Geometry Definition and 999 Threads

Geometry (from the Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- "earth", -metron "measurement") is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space that are related with distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
Until the 19th century, geometry was almost exclusively devoted to Euclidean geometry, which includes the notions of point, line, plane, distance, angle, surface, and curve, as fundamental concepts.During the 19th century several discoveries enlarged dramatically the scope of geometry. One of the oldest such discoveries is Gauss' Theorema Egregium ("remarkable theorem") that asserts roughly that the Gaussian curvature of a surface is independent from any specific embedding in an Euclidean space. This implies that surfaces can be studied intrinsically, that is as stand alone spaces, and has been expanded into the theory of manifolds and Riemannian geometry.
Later in the 19th century, it appeared that geometries without the parallel postulate (non-Euclidean geometries) can be developed without introducing any contradiction. The geometry that underlies general relativity is a famous application of non-Euclidean geometry.
Since then, the scope of geometry has been greatly expanded, and the field has been split in many subfields that depend on the underlying methods—differential geometry, algebraic geometry, computational geometry, algebraic topology, discrete geometry (also known as combinatorial geometry), etc.—or on the properties of Euclidean spaces that are disregarded—projective geometry that consider only alignment of points but not distance and parallelism, affine geometry that omits the concept of angle and distance, finite geometry that omits continuity, etc.
Originally developed to model the physical world, geometry has applications in almost all sciences, and also in art, architecture, and other activities that are related to graphics. Geometry also has applications in areas of mathematics that are apparently unrelated. For example, methods of algebraic geometry are fundamental in Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, a problem that was stated in terms of elementary arithmetic, and remained unsolved for several centuries.

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  1. J

    Weird unconventional geometry problem

    You are given a cone with height/length "L" and radius R. This cones Length is parallel to the Z axis in an XYZ frame of reference while the radius is parallel to the XY-plane. This cone is then revolved(spun) around the y-axis, graph the area "touched" by the cone on the YZ-plane. I am...
  2. F

    Review Questions on Geometry 1: Where Did I Go Wrong?

    Hello, I have been doing a review test on Geometry 1 on Sparknotes (, however I came across two questions which I got incorrect answers for and which I found the provided solutions questionable. The first is Question 1 (attached). I...
  3. W

    How to Refresh Euclidean Geometry and Prepare for Advanced Topics?

    I would like to refresh my "normal" or Euclidean Geometry quickly and then proceed to Non-Euclidean Geometry. But I don't have a clue where to start. (It's because I want to learn more about Relativity, but my geometry hasn't got an update since long time ago) I don't know what a...
  4. D

    Intro to differential geometry with worked examples

    Hi. I am looking for the most basic intro to differential geometry with plenty of worked examples. I want it to cover the following - differential forms , pull-backs , manifolds , tensors , metrics , Lie derivatives and groups and killing vectors. Problems with solutions would also be good as I...
  5. D

    Different types of differential geometry?

    I am planning on taking a course in differential geometry. I have looked at the notes and they cover - differential forms , pull-backs , tangent vectors , manifolds , Stokes' theorem , tensors , metrics , Lie derivatives and groups and killing vectors. I have a book called Elementary...
  6. Simon = Mc2

    Symbols for physics, geometry, calculus ext

    Basically the symbols like force f and d/dt (mv) for these subjects. Physics Geometry Calculus Astronomy Cosmology Biology Algebra Trigonometry Chemistry Could you try to get as many symbols in or like a website. It is really hard to find a good list of symbols.
  7. F

    How do I get good at geometry?

    Somebody can give me some tips? I'm really bad at this.
  8. E

    Optics - Lens Selection / Geometry

    Hello everyone! I recently bought a small raspberryPi board, with its small "camera board". (link for camera reference) I want to use a CS lens on this camera (CS lens from the security camera industry). I have been able to attach the lens, and it focuses very good, yet not "excellent"...
  9. M

    Differential geometry of surfaces in affine spaces

    I'm looking for a book or two that details affine spaces and transformations, then differential geometry of surfaces in affine spaces, starting at a level suitable for a year 1-2 undergraduate. In particular, I'd like to understand a few properties (e.g. what's the gradient and curvature at a...
  10. Q

    Differential Geometry book on 3D Euclidn space - worth reading?

    I bought a book (Differential Geometry by Kreyszig) based on really good reviews because I'm planning to learn general relativity later. I guess I didn't pay enough attention to the description because apparently it's completely focused on "three-dimensional Euclidean space." Will this book...
  11. O

    Geometry of an Egg: Is Bottom Half a Hemisphere?

    Is the bottom half of an egg a hemisphere?
  12. S

    How Can I Prepare for My Calculus with Analytic Geometry Placement Test?

    So I am trying to test into the Calculus with Analytic Geometry class at my school. I've already taken the first AP Calculus class my senior year of high school (but wasn't particularly concerned with my grade, and never took the test, since it was an extra curricular class for me). Then I took...
  13. S

    What is the difference b/w analytic, algebraic, differential geometry?

    Also, is there a special term for the geometry typically taught in high school? And how does topology fit in here? It seems that topology is a form of geometry as well.
  14. C

    Exploring the New Geometry of String/M-Theory

    I'm watching a lecture by Edward Witten here: In it, he mentions that String/M-theory seems to be hinting toward a new kind of geometry where you don't talk about space/time points, but the interactions between quantum world sheets (around 37:00 minute mark.) Does this new geometry have...
  15. I

    MHB Drawing Geometry Questions: Can You Help?

    can someone tell me if i drew these right. and also I am stuck on part (f). how do i draw that? i attached the original questions and my drawings. for part (a) and (e) i used the parallelogram law
  16. A

    Determination of Lorentz transform from euclid geometry

    A first stage of the determination. We have a body of length L = AB, which moves along the x-axis with velocity v, say that coming to us. A -------- B v <--- | | h - vertical distance | ./ - a light converges to us with the speed eq. c | / O ---------> x At some time t = 0, we see the point A...
  17. C

    How Do You Calculate Rotations and Translations in Geometry?

    Homework Statement 1. A group of American physicists works on a project where planar lines are in the form X=t⋅P+s⋅Q where P , Q are two fixed different points and s,t are varying reals satisfying s+t=1 . They need to know formulae for the images of the line X=t⋅P+s⋅Q in the following...
  18. C

    I would appreciate some help with my geometry homework

    2. A group of Japanese physicists works on a project where planar lines are in the form of solutions to equations a⋅x+b⋅y+c=0 where a , b , and c are fixed reals satisfying a2+b2≠0 . They need to know formulae for the images of the line a⋅x+b⋅y+c=0 in the following cases: 1. Under the...
  19. Govind_Balaji

    Proving ∠D=90°-(∠A/2) in Triangle ABC with Bisectors

    Homework Statement ABC is a triangle. The bisector of the exterior angle at B and the bisector of ∠C intersect each other at D. Then prove that ∠D=90°-(∠A/2) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I guess I want to prove an untrue thing because by drawing a diagram and...
  20. julcab12

    Big Bang, Blowup, and Modular Curves: Algebraic Geometry in Cosmology Big Bang, Blowup, and Modular Curves: Algebraic Geometry in Cosmology Yuri I. Manin, Matilde Marcolli (Submitted on 10 Feb 2014 (v1), last revised 9 Jul 2014 (this version, v3)) We introduce some algebraic geometric models in cosmology related to the...
  21. anemone

    MHB Prove $\angle QBR=\angle RSQ$: Geometry Challenge

    Let $A$ be the intersection point of the diagonals $PR$ and $QS$ of a convex quadrilateral $PQRS$. The bisector of angle $PRS$ hits the line $QP$ at $B$. If $AP\cdot AR+AP\cdot RS=AQ\cdot AS$, prove that $\angle QBR=\angle RSQ$.
  22. Greg Bernhardt

    What is a line (coordinate geometry)

    Definition/Summary In Euclidean coordinate geometry, a Line usually means the whole (infinitely long) Line. (In ordinary Euclidean geometry, a Line usually means a line segment between two points.) The equation of a Line in n dimensions is a combination of n-1 linear equations of the...
  23. T

    Calculate Height of a Tree - Geometry

    Hi, I visited my Mother and Stepfather recently, and admired the tall trees around their house. We estimated them to be around 180-200 feet tall. I told my Stepfather that the *Actual* height could of course be calculated. I said there are three angles and three lengths for any...
  24. M

    MHB Prove $\frac{1}{AB}=\frac{1}{AC}+\frac{1}{AD}$ in Geometry Challenge

    If ABCDEFG is a regular heptagon prove that $\frac{1}{AB}=\frac{1}{AC}+\frac{1}{AD}$.
  25. P

    How Can I Express γ(s) Using Frenet Types t(s), n(s), and b(s)?

    even γ: I-> R ^ 2 curve parameterized as to arc length (single speed) with curvature k (s)> 0 and torsion τ(s)> 0. I want to write the γ(s) as a combination of n(s), t(s), b(s). these are the types of Frenet. the only thing i know is that the types of Frenet are t(s)=γ'(s) ...
  26. O

    Software for 3D geometry illustrations?

    Dear all, I am looking for an interactive software that can let me play with 3d geometry. I apologize, as I am not sure of the right technical term of the sorts of shapes I am interested to work with. I am not a mathematician or physicist, but rather use these as philosophical metaphors and...
  27. P

    Exploring Tangent Planes and Vertical Curvature in Differential Geometry

    Consider the surface S defined as the graph of a function z = 2x ^ 2 - y ^ 2 i) find a basis of the tangent plane Tp surface S at the point p = (-1,2, -2) ii) find a non-zero vector w in Tp with the property that the vertical curvature at point p in the direction of vector w is zero for...
  28. P

    Is t(s) perpendicular to the radius of the surface sphere at point γ(s)?

    whether γ=γ(s):I->R^3 curve parameterized as to arc length (single speed). Assume that γ is the surface sphere centered on the origin (0,0). Prove that the vector t(s) is perpendicular to the radius of the sphere at point γ(s), for each s. i know that t(s)=γ΄(s) but i don't know how to...
  29. P

    Recommendations on Elementary Geometry book

    Hi! I've been to the math book listings and there is no such book recommendation on elementary geometry, only the classical geometry of the greeks,I need something that will prepare me for trigonometry can I have suggestions on which book I should use? (Please don't mention Kiselev's Geometry...
  30. anemone

    MHB Geometry and Trigonometry Challenge

    A rectangle with sides $x$ and $y$ is circumscribed by another rectangle of area $A^2$. Find all possible values of $A$ in terms of $x$ and $y$.
  31. H

    Exploring N-Spherical Geometry in 4 Dimensions

    I'm interested in spherical geometry in 4 dimensions. Surely someone has done this, but what is it called? I can't find it.
  32. E

    Is the Universe's Shape Spherical or Hyperbolic?

    I know there's no definitive answer to this, and there's a few different models that give different explanations on why they're using a flat model, or a curved model, but my question is why wouldn't the geometric shape of the universe be spherical or a hyperbolic sphere since everything else is...
  33. L

    Water Propulsion Device - geometry configuratiton optimization problem

    Dear physicist, I am designing a device that will use firetruck/hydrant water pressure (~150 psi) and fire hose (5" diameter) to lift up a device in the air and into a burning room. Please advice me and help understand how water flow, pressure and areas influence thrust. My goal is to input...
  34. A

    Coordinate geometry with area of triangle

    Let A(1, 2), B (3,4), C( x, y) be points such that (x- 1) (x-3) +(y-2) (y-4)=0. Area of triangle ABC=1. maximum number of positions of C in the xy plane is (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) None of these I have tried using the staircase formula which gives me something like x-y=2. Therefore I see only...
  35. J

    Calculating the Radius of Curvature for a Deflected Beam

    Hey Guys, I'm stuck with this problem, we want to compare the curve of a beam to it's horziontal deflection, it's for an experiment we're performing on a very elastic beam. In the attachment you see a flexibel beam getting deflected by a force, this causes displacement x. We don't know (or...
  36. M

    MHB Description of how to solve six middle school geometry problems

    My daughter needs some math assistance that I am not able to help her on. I would like someone who is experienced in middle school math (12-14 year olds) and who can explain how to go about each of these problems. The actual test is in 12 hours and will have different problems. But these six...
  37. C

    Geometry Prep for 8th Grader Caleb: Links, Advice & Experiments

    My name is Caleb, I am 12 years old and going into 8th Grade. I will be taking a geometry course next year and my dad suggested coming here for a Summer assignment. What would be some good assignments (links, advice, observable experiments, etc.) that would prepare me for my geometry course?
  38. E

    Question about Finsler geometry

    Please read the attached file to answer my question. Thanks a lot.
  39. 1

    How can a part's geometry be used for damping or to reduce vibration?

    Hi, So basically I am wondering how can you increase damping within a part, just by altering its geometry. I've researched this topic, but haven't yet found anything significant. Here are my main findings: - Rayleigh Damping uses the equation: [C] = α[M] + β[K], which to me shows that mass...
  40. paulmdrdo1

    MHB How Do You Find the Length x in a Geometric Problem with Shaded Areas?

    Find the length x if the shaded area is 1200 cm^2 I tried to solve this is what I get since $A_{triangle}=(\frac{1}{2})({x-1})(x)$ and $A_{rectangle}=x$ $A_{rectangle}+A_{triangle}=2400$ Is the set-up of my equation correct?
  41. M

    Good differential geometry textbooks/books for self study?

    Any good textbooks on differential geometry for self study? I'm not the best at reading comprehension. I've already studied Calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra.
  42. kaliprasad

    MHB Can an Equilateral Triangle be Formed with Rational Vertices on the X-Axis?

    in a plane point is said to be rational if both x and y co-ordinates are rational. Show that if in a $\triangle$ ABC all the vericles A , B, c are rational then $\triangle$ cannot be equilateral
  43. S

    If gravity is geometry then why talk about

    ... gravitons and Higgs bosons to convey mass or make space curve? And to make us fall towards a massive object space is then larger the closer we get?
  44. D

    Maths required to start differential geometry

    I have a Physics background and have done the relevant maths ie. calculus , linear algebra , vector calculus and differential equations. Do i need any "extra maths" before starting a course in differential geometry ? Any recommendations for a book on the subject that would suit a Physicist ? Thanks
  45. M

    What books or aid can I use to learn differential geometry

    I am very curious with what differential geometry is. Can you send me links, books, and etc? I want to learn it. Thank you in advance
  46. B

    MHB Help with Geometry: Volume, Area and Perimeter of Pyramid

    Hello . I am in the end of my exams and i have to do a geometry figure like a pyramid ( view image ) below Now i should find the Perimeter, Volume and Surface of this figure . Lengths are all 5 cm, Can somebody find and write the Permiter,volume and surface for this figure please it's urgent...
  47. D

    Finding Slope and Y-Intercept for Points on a Line: A Simple Explanation

    Hey so I have a math test tomorrow and I'm really good in math, I just need some small clarification, so here's my problem. V(-2,k) P(4,9) slope of 2/3 so I decided to find y=mx+b with P(4,9) because after I find B I could do the same with V(-2,k) so I did the equation and B came up 7...
  48. P

    Can We Define Angles in Flat Spacetime Using Geodesics?

    In another thread, it was asked if we could use the angular deficit idea to determine curvature not in space, but in space-time. My idea to attempt to proceed along these lines would be to generalize the idea of angle, but I don't have anything that I feel I can point to. As a starting...
  49. J

    Geometry with hyperbolic functions

    Is known that in every rectangle triangle the following relationships are true: But, how use geometrically the function sinh, cosh, and tanh?
  50. anemone

    MHB Construct $\sqrt[4]{x^4+y^4}$ Segment with Straightedge & Compass

    Given two segments of lengths $x$ and $y$, construct with a straightedge and a compass a segment of length $\sqrt[4]{x^4+y^4}$.