Gpa Definition and 291 Threads

  1. L

    Programs GPA of Upper Division & Lower Division courses and M.S degree

    I just graduated from a University. I was in Mechanical Engineering major. My overall GPA is 3.5. However, I have some problems with my Lower-level division courses. While I was in Freshman and Sophomore years, I had some Ds, Fs and W in some Math and G.E subjects. I did very very well in...
  2. F

    Is Memorizing Equations the Best Way to Succeed in Physics?

    Fellows i don't have a good GPA . Can i have a chance for a PhD in a "good" American University with a good GRE physics grade ?
  3. P

    Schools Is it possible to maintain a perfect GPA in your college?

    has it ever been done? Sure, all one needs is straight A's, but it seems like with most majors that's simply impossible. Especially at the school I'll be attending next year (UW), i think it's literally impossible to maintain a spotless GPA. This is because you simply get grade points for...
  4. N

    What Is the Minimum GPA Needed for Aerospace Graduate Programs in Canada?

    Hi everybody, I came across this site when I was doing some research on Aerospace grad schools. I am a University of Toronto MSE student (Ya I was in EngSci:rolleyes: ) and I am hoping to do a Maters in an Aerospace related field. I am wondering what is the minimum GPA I should maintain if I...
  5. A

    Is Struggling in Physics and Optics a Sign I Won't Make It in Engineering?

    Well, I've never been too good with thermodynamics. AP Chemistry, General Chemistry and now in Calculus based Physics in college. It's just something I really can't grasp without some notes. The new stuff -> Optics has really made me worry. I was at a 90+%, but the sudden turn of events has...
  6. E

    What's Your GPA? Understanding the Importance for Employment

    Hi everybody ,I was just wondering what's your GPA. Also what's considered a good GPA and what's considered a poor GPA in terms of employment. Thanks for your replys
  7. L

    Courses Should I bother retaking freshman courses to improve GPA?

    During my first 3 semesters or so I got some Cs which kinda hurt my GPA. My GPA is now a 3.43 and it will probably be around a 3.5 when I graduate. I am considering retaking some of the classes I got low grades into improve my GPA (like a couple humanities courses, intro to C, and economics)...
  8. A

    Schools What's more important for graduate school? GRE VS. GPA

    I understand that both of them are a huge factor of deciding admission to a graduate school, but which one is generally more critical?
  9. N

    EE Field Experience vs. GPA for Softmore Year Internship

    I have about 4-5 (1 summer break/1 winter break) months experience in the Power Utilites field doing entry level work. My GPA is over 3.0 (can't tell you for sure because I still need to delete a 4 credit F:frown: ; Calc 3 Hon). How would I compare against some one with no EE work exp however...
  10. J

    What's the Average GPA at Your School?

    Again. there are a number of shortcummings of a poll of this nature but just for fun, what you you estimate is the average GPA at your particular school? I think it would be interesting to compare these numbers to the other poll about personal GPA's. (i.e. school of engineering or school of...
  11. J

    Programs How Honest Are Students About Their Major GPA?

    Whats your major GPA...Be honest! Just to kinda get an idea how the average user is doing. I know that there are a LOT of variables like major,school,level but just for fun let's see. And please be honest, what point would there be to "inflate your grade"? No one will know what you choose...
  12. W

    What if your GPA is a bit lower?

    Just wondering what if your GPA is lower by .1 then the minimun required for a given university. My cousin has 2.9 from a community college and is hesitating to sent out a transer application to a school that has minimum of 3.0 Appreciate any info,
  13. T

    GPA: Highest Number & How Good is a 4.0?

    Hello, I have a few questions to ask. What is the highest number on the GPA scale? I saw it only goes up to 4.0. Is it good to have a 4.0 GPA overall and in all of your classes?
  14. R

    How did Todd Shriber think he was going to get away with this? The correspondence is posted online:
  15. A

    Schools Maximizing Your Chances: GPA Requirements for Top Engineering Grad Schools

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a website that listed the average GPA of students accepted into specific grad schools and for specific majors? I ask because I am a Materials Science & Engineering major and I have a lot of lab experience and a couple publications, but GPA isn't anything...
  16. J

    Programs Understanding Major GPA: What it is and How to Calculate It

    I hear all the time on here about "major GPA" and how it's just as or more important as cumulative GPA. I'm kind of confused though what people mean by it - cumulative GPA is easy since you count all classes you've taken in college. But major GPA could be: 1. Only classes in your major...
  17. P

    Calculating a GPA from numerous assignment and test grades

    math problem: pedro wants to calculate his gpa. he has the lab grades:90/100,98/100,90/100,94/100,90/100,90/100,95/100,98/100. Labs are worth 20%. He has the test grades: 9/10,6/10,10/10,10/10,5/10,7/10,7/10,7/10,10/10,10/10,8/10,10/10. Homework is worth 20% test grades are: 35/100...
  18. P

    Boost GPA for Physics Majors | Freshman Struggles

    I am a freshman majoring in physics .Right now, I have a 2.84(yeah , I know deliciously embarresing), But I was wondering , If I could transform the B and C's I am getting into A's and B's. Are there any physics majors who are going through the same predicament ? Anyone else can give me advice...
  19. N

    Schools Grad School & GPA: Advice for Undergrads

    Hi all I have some questions, and I know I am probably repeating previous questions asked in this forum. I am taking a rigorous applied physics degree (engineering certified with all of the loverly physics major courses) and I am coming towards the middle of my third year. I have...
  20. Q

    Schools How Important is Undergraduate GPA for Grad School Admission?

    My undergraduate GPA is not stellar...about 3.4. I graduated in June 2005 and I have been working in a computer science laboratory for over a year. I scored well on the Physics GRE (87th percentile), and while I was in college I did undergraduate research for three different professors. I'm...
  21. I

    Schools Grad school admissions & minimum GPA

    grad school admissions & "minimum GPA" The question is: will this school likely reject my application, based on too-low GPA. The problem is that I haven't found a good way to determine this. Most schools put their "minimum GPA" on a website, but it seems this is misleading. For example, take...
  22. A

    120 GPa Just what kind of a chamber can take that pressure?

    Ok, according to Wikipedia, Tetraoxygen forms at 20 GPa and turns into a metallic form at 96 GPa. Elsewhere on the web I read that (someone) has tested this solid oxygen at up to 120 GPa which is over 17 million PSI! So what kind of container would you need to hold that together? How thick...
  23. H

    Would a 3.6ish GPA average (maybe it will be higher when i end 12th

    Would a 3.6ish GPA average (maybe it will be higher when i end 12th grade) be a great factor of NOT being accepted at MIT? Would a 1450+ score on (math + english) SAT cancel that out :| . Im just not very good in my english classes or any others where writing is required a lot. (I came to the...
  24. L

    Understanding GPA Grading Systems for Graduate School Admissions

    My university has a rediculous GPA scheme. Anything >80 is a 4.0. I've been looking on the net for other GPA schemes, but come up with different things. So, my question is how does the GPA grading work in U.S schools? Or are they different between schools? How about in other Canadian...
  25. P

    Schools Undergrad GPA important for Grad school?

    To get into Masters or Phd in phsysics or maths do they look at your combined undergrad GPA or only the average of your third year subjects and honours (4th year) level subjects? Would it matter if they see a couple of fails for some second year nonscience subjects? Which would mean a lowish...
  26. A

    Which GPA Matters More for Grad School Admissions?

    Which GPA is looked at in graduate admissions - your overall GPA or your GPA for classes within your major. I ask because I have done well in all my Physics and Math classes, but for my "other" courses I take Chinese, which, try as I might, I can get no better than a B in. It's a tough language...
  27. B

    Schools Graduate School Prep: GPA, Requirements & Timing

    I was wondering what graduate schools look for and when to look into and start preparing for it. Also what is average persay GPA for getting into a graduate school (not talking Harvard)? Also I am a soph in Meteorology BS and a Math minor.
  28. M

    Are GPAs at UF and FSU Inflated?

    I was reading about these colleges and was surprised to see that their average GPAs are in the same area as the admittants to Ivy league schools. The average GPAs are around 3.73 and 3.9. My question is how much are they weighted? Are the GPAs actually that high or are they just really weighted...
  29. B

    Schools Where Can I Find Average GRE Scores and GPAs for Math Graduate Programs?

    Does anyone know of a publication that gives statistics such as avg. gre scores and gpa's for those who were accepted to math graduate programs? For ex. Avg. gpa of applicants accepted for Berkely was 3.7 I've tried using peterson's guide but it only gives % accepted to the school...
  30. W

    Fresh Start: Moving to a New School with a Low GPA

    Lets say you have a bad GPA at one school, can you go to another school without telling them about your bad GPA and start all over without transfering any credits?
  31. T

    Low GPA for Physics, Math & CSCI Grad Schools

    I'm sure this has been asked many times before, but what is the lowest gpa one can have to be accepted by graduate schools in the areas of physics, mathematics, and/or computer science? I will be a junior next year and I'm majoring in physics and math/csci. But I don't regularly have the best...
  32. H

    Courses Strategies for Improving GPA with Limited Time

    Hi ,, you can help me over this...i have scored a very less gpa and this will haunt me forever and i want to learn the courses on my own of the coming semester so that i can improve my g.p.a.. Pls advice me that i should study from the books or try to study from MITCourseWare which i found out...
  33. Pengwuino

    Programs Stretching to a Double Major: Is it Worth It for Grad School?

    Ok so I have something to consider. I have enough units and will ahve enough units through summer class to be able to graduate in just a total of 3 years with a bs in physics but i figure that's not going to look that great to berkeley or caltech with a not so good GPA so i have 2 options...
  34. S

    Good GPA for Math Sciences Major: 4.0 Range

    What's a respectable gpa, 4.0 range, to graduate with as an Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Major?
  35. F

    Schools Making Up for a Low GPA: Applying to Grad School

    it's just about time to start applying to grad schools here. since it's probably too late to do anything about a low gpa I wonder if the kinds of courses I've done could "cancel" that out somehow. my school requires at least 4 4th-year courses (cross-listed with 5th-year master's ones i guess)...
  36. K

    Fix Low GPA: Options to Improve Academic Transcripts

    I made some very stupid mistakes a few years ago when I dropped out of college. At the time, I assumed that I would never be going back and basicly signed up for 2 semesters of courses and never went to class or dropped the classes. Does anyone know if I would have a chance of getting that...
  37. Clausius2

    Calculating GPA: Understanding the Score Scale

    The question is I have to convert my scores to GPA system. But first I have to know how you calculate the GPA number over a scale of 4. I'm figuring it out as: GPA=\frac{4}{10}\frac{\sum n_i Q_i}{\sum n_i} where n=credits of the course (here 1 credit=10 hours attended) Q=score. Here...
  38. M

    Analyzing the Relationship Between GPA & TV Hours & Solving Real-World Problems

    GPA, G 3.8 3.5 2.3 3 2.8 Hours of TV, H 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.4 Problem #1 - The table shows the results of an experiment to determine if there is a relationship between the numbers of hours of television watched per day, H, and the GPA, G, of students. a) Find a linear model that...
  39. K

    'good' physics school possible with bad gpa?

    Well, everyone, that time is getting nearer - the time where everyone around me is going to start getting worried about college. I'm not too worried, and I'm not sure I ever will be. You see, here is my problem: I don't have the best GPA. I'm not even sure what it is, but cumulative is...
  40. E

    How do most colleges measure GPA?

    Do all collegs measure an -A as less than a 4.0 (gpa points)?
  41. The_oMeGa

    Applying to MIT: What GPA is Necessary?

    Any of you in/applying to MIT? I was wondering... I have read tons of reviews and the statistics say that the average ACT is 31... But what kind of GPA is necessary? I made a 33 on the ACT, but my GPA is only about 3.78. I accel in math and science... but I don't know what their expectations are...