Hawking radiation Definition and 209 Threads

  1. I

    Is the existence of Hawking Radiation compatible with the Big Bang theory?

    I had this thought today after reading about Professor Hawking's recent lecture. If the suppsed Hawking Radiation truly exists then since all matter was supposedly concentrated into a singularity in the time before the big bang (if there was one); then this single black hole must have...
  2. 2

    Analogous Hawking Radiation from Astrophysical Black Hole Accretion

    Hi everyone Im trying to understand a paper(title of the thread) arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0404482 Just woundering what an acoustic black hole and acoustic event horizon would actually be? Is the Analogous Hawking Radiation just ascoustic osccilations in the Accretion matter? like the...
  3. T

    Throw hawking radiation theory out the window

    if an alone black hole is radiating gamma rays that's called hawking radiation that means its losing energy (because gamma rays aren't matter) but whatever size it is it dosen't lose energy that's why black holes go faster and faster the smaller it gets. Here is two main components why i say...
  4. Orion1

    What is the Wavelength of Hawking Radiation?

    One of the real important aspects of Hawking Radiation is the Kerr Temperature. Note that the Kerr Temperature is responsible for the Kerr Particle Energy Spectrum and represents the genesis of Thermodynamic Quantum Gravitation. Thermodynamic Quantum Gravitation is the combination of...
  5. S

    Hawking Radiation 2 (different question)

    That last thread was pretty in depth, and I didn't understand a lot of it. But what I got out of it was, a virtual particle pair creates near the EH, one has positive energy one has negative, to satisfy the "ground state" vacuum. One particle falls in, the other escapes. So, can't...
  6. S

    How Does a Particle Gain Negative Energy in Hawking Radiation?

    I think I have the general idea of how it works. But how does one particle get negative energy when it falls into the event horizon?
  7. P

    Questions on Hawking Radiation

    I've been reading about Hawking Radiation, and some questions have come up. 1) What exactly is a virtual particle? 2) What is negative mass and energy?
  8. M

    Hawking Radiation: Understanding Its Behavior & Questions

    my understanding of the behavior of hawking radiation (with questions) is as follows: 1) in Q. Mechanics virtual particle/antiparticle pair are created randomly throughout the universe. Q1) without a complete layout of Q.M., why is this? 2) the gravity of a singularity will...
  9. marcus

    What is the quantitative understanding of Hawking radiation from a black hole?

    to keep things simple the units are c=G=hbar=k=1 and all black holes are non-rotating uncharged. I think everybody here probably has a qualitative notion of how the Hawking radiation arises from the event horizon of a black hole---there has been tons of pop-sci journalism about this. What...