This is my question:
(i) Let H and K be subgroups of a group G. Prove that the intersection of H and K is also a subgroup of G.
(ii) Give an example, using suitable sugroups of the goup of integers with the operation addition, (Z,+), to show that if H and K are subgroups of a...
[SOLVED] Proof Using Def. of Groups
This is my question:
Let G be a group.
i) Let x and y be elements of G. Prove that (xy)2 = x2y2 iff xy = yx. (Hint: Use the definition g2 = gg).
ii) Using part (i) prove that if g2 = u (the unit element) for all g which is an element of...
I just started doing groups in my algebra class and I am struggling with the abstraction of it as usual.
Here is how my class defines a group:
A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation "o" such that for all of x,y,z which are elements of the group the following holds...
Dear Fellow scientists,
I have a small but important problem: I need to know the absorption wavelength of epoxy groups. To be more precise, these epoxy groups are bound to an agarose affinity resin via a -((CH)2)12- Spacer. Does anybody know a particular reference or chemistry book I should...
My first post, about rotation groups..
A result about rotation groups.
To me this seems clear, simple and very intuitive, but in all the papers and books I've read on the subject I have never seen it presented. Maybe some of you have seen it, or maybe it is new. It is very simple to state...