Generators Definition and 300 Threads

  1. L

    The meaning of the addition of the spin generator to the Lorentz generators

    When constructing the Lie algebra of the Lorentz Transformation, the references usually start with an infinitesimal proper-orthochronous transformation, and then find the infinitesimal generators. Let's call the set of these generators L. after finding L, the references usually compute the...
  2. Crazymechanic

    Is There Truly a DC Electric Motor or Generator?

    Hi , maybe a pretty simple question and about things that we have long used and know well but is there a electric motor or generator that is truly DC? As much as I think there isn't because either to create , induce electricity in windings (generator) u got to have a changing magnetic field...
  3. S

    Inductive generators, what is their output compared to their horsepower rating

    Let say I have a 3 phase ac motor rated at 40 hp. Now I'd like to be able to convert this to act as a single phase induction generator (I hear is possible but I don't know much about it). driven by an ICE at around 1800 rpm. What would its power output be in kilowatts. Or more importantly...
  4. B

    Building a Van de Graaff Generator: Tips and Considerations

    I am building one. Not for school but for personal reasons. Is anyone here familiar or has built one before? I have some questions such as can the collector be any size? The maxium voltage of the collector is generally .8(70000r) with r being the radius of the collector. I was wondering if...
  5. K

    SU(2) generators in j=1, and pauli uncertainty

    Hello! I have two questions regarding QM. First, I tried to rotate J_z into J_y for the j=1 representation by the transformation rule for matrices.. I took my rotationvector to be (1,0,0) and rotated about 3/4 pi radians which I thought would give me S_y. Instead I got S_z again! Wolfram...
  6. E

    Research study on Digital Delay/Pulse Generators

    Hello everyone, I am doing a little bit of research on Digital Delay and Pulse Generators, and I would like to ask a question to anyone who works with that kind of equipment. How do you choose a DD/PG? The main criterion I guess should be it's function (DD/PG models are normally very...
  7. A

    What Are the Size Limitations of Thermoelectric Generators?

    it's a simple question: is there any limitation to the size of an thermoelectric generator module? is there any minimum thickness? thank you in advance
  8. C

    How Do You Connect Two Generators in Parallel or Series?

    Hi guys, If we connect 2 Dc generators in parallel. First generator ratings (200 V, 400 Amp),and the second Generator (400 V, 500 Amp). What are the output voltage and the max.output current? What if we connect them in Series ? What if these generators are Ac generators?
  9. I

    Power Plant Generators: Regulating Output Voltage

    Do power plant generators regulate the output voltage the same way a car alternator regulates its output voltage. Or do power plant regulators control the output by regulating the rotation speed of the generator.
  10. I

    Is it safe to use an ozone generator while inside with pets?

    Hello. I hope this is the right place. A few days ago I purchased a nice sectional off craigslist that belonged to a smoker (I bought it because it's very nice and expensive but was cheap for that reason). I hired a professional cleaner who gave it an initial treatment that helped but...
  11. D

    Electrical Generators; Excitation/Self induction start up

    Smaller generators are sometimes self-excited, which means the field coils are powered by the current produced by the generator itself. The field coils are connected in series or parallel with the armature winding. When the generator first starts to turn, the small amount of remnant magnetism...
  12. J

    Do Generators Run Out of Electrons?

    So, when you generate electricity, you spin a magnet pushing the electrons in the surrounding wires and creating a stream of electrons, now the confusion... If you do this for some time, wouldn't the electrons in the wires run out? I mean there is only a certain number of loose electrons on the...
  13. G

    Universal Generators: Get Clarifications on Electrical Engineering Concepts

    Hello to anyone out there. I am new to this board and I would like to have clarifications on some electrical engineering concepts that I've been confused about. The first question i have is in regards to universal motors. I'm confused about how it works?? I realize that if you replace a...
  14. W

    Generators and Defining Relations on the Symmetric Group of degree n

    Homework Statement I am working through MacLane/Birkhoff's Algebra, and in the section on Symmetric and Alternating groups, the last few exercises deal with generators and Defining relations for Sn (the symmetric group of degree n). These read: 11. Prove that Sn is generated by the cycles (1...
  15. E

    Block form of the generators of the fundamental representation of SU(2N)

    Homework Statement I am calculating the corrections to the beta functions of a quite general SU(N) gauge-yukawa theory coming from coupling an electro-weak (SU(2)xU(1)) sector similar to that of the Standard Model. To do this, I need to calculate...
  16. J

    Lorentz Force: Question on generators and storeage

    Hello all, and thank you in advance for taking the time to read my question. To give an idea of my working level, I'm a 21 year old computer science student entering my senior year at college. It's been a few years since my Electricity/Magnetism course, and I'm a bit rusty on the Lorentz Force...
  17. K

    Linear Congruential Generators, Bays-Durham Shuffle

    Hi! I've got an idea of how LCGs work. However, I'm reading "Exploring Monte Carlo Methods" and came across the Bays-Durham Shuffle, a means of getting rid of low-order correlations in the minimal standard LCG. The outline of this algorithm in the book makes no sense to me. Can someone...
  18. R

    Flywheel generators in vehicles.

    Is it that, flywheel electric generators are not used in vehicles because? The momentum of the wheel will tend to have the vehicle continue in a straight line rather than turning a corner with that vehicle? If so, what would we expect if the flywheels' orientation changes with the direction of...
  19. jfy4

    SL(3,R) Generators and their Interpretation

    Hi, I would like to study SL(3,\mathbb{R}) a little. I was motivated to look into them a bit because of their volume-preserving nature. Now this group has n^2-1=9-1=8 generators and I found out through some reading that three of them are the generators for rotation (duh Judah, volume...
  20. G

    Why Does Generator Fault Current Increase When Connected to the Grid?

    Hi guys, For one more time I need your opinion in a kind of strange issue, which escapes my understanding. Performing a single line to ground short circuit calculations (Low Voltage Side) in a simple Generator power plant using a step up to transformer, we can observe the two following...
  21. E

    Motors and Generators equation help?

    Motors and Generators equation help!? 1. A conductor carrying 2.5A experiences a force on 0.6N when 0.4m of its length is placed in a magnetic field of intensity 2.0T. a) Find the angle the conductor makes with the field b) Predict the angle where the conductor will experience maximum...
  22. W

    Generators for Lorentz transformations

    Consider Minkowski spacetime with signature (-+++) and coordinates (ct,x,y,z) with respect to the standard orthogonal basis. I'm looking for the smallest set of matrices that can generate any Lorentz transformation with respect to this basis. I came up with 8 matrices (see below). Am I missing...
  23. W

    Syncronous generators question with power factors

    Hi everyone i am having some trouble with an electronics question I really need some help with. I keep getting 14.96 KV but that doesn't appear to be the correct answer. Is the answer given wrong or am i doing something wrong. Thanks for any help i have been stuck on this for ages...
  24. T

    Abstract Algebra - ideals and generators

    Homework Statement a.) Let a=3-8i and b=2+3i. Find x,y ϵ Z[i] such that ax+by=1. b.) Show explicitly that the ideal I=(85,1+13i) \subseteq Z[i] is principle by exhibiting a generator. Homework Equations Given ideal: I=(85,1+13i) \subseteq Z[i] a=3-8i b=2+3i Honestly, I am beyond lost...
  25. K

    Connection between the generators of the Galilean group and physical quantities

    How can I see that the generators of the Galilean group correspond to energy, momentum, etc.? References which cover the Galilean group and algebra as well as their realization in phase space are appreciated, especially if they are not too sophisticated. Thanks kith
  26. E

    Find Generators of Lorentz Group: Jackson's List & K Matrix

    Hi! I'm trying to find the generators of the Lorentz group. Jackson lists them all, for example, the generator of a boost along x is: K=\left( \begin{array}{c} 0\;1\;0\;0 \\ 1\;0\;0\;0 \\ 0\;0\;0\;0 \\ 0\;0\;0\;0 \end{array} \right) Now, what I don't understand is: this matrix is a...
  27. N

    Why symplectic symmetry has N(N+1)/2 generators?

    Please teach me this: Why Sp(N) symmetry has N(N+1)/2 generators?(QFT of Peskin and Schroeder). Thank you very much for your kind helping.
  28. E

    How do you find the generator corresponding to a parameter of a Lie group?

    Alright, so I was reading Ryder and he defines the generator corresponding to a^{\alpha} as the following X_{\alpha}=\frac{\partial x'^{\mu}}{\partial a^{\alpha}}\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}} (\alpha =1,...r) for r-parameter group of transformations Now this makes sense for...
  29. B

    Let G = D12, given by generators a,b with |a|=6, |b|=2, and ba=a-1b.

    Let G = D12, given by generators a,b with |a|=6, |b|=2, and ba=a-1b. Let H = { 1, a3, b, a3b }. Find the normalizer of H in G and find the subgroups of G that are conjugate to H. The normalizer of H is a subgroup containing H, so since H has index 3, either NG (H) = H or NG (H) = G. I'm...
  30. B

    Are some pseudo-random number generators unpredictable?

    The topic here is pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs), i.e. the kind of algorithm you implement on a computer to do Monte Carlo calculations. All the PRNGs I know require a "seed" to start a sequence. Given the same seed, the algorithm, which is of course deterministic, will produce the...
  31. T

    Electric Generators: A College-Level Intro Guide

    Hi, My EM professor assigned me to make a paper about Electric Generators. But i have no idea how it works. Googling it, i found out that generators are similar to electric motors So, i'd like to know a college level introductory book about electric generators that may help me understand and...
  32. B

    Electric Generators: Mechanical Engineer Questions

    I am a Mechanical Engineer and have less idea on Generators. In wind turbines as the generators would be driven at variable speed by the wind, some type of controllers are used to provide a steady output, say, maintaining a constant voltage. My question is what is the function of this...
  33. L

    How Do Centralizers and Generators Organize Group Elements?

    I'm having trouble grasping the concept of centralizers and generators. Is there any way to visualize these groups? Edit: For example, the centralizer of S in G (S is a subgp of G) is given by Z(S) ={g ε G : gh = hg for all h ε G} Does that just mean it is like the biggest abelian...
  34. M

    Have i got this correct about electrical generators?

    ok so i am trying to come up with an alternative energy source but first i have to know how generators work. so in a solar powered generator. the solar energy gets transferred into heat energy and then the heat energy boils water which creates steam. the steam then turns a turbine and then the...
  35. I

    Is a PM Generators output greater than an A/C motors input?

    Hi, If I powered a permanent magnet generator like one found in a wind turbine, with let's say with a 1/2 hp A/C motor for example and directly coupled them together or used a gear reducer to increase the torque and rpm's, would the output watts created by the generator be greater than the...
  36. B

    Can We Generate Gl(n,R) Using Shear Maps?

    Hi, All: Just curious as to whether Gl(n,R) (aka invertible nxn matrices over R), is finitely-generated by the shear maps : add a k-multiple of one row to another row. It seems clear that i) shear maps preserve invertibility (actually preserve determinant), and it would seem we could...
  37. N

    Principal Ideal, Polynomial generators

    Homework Statement Suppose R is an integral domain and I is a principal ideal in R[x], and I \neq {0} a) Show I = <g(x)> for some g(x)\inR[x] that has minimal degree among all non-zero polynomials in I. b) Is it necessarily true that I = <g(x)> for every g(x)\inR[x] that has minimal...
  38. WannabeNewton

    Generators of a null hypersurface

    For a hypersurface \Sigma ,defined by f(\mathbf{x}) = const., the vector field \zeta^{\mu } = \triangledown ^{\mu }f will be normal to \Sigma . If \boldsymbol{\zeta } is null - like then \Sigma will be a null hypersurface. My question is on the justification of the statement that the set of...
  39. S

    Why Is Isolated Neutral Preferred In Some Generators?

    Dear engineers, I need your help in analyzing this query: Our plant consists of 11x 635 KW, 415V Waukesha gensets, 2 x 3.5MW,11KV wartsila gensets, 11 KV main bus for synchronization & 10 MW,11KV, 50 Hz gas turbine. The neutral of gas turbine is earthed against the manufacturers...
  40. A

    Question on the representation of Poincare algebra generators on fields

    Hi, I am working through Maggiore's QFT book and have a small problem that is really bothering me. It involves finding the representation of the Poincare algebra generators on fields. I always end up with a minus sign for my representation of a translation on fields compared to Maggiore...
  41. R

    A challenging power electronics question involving generators and transformers?

    Homework Statement A 3-phase, 10KV, busbar of a power station is divided into three sections joined by two reactors as shown in Figure 1. Each section contains a synchronous generator and supplies a transmission line through a transformer. The parameters of genera-tors, reactors and...
  42. jfy4

    Addition for generators of rotation

    Hi, I have here the following rules for representations of the Lorentz algebra including spinors The representations of the Lorentz algebra can be labeled by two half-integers (j_{-},j_{+}). The dimension of the representation (j_{-},j_{+}) is (2j_{-}+1)(2j_{+}+1). The generator of...
  43. I_am_learning

    Connecting Generators in Parallel for Hydro-power Plant

    Suppose in a hyro-power plant, there are two generators, G1 and G2 of 11KV output voltage. The Transmission Voltage is 132KV. There are 2 11 Kv/132 Kv transformers. So, should we connect each generator separately to the Transmission line and synchronize individually OR should we first connect...
  44. C

    Do Large Generators Really Use Permanent Magnets?

    I frequently teach my students about how basic generators work (motional EMFs, Faraday's Law, magnetic flux, etc.). Question: do the generators used at large power plants really use a permanent magnet as a source of the magnetic field? I was thinking that maybe an electromagnet might be...
  45. R

    Load balancing in Parallel generators

    Hi guys, Can someone please tell me how to do load balancing using parallel generators with an avr micro-controller? What should be the approach for load balancing? What would be the basic idea to achieve load balancing? Thankyou.
  46. R

    Can Pedestal Fans be Used as Generators for Electric Braking?

    The textbooks say that motors and generators are the same structurally, they just differ in what is input (motion / voltage) and what is output (voltage / motion). I have also read that electric trains use this phenomenon for their 'electric braking', by running their motors as generators by...
  47. M

    Engineering Induction Motors, Generators, Magnetic Field Strength, Force and Coupling

    Homework Statement Here are a bunch of questions that I've attempted. I feel fairly confident with my answers, but I just wanted to make sure :) Thanks! a) calculate the synchronous speed, amount of slip and the percentage slip in a typical aircraft a.c., four pole, 400hz induction motor...
  48. Pythagorean

    MATLAB Computing with random generators (MATLAB)

    So I ran an ODE solver with an additional, random (using randn) injected input. Then I took the same ODE solver and the same random line, and multiplied it by 5, so now I have (5*randn). The runtime is already ten times as long (and still not finished). Why does it take so much longer to...
  49. R

    Superpoincarè algebra and generators: questions

    Hello everyone, I'm an high school student, but I try to study maths and physics at a decent level anyways. I have some questions to pose; to give you an idea of how could you guys answer me, i recently finished viewing David Tong's QED video lectures and notes, and I'm stuck at the CFT sections...
  50. S

    Generators of Product Rep: t_{a}^{R_1 \otimes R_2}

    Homework Statement Write the generators of the product of representation t_{a}^{R_1 \otimes R_2} in terms of t_{a}^{R_1}, t_{a}^{R_2} Homework Equations [t_{a}^{R_i} , t_{b}^{R_i}] = i f_{abc} t_{c}^{R_i} I don't believe that the BCH formula is relevant here since that relates...