    Gap junction modulators for C. elegans

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  26. B

    Show that for a ferromagnetic material the field in the gap is given by?

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  27. S

    Why is there a forbidden energy gap in solid state electronics?

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  28. M

    Fermi Energy level with respect to band gap energy

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  29. S

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  30. N

    Energy gap calculation for semi-conductors.

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  31. Chronos

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  32. P

    Spark Gap & Current: Exploring the Impact on Circuits

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  33. A

    Bridge Degree Between Electronics & Planetary Science?

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  34. S

    How to find the amount of inter record gap in a magnatic tape?

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  35. Ivan Seeking

    News The wealth gap - 92% of Americans surveyed prefer Sweden over the US

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  36. B

    Cyclotron: Speed of Particle After 2nd Gap Crossing

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  37. M

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  38. B

    Semiconductor quatum well find band gap question

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  39. S

    3.5 FDD head size: size of the gap of the read/write heads

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  40. N

    The band gap discontinuity in DFT?

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  41. L

    Understanding Bandgap Voltage Reference Circuits

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  42. L

    Energy gap from conductivity- temperature graph

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  43. D

    TiO2 Band Gap Energy: Direct vs. Indirect

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  44. Q

    Energy band gap of semiconductors

    ok let's say i have a semiconductor like germanium with band gap of around 0.67eV at rtp. so this means that i need around 0.67 x 10-19 J of energy to cause valence electrons to jump to conduction band right? do i use the formula E = 1/2 kT to relate this energy to temperature? so i...
  45. T

    The Real Science Gap: An Overview Nothing Earth shattering to people in this group, but a nice summary of the problem.
  46. R

    Coulomb's gap and Wave Equation

    Hi all I was wondering if I could solve the schrodinger's equation to see the limiting velocity for a proton to tunnel through the coulomb gap in order for the first equation in the fusion reaction to occur Thanks a lot
  47. K

    Piecewise-linear ball complexes: calculations with GAP

    Dear all, Recently, some young people and I started a project that may be called "Piecewise-linear ball complexes: calculations with GAP". As to me, my direct aim is to make calculations in some TQFT's (topological quantum field theories) naturally defined on PL ball complexes of any...
  48. I

    Exploring Entropy Gap Expansion: Quantum or Universal?

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  49. D

    Heat Transfer and Determining the Proper Gap

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  50. P

    Physics Physics undergrad/grad gap year: ideas?

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