Health Definition and 192 Threads

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent. A variety of definitions have been used for different purposes over time. Health can be promoted by encouraging healthful activities, such as regular physical exercise, and by reducing or avoiding unhealthful activities or situations, such as smoking or excessive stress. Some factors affecting health are due to individual choices, such as whether to engage in a high-risk behavior, and others are due to structural causes, such as whether the society is arranged in a way that makes it easier or harder for people to get necessary healthcare services. Still other factors are beyond both individual and group choices, such as genetic disorders.

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  1. denjay

    Job Prospects for a fresh M.S. in Health Physics

    I've been looking at graduate programs for Health Physics because I realized that I might not want a PhD but also want to be employable with a Physics degree. Usually people want a Certified Health Physicist but to be able to take the exam for certification, you need at least 6 years experience...
  2. turbo

    News Maine Health Professionals Working to Provide Affordable Insurance

    I spoke to my younger sister yesterday, and she is really upset about the GOP nay-sayers that are trying to kill the ACA. She is a health educator, and she is working with several regional health providers to enlist poor and elderly people into one of Maine's two participating insurances...
  3. T

    Question for dangerous sound waves for health effect?

    Which one has the more dangerous health effect...ultrasound or infrasound.? and why...
  4. P

    Schools Graduate School Applications and Health Problems

    I have been reading posts on PF for a while, but I have not signed up until now. I am applying to graduate programs this year. I have been told I have a very strong application. I have been doing theoretical physics research for 3 years, have taken 16 graduate courses in math and physics...
  5. C

    Medical and Health Physics Graduate Programs

    I graduated in May with a BS in Physics and I am interested in going into either Medical or Health Physics. I'm still trying to decide which I'd rather go to school for, but I will probably apply to both types of programs in the meantime. Does anyone have advice about what the best graduate...
  6. Greg Bernhardt

    New Study: Roundup could be linked to health issues

    Anyone find themselves going more organic these days? Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases...
  7. russ_watters

    News Is Nevada Solving Its Mental Health Crisis by Busing Patients to Other States?

    "Dumping" Mental Health Patients State budget cuts making it tough to afford to care for your state's (Nevada's) mental patients? No problem, just drop them off at the bus stop with a ticket to California! Problem solved...
  8. C

    Solar-distilled Water & your health

    What I understand from solar distillation of water process is that the sun's heat causes water to evaporate, separating the water vapor from salt or impurities. So there's no transfer of contaminants. You can do this on fertilized lawns! The drinking of distilled water has been both advocated...
  9. A

    Medical Is the 4G internet tower harmful for health?

    Hi Friends, One of the ISP from India is requesting my permission to place the 4G wifi broadband tower on my building [Residence]. I got families, kids and a pregnant lady staying in the building. I am worried will the microwave or radio wave radiation may question their health. Could you...
  10. D

    Medical Good online sources for medical & health research

    I'm looking for a place online that lists and/or describes recent medical studies on various issues. For example, I've heard conflicting information on whether Omega 3 supplements (fish oil) can help prevent memory loss. Some studies have indicated yes, others no. What I'm looking for is a place...
  11. F

    Medical Radiation and Health Interest Group

    Dear Colleagues, Is there anyone here who would be interest in sharing articles, data, theories, and discussions on risks of EMF, RF, radiation emission from devices and man made structures and health consequences and epidemiology. Please contact or send a follow up post here. I am...
  12. F

    Medical Physics or Health Physics (professional)

    Hi everybody, am new to this forum. I recently graduated with a Bsc in Nuclear Medicine but with the job market being poor right now I am thinking about getting my masters in either medical or health physics. First is it a worth it to get your masters in either field? Second which one will be a...
  13. V

    Medical Low Gravity, Human Health, & the Solution

    Gravity on the Moon is one 6th of that on earth. Gravity on Mars is one 3rd of that on Earth I beleive? Low g enviroments are not good for the human body because they cause bone degeneration and muscle loss. Anyone living in a base on these planets could be weighted down with something heavy...
  14. H

    Essential Foods for Long-Term Health & Wellness

    Which specific foods are vital for long-term health/survival?
  15. T

    Troubleshooting Brushed DC Motor Health: Insights from an Automotive Technician

    Hello, I am an automotive technician so I work with a lot of 12volt DC motors. First, it seems to me that bad connections or wires can cause excessive voltage drops to motors, but I don't understand what the difference is between a good cable and a bad cable. Or what qualifies a good...
  16. D H

    News Supreme Court upholds health care reform

    Including the mandate! Chief Justice Roberts on the mandate: Because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness. Everything I read/heard beforehand predicted either a split decision or a complete repudiation. I don't think...
  17. A

    Multiple Sclerosis Home Health Care

    I don't know if this post is in the correct location but I have a very serious question. I need information from anyone with experience in acquiring home health care to MS patients with dementia or other severely disabled family members. Basically, the person in my family has such an advanced...
  18. B

    Medical Which has better health benefits, hot tea or cold tea?

    Does temperature affect the health benefits provided by drinking tea?
  19. wolram

    How Does a 13-Week Stay in a Mental Health Hospital Impact Recovery?

    Its 13 weeks since i first went into the MH hospital and i missed you all, i still have to attend day services 5 days a week for another 8 weeks, but the outcome is looking good. All the best to you all Robin.
  20. C

    How Dangerous Are Free Radicals from Ionizing Radiation?

    Hello All, Can anyone explain why free radicals caused by ionizing radiation can be so dangerous to our health? In addition, does there seem to be any plausible way to counteract or at least prevent this damage? Thanks! CloudChamber
  21. V

    Electrical & Electronic Engineering ( Health & Safety knowledge questions)

    Hey all I'm new to this site and I got to say after lurking around for a while and browsing this is a great site. I'm in my first year studying Electrical & Electronic Engineering and I got my heart towards getting into university to gain a HNC or HND. I have a lot of questions to answer (130...
  22. Greg Bernhardt

    Move Over Sudoku; Studies Show Virtual Worlds Can Be Good for Your Health

    A recent story on reported on a new study about the effects of playing massively-multiplayer online games on one’s cognitive abilities. Conducted on a small sample group of 39 adults between the ages of 60 and 77, the study … Continue reading...
  23. M

    News John Rawls, why not free health care system

    Hey, I'm reading about rawls in Kymlicka Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction and it says that Rawls did not favour a free health care system. Does anyone know why? It strikes me as odd that you would design a society such that economic inequality is only allowed if it favours the...
  24. T

    Engineering Thinking of a degree in nuclear engineering or health physics

    what does health physics entail? I am interested in either nuclear engineering or Health physics but would like to get more detail on what it is that they actually do? Anybody know and want to help out?
  25. O

    Medical Why does diabete affect the health of blood vessals?

    If the blood sugar is too high, why does it affect the health of blood vessals? Does sugar become fat and block the blood vessals? Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any suggestions
  26. S

    Does microwaving food pose health risks or dangers?

    on the net there seems to be arguments both ways for whether or not microwave oven poses danger to health. So who do i believe? Are there any credible institutions, reserch papers, committees etc. that have discussed this? if so, please let me know regards
  27. D

    What is Health Physics and How Does it Differ from Medical Physics?

    Hey All, I noticed that Mcmasters has a one year M.Sc in Health Physics. Has anyone had experience with this program? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this one-yea program compared to a regular 2-year MSc in medical physics. Thanks for your replies DM
  28. G

    Studying Is Studying To Much Bad for Your Health?

    Hi, I know there are some very intelligent people that have some very high degrees that come to these forums who have probably studied for 15+ hours a day after day after day... My question is if it's really bad for your health to study to much, similar to exercising to much. I can't seem to...
  29. D

    Medical Health affects due to aboveground nuclear bomb explosions

    From 1945 until the US put a ban on aboveground nuclear explosions in the US, there were some 300 nuclear devices exploded aboveground in the US. These explosions lead to an eventual nuclear fallout. Anyone have resources like books or internet sites that detail the medical research and overall...
  30. E

    Possible Health Issue Related to Writing Improperly?

    Don't get confused by the title: Simple and short: My sister for some reason can't write properly (alignment, neatness), if she doesn't turn her book horizontally. I've been forcing her to practice working with the book vertically but she's struggling and the writing is coming out sloppy...
  31. C

    Chloramine from water preventing health recovery, how to help myself?

    Hi All I have a chronic illness and have realized that drinking tap water flares up my symptoms. When I have bottled spring or chloromine/chlorine free water it doesn't happen. I know you will say see a doctor, my doctors only response was 'I can't change your water supply' and its a...
  32. L

    Physics Masters in Health Physics and Job Prospects

    I'm an undergraduate biomedical physics major going into my senior year. I've been really interested in going the medical physics route, but was only interested in doing that for two years to get my master's rather than Ph.D. Now with all the CAMPEP accreditation and residency stuff, I've...
  33. Ivan Seeking

    Medical Is alcohol the most destructive drug on the planet?

    I've seen lives destroyed by drugs or alcohol before but never have I seen someone completely melt down in just two years, on booze. Unfortunately, that is what we just witnessed. It only took this poor woman two years of drinking to drive herself into kidney failure and the CCU. Today she is...
  34. I_am_learning

    CFL Health Issues: Should You Replace Incandescent?

    There was an article in my local newspaper about CFL health issues so I googled for its international source. I came up with this Edit: innapropriate lisource deleted Should I replace back my house's CFL with incandescent?
  35. O

    What Should I Know Before Majoring in Radiation Health Physics?

    Last shot at the college dream. I am considering changing my major to Radiation Health Physics. I was wondering if anyone had any information on this major such as difficulty level (so I can gauge how much of a time commitment I will need to put in, yeah I know kind of novice, but regardless I...
  36. C

    Health risks with radio transmission?

    Ok I've done my research and so long as the transmitter isn't outputting at a high level of power, you'll be fine. Why I ask is because I'm looking into getting a job with a small company, where they install network elements such as optical and radio transmissoin (and multiplexers). Now I...
  37. C

    Are there any health risks with radio transmission?

    Ok I've done my research and so long as the transmitter isn't outputting at a high level of power, you'll be fine. Why I ask is because I'm looking into getting a job with a small company, where they install network elements such as optical and radio transmissoin (and multiplexers). Now I...
  38. J

    Medical Which Form of Radiation is Most Damaging to Human Cells: Alpha, Beta, or Gamma?

    Just been revising radiation for an upcoming exam, and was wondering which form of radiation, \alpha, \beta or \gamma is the worst to be exposed to? Ionising power decreases from alpha to gamma, but penetrating power increases from alpha to gamma. Which is more important when considering how...
  39. T

    Are Aerobic Workouts Better for Brain Health Than Puzzles?

    A Dr. Linden (I think ) on YouTube says as for the benefit to neurons and synapses research shows little support for brain games etc. but what shows great benefit is 45 minutes of good aerobic workout each day so I guess we have to get off our bums and go to it.
  40. MacLaddy

    Is Using Radiated Salt from the Supermarket Beneficial for Health?

    Seriously, should I just consider this social Darwinism?
  41. 1

    Taking an Online Course on Health and Execise and it's crazy difficult

    I'm taking a bio + lab, a chemistry, math, and business elective... and... with 3 credit hours left, I registered for "HPED 252" Intro to Physical Education, Exercise, and Sport. I have an 85 in this class. I have 95+ in everything else. Literally, the hardest exams I have ever taken...
  42. Evo

    Christian medical plans exempted from health law

    I guess their way to wriggle out of the law is by claiming that they are a "health cost sharing" plan instead of calling themselves "insurance". The downside? They don't have to pay if you need medical help. Interesting read...
  43. K

    Best economic indicators for the economic health of a country?

    Hi all. Let me start by saying that I am not an economist, I just have a question about economics and I'm hoping some of you bright minds can help me out. I'm trying to understand how to evaluate the economic performance of a country over time. What metrics should I look at, and how can I...
  44. Ivan Seeking

    Medical Pocket-Sized ECG: Mobile Health Solution for EMTs
  45. Evo

    Science sense list trashes celebrity health tips

    "Science sense" list trashes celebrity health tips It's amazing what people choose to believe. read on for some nutty ideas. Reabsorbing sperm is a good one.
  46. J

    News GOP blocking 911 first responder health bill pass

    I hadn't noticed this was going on until Jon Stewart dedicated an episode to ranting about it. In a nutshell, a bill, which has something to do with helping out sick and dying 911 first responders, is being held up by the GOP...
  47. russ_watters

    News Part of the Health Care Bill Almost Certain to be Repealed So if you buy a computer from Dell, you issue them a 1099. Buy some office supplies from Staples once a month? Tally up your receipts and issue Staples a 1099. Expense your lunch at the...
  48. A

    Why magnetic feilds are not dangerous for health but ELCTROMAgnetic fields are

    Why magnetic fields from magnet r slenoid are not dangerous but if we have an antenna radiating elctromagnetic fields is dangerous?
  49. wolram

    Effects of High Lime Content Water on Health

    I live in an area where the water supply has a very high amount of lime, what if any thing doe's this do to ones insides.
  50. L

    Health Benefits of Carbon-14: Plant vs Artificial

    Many people believe that plant-derived compounds are healthier than their "identical" artifical petrochemical counterparts. The only difference however is the amount of carbon-14 (more carbon 14 compounds from plant-dervied sources). So if anything, in this regard, wouldn't the artifical...