General Definition and 1000 Threads

A general officer is an officer of high rank in the armies, and in some nations' air forces, space forces, or marines.In some usages the term "general officer" refers to a rank above colonel.The term general is used in two ways: as the generic title for all grades of general officer and as a specific rank.
It originates in the 16th century, as a shortening of captain general, which rank was taken from Middle French capitaine général.
The adjective general had been affixed to officer designations since the late medieval period to indicate relative superiority or an extended jurisdiction.
Today, the title of general is known in some countries as a four-star rank. However, different countries use different systems of stars or other insignia for senior ranks. It has a NATO rank scale code of OF-9 and is the highest rank currently in use in a number of armies, air forces, and marine organizations.

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  1. S

    B Light Clock & Length Contraction in GR

    Hi, can i use a light clock made out of mirrors a distance appart to measure whether there is length contraction in different regions of spacetime? If the clock speeds up then the distance between the mirrors decreased. If the clock slows down the distance between mirrors increased.
  2. M

    Derive a general expression for the dilution of saltwater

    I know that it will take 3 washings to reach the desired purity of sand, and that "N-1" is an exponent in the general expression, but I am stuck beyond that.
  3. Haorong Wu

    Relativity How are David Tong's Lectures on General Relativity?

    Hi. I have tried David Tong's note on QFT. I think it works well for me and lead me into QFT. Now I am confident to read Peskin's book. Now I am trying to learning GR. I planned to try David Tong's lectures on GR first and then read Sean Carroll's book. But I am not sure this plan now. I got...
  4. Satyanneshi

    Classical No review of the book "Physics : A general course" by Savelyev

    I came to know of a old russian book "Physics : A general course" by Savelyev. I have heard that the book was popular in USSR. Strangely, I could not find any review or mention of this book in the internet (searched through Google, Yandex, DuckDuckGo). PhysicsForum - One post of one thread...
  5. SEYED2001

    I How to prove that some fields are different aspects of one general field?

    Hi! I know some theorists believe all quantum fields and gravitational field are different aspects of one universal field. What does that formally (e.g. mathematically) mean "to be different aspects of" and how can one prove, let's say, fields A and B are different aspects of C? By the way, I...
  6. Superposed_Cat

    I Can x be found for ax^b - x^(b-2) = c in the general form?

    I have an long equation I managed to simplify to that form, but now I haven't the foggiest on how to solve for x, any help appreciated
  7. J

    I Does General Relativity explain inertia?

    As far as I understand it general relativity does not explain the origin of the inertial mass ##m_i## in Newton's law of motion ##\vec{F}=m_i\ d\vec{v}/dt## but rather it simply applies the concept to curved spacetime. For example if we have a particle with inertial mass ##m_i## and charge...
  8. R

    B General Relativity, Twins & Schopenhauer: Analyzing Timing Diff.

    Consider a mass ##M## that generates a curvature of the space-time and an observer ##O##, fixed and positioned at such a great distance from ##M## that the time ##t## of its clock is not affected by ##M##. Suppose that the observer ##O##, in his polar coordinates reference system centred at...
  9. N

    A General Covariance in Quantum Field Theory

    All physical laws have to be Lorentz invariant according to a lecture I just watched. Why is general covariance (which is more general than Lorentz invariance) not a requirement for all laws of physics? Are there any quantum gravity theories that take the approach of adding general covariance to...
  10. danielhaish

    Is it possible to measure the general amount of electromagnetic field

    We relating to an electromagnetic radiation as waves. and in waves there is maximum point and minimum point but when there is permanent electromagnetic level there is no disorder or weave . so is it possible to measure it in blank space relative to other places
  11. Bob Walance

    B General Relativity & External Forces: 2 Cases Examined

    It seems that there are two distinct gravitational cases to consider: a) Object with no external contact with any type of stuff (e.g., a person in free-fall in a vacuum) b) Object WITH external contact (e.g., a person standing on the ground) I've enjoyed reading and listening to various...
  12. J

    Degree or Certificate for General Contractor? Home maintenance remodel

    I'm looking to learn how to do basic home maintenance such as: Roof repair Bathtub install Tile flooring Install wood flooring Shower stall demo and install How to add ceiling lights Driveway install Basic things that come with owning a home. I believe that the people who do these type of...
  13. Kaguro

    Find the general solution of this nonlinear ODE: xy' + sin(2y) = x^3*sin^2(y)

    This equation, is non linear, non-separable, and weird. I would like to have a direction to start working on this. I tried writing sin(2y) = 2sin(y)*cos(y). See, ##xy' = x^3sin^2(y)-2sin(y)cos(y)## Can't separate. Writing in this way: ##(x^3sin^2y-sin2y)dx-xdy=0## Also, I checked that it is...
  14. H

    I Mass Unit in General Relativity

    James Clerk Maxwell deduced that the unit of mass has the dimensions of (L^3)(T^-2). But he assumed Newton's Law. What would it be under general relativity?
  15. Souma

    I Using general relativity to violate the uncertainty principle

    Hello everyone, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle tells us that we cannot measure the position and the momentum of a particle to infinite accuracy. My question is, can we use general relativity to overcome this difficulty? From what I know, any mass can curve spacetime even if it was small, and...
  16. A

    Math Courses to Understand General Relativity (by Sean Carroll)

    Hi. What are the math courses should I take in order to understand the mathematics involved in a book such as Sean Carroll in general relativity. Thanks
  17. evinda

    MHB Find the general formula of the recurrence relation

    Hello! (Wave) Suppose that we have the recurrence relation $a_k=3^k-a_{k-1}, a_0=1$. By replacing the terms of the sequence we get that it is equal to $a_k=3^k-3^{k+1}+3^{k+2}-a_{k-3}$. How do we get that it is equal to $a_k=3^{k}-3^{k-1}+3^{k-2}- \dots+ (-1)^k$ ? :unsure: Also, why is the...
  18. A

    I Sachs and Wu's General Relativity for Mathematicians

    I am trying to study "religiously" the book by Sachs and Wu, but I am finding the Exercises very much of a challenge. Does anyone know if there exists a source for solutions one can consult when stuck?
  19. E

    A general potential energy for a multi-particle system

    For a system of two or more particles, it is customary to define potential energy functions ##V_{ij}## between pairs of particles, so that the total conservative force (not necessarily total) on any given particle is $$\mathbf{F}_i = \sum_{j\neq i} -\nabla_i V_{ij}$$as a sum over all other...
  20. E

    Fiber coupling efficiency and general questions regarding ZEMAX

    Hello everyone, a friend and I are working on our master project at a university chair. The project is to set up a free space optics communication (FSO) to, eventually, transmit data. For this we want to couple our laser beam into a fiber at the receiving end, which is then plugged into our...
  21. Luke Tan

    I.E. Irodov Problems in General Physics, 1.304

    My struggle here comes from finding the bending moment ##N(x)##. My working is as follows. We want to find the bending moment on an element a distance ##x## away from the axis of rotation. To do so, let us consider the bending moment due to the force on an element ##\xi>x## away from the axis...
  22. E

    Does a general rotational analogue of CoM work exist?

    For a general body, there exists the notion of centre of mass work; that is, computing the work done if all of the forces on the body act through the centre of mass. If we separate the total kinetic energy into that of the CM and that relative to the CM, ##T = T_{CM} + T*##, we can show by...
  23. karush

    MHB -b.2.1.12 Find the general solution 2y'+y=3t^2

    576 Find the general solution $2y'+y=3t^2$ Rewrite $y'+\frac{1}{2}y=\frac{3}{2}t^2$ So $u(t) = exp\left(\int \frac{1}{2} dt \right)=e^{t/2} $
  24. karush

    MHB -b.2.1.11 Find the general solution y'+y=5sin{2t}

    Find the general solution of the given differential equation, and use it to determine how solutions behave as $ t\to\infty$ $y'+y=5\sin{2t}$ ok I did this first $u(t)y'+u(t)y=u(i)5\sin{2t}$ then $\frac{1}{5}u(t)y'+\frac{1}{5}u(t)y=u(i)\sin{2t}$ so far ... couldn't find an esample to follow...
  25. A

    Magnetic fields generated by the general rotations of a charged rigid body

    The calculations for the magnetic field produced by a uniformly rotating charged sphere can be found in basically every book on electrodynamics. I wonder what happen with the magnetic fields produced by rotating rigid solid that also present precession and nutation movements. The question comes...
  26. G

    A Validity of Scalar Field Lagrangian with Linear and Quadratic Terms

    Hi, if I want to construct the most general Lagrangian of a single scalar field up to two fields and two derivatives, I usually see that is $$\mathscr{L} = \phi \square \phi + c_2 \phi^2$$ i.e. the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian. My question is, would be valid the Lagrangian $$\mathscr{L} = \phi...
  27. B

    I want to learn special and general relativity

    Summary:: I want to learn special and general relativity I am curious what is the best way to learn special and general relativity. I started this course but it seems relativity easy so far. Only on week 2. Being easy is not bad I...
  28. Kim hyeon su

    I How to determine ##\psi(x,0)## in general situation?

    First of all, please understand that I am not good at English so I used the translator. (EDITED by mentor: small edits + added latex...) After I studied free particles, I wanted to apply what I learned to other situations. But as you know, to determine the solution of the free particle, you...
  29. Kaushik

    General electronic configuration of the d and f block elements

    Is it ##(n-1)d^{1->10}ns^2 \ or \ (n-1)d^{1->10}ns^{0->2}## ? My textbook says it is the latter. But I feel like it should be the former. Moreover, period 6 and 7 has the presence of f-orbitals. So adding## (n-2)f^{0->14}## would make it more general. Isn't it? And also what about the f-block...
  30. B

    Finding a general formula for the nth derivative of a partial fraction

    Moved from technical math section, so missing the homework template Summary:: Find a general formula for the nth derivative Hi everyone! How would I approach and answer a Q such as this I began by rewriting the expression in a different form, then used chain rule to each given term I...
  31. virgil1612

    I Time Dilation Effects of Travel to Star 10ly Away

    If an astronaut travels to a 10 ly distant star with a speed very close to light speed, then he will measure a distance to his star much smaller than 10 ly (length contraction) so his time for reaching the star will be smaller than 10 years, let's say 1 year. Then, without delay, he returns back...
  32. L

    I General Implications of the Double-Slit Experiment

    I've been reading about the sophisticated double-slit experiments currently being conducted by a team of physicists led by Tom Campbell. It's no secret of course that Campbell hopes that the findings of these experiments will strengthen the argument that our universe is a computer simulation...
  33. G

    I General Relativity & Curvature Explained: How Objects Fall

    I always was confused on how objects fall on Earth due to curvature of space. All I see everywhere is a flat stretched piece of fabric and balls going round and round the central massive ball. But that does not explain anything, how objects actually fall. Finally I saw this video where it...
  34. ContagiousKnowledge

    General solution of the spherical wave equation

    Since the spherical wave equation is linear, the general solution is a summation of all normal modes. To find the particular solution for a given value of i, we can try using the method of separation of variables. $$ ψ(r,t)=R(r)T(t)ψ(r,t)=R(r)T(t) $$ Plug this separable solution into the...
  35. Demystifier

    I Is General Relativity More General than Gravity?

    One obvious difference is that gravity is more general, because there are alternative theories of gravity that differ from general relativity. In this sense general relativity can be thought of as a subset of gravity. But I am interested in a different type of difference. I am interested in a...
  36. A

    I Architecture & Assumptions of General Relativity Theory

    Every theory, whether it is a physical, a psychological or a sociological theory, is defined in terms of an assumed architecture and in terms of a number of assumptions that apply within that architecture. An example from physics is the previously widely accepted dome theory to explain the...
  37. Biochemgirl2002

    Calculating general normal random probability

    a) P(X<18) = (18-20)/sqrt25 =-2/5 =-0.4 then you use the standard normal table and find that; P(X<18)=0.3446 b) P(X>27) = (27-20)/5 = 7/5 = 1.4 P(Z>1.4) =P(Z<-1.4) =0.0808 C) =(13<X<23) =13-20/5 , 23-20/5 =-7/5 , 3/5 =-1.4 , 0.6 P(Z<0.6)-P(Z<-1.4) =0.7257-0.0808 =0.6449
  38. M

    The sphere in general relativity

    I'm a bit confused about the notation used in the exercise statement, but if I'm not misunderstanding we have $$\begin{align*}(\psi^+_1)^{-1}:\begin{array}{rcl} \{\lambda^1,\lambda^2\in [a,b]\mid (\lambda^1)^2+(\lambda^2)^2<1\}&\longrightarrow& \{\pm x_1>0\}\subset \mathbb{S}^2\\...
  39. Replusz

    What is the effective Lagrangian in General Relativity?

    Attempt: I don't know what they mean by effective Lagrangian. I am aware there is something called 'the lagrangian' that goes as L=g_ab * dx^a/dk * dx^b/dk, but i don't see how this gives me any of the chrostoffel symbols... cheers
  40. M

    I Connection between General Relativity & Chaos Theory?

    I am very new to such ideas but was wondering if there is any connection to what I am asking. Taking two events, let's say at opposite ends of the globe. Would even A, only have a potential on event B, if light could travel between these event in the given time frame of these event occurring...
  41. jonander

    I General equation for the magnitude of the difference vector

    Hi everyone, While finding the solution for one of my exercises, I found the following answer. I'm seriously questioning if the equations provided in that answer are reversed. According to my understanding, if two vectors ##\vec{S}## and ##\vec{T}## are parallel (same direction) the magnitude...
  42. Cerenkov

    B The Strong Energy Condition in General Relativity

    Hello. I've recently been reading this paper... the hope that I can begin to understand some the role of the energy conditions in General Relativity. But I'm not making much progress and so I've turned to this paper...
  43. Y

    General to specific classical mechanics

    Source = John R. Taylor, Classical Mechanics, page 651 + page 677 Trying to solve, A mass m is thrown from the origin at t=0 with initial three momentum p_0 in the y direction. If it is subject to a constant force F_0 in the x direction, find its velocity \mathbf{v} as a function of t, and by...
  44. S

    I General solution of harmonic oscillations

    For a harmonic oscillator with a restoring force with F= -mω2x, I get that the solution for the x-component happens at x=exp(±iωt). But why is it that you can generalise the solution to x= Ccosωt+Dsin(ωt)? Where does the sine term come from because when I use Euler's formula, the only real part...
  45. F

    Most general dependence of acceleration

    Hello, Newton's second law, when the mass is constant, tells us that the acceleration ##a=\frac {F}{m}## which produces a simple ODE. The acceleration is a function that can be constant ##a= constant##, time-dependent ##a(t)##, velocity-dependent ##a(v)##, position dependent ##a(x)##, etc...
  46. Kushwoho44

    I Isentropic Process, General Results for dU and dH

    Hello forumites, I've been working with the following expression for the change in internal energy in an isentropic scenario. $$dU = n*c_v *dT = -pdV$$ However, I'm a bit stumped here, the left hand side of the expression (or middle rather), states the change in internal energy is the...
  47. N

    Prerequisites for General Relativity (Advice needed)

    Summary: At this point, I am thorough with single variable, multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and basic concepts of point-set topology and tensor analysis. To learn General Relativity along-with its mathematical rigor, what are the topics I should first be thorough...