What is Grad school: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. N

    Schools Undergrad preparation for physics grad school

    At my school there are 2 basic undergrad plans of study in the physics department - regular physics and honors physics. The main difference is that the honors program is more difficult and each of the E&M, Classical Mechanics, and Quantum Mechanics are covered in 2 semesters. When I first...
  2. C

    Schools Planning On Going to Grad School for Math - Have some questions

    Sorry for so many questions, but here they are: I am currently an undergraduate majoring in Applied Math, and I am finishing my junior year so I figure that I better start looking at graduate schools. Right now, I am working towards my B.S. in Applied math, but over the past year, many of...
  3. F

    Schools How taboo is doing undergrad and grad school at the same place?

    Just wondering if it people would ever go so far as NOT doing undergraduate at a school doing research they're interested in because they would want to attend grad school there
  4. N

    Schools Aerospace at UIUC or Mechanical at Rutgers then Aero at Grad School?

    I'm in-state for Rutgers and out of state for Illinois. Illinois will cost me $34,000 a year while Rutgers will cost me $4,000 a year. Illinois offers the Aerospace Degree while Rutgers offers the Mechanical with Aerospace Concentration + the BS/MS 5 year option. Should I go with...
  5. T

    Schools For grad school, how much more helpful is it to have a BS?

    I want to go to grad school in applied math. Currently I'm a junior at the University of Florida, double majoring in math and physics. I'm planning out my final year, and I'm noticing that it becomes ludicrously hard to get a BS in both fields (especially because I am a transfer student, and...
  6. E

    Schools Functional Analysis, Neuroscience, and Grad School

    I'm going to be applying to grad schools next year (I have an undergrad degree in math and phyisics), and I have narrowed down my areas of interest to two fields: functional analysis and it's involvement in QFT; and computational/theoretical neuroscience. I find pure math more enjoyable, but I'm...
  7. A

    Schools Senior in high school looking for most optimal path to a good CS grad school.

    The best I could possibly get in with all my effort (whether this is be the #5 CS grad school in the nation, or #40, does not really matter.. as long as I take the most optimal path there and do it ethically). I was wondering what aspects the best/better CS grad schools look for in a college...
  8. Q

    Schools Grad School or Work After Graduation?

    Grad School in Europe or Microsoft or IBM and lots of other questions Too many options are currently available or maybe I have lost a few of them. One is grad school in Europe for robotics. Three semesters of courses and one semester thesis - that seems to be the norm in Europe, no two year...
  9. F

    Schools What Do Math Grad Students Actually Do?

    I've decided to major in mathematics but I need to know something: so, what exactly does a graduate student in mathematics do? I assume a grad student in physics, chemistry, or biology will spend their academic time in class and performing experiments with there professors, but a...
  10. T

    Schools Applied to grad school should I contact potential supervisors?

    I recently applied to some grad schools for a PhD program and I was notified by one particular school that while my marks were under their admission requirements, they recognize that I have valuable background experience which may allow me to succeed and that they would circulate my file to...
  11. J

    Schools Getting into Princeton Grad School for Math?

    I am a current freshman at NYU, and I want to make it into Princeton's graduate program in math. My Reasons for Wanting to Do This I'll be frank: this is a very immature goal for me to have. Aspiring for the "top" graduate program reeks of a misplaced notion of achievement. Love of math is...
  12. A

    Schools Math Grad School: Pursuing a Math PhD w/ Interest & Determination

    I know that there are hundreds of posts exactly like this but posting my own just seems more satisfying. I am an undergrad sophmore at a pretty big university. I am majoring in mathematics. I've finished single variable, multi variable calculus, lower division linear algebra, probability...
  13. A

    Schools Things that no one tells you about grad school

    So now that I am fairly certain that I will be going on to grad school, I am looking for the info that only current or past graduate students know. What are the best ways to get ahead? Should I take more class early on? As an example of what I am talking about, For undergrad unless you are...
  14. fluidistic

    Schools Worried about a future grad school application

    I'm almost mid-way through a "licenciatura" degree in Argentina which is 5 years long. My current GPA would exclude me from any grad school (5.83/10), I believe. I plan on to get it up as much as I can, maybe I'll reach a 7/10 but sincerely I'm not that optimistic and I guess I'll end with a...
  15. S

    Schools Grad school with liberal arts degree

    Can I get into a science/engineering grad program with a liberal arts degree? If this is is possible, I assume that one would have to complete a certain number of prerequisites. Is there some kind of standard list? Thanks.
  16. C

    Schools Accept ME grad school admission offer for 1 school?

    I just graduated with my BS degrees in physics and applied math in Dec 09. I chose not to apply to grad schools in December because I didn't know what field to choose to apply to. Also, i figured taking a year or so off, and working in industry would better help me decide what to do in the...
  17. N

    Schools Getting into Grad School with one C in a Physics class

    I am currently taking a graduate level physics course (also required for undergrads) called "Electronic Techniques for Research", and I'm having kind of a hard time in it. I'm thinking that in the worst case scenario, I'll end up with a C in the course. However, currently, my overall GPA is...
  18. D

    Schools American in a European Grad School?

    Hi PF, I am wondering if there are any challenges/stigmas associated with an American getting their grad degree in Europe. I admit, I'm mainly considering this for the "adventure" of it, but I want to know if my living in Europe for a few years and grabbing my PhD there would really affect my...
  19. D

    Schools What can I expect from graduate level math courses?

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I am entering grad school in math in fall 2010. I graduated university over 25 years ago majoring in math. My day job doesn't require the use of advanced math so I was hesitant about applying since my math skills have gotten a bit rusty. Though during the past...
  20. D

    Schools What Are Graduate Level Math Classes Like?

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I am entering grad school in math in fall 2010. I graduated university over 25 years ago majoring in math. My day job doesn't require the use of advanced math so I was hesitant about applying since my math skills have gotten a bit rusty. Though during the past...
  21. A

    Schools Is Undergrad Research Important for Grad School Admission?

    Upon visiting the mechanical engineering dept at a school I am thinking of attending, (or was) I had several interviews with dept heads and professors, etc. They were very curious about my GPA and one asked about my GRE. I thought however that undergrad research was important. I mentioned it...
  22. D

    Off beat question about grad school

    I have a different sort of question about grad school. I graduated from university over 25 years ago and recently decided to go back and do a PhD in math. I will start in the fall. I was just wondering, how do graduate student carry their books and supplies? Backpack? A Bag? By hand? I don't...
  23. I

    Schools Applying to Grad School and GRE - Deadlines

    I'm an Australian law/science undergraduate. I finish my degree at the end of this year and was hoping to apply for Grad School in the US to study Physics in 2011. As I understand it, the key requirements are the general GRE, physics GRE and the actual applications to the universities. I have...
  24. S

    Schools How much does choice of undergrad school effect grad school admission?

    I think the title pretty much sums up my question. I would like to get into the most prestigious grad school that I can (particularly MIT) but am worried that my choice in undergrad school might not be prestigious enough to get into a higher profile school. Do the ivy league(rs) really just...
  25. M

    Mathematical physics grad school: math vs physics departments

    I'm a junior physics major at a school in the US and I've recently come to the conclusion that I think that I like math better than I like physics. I'm thinking I might like to do mathematical physics in grad school, but since I've spent the last 3 years thinking I'd go to grad school for...
  26. O

    Schools Math Major's Chances for CS Grad Program

    what are the chances for getting into a good computer science grad program for a math major (who's finished the first two years of graduate math courses) but who's only taken two computer science courses (software development and problem-solving using haskell).
  27. M

    Schools How much does undergrad school matter for math grad school?

    I'm sure similar things have been asked before, but this is a little different (I think). (I don't want to go into academia, and I don't think I'm going to go for a PhD. I think I'm going to try to get a master's in some sort of applied math and work in industry.) How competitive are math...
  28. S

    Schools BSc in physics - what other options in grad school besides MSc in physics?

    Hi all, :smile: I was just wondering if anyone had any idea about the options available in grad school for a physics undergrad. For example, would one be able to segue into chemistry or geology or some kind of Earth/environmental sciences? The reason I ask is that I'm getting more and more...
  29. R

    Schools Advice involving grad school [doing astrophysics with a math/CS background]

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  30. H

    Schools Can Low GPA and Grad School Mix ?

    Hi Guys, My GPA is 2.63, Electrical Engineering, and I am thinking of grad school(Also Electrical Engineering), is it possible or is it too late? and I have a second question, How is designing antennas as a career going on 1) does it pay well, 2) is it very common, 3) is the market...
  31. Q

    Schools Where to go for engineering grad school?

    So I went and did engineering science at uoft in their computer option. Time to graduate and I have no clue where to go now. I have applied to ECE program at UofT since their deadline was Jan 7 but not sure where else to apply now. What are some good grad school in the computer or...
  32. S

    Schools Why Do Professors Insist on Waiving Rights to See Recommendation Letters?

    I wanted to post this question because I know a lot of the posters here are professors themselves. So I'm applying to math phd programs and I've been asking profs to write me rec's. My question is why professors insist that I waive my right to see the recommendations. I asked them if they...
  33. D

    Schools Getting into Grad School require honours?

    Hello everyone, On most university websites, the admission into a masters program requires a honours in BSc. Does this mean you have to graduate with honours or just a degree will do? I have been getting answers from both sides so I am not really sure. Thanks DoubleMint
  34. A

    Summer before grad school at grad school?

    I'm looking at (physics) grad schools "ranked" between 10 and 40. How common is it to start working at grad school in some capacity (TA, RA, etc.) over the summer before classes start? I could stay at my undergrad institution this summer and keep doing (paid) research. But that would...
  35. C

    Schools Grad School Admissions Question – GPA and Whole Person Concept

    Grad School Admissions Question – GPA and “Whole Person Concept” I’ve searched through many of the different grad school threads on the forums and cannot find exactly what I am searching for, or I’m completely missing it. Going into spring semester, I am a little over 50% through my degree...
  36. C

    Schools Dual Major Math & CS -> Grad school in either?

    Hey all, I'm starting uni in 2010, and am still somewhat unsure of what I want to study. In Canada, I can dual major in Mathematics and Computer Science, my two main interests, which I can't do in Norway. My question then, is.. If I dual major in Math & CS, will I be able to apply to grad...
  37. P

    Schools B.S Math & B.A Physics vs. B.S Physics & B.A Math for Grad School

    Would earning a B.S in Mathematics and a B.A in Physics look better for graduate school consideration, or a B.S in Physics and a B.A in Mathematics?
  38. J

    Schools How Do Grad Schools View a Mixed GPA in Math and Physics?

    I am currently a third year student at uchicago, and I have a question relating to grad schools and gpas. I feel like a jerk for throwing out my numbers, but it is relevant to my question. My cumulative GPA (including all sorts of non sciencey classes) is a 3.6, my physics only gpa is a 4...
  39. W

    Schools What's a good GPA? (considering grad school as well)

    Hello, I didn't do so well on two of my breadth courses this semester (half credits) so I went to a calculator and calculated that my highest potential (being realistic) GPA for this year would be in the 3.3 - 3.5 range (although 3.2 is also a possibility). What is considered a "good gpa"? And...
  40. A

    Schools Physics to engineering grad school

    been lurking on these forums a while and have seen a few threads about people going from physics to engineering grad school but i have a few more specific questions if anyone wants to help out anyways, I'm in a university program that allows me to get my commercial pilots license as well as...
  41. Z

    Schools I am a math major but I want to go to grad school for physics

    I am currently pursuing a BS in pure math. I have recently developed an interest in pursuing graduate studies in physics/astronomy, and I have decided to at least minor in physics. I am wondering what courses I should make sure to have to prepare for graduate school if I cannot double major...
  42. B

    Schools Applying to Grad school with a failed year + other questions?

    Hello. This is a long post, so some of you may find it a bit boring, and you probably won't want to read all of it. I've read some of the posts related to my questions, but my situation is a bit funkier so I decided to make my own post. Thanks for reading. Questions start with bold numbers...
  43. C

    Schools Is grad school a better experience?

    I'm nearing completion of my undergraduate education, and despite my initial excitement about physics, I seem to have hit a wall and been completely demotivated. I want to go on to graduate school in physics, but my undergrad experience has me second guessing this desire. I've been met with...
  44. V

    Grad School Subject Test and Research Interests

    I am looking to go to grad school for applied physics next fall. I'm applying to mostly mid grade schools (University of Virginia, University of Maryland at Baltimore County as well as a few smaller ones) and I had two questions: First off, I came from a small liberal arts school where GRE...
  45. J

    Schools Undergrad transfer to a school i am interested in for grad school

    Hey all Currently i am in my sophomore year at University A. University B is also close by and has a better reputation for my major. I have been thinking about transferring to University B to finish out my undergrad but University B is one of the schools i have been considering for grad school...
  46. R

    Schools How long does it take you to adjust to grad school?

    I just started my first year PhD program this semester, so I've been here for almost 3 months now. Adjusting to grad school was harder than I thought, especially when there's not much help from the department. Settling in a new place and depending totally on my self (financially) took some time...
  47. L

    Schools Failing a physics class. Grad school?

    I can think of at least one negative thing about having a physics final exam worth 60% of the overall grade. Namely, you can perform well year-round only to receive a bad case of test anxiety when it matters most. I just took such an exam, and am now almost certainly (>95% chance) going to fail...
  48. C

    Finding the Right Grad School for Materials Science/EE: Advice Needed

    I am in the process of applying to PhD programs in Materials Science, and I am having trouble deciding how to round-out my selection of graduate schools. I have been working very hard this semester to prepare graduate application materials and investigate programs in which I would be...
  49. V

    Finding the Right Field in Physics for Grad School

    I'm about to apply grad school and I'm trying to get an idea of the field I would like to go into within physics. I'm pretty good with theory but I really prefer hands on work. I would also like to specialize in a topic in which it is easy to find research work that is not related to defense...