What is Genius: Definition and 101 Discussions

A genius is a person who displays exceptional intellectual ability, creative productivity, universality in genres, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of new discoveries or advances in a domain of knowledge. Geniuses may be polymaths who excel across many diverse subjects or may show high achievements in only a single kind of activity.There is no scientifically precise definition of a genius. Sometimes genius is associated with talent, but several authors such as Cesare Lombroso and Arthur Schopenhauer systematically distinguish these terms. Walter Isaacson, biographer of many well-known geniuses, explains that although high intelligence may be a prerequisite, the most common trait that actually defines a genius may be the extraordinary ability to apply creativity and imaginative thinking to almost any situation.

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  1. Ivan Seeking

    Can Apes Be As Smart As Humans? - A Fascinating Nova Exploration

    A fascinating look at the mind of our cousins; how we differ, and what we have in common. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/apegenius/ [watch online]
  2. G

    Genius in USA or First World? Iran's Konkoor Exam Results

    hello in iran if you want to go to university you should take a big exam which is named Konkoor,and if you want to study in engineering fields at university you should compete with about 400000 students every year,the better your rank is in that exam the more chance you have to go to better...
  3. M

    Is it just me or are all the 'lazy genius' claims irritating?

    There's a ton of these around, especially in my department (physics) and the engineering department too. They always talk as loud as they can how they slept in high school math/science classes and how they neeever do homework or study or anything and then strut around like they'll be the next...
  4. I

    Is Genius Required for Harvard Admission?

    Do you have to be a "Genius"to... get an admission in Harvard University? It seems to me that only exceptional people get in there...What's your view? By the way, do we have members attending Harvard?
  5. B

    Calculating Distance with Constant Acceleration Formula

    http://www.science27.com/formel.jpg I want to calculate the area that occurs in a curve of acceleration due to gravity, - hacted area. ( g=GxmM/r^2) Does somebody know a formula, or able to create one?
  6. S

    Need genius to help find pattern in these numbers please?

    Homework Statement 2 4 3 9 5 25 18 324 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 2 squared is 4, 3 squared is 9, 5 squared is 25, 18 squared is 324. BUT... what is the next number in the pattern? we squared 2, then 3, then 5, then 18, then...? At first I thought it...
  7. Astronuc

    SCIAM - High-Aptitude Minds: The Neurological Roots of Genius

    I came across an interesting article that discusses some recent research about the brain, its structure, and the relationship with aptitude. September, 2008 in SCIAM Mind & Brain Subheader - Researchers are finding clues to the basis of brilliance in the brain...
  8. T

    Find a Glass Rose Near Mesa AZ - Bonus Points!

    I've got to buy a glass rose, but I don't have time to have it shipped. What well know store carries glass roses? If the store has a location in Mesa, Arizona you get bonus points.
  9. J

    What Drives the Mind of a Math Genius?

    I want to see the real answer to this one.
  10. W

    What Makes XKCD a Must-See for Science and Math Geeks?

    For anyone not aware of the absolute genius of the webcomic XKCD, I think http://www.xkcd.com/438//" comic should resonate with many of the members here :smile: Seriously, if you are a maths/science/physics/computer science/dinosaur geek check out the archives, there are some very funny comics...
  11. D

    Medical Navigating Genius & ADHD: Strategies for University Success

    I went to see a professional psychologist today who suggested my current problems in university are the result of a combination of a high intelligence and ADHD. I am going to get professionally tested for both, of course. I know I am intelligent, but I am unsure of whether or not I am a genius...
  12. G

    Why george bush is actualy a genius

    See.. a lot of us think george bush is stupid but here's my theory. George bush is actualy a genius so he uses a tactic so briliant that it alows him to run america in any way he wants. he acts stupid so that if he does something the general population dosent agree with he can just be like "oh...
  13. H

    What Are Some Modern Genius Movies for Inspiration?

    Does anyone have those corny genius movies or ones where a student works really hard to succeed. Things like A Beautiful Mind and Good Will Hunting. I'd likd some that are modern, ie. atleast made since 1990s and preferably 2000s. I need some inspiration now is all =)
  14. U

    A not so genius engineering student

    I'm going to be an engineering undergrad next year and lately I've been doubting how well I will do. I'm not a genius, and I haven't taken any of the AP Calc courses during my time in high school, but I do have an interest in Science and math. I definately wouldn't say that I'm bad at math( I...
  15. B

    IQ 195 Genius Challenges the Many Worlds Interpretation

    Earlier today, I saw a show that had the smartest man in America with an IQ of 195 who is working on a Cognitive - Theoretic Model of the Universe. He attacks the MWI with: What do Many-Worlders think about a statement such as this coming from an intelligent person?
  16. P

    What Is the Evil Genius Theory in Descartes' Philosophy?

    What exactly is this? I know it has something to do about being decieved...
  17. Evo

    'Genius' videos may hinder baby development: study

  18. N

    Ray Kurzweil: genius or naive optimist?

    I recently finished reading the book "The singularity is near" by Ray Kurzweil, in which he tries to predict the development of technology over the next decades and the impact this development will have on society. Based on the accelerating nature of technological evolution, Kurzwail claims that...
  19. S

    Do You Have What It Takes to be a Genius?

    ARE you a genius*** :- ) What do you think gives a person special mental abilities? (IQ of 149+) Is it all genetics or just your environment, or a combination of the two? Do you think the IQ test really measures your mental ability? Or is there other factors that the IQ test doesn't take into...
  20. P

    Is Non-Linear Algebra the Key to Solving Homelessness?

    lol if you have time for a 6minute video watch this homeless guy is talking about suposed non-linear algebra. I couldn't follow ... http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tc-kjz9s2IA&mode=related&search= If anyone can follow this to me the numbers just don't seem to add up please explain...
  21. S

    Who was more genius, Einstein or Newton?

    Please help to find the answer of this question.
  22. C

    Most Genius Physicists on Earth?

    I was wondeing whom you guys think are the most brilliant physicists on Earth? I'm guessing the go-to #1 would be Ed Whitten, but who are a few others you can think of? Please don't say Brian Greene :)
  23. N

    Physics Do you have to be a genius to have an academic career in physics?

    As some of you might have read in my other threads I am thinking about studying physics at the university, but I have not made up my mind yet. One of the things that worries me is that the math and the general abstractness of the subject will be too hard for me to grasp. Math was definitely my...
  24. B

    Genius These are brilliant George Bush skits

    These are brilliant! George Bush skits: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-8845429906560840314&q=george+bush+tony+blair http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3319967978568410735&q=george+bush+tony+blair
  25. P

    Genius parrot baffles scientists

    This parrot n'kisi is also the one rupert sheldrake claimed has telepathic abilities.
  26. K

    Genius and Creativity: Exploring Unknown Discoveries

    Hello there I've been thinking about geniuses lately, I think that a genius has limits and there is no one in the world that knew something without any indicator that leaded him to know or discover this unkown thing, I mean I don't believe that a genius could know something without something...
  27. I

    Genius guys can u solve this Fourier series problem

    HEllo , Plz help me in solving these problems regarding Fourier Series: 1):Find Fourier Sine Series for f(x)=x^2 -Π(pie)<x<Π(pie) and deduce Π^2/12=1-1/4+1/9-1/16 +------------------- Π indicates PIE 2):With the help of Fourier Sine series and Fourier Cosine series...
  28. M

    Solving Equations: Perpendicular Lines and Planes in 3D Space

    Hello Plz please tell me the solutions of these question : I have tried the questions many time but not getting the exact logic please help me 1): Find equation of straight line perpendicular to x-1=(y-1)/2=(z+2)/3 and (x+2)/2=5-y=(z+3)/2 and passing through their point of...
  29. M

    Mossbaur Spectroscopy: Principle & Uses

  30. T

    How Does Relativity Affect Light Travel in Different Inertial Frames?

    Hi all, pls help me solve the problem below,easy for you right? I very appreciate your help, thank. Question: A flash of light is sent out from a point x1 on the x-axis of an inertial frame S, and it is received at a point x2 = x1 + g. Consider another inertial frame, S´, moving with...
  31. N

    Is Reciting Presidents the Key to Genius?

    http://www.wimp.com/geniusgirl/ This really impressed me.
  32. Ivan Seeking

    Enter the Evil Genius Contest: Exploring Remote Controlled Insects

    While thinking about DARPA's [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] latest effort to develop remote controlled insects https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=114720 it struck me that remote controlled insects could make effective weapons in certain cicumstances. For example...
  33. O

    Is Our Existence Predetermined or Do We Shape Our Destiny?

    If you read this, you might want to read it in order because I'll be building my thoughts throughout. I'll Start with Free Will vs. Fate. An excellent work by Voltaire on the subject: http://history.hanover.edu/texts/voltaire/volliber.html My interpretation was that everything we do, we do...
  34. R

    Only for genius people: jumping stilts on a trampoline.

    At school, my teacher asked us a question, where he didn't know the answere on too. The other teachters were not agreed to each other about the answere. This is the question: A trampoline jumper jumps with jumpingstilts ( http://www.tanomi.com/shop/images_item/poweriser_01.jpg ) (shoes...
  35. L

    Who was Nicola Tesla and Why is He a Forgotten Genius?

    Nicola Tesla was undoubtedly one of the greatest geniuses of 20 century. His contributions to Electrical Engineering field were amazing for the entire world. But, only a handful people know his name. Although he was a profound genius, he was a forgotten person in history. Why?
  36. M

    Can Any Genius Answer My Questions .can Any Body.

    Question : Find out thermal efficiency of a petrol engine having the following dimensions.Stroke length of piston is 75mm .Bore (internal diameter)=50mm and clearance colume is 21.3centimer cube. please please tell me the solution please if u are genius then please answer this
  37. M

    Why Do Stars Flicker but Not Planets?

    HELLO, CAn any genius solve this question.I have tried my best but iam unable to get the answer. QUESTION 1 ; "Stars are know to flicker.Estimate the number of photons entering the eye of an observer when he looks at the star of first apparent visual magnitude.Such a star produce flux on...
  38. R

    Theoretical Physics: Field for Geniuses? Waste of Genius Mind-Power?

    I know a lot of undergrads that are enamored with Theoretical Physics and things like String Theory. I suppose it is only natural for thinking individuals to be curious about the fundamental lack of understanding we have about the universe and existence, and Theoretical Physics would be the...
  39. T

    Baseball team hire eccentric genius

  40. N

    Calculating Speed on Earth's Equator and at Specific Latitude: A Physics Problem

    Genius in physics wanted! I have this question that i tried to solve for ages now and i still can't figure it out, in other word help would be very much appreciated. :confused: QUESTION: The Earth's radius is 6400km. How fast is a point on the equator moving? What is the speed of Beirut at...
  41. M

    Can Any Genius Answer My Questions .can Any Body.

    QUESTION: 1: Stars are known to flicker.Estimate the number of photons entering the eye of an observer when he looks at the star of first apparent visual magnitude.Such a star produces flux on the surface of the Earth of 10(exp)-6 lumens/m(exp)2. One lumen is 0.00a6 watts.Why do stars...
  42. M

    Can Any Genius Answer My Questions .can Any Body.

    QUESTION: 1: Stars are known to flicker.Estimate the number of photons entering the eye of an observer when he looks at the star of first apparent visual magnitude.Such a star produces flux on the surface of the Earth of 10(exp)-6 lumens/m(exp)2. One lumen is 0.00a6 watts.Why do stars...
  43. M

    Can any genius tell me about Clampers

    Can any genius tell me about Clampers.I am not able to understand it's working.
  44. Ivan Seeking

    Exploring the Tesla Legacy: Part 3 - Unsettling the Substance of a Genius

  45. S

    Are You a Pure Evil Genius? Take the Test to Find Out!

    YOU ARE 87 % EVIL GENIUS ! [URL]http://www.fuali.com/pix/111/4.gif You are pure evil. You lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and you will not rest until all living souls bend to your will. [PLAIN]http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=111
  46. F

    Defining a True Genius: Qualities & Characteristics

    There are many knowledgeable people out there. Even really smart ones. But how would you define a genius. It seems the word is thrown around a little. Like nowadays someone might even call an idiot savant a genius when he has just seen one side (the only side in this case) of his intelligence...
  47. P

    Did Stephen Hawking Admit He Was Wrong About Black Holes?

    For me, personally, to become a genius, you must be able to admit being wrong. With that out of the way; I just read in Nature Science Highlights, that Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University admitted to being wrong in that black holes obliterate all information. He previously thought...
  48. W

    Is There a Correlation Between Cognitive and Artistic Talent in Great Minds?

    Was Einstein really a genius or just someone clever with new ideas? SR is really a simple theory and uses many ideas from other scientists. Clearly he was creative, but was he a genius[?]
  49. L

    Is the universal genius necessarily altruistic?

    http://www.desargues.univ-lyon1.fr/home/lygeros/Mensa/mclassi.html If so, why?
  50. G

    Chem: if u can do this u = genius

    Hi, I am having a huge problem with chem. i do not know what the heck is going on so can i have some help. Drops of each chemical into test tubes ================================================== =================== ratios Ca:CO test tube1: 0:24 test tube2: 1:5 test tube3: 1:2...