What is Gravitational field: Definition and 369 Discussions

In physics, a gravitational field is a model used to explain the influences that a massive body extends into the space around itself, producing a force on another massive body. Thus, a gravitational field is used to explain gravitational phenomena, and is measured in newtons per kilogram (N/kg). In its original concept, gravity was a force between point masses. Following Isaac Newton, Pierre-Simon Laplace attempted to model gravity as some kind of radiation field or fluid, and since the 19th century, explanations for gravity have usually been taught in terms of a field model, rather than a point attraction.
In a field model, rather than two particles attracting each other, the particles distort spacetime via their mass, and this distortion is what is perceived and measured as a "force". In such a model one states that matter moves in certain ways in response to the curvature of spacetime, and that there is either no gravitational force, or that gravity is a fictitious force.Gravity is distinguished from other forces by its obedience to the equivalence principle.

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  1. O

    Potential energy of particle in gravitational field of disk

    Homework Statement I have a particle of mass m. The particle is moving in direction of axis z because of the gravitational force of a homogeneous circular disk of mass M and radius a. There is a formula for gravitational force of the disk on the picture. Task: 1) Find the formula of...
  2. haushofer

    I Radial movement in a gravitational field

    Dear all, to keep me busy on a Sunday I considered the "1-body radial movement in a (Newtonian) gravitational field problem". I was a bit surprised to find it quite hard finding decent explanations on it. My question is: does anyone have a reference of the explicit solution to the particle's...
  3. John M

    B Mass and energy from Earth's gravitational field

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  4. craigi

    A Gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition

    Is anyone aware of a concise review of the experimental evidence of the nature of the gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition? Is it known (or generally presumed) that photons exert gravitational attraction through the stress-energy tensor at all points in space related to...
  5. Vitani11

    How to calculate the gravitational field outside of a sphere

    Homework Statement A uniform solid sphere of mass M and radius R is fixed at a distance h above a thin infinite sheet of mass density σ. Obtain the magnitude of the force between the sphere and the sheet. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I've found the gravitational field from the...
  6. M

    B "Newton's space is the gravitational field"?

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  7. T

    B Relating Gravitational Field Strength and Mass

    I know the formula for calculating field strength is g= GM/r2 , however if I'm trying to show the proportionality relationship between just g and m, would g ∝ m be correct, since a larger mass equals a stronger force of gravity and vice versa?
  8. F

    B Bending of light in a gravitational field

    I have a few conceptual issues following a standard thought experiment to argue why light bends in a gravitational field and I'm hoping I can clear them up here. Consider an observer in a lift in free-fall in a uniform gravitational field and an observer at rest in the uniform gravitational...
  9. Vitani11

    Why do you integrate to find the gravitational field?

    Homework Statement I know that in general it is when the gravitational field is not constant, so that part is fine. To find the gravitational force between a sphere with mass M and a radius R and a thin rod of length L and mass m which has one end a distance x away from the center of the...
  10. H

    Finding where the gravitational field strength is 0

    1. Homework Statement Homework Equations g = (Gm)/r2 The Attempt at a Solution I tried doing (Gm1)/a2 = (Gm2)/(r-a)2 where a is equal to the distance from the position we're trying to find to the center of the most massive object but end up getting a quadratic in the denominator on the right...
  11. Peter99

    Relativity Which Book Covers General Relativity for Both Undergraduate and Graduate Levels?

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  12. Elvis 123456789

    Falling object in a gravitational field with v^2 drag force

    Homework Statement Consider a particle in a gravitational field that is also subject to a resisting force proportional to the velocity squared ( Fdrag = + or - cv2). a) Find the terminal velocity, vT, for the object as it falls. b) Show that for an object dropped from rest that the velocity...
  13. G

    I Solving the Gravitational Field Equations

    I have read that: In 1915 Einstein presents to the Prussian Academy of Sciences the General Theory of Relativity; it includes a set of Gravitational Field Equations; at this time he does not present any solution to the equations. In 1917 he considers a greatly simplified case; presents a...
  14. Bill McKeeman

    I Gravitational field inside a void

    Sci Am August 2016 discusses a supervoid detected in the direction of the CMB cold spot. The analysis assumes the gravitational potential is less in the center of the void than near its edges (thus near its surrounding galaxies). On the other hand the gravitational field inside a spherical...
  15. Mr-R

    A Landau Lifshitz Gravitational field equation

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  16. Zack K

    Gravitational field strength at a point

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  17. Einstein's Cat

    B Box in gravitational field

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  18. S

    Does Gravitational Field Flux Cause Gravitational Waves?

    As most of know that magnetic field arises due to change in electric field flux over a surface. In the same way, is there any kind of field arising due to gravitational field flux about a surface ? And if yes then does gravitational field and that field cause each other (in the same way electric...
  19. H

    B Gravitational field strength calculation

    In what scenarios would you use the equation g= F/m instead of g=GM/r2 (or vice versa), for calculating gravitational field strength? Update: is g=F/m used to find the force acting on a mass in a gravitational field (of strength g), whereas g=GM/r2 used to calculate the gravitational field...
  20. JulienB

    Barbell in gravitational field (Lagrange)

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  21. M

    Mechanical equilibrium of the system in gravitational field

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  22. T

    I Time in gravitational reference frame?

    Hi, so Newton said that gravity was like or equivalent to a force? When I learned about SR we were talking about the passing of time as defined by a photon bouncing between two parallel mirrors. So when we're sitting our two parallel mirrors in a gravitational field, even though I suppose...
  23. R

    Difference between spacetime and the gravitational field?

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  24. Einstein's Cat

    Gravitational Field Strength of 1

    To note this is not for any piece of homework. Anyway, what possible masses and a distance between them are required for there to be a gravitational field strength of 1 Newtons per kilograms, when these figures are put into Newton's equation of F= G (m1 * m2 / r sqaured) Many thanks!
  25. brotherbobby

    Gravitational field of a hemisphere

    Please see the attached file if I have calculated the gravitational field g at the centre of a hemisphere correctly.
  26. A

    Motion of parallel-incoming particles in gravitational field

    Question: There is a large parallel beam of incoming particles with mass m and uniform velocity v0 (v0≪c) in the presence of a gravitational field of a (spherical) planet with mass M and radius R. (without GR) The question is what fraction of the particles will eventually arrive at the planet...
  27. B

    Can electron be considered a Source of gravitational field?

    Hello PF members, Source of the gravitational field in the Einstein field equations is energy–momentum tensor and the curvature of space-time is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. Suppose a electron at rest . 1- Can this electron be...
  28. W

    Does the Earth's 3-D shape affect the accuracy of Newton's Law of Gravity?

    I'm trying to write a class for the gravitational field of any planet (I tested it with values for Earth though), and it gives completely the wrong answer! I suspect this is either a mathematical error, or an issue with my declarations of stuff as public, private, static etc. Compiles, just...
  29. LeoPedranjo

    Gravitational Field Variation of Disc Orbitating Earth

    Hey guys, take a look at this question if you may Suppose the moon, instead of a sphere, is a disc orbitating the Earth ( the moon's total mass is equal to the disc's total mass), the intern radius of the disc is equal to half the distnce between moon and Earth's center of mass and the external...
  30. LeoPedranjo

    Gravitational Field: What Would Happen?

    Hi guys! What would happen to objects on the Earth's surface if it SLOWLY stopped spinning and Earth's gravitational field was kept as always. Thx
  31. G

    Collision of Unequal Mass Particles in a Gravitational Field

    Dear friends! If there are two particles of unequal masses in a system on which there are no external forces.When let free they collide under the influence of gravitation. Should they always collide at CM. If the system were under an external force of uniform gravitational field will the...
  32. bcrowell

    Insights How Fast Do Changes in the Gravitational Field Propagate? - Comments

    bcrowell submitted a new PF Insights post How Fast Do Changes in the Gravitational Field Propagate? Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  33. I

    Gravitational Field and free fall

    The acceleration of free fall at the equator is not equal to the acceleration of free fall at the poles.explain?
  34. Sphinx

    Poisson's equation for gravitational field

    Hello everyone! I have a question concerning the proof of Poisson's equation for a gravitational field. My question is how can i prove that Gauss's Law is independent of the choice of the closed surface surrounding the point mass? Thanks in advance
  35. Andre' Quanta

    Hamiltonian Weak Gravitational Field - Learn Free Particle Theory

    In weak field regime i know that it is possible to quantize the gravitational field obtaining a quantum theory of free particles, called gravitons, which is very similar to the one for the electtromagnetic field. Do you know some book in wiich i can study this theory? In anycase what is the...
  36. T

    Understanding Gravitational Field Lines Between Two Objects

    Homework Statement "Complete the diagram to display gravitational field lines between two objects of equal mass." Homework Equations N/A as question is descriptive.The Attempt at a Solution Okay, I know it's a bit of a mess but what I'm trying to show here is that the fields are radial and...
  37. kostoglotov

    Line Integral Example - mistake or am I missing something?

    This is an example at the beginning of the section on the Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. 1. Homework Statement Find the work done by the gravitational field \vec{F}(\vec{x}) = -\frac{mMG}{|\vec{x}|^3}\vec{x} in moving a particle from the point (3,4,12) to (2,2,0) along a piece wise...
  38. T

    Calculate gravitational field strength above surface of Mars

    1. Calculate the gravitational field strength at 500km above Mars' surface. Mass of Mars: 6.39 x 1023 kg Radius of Mars: 3.39 x 103 km Constant G: 6.67 x 10-11 2. I used the equation g = GM / r23. To begin with I added the 500km height above ground to the radius, giving 3.89 x 103 km. I then...
  39. pdaniel

    Earth's Electric & Gravitational Field: Direction, Shape & Height

    Homework Statement Earth actually has an electric field of 1.0 x 10^2 N/C at its surface pointing toward the center. (b) Compare Earth's electric field and gravitational field in terms of i) direction ii) shape iii) how it changes as height increases. c) What is the largest mass that can be...
  40. Spinnor

    Thermodynamics of gas in very strong gravitational field.

    Suppose I have a cylinder of gas and at time t=0 I can turn on a strong vertical gravitational force. Let the force change quickly (but a time long compared the mean free path divided by the average gas particle velocity) to reach some constant maximum value F(z,t) = F_max. (This force can be...
  41. T

    Quantum Anti-Gravity: Exploring Coherence & Its Effects

    Am I reading some more recent articles on quantum gravity correctly that seem to be implying that a coherent particle is not subject to gravity? If you have a coherent C70 buckyball molecule (see Zeilinger - Update: "Matter-wave interferometer for large molecules", Jan. 2002), the force of...
  42. F

    Angular momentum in gravitational field

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I can't understand what is ɛ in this problem, and why should we adopt it. Could you explain me please?
  43. J

    Gravitational Field Intensity HW

    Can someone help me with this question, Calculate the force of gravity on a 70-kg astronaut 2.0 Earth radii from the centre of Earth.
  44. Gary Boothe

    Light Production in Gravity: Freq/Energy Impact?

    If light was being produced in an intense gravity field, would the light be of higher or lower frequency/energy to a distant observer? I understand that the light escaping the gravitational field would be red shifted, but that is not what I'm asking. I'm asking about the relativistic effects on...
  45. D

    Gravitational field owing to a uniform circular plate

    √Homework Statement Show that the gravitational field due to thin uniform circular plate of radius a at point distant R from center and on the axis passing through the center and perpendicular to the plane of the plate is given by E= -2πGρ[1-R/(a^2+R^2)^1/2] Homework Equations F= GMm/r^2...
  46. PWiz

    Velocity in a gravitational field

    Homework Statement a) A mass ##m##, initially at rest, is released from infinity, and is attracted towards a planet of mass ##M##, displacing towards it in a direction parallel to the gravitational field lines present between the masses. Assuming that the only force acting on ##m## is the...
  47. T

    Gravitational field strength of a mass

    A 20 kg mass is situated 4m above the Earth's surface Taking g as 10 m/s2. What are the gravitational field strength and gravitational force acting on the mass? Am I wrong when I say that because the height of the mass ( which is 4m) is too little comparing with the radius of the Earth so that...
  48. H

    Uniform & Non-Uniform Gravitational Fields Explained

    HEy what is uniform and non-uniform gravitational field...
  49. H

    Escape from gravitational field

    1. A satellite is revolving very close to earth. what is the % increases in velocity needed to escape from the gravitational field of earthHomework Equations v= root gh The Attempt at a Solution Sorry, i don't have any solution .
  50. Ellie

    Magnetic/ electric/ gravitational field?

    I got a question from my exam. We are given the name of three fields; electric field, magnetic field and gravitational field. A charged particle is placed in a field, but no force will act on it if it's stationary or moving in any direction. What field is the particle placed in?