Green Definition and 306 Threads

Green is the color between blue and yellow on the visible spectrum. It is evoked by light which has a dominant wavelength of roughly 495–570 nm. In subtractive color systems, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and cyan; in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens, it is one of the additive primary colors, along with red and blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colors. By far the largest contributor to green in nature is chlorophyll, the chemical by which plants photosynthesize and convert sunlight into chemical energy. Many creatures have adapted to their green environments by taking on a green hue themselves as camouflage. Several minerals have a green color, including the emerald, which is colored green by its chromium content.
During post-classical and early modern Europe, green was the color commonly associated with wealth, merchants, bankers and the gentry, while red was reserved for the nobility. For this reason, the costume of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and the benches in the British House of Commons are green while those in the House of Lords are red. It also has a long historical tradition as the color of Ireland and of Gaelic culture. It is the historic color of Islam, representing the lush vegetation of Paradise. It was the color of the banner of Muhammad, and is found in the flags of nearly all Islamic countries.In surveys made in American, European, and Islamic countries, green is the color most commonly associated with nature, life, health, youth, spring, hope, and envy. In the European Union and the United States, green is also sometimes associated with toxicity and poor health, but in China and most of Asia, its associations are very positive, as the symbol of fertility and happiness. Because of its association with nature, it is the color of the environmental movement. Political groups advocating environmental protection and social justice describe themselves as part of the Green movement, some naming themselves Green parties. This has led to similar campaigns in advertising, as companies have sold green, or environmentally friendly, products. Green is also the traditional color of safety and permission; a green light means go ahead, a green card permits permanent residence in the United States.

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  1. W

    News Green Solution to a Political Problem?

    As Iran continues to develop nuclear power for peaceful purposes, many people have expressed concern that a nuclear weapons program might emerge. President Obama has acknowledged they have a legitimate right to pursue peaceful energy development...
  2. T

    Seeking Companion Text to "Green/Papa" Rudin for Measure Theory

    Hey, I was wondering if anybody knew a more intuitive, less axiomatic book that one could use as a companion text to the "green\papa" rudin? (Real and Complex Analysis). I am finding that it is possible to learn measure theory from this book, but it takes a lot of time and rigor. It might be...
  3. J

    How Could E0 Building Materials Impact the Economy and Health?

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  4. L

    What Causes the Green Tint in Some Meteors?

    Hello, I have a question for the astronomy people here. Last night I was outside around 10 P.M, and at one point I just happened to be staring up into the western sky when I saw one of the brightest, most beautiful meteors I have ever seen. The weird thing is that it had a faint green tint to...
  5. D

    Green lasers: how much power is too much?

    I saw some green lasers on dealextreme recently, they have units that go up to 200 mW: This thing looks a bit unsafe to me! My intention is to show the daughters some stars here in our polluted skies, not much else. How much power is needed for...
  6. C

    Engineering Civil Engineering and Green Energy?

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  7. K

    Engineers Working on Sustainable Energy: Wind, Solar & Hydro

    Which engineers are working the most on sustainable energy such as wind, solar, and hydro? I'm guessing mechanical and electrical. Any other ones?
  8. M

    Odds in Probability of Green Eyes

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  9. I

    Single slit Diffraction using green light

    Homework Statement Monochromatic green light of wavelength 546 nm falls on a single slit with a width of 0.095 mm. The slit is located 75 cm from a screen. How wide will the central bright band be? Homework Equations D sin 0dark = m 入 The Attempt at a Solution Can...
  10. J

    What color does a green cloth appear in yellow light

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  11. J

    What color would a green cloth appear in yellow light

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  12. S

    How many phtons are emitted by green light?

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  13. N

    Efficient Methods of Green House Heating

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  14. Math Is Hard

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  15. lisab

    Who's Invited to the Green Wig Party for Borek's Birthday?

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  16. Andre

    Is Last Night's Sunset a Sign of the Green Flash Phenomenon?

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  17. W

    Why Did Earth's Early Oceans Have a Green Hue?

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  18. D

    Which Crazy Green Idea Will Win the Next X Prize?

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  19. M

    Green Planet (My project for energy)

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  20. T

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  21. E

    Can green plants reverse entropy?

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  22. M

    RGB LEDs in series - turn Green on

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  23. D

    No Green Stars: What's the Story?

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  24. M

    Classical electrodynamics - Green function

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  25. V

    Determination of pKa Bromocresol green

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  26. I

    Why Iron Produces Green Light in Visible Spectrum

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  27. R

    Green Function and Boundary Conditions

    Hey folks, I'm trying to find the Green function for the equation -\partial_\mu \partial^\mu \phi = K where K is some source term. Its a 2D problem with the wave confined to a rectangular cavity where the cavity is located at z = 0 and z=a. This tells me that G|_0= G|_a=0 I've pretty...
  28. Phrak

    Get Green Electrons: Solar and Wind-Powered Electricity Subscription

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  29. R

    Green Function approach is more physical?

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  30. R

    How Do Green Functions Relate to Boundary Conditions in Quantum Field Theory?

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  31. T

    Green identity, poisson equation.

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  32. snoopies622

    The Mystery of Red & Green Light Combinations

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  33. T

    Solar Energy and Green House Effect Question

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  34. Ivan Seeking

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  35. A

    Thin film red light green light interference

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  36. MathematicalPhysicist

    Another Green function question.

    find the eigenfunctions and eigen values of the next equation: d^2y/dx^2+u_n^2y=0 where y(0)=0=y(pi). Now find the green function of the above non-homogeneous equation, i.e: d^2G_{\lambda}(x,a)/dx^2-\lambda G_{\lambda}(x,a)=\delta(x-a) where a is in (0,pi) and lambda doesn't equal the...
  37. ZapperZ

    Which Photo Best Captures Green Acres?

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  38. MathematicalPhysicist

    How do I find the nth-eigenvalue of the eigenfunction u_n?

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  39. ZapperZ

    Photo Contest - Green Acres (3/8-3/14)

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  40. Ivan Seeking

    Help Change the World: Share Your Ideas for Green Homes

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  41. W

    Green Functions: A physicist's Intro to Math Methods

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  42. Ivan Seeking

    Medical Dark Green Blood In The Operating Theatre
  43. G

    Green Tech Career Path for Physics Majors

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  44. I

    Why Does Glass Look Green at the Edge? - Get Help Now

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  45. Q

    So how much of a do you actually give about the whole 'green' thing?

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  46. Y

    Exploring Sodium Acetate and Ammonium Nitrate for Green Architecture

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  47. M

    Can Bromocresol Green Indicate NH3-HCl Titration Equivalence?

    Give an example of a titration assay in which bromocresol green could be used. In your example give the concentrations of each component. Based on the conditions of the titration, calculate the pH at equivalence. Since Bromocresol Green has a pKa of 4.6, I figured that this must be a...
  48. R

    Higher Dimensional Green Function

    Hey folks! I'm starting with the Lagrangian of a massive scalar field and have found an expression for the expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor. <T_{\mu \nu}>=(\partial_\mu \partial_\nu-\frac{1}{2}(g_{\mu \nu}(\partial_\mu \partial_\nu+m^2))G(x-x') let say I have some Green...
  49. A

    Is it safe to use a military grade green laser to start fires?

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  50. M

    Can You Burn Anything with a 5 mW Green Laser?

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