What is Half-life: Definition and 133 Discussions

Half-life (symbol t1⁄2) is the time required for a quantity to reduce to half of its initial value. The term is commonly used in nuclear physics to describe how quickly unstable atoms undergo radioactive decay or how long stable atoms survive. The term is also used more generally to characterize any type of exponential or non-exponential decay. For example, the medical sciences refer to the biological half-life of drugs and other chemicals in the human body. The converse of half-life is doubling time.
The original term, half-life period, dating to Ernest Rutherford's discovery of the principle in 1907, was shortened to half-life in the early 1950s. Rutherford applied the principle of a radioactive element's half-life to studies of age determination of rocks by measuring the decay period of radium to lead-206.
Half-life is constant over the lifetime of an exponentially decaying quantity, and it is a characteristic unit for the exponential decay equation. The accompanying table shows the reduction of a quantity as a function of the number of half-lives elapsed.

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  1. A

    Calculate AGE with Half-Life & Fraction Remaining

    hey everyone, do you know the formula used to compute for the AGE of a substance if its half-life and fraction remaining are given? please help me.. thank you..:smile:
  2. J

    Population Question Using Half-Life Equation

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  3. A

    I need some freakin help with this half-life problem

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  4. A

    Solve Half-Life Problem: 226Ra, 1620 yrs, 1.5g

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  5. C

    Half-Life of Tritium: 11.7 mg After 24.6 Yrs

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  6. F

    Solve Half-Life Problem: Iodine-131 Activity Calculation

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  7. D

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  8. J

    What is the formula for the quantity of radium left after t years?

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  9. L

    What is the half-life for spontaneous fission of various nuclei?

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  10. R

    A half-life question, involving 2 elements

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  11. R

    Calculating Half-Life: 50mg to 10mg in 18.4 Days

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  12. L

    Tricky radiation half-life question

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  13. A

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  14. M

    How to Find the Half-Life of an Element

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  15. S

    Determine Half-Lives & Initial Activities of 2 Isotopes - Q&A

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  16. L

    Calculation of a half-life how?

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  17. T

    Determine half-life of this substance

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  18. U

    Does the half-life of a radioactive element stay the same?

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  19. Saint

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  20. M

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  21. S

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  22. T

    Half-Life Measurement of Water Based Foams

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  23. R

    Lorentz transform and muon half-life, Help, please

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  24. M

    Solving a Half-Life Physics Problem: Estimating Radon-222 Atom Decay in 12 Days

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  25. Z

    Elemental half-life: novel idea?

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  26. Nim

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  27. N

    What is the half-life of radon-222?

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  28. A

    Relationship between Temperature & Half-Life

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  29. barcat

    Half-Life Phenomena: Comparing to Hot Coffee

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  30. I

    How Do You Calculate Earth's Age Using Half-Life Decay Law?

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  31. S

    Finding the half-life of an unknown substance

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  32. D

    Half-Life Functions Questions & Answers

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  33. J

    Protons: Stability, Decay & Half-Life

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