Groups Definition and 906 Threads

  1. W

    Proof Using Def. of Groups and Def. of Subgroups

    Hello, This is my question: (i) Let H and K be subgroups of a group G. Prove that the intersection of H and K is also a subgroup of G. (ii) Give an example, using suitable sugroups of the goup of integers with the operation addition, (Z,+), to show that if H and K are subgroups of a...
  2. W

    Defining Groups: Proving Abelian Property

    [SOLVED] Proof Using Def. of Groups Hello, This is my question: Let G be a group. i) Let x and y be elements of G. Prove that (xy)2 = x2y2 iff xy = yx. (Hint: Use the definition g2 = gg). ii) Using part (i) prove that if g2 = u (the unit element) for all g which is an element of...
  3. W

    Understanding Groups in Algebra: A Question of Closure and Inverses

    Hello, I just started doing groups in my algebra class and I am struggling with the abstraction of it as usual. Here is how my class defines a group: A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation "o" such that for all of x,y,z which are elements of the group the following holds...
  4. Greg Bernhardt

    The Eightfold Way categories which groups of particles?

    The Eightfold Way categories which groups of particles?
  5. K

    What is the Absorption Wavelength of Epoxy Groups?

    Dear Fellow scientists, I have a small but important problem: I need to know the absorption wavelength of epoxy groups. To be more precise, these epoxy groups are bound to an agarose affinity resin via a -((CH)2)12- Spacer. Does anybody know a particular reference or chemistry book I should...
  6. Tyger

    Unveiling the Connection: Rotation Groups & Hyperspheres

    My first post, about rotation groups.. A result about rotation groups. To me this seems clear, simple and very intuitive, but in all the papers and books I've read on the subject I have never seen it presented. Maybe some of you have seen it, or maybe it is new. It is very simple to state...