Guidance Definition and 469 Threads

Missile guidance refers to a variety of methods of guiding a missile or a guided bomb to its intended target. The missile's target accuracy is a critical factor for its effectiveness. Guidance systems improve missile accuracy by improving its Probability of Guidance (Pg).These guidance technologies can generally be divided up into a number of categories, with the broadest categories being "active," "passive" and "preset" guidance. Missiles and guided bombs generally use similar types of guidance system, the difference between the two being that missiles are powered by an onboard engine, whereas guided bombs rely on the speed and height of the launch aircraft for propulsion.

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  1. C

    Where Do You Fit in With Your Academic Experience?

    General Interest to the demographics here. To all people here giving advice, where do you fit in with actual experience in your Academic career.
  2. J

    Forgotten Fractions? Get Guidance Here! i got answer of 0.4 by trial and error, but i have seem to forgotten the basic of fraction... please guide me thanks
  3. A

    Choosing Classes for a Future in Medicine: Advice for HS Students

    I want to do something medical related after College, preferably something where I got to do surgery like a surgeon or anesthesiologist What I need advice on is what to choose for next year. Currently, I'm a sophomore and am taking these classes: Bio I Chemistry Algebra II Honors English...
  4. E

    Need Guidance for AP Calculus AB Tests

    Hello everyone I am in need of some guidance. I am currently in AP Calculus AB. We are assigned homework everynight which I go home and complete every problem and I have it ready to be checked by the instructor that next day. I study but I feel that my study habits are not as good as they...
  5. J

    Programs Guidance needed for a math and physics double major

    I'm currently a sophomore in college double majoring in math and physics and I've been wondering what would be a good grad school for mathematical physics. I have a pretty good math background (calc 1-3, diff-eq, linear algebra, topology, real analysis, functional analysis, abstract algebra, and...
  6. G

    Math and Physics (A call for guidance)

    Hello and good days, This is the first time I am posting in Physics Forums, and I need guidance about a depressing matter that has been haunting me for years. I am a physics major and I am about to go to graduate school, so far I managed to do pretty well on my career but I am experiencing...
  7. P

    Guidance on completing an Engineering Degree as mature student

    I am a Protection & Control Techologist at a major Power Utility in Ontario, Canada. As my title implys, I am not an engineer but instead an Electrical Techologist (three year Community College Program in Ontario, Canada). I perform daily maintenance and commissioning of new and existing Power...
  8. P

    Navigating a Career Change: Seeking Guidance for a 22 Year Old

    I don’t know exactly how to put across the dilemma I am in…so I would rather describe it as well as I can so that one can understand my situation and give me a very valuable guidance. I am almost 22 years of age and am currently working as a Digital Design engineer in a US based Networking...
  9. T

    I want to be an *Astrophysicist* [Need guidance]

    ...Well,I'm a 15 years old kid looking forward to be an astrophysicist someday...however i really need guidance,so can i start building up some *aspects* that may lead me into great opportunities. First of all,I am pretty much interested in astronomy(galaxy,black holes,cosmology,planets,etc...
  10. P

    Solve Pulley Related Rotational Mechanics Problems: Concept Guidance

    how to solve pulley related rotational mechanics problems... please guide me through... the ques are of the kind... mass is attached to a pulley which is further attched to larger pulley... and the moment of inertia of both along wid their radius is given... mass of the load is...
  11. P

    Courses How Can I Improve Teaching Chemistry Concepts?

    So I have been teaching this university chemistry pre-course that is meant to review all of the pre-req stuff needed for uchem 1 and the course is supposed to touch on some of the stuff the students will see in uchem 1. The course is 4 lectures, 3 hours/lecture. The last two lectures I covered...
  12. M

    Equilibrium - Particle in Bowl, looking for guidance

    Equilibrium - Particle in Bowl, looking for guidance! Homework Statement A point particle of mass m is confines to the frictionless surface of a sphere cal bowl. There are 2 degrees of freedom. Prove that the equilibrium point is the bottom of the bowl. Near the bottom of the bowl, what is...
  13. T

    What career options align with my interests in math and physics?

    I'am in High School right now, and I'am still not really sure what job I would want to have. However, I do have several areas of interest. My favorite subject by far is math, which is closely followed by physics. I somewhat like chemistry, but I don't really like biology at all. I know about...
  14. B

    Aircraft Guidance in a Crosswind

    This is a differential equations problem that I've been having some trouble with. A plane is flying and always pointing towards point (0,0) on an xy plane. Wind is constantly blowing North (positive y direction). The wind speed and speed of the aircraft through the air are constant. (a)...
  15. G01

    Scolarship/School Thread in Career Guidance?

    I was just in a thread over in the Academic and Career Guidance forum asking if there was a special thread for listing possible scholarships. I noticed there wasn't one stickied, so I thought I'd ask to see if it would be feasible to get a thread like that stickied in that forum. I think it...
  16. C

    Academic Guidance Question- Getting Started

    Hi. How would you start learning physics if you had no background in it? -If you hadn't taken calculus yet? Here is my situation: I have no background in physics. I haven't taken algebra 2 yet. At my school, algebra 2 is pretty much a class about very basic algebra again with a little...
  17. L

    Tap vs Bottled Water; Guidance Appreciated

    Hello, I am currently in the first year of my IB program, taking Higher Level Chemistry, I am required to write an extended essay (4000 word paper). I am considering writing on water, performing analysis and comparing tap water, to some branded waters and reaching a conclusion. I read about a...
  18. C

    Need Help with COMSOL - Seeking Guidance

    hey guys... can someone here, expert in COMSOL ,help me out ?:rolleyes: I am stuck in my work and seek some guidence.. Regards, Chirag
  19. S

    School & Career Guidance: Math, Computers & Science

    So, I'm entering my final year in high school and I'm trying to get a read on what I should do in the future. I've bounced around quite a bit in what I want to do as a possible career. The only things I've been sure of are my love of math, computers, and science. First I started by looking...
  20. D

    Career Guidance for 25-Year-Old David Seeking EE/Computer Engineering Degree

    Hello, my name is David. I am 25 and married with a child. I currently have a job that I can support my family on working 2 days a week, but who knows how long it will last. 1 year, 5 years? I'm a contractor for Comcast, so I'm vulnerable. This has allowed me to go back to school. I am...
  21. D

    Guide to Graduate School Admissions for Physics Majors at CSU Chico

    First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this. First some background. I currently have a 3.3 overall GPA with a 3.6 Physics GPA and am studying at California State University, Chico. I didn't get into an REU program this summer and I plan on taking the GRE in the fall. Now for the...
  22. K

    Discover Your Ideal Career to Finding Fulfillment and Purpose

    Well, i made this thread in the hope that i might find some inspiration for a carreer. I am not sure what i like. I have subjects that i am passionated about like philosophy, c.s math and physics. I can t imagine choosing anyone of the before mentioned subject, and do it for the rest of my...
  23. M

    Trouble Understanding Geometric Algebra: Seeking Guidance

    This example appears in a set of notes entitled Geometric Algebra. I cannot follow the first half of the example. Is the reasoning incorrect. Thanks. Matheinste.
  24. D

    Schools High School Guidance - Answers to Math & College Q's

    I have several questions hoping someone could help me. I am nearing the end of my 10th grade year. I realized I should start thinking about college soon so I taughted myself calculus from Howard Anton's book called Calculus with Analytic Geometry last month hoping I could test out of...
  25. D

    Networking Assurance and Guidance really.

    Homework Statement An estate agency with five branches in the south west of England: Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham, Exeter, and Plymouth. Each branch has three dpeartments; the sales department, which may employ up to twelve people; the accounts department which may employ up to three people...
  26. R

    Mechatronics Correspondence Courses: Guidance & Advice for Students in India

    Guidance and Help needed! Hi .. I am a student of mechanical engineering..3rd year! Basically my interest was in mechatronics, but due to inavailability of this field in any of the universities in my country I finally opted mechanical engineering. Now working on projects I always tend to make...
  27. G

    Graduating this May, need some guidance

    Hi, I graduate this coming May with a BS in Physics/Minor in Math. This semester I am pretty much taking my last Physics requirement course and a few that I chose myself: Mechanics II Computational Physics Physical Chemistry II Numerical Analysis Internship - Meteorology (and possibly some...
  28. M

    Learn Math, Physics & EE Video Lectures Online

    Can anyone tell me about the websites where I can find video lectures on different math subjects (especailly vector analysis and function theory ), Physics subjects and Electronic Engineering subjects and download them ?
  29. M

    A Little Bit of Guidance on this RLC Circuit (Please )

    I've been working on this problem to review (see the attachments), and my circuit analysis skills are quite rusty. I've determined that the circuit should be underdamped, and it will have a step response. Based on this, I'm using the equation V0(t)=Vf+B1e^(αt)cos(ωdt)+B2e^(ω0t)sin(ωdt). As you...
  30. M

    Courses I hate Electrical Engineering courses i have 2 left, need guidance

    Hello everyone. I'm currently a Jr. Computer Engineering student. Its funny, you don't really know what a computer engineer really does until your a Jr. and you've already put 2 years. Ever since I was young I loved to program. I always wanted to be a Software Engineer. So when I graduated...
  31. C

    Which West Coast College Offers the Best Physics Program for Transfer Students?

    In looking at the colleges in the Oregon area, I'm finding that there are not many that have an accredited Physics degree program. I am on track with completing my associates degree in the Oregon Arts Transfer Degree, and I'm wondering about which college in the United States offers a Bachelors...
  32. A

    Undergrad Math: Should I or Shouldn't I?

    Considering taking a undergraduate BSci in mathematics. My ability is not stellar, I attain fairly good grades and take the top levels but I haven't competed in competitions such as Olympiad, etc. My question is: Should I or Shouldn't I major in mathematics?
  33. P

    Schools Should I Switch from Mechanical Engineering to Physics with Astrophysics?

    Hey everyone. Ok for the last year I have studied Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London first year undergraduate. Have never really enjoyed my course, been interested in the subjects and what is going on, not done well in my exams etc. I am now considering quitting and going to...
  34. T

    Solving Physics Challenges: Advice For a Rising Senior

    Hi, I'm currently a rising senior in high school and super-interested in physics. I'm entering university next year as a college sophomore (about a quarter away credit-wise from junior standing due to dual-enrollment):cool: but was hoping you guys might be able to help me decide if I'm really...
  35. C

    Overcoming Fear of Writing to Pursue Engineering Degree

    Hi Guys, I'm looking for some guidance and motivation. I’ve always been very interested in engineering and have pondered returning to school and obtaining a degree. I never went to college because I really fear and dislike writing. For the last 10 years this has been the only thing keeping...
  36. R

    Career Guidance: Physics & Science | Shaft Lengths | School Atmosphere

    hi, i don't know what career to pursue. i was thinking along the lines of physics and science. i'm new to the forum and am interested in shaft lengths, and replied to the shaft post, but nobody replied. i'm thinking of being a science technician as i like the school atmosphere and being...
  37. A

    Beginner Seeking Guidance ( Need to sharpen my mind )

    Ok, simply put, i am 21, working in a warehouse that i am not even closely challenged, and i feel as if i am getting dull. As unfortunate as it may be, when in high school learning was low on my rank of importance, and as you can imagine, i don't feel i learned much... Despite it being one of...
  38. I

    Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering Student

    Hello guys. I am a undergrad engineering student i electronics. I have to make some good innovative projects during summer holidays. But i am not able to figure out anything and I'm stuck. So guys please help me in getting some good topics for projects. i have interest in analog and digital...
  39. B

    Biology Science Fair: Seeking Research & Chemical Guidance

    I am doing a biology science fair. Here is my plan: I am going to ask my pharmacist for HCG containing pills, and put them into 5 different cups - one which will remain as a constant I can compare the others to. To the other four, I will add different chemicals, then test them for HCG using...
  40. S

    A Little Guidance: Deciding on a Science Major and Career Path

    A little guidance please... I don't know whether I'm posting this is the right spot or not...I hope I am. I'm just feeling like I need a little academic guidance right now from those who have been there. Right now I am in my first year of univeristy, I went into it thinking I would find my...
  41. S

    In need of guidance from people with more physics experience

    I really really want to be able to understand as much physics as I can, I have the stupid feeling that the way I see the world is a bit "fuzzy", and everytime I understand something new about it its like I am relieving an itch, only a little bit at a time. Im generally interested in science...
  42. S

    Guidance on Level Physics Modules

    Help CHOICES !lol i am studying for a level physics and don't really know which module to take on for the summer exams. i have looked at past papers but they haven't helped me much and it is still holidays. i need to be able to find the one i want to do so i can start the topic. i don't...
  43. H

    Moment of Inertia - Need Guidance

    A pendulum is made of a rod whose moment of inertia about its center of mass is 1/12ML^2 where its mass is 4.9 kg and and its length is 3.3 m, and a thin cylindrical disk, whose moment of inertia about its center of mass is 1/2MR^2, where its mass is 1.7 kg and its radius is 1.6 m. What...
  44. L

    Guidance for an aspiring Field Theorist?

    Hello, I don't post here very often (except for the homework help), but I am aspiring to be a field theorist. Because I find quantum mechanics much more interesting than classical (or at least, so far) I suppose that would mean I am an aspiring quantum field theorist. Problem is, I...
  45. H

    Academic & Career Guidance guidelines

    I propose that the stickied thread How to use this subforum: A disclaimer in the Academic & Career Guidance forum be added to the list of "required reading" guidelines, i.e. members must read and agree to those guidelines before they can post there.
  46. R

    Guidance in solving Scalar Field with BC's

    Hi all, I am having some problems understanding the steps in a paper. I've looked in books and asked other grad students but they have all not been of too much help and I am still stuck. I have a massive scalar field mass \mu interacting with two delta function potentials with...
  47. Z

    Help! Confused High Schooler Needs Physics Homework Guidance

    New to physics, and I'm a little confused on one problem on my homework: 1) A runner runs 5.0km along the course east, then turns around and runs 5.0km west along the same path. She returns to the starting point in 40 min. What is her average speed and velocity? The speed was easy to...
  48. G

    Record of Travel Problem Guidance

    Greetings, I was wondering if someone could provide guidance on the following problem? I'd like to arrive at the correct answer(s) and know how I obtained it! A record of travel along a straight path is as follows: 1. From rest, with a constant accel. of 2.77 m/s^2 for 15.0 s 2. Maintain...
  49. H

    Academic & Career Guidance disclaimer

    This was brought up somewhere a while ago and I think we should revisit it and enact it: make a sticky in Academic & Career Guidance, a disclaimer to the effect that students should not take this forum as a primary source of guidance but should consult advisors at their school, should take...
  50. D

    Need guidance on possible job requirements

    Hi everyone... my name is darya, new to the forums and searching for possible job advice. I have a masters degree in applied physics from UMASS Boston. I have graduated for 5 years and am having difficulty finding a job related to my major. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly...