What is Gold: Definition and 195 Discussions

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79, making it one of the higher atomic number elements that occur naturally. In a pure form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements and is solid under standard conditions. Gold often occurs in free elemental (native) form, as nuggets or grains, in rocks, in veins, and in alluvial deposits. It occurs in a solid solution series with the native element silver (as electrum), naturally alloyed with other metals like copper and palladium and also as mineral inclusions such as within pyrite. Less commonly, it occurs in minerals as gold compounds, often with tellurium (gold tellurides).
Gold is resistant to most acids, though it does dissolve in aqua regia (a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid), which forms a soluble tetrachloroaurate anion. Gold is insoluble in nitric acid, which dissolves silver and base metals, a property that has long been used to refine gold and to confirm the presence of gold in metallic substances, giving rise to the term acid test. Gold also dissolves in alkaline solutions of cyanide, which are used in mining and electroplating. Gold dissolves in mercury, forming amalgam alloys, and as the gold acts simply as a solute this is not a chemical reaction.
A relatively rare element, gold is a precious metal that has been used for coinage, jewelry, and other arts throughout recorded history. In the past, a gold standard was often implemented as a monetary policy, but gold coins ceased to be minted as a circulating currency in the 1930s, and the world gold standard was abandoned for a fiat currency system after 1971.
A total of 197,576 tonnes of gold exists above ground, as of 2019. This is equal to a cube with each side measuring roughly 21.7 meters (71 ft). The world consumption of new gold produced is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry. Gold's high malleability, ductility, resistance to corrosion and most other chemical reactions, and conductivity of electricity have led to its continued use in corrosion resistant electrical connectors in all types of computerized devices (its chief industrial use). Gold is also used in infrared shielding, colored-glass production, gold leafing, and tooth restoration. Certain gold salts are still used as anti-inflammatories in medicine. As of 2017, the world's largest gold producer by far was China with 440 tonnes per year.

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  1. W

    Electrical Conductivity of Copper, Gold And Silver

    Copper ::: 60.7 x 106 S m^-1 Silver :::62.9 x 106 S m^-1 Gold :: 48.8 x 106 S m^-1 Why is the electrical Conductivity of these elements this way? I mean down the periodic table it should increase in case of GOLD but instead Gold is have far less value of Electrical Conductivity.
  2. A

    Alpha particle in gold foil scatering experiment

    Homework Statement How close does the alpha particle gets to the nucleus in gold foil scatering experiment?Homework Equations Ek = 2.0 MeV W=F delta x F=(kq1q2)/r^2 W=(kq1q2)/r E=W=(kq1q2)/r The Attempt at a Solution E= (k(79)(2) e^2)/r 2.0MeV= (k(158)e^2)/r 2,000,000 eV = 8.99 Wm^2 c^-2 ((158)...
  3. Y

    Which is the best conductor? Silver or gold? Why?

    According to electrochemical series ,gold is the last element thus it is depicted that it is the best electrical conductor.(most of the teachers say that) But according to the internet the best electrical conductor is silver , following copper and gold. Which one is true and why ?
  4. A

    Piece of quartz mixed with gold

    Homework Statement Piece of quartz containing gold weights 102,5g and average density is 7,98g/cm3. Density of quartz is 2,65g/cm3. How much does gold weight? Homework Equations ρ=m/V avg.ρ= m1+m2/V1+V2 The Attempt at a Solution Using average density I find that volume of this piece is...
  5. Artj0m

    Aluminium covered with gold submerged into water

    Homework Statement A piece of aluminum is completely covered with a gold shell to form an object of weight W. When you suspend the object from a spring balance and submerge it in water, the balance...
  6. BrainMan

    Is the Bar of Gold Real? Using Buoyancy to Determine Density

    Homework Statement A man decides to make some measurements on a bar of gold before buying it at a cut-rate price. He find that the bar weighs 2000 N in air and 1600 N when submerged in water. Is the bar gold? Homework Equations B = density* V* g The Attempt at a Solution I tried to use the...
  7. RJLiberator

    Gold Membership for linking to personal website

    Hello, I was wondering if the offer was still available? I could not find the thread that I initially saw. Thank you.
  8. dragoneyes001

    How is Gold Formed and Distributed in Nature?

    I asked this in another thread and was told this question should have had its own thread so as to not hijack the other thread. That question was: Has anyone calculated how much if any gold is produced in the sun? which is likely almost none do to the differences between fusion and fission and...
  9. B0b-A

    Gold Fish-Eye View: YouTube Video

  10. lpetrich

    Making gold by nuclear reactions -- what efficiency?

    This was one of the alchemists' big quests, and it is evident that it is impossible with the methods that they had available. But how feasible is it to do that with nuclear reactions? Especially nuclear reactions that start with relatively common materials, like hydrogen or carbon or silicon or...
  11. T

    Nanotubes packed with gold let out electrons when hit by radiation

    Tests of layered tiles of carbon nanotubes packed with gold and surrounded by lithium hydride are under way. Radioactive particles that slam into the gold push out a shower of high-energy electrons. They pass through carbon nanotubes and pass into the lithium hydride from where they move into...
  12. J

    Solve Gold Density Problem: Area & Length of Gold Leaf & Fiber

    1. Problem: Gold, which has a density of 19.32 g/cm3, is the most ductile metal and can be pressed into a thin leaf or drawn out into a long fiber. (a) If a sample of gold with a mass of 2.274 g, is pressed into a leaf of 8.678 μm thickness, what is the area (in m2) of the leaf? (b) If, instead...
  13. G

    Alpha particle approaching gold nucleus

    An alpha particle is thrown toward a gold nucleus. An alpha particle has two neutrons and two protons and a load module 2e, where "e" is the electron charge, while the gold nucleus has 79 protons and a load module 79e. What is the minimum kinetic energy that the alpha particle must have in order...
  14. S

    Absorbance Simulation of Gold Octahedra

    I want to simulate the absorption spectra of gold octahedra when irradiated by a light source, according to the information I have gathered I can use discrete dipole approximation technique because octahedra is not spherical (in contrast to Mie Theory which is applicable to spherical particles)...
  15. jdawg

    Unit conversion with density of gold

    Homework Statement Gold, which has a density of 19.32 g/cm3, is the most ductile metal and can be pressed into a thin leaf or drawn out into a long fiber. (a) If a sample of gold with a mass of 4.713 g, is pressed into a leaf of 6.549 μm thickness, what is the area of the leaf? (b) If...
  16. skate_nerd

    Rutherford scattering thin gold foil

    Homework Statement The fraction of 6.0 MeV protons scattered by a thin gold foil, of density 19.3 g/cm^3, from the incident beam into a region where scattering angles exceed 60° is equal to 2.0(10^-5). Calculate the thickness of the gold foil. Homework Equations...
  17. T

    Question on Jabir's, an alchemist, thought on gold

    From ''A Brief History Of Chemistry'' by Isaac Asimov: ''It seemed to Jabir that the different metals were made up of different mixtures of mercury and sulfur, and it remained only to find some material that would facilitate the mixture of mercury and sulfur in the proper proportions to...
  18. L

    Question re. electroplated gold. Thank you

    Hello, I have a question for electrodeposition of gold. So I tried to electroplate gold on a Si wafer with gold seed layer on it. I used SU-8 as my photoresist to form a pattern. But my electroplated gold was black and granular. Area is 19mm^2 and desired thickness is 50 um. I set the...
  19. wolram

    Demand Educational Programming: Say No to Gold Diggers & Storage Wars

    Keep your discovery programs to your selves, we are having to suffer things like, American chopper gold diggers, storage wars etc etc. Give us some educational programs please.
  20. E

    MHB Probability that 12 have purchased yellow gold diamond rings

    Let’s also say that 65% of all diamond rings sold in WV are yellow gold. In a random sample of 20 folks, what is the probability that 12 have purchased yellow gold diamond rings?thank you and I promise this is the last question today.:D
  21. R

    Gold Cap Supercap Leak - Expert Advice Needed

    Dear Experts I am using Gold Cap super capacitors. About 3.3 Farads ones at 2.5V. When I charged it to 2.5V, it immediate starts to discharge within a few seconds even when not connected to load. Is this normal? Thank you for reading. Best regards Ramone
  22. C

    Refractive Index of Gold at Microwave Frequencies

    Hi, can anyone help me out with the refractive index of pure gold at microwave freguencies? (Specifically something close to 2.4 GHz, or your average household microwave oven) Much obliged!
  23. J

    Could Elements Weigh Differently on Other Planets?

    I am not an engineer so I was wondering if a pound of gold can ever weigh more than a pound of silver under any circumstances relative to the universe as a whole? John
  24. mishima

    How do I dispose of leftover sodium zincate from the penny to gold demo?

    I just did the penny to gold demo which uses zinc powder and sodium hydroxide. I used 200ml 3M NaOH, and 10g of Zinc (did it twice with 100ml and 5g each time). Now that its over, I have a whitish grey solid leftover which I am assuming is sodium zincate Na2[Zn(OH)4]. I can't seem to find any...
  25. S

    Find Work done by block of gold?

    Homework Statement The density of solid gold at 20°C is ρ = 19.3 g/cm3. When it is liquid at 1064°C the density of the liquid state is decreased: 17.3 g/cm3. How much work does a block of gold of mass 407 kg do if it is heated at p = 1.0 atm from 20°C to 1064°C? Homework Equations...
  26. W

    How much gold did the goldsmith steal from King Hero's crown?

    Homework Statement Legend has it that Archimedes first used his discovery to help out his boss King Hero of Syracuse. The king had given 700g of gold to a goldsmith to make him a crown. When the goldsmith brought him the finished crown the King was suspicious that he had defrauded him by...
  27. J

    How can smelting be used to extract fool's gold from rocks?

    How to I get the fool's gold out of rocks as to have the gold in one pile the rock in the other? John
  28. Q

    Nucleosynthesis of gold in the lab

    Can we make gold from nuclear reaction in the lab? If yes, what are the nuclear equations?
  29. R

    Calculating Fermi Energy for Gold Atoms

    Homework Statement The density of gold (atomic mass 197) is 19.32 g/cm3. Assuming each gold atom contributes one electron to the free electron Fermi gas, calculate the Fermi energy in eV. Homework Equations Fermi energy is given by: E_F=\frac{h^2}{8m_e} \left( \frac{3N}{\pi V} \right)^{2/3}...
  30. A

    How do you reduce a 90% gold content into 75%

    The title says it all. Say you have 5 rings, each weighing 18 grams (10% alloy and 90% gold). If you would melt them all and add silver to make it 75% gold, 1) how much silver do you have to add? 2) Does melting 5 rings with 18grams each give 90 grams in total? 3) is this equation...
  31. zoobyshoe

    Nevada Recluse Dies Leaving Gold Hoard

  32. H

    How can I successfully precipitate gold from ore using aqua regia?

    Hi, I can precipitate gold dissolved in aqua regia if the gold is just pure.I use sodium metabisulfite.However,if I dissolve the gold from ore in aqua regia,I cannot precipitate the gold.What's wrong?Might other metals or mud in the soil spoil it?Does anything prevent precipitating?Any help...
  33. S

    Programs The devaluation of my degree (free gold for everyone)

    In May of this year I received a First Class Honours degree in physics with astrophysics (UK system which is roughly equivelent to 4.0GPA). I thought this was not a bad acheivement - although I knew that there were 2 other members of the class who had done much better than me. Today my...
  34. N

    How is gold located at depths of over 10 meters to 2 kilometers?

    Good day sirs. I was wondering, how is gold located? I mean, do they use any machine to locate it I am referring me to depths of over 10 meters up to 2 kilometers
  35. J

    Why Gold Plating is Done in Mobile SIM cards?

    Mobile SIMcards are coated with Gold, why we can't use other metals or Alloys for conductivity.
  36. A

    Fission to make gold or silver

    What's stopping entrepreneurs from using fission - taking mercury, for example, or any heavier element for gold/silver - and creating gold and silver from it? Do you think there will come a day when this is commercially viable? Any guesses when?
  37. E

    Why can't scientists make Gold?

    With all the scientific and technological capabilities we have, why can't scientists make Gold? If all elements came from just a few elements early on in the big bang, why can't we simulate it somehow? Is it that we can, but its just not cost effective to mass market it and drive down the...
  38. T

    Calculating the Weight of Gold in a Crown: A Density Problem

    Homework Statement A jeweler has made a crown of an alloy of gold and copper. The crown weighs 0.358 N when measured in air and 0.338 N when submerged completely in water. The density of water is 1.00x10^3 kg/m^3, the density of copper is 8.92X10^3 kg/m^3, and the density of gold is 1.93x10^4...
  39. Borg

    Gold and Titanium - can they react?

    A few weeks ago, I got a titanium crown next to a gold crown. Now I'm getting weird reactions in my mouth. I emailed my dentist and will consult with him of course (PF rules and all). I'm not trying to get advice on what to do but I am wondering if it's possible from a periodic table view...
  40. P

    At which depth could the existance of gold being plausible?

    does this even make sense? I mean is gold located/formed in a specific depth range? or it virtually could be found anywhere? the next question how to setup a relatively small budget mine with underground levels/rooms? :D
  41. J

    Creating gold from particles was possible

    I have always just assumed that now creating gold from particles was possible, but can they really do it? It must require a lot of pressure to get the protons close enough together for the strong force to finish the job, since the repulsive electromagnetic force. Do they do this? than just...
  42. D

    Calculating Cross Section from Neutron Absorption in a Gold Foil

    Homework Statement In an experiment carried out with a beam of thermal neutrons it is found that on traversing a 2mm thick foil of 197Au, some 70% of the neutrons are removed. What is the total thermal neutron cross-section for this isotope of gold? (Density of gold: 19300 kg m-3) Homework...
  43. N

    Number of atoms in FCC gold cube with only the radius given

    number of atoms in FCC gold cube with only the radius given! 1)it is given that the radius of a gold atom sphere is 144.2 pm, gold is packed in an FCC manner Give the ratio Ns/Nv as a function of L (gold cube side) and a parameter of FCC latice, knowing that Ns is the number of surface...
  44. N

    Number of atoms in FCC gold cube

    Hello i need help in this question it is given that the radius of a gold atom sphere is 144.2 pm, gold is packed in an FCC manner Give the ratio Ns/Nv as a function of L (gold cube side) and a parameter of FCC latice, knowing that Ns is the number of surface atoms and Nv is the...
  45. P

    Why the surface plasmon always use gold or silver as a metal film?

    I found a lot the the surface plasmon on prism geometry are using gold for metal film, and part of it are using silver. Why we need use gold or sivler as a metal film, is it about the condutivity?
  46. X

    Why Gold is the Reference Element for XPS: XRF & LIBS Alternatives

    Hi, guys! Gold is usually used as reference element to calibrate the detector in XPS due to the charge effect, why is Gold so specific? So what element can be the reference element for XRF and LIBS? Thanks a lot!
  47. B

    Area of a Gold Leaf? | Calculate with Density

    Homework Statement Gold, which has a density of 19.32 g/cm^3, is the most ductile metal and can be pressed into a thin leaf or drawn out into a long fiber. (a) If a sample of gold, witha mass of 27.63g, is pressed into a leaf 1.000 µm thickness, what is the area of the leaf? (b) If, instead...
  48. C

    How to Extract Grain-Sized Gold in Dirt?

    Actually, it is smaller. Is is more like glitter-sized. What process do I use to extract it?
  49. Y

    Where did i go wrong in fudingin the temperature of the gold cube?

    Homework Statement A cube of gold (resistivity ?R = 2.44 10-8 O m, density ?D = 1.93 104 kg / m3, and specific heat c = 129 J / kg °C) that is 3.5 mm on a side is connected across the terminals of a 40-µF capacitor that initially has a potential difference of 340.0 V between its plates...
  50. K

    Alpha particle touching Gold nucleus

    Homework Statement If the radius of the gold nucleus is 6.47 fm, and the radius of the α particle is 2.36 fm, then what is the minimum required kinetic energy for the α particle if we want the two nuclear surfaces to touch in a head-on collision? Homework Equations Ue=(kq1q2)/r The...