I have to find the rate of heat flow through a cross-section of the rod in steady state as shown in the figure.Thermal conductivity of the rod is K.
I have used a $(dollar) sign for theta.
The formula i know is ΔQ/Δt = [KA($2 - $1)] /x
where ΔQ/Δt is the heat current,where A is area of...
I got 2 questions and I have no idea what they are asking so hopefully someone can help me out here.
1. Find the temperature equilibrium lines and flow lines for :
Its just a graph of a circle in the complex plane of radius 1. The 4 points on the axes are labeled and it says 0 degress...
Hello ALL,
I am really having a hard time with this question, any effort will be greatly appreciated!
Window A is a pane of glass 4 mm thick, as shown above. Window B is a sandwich consisting of two extremely thin layers of glass separated by an air gap 2 mm thick. If the thermal...
Two parallel thin metallic plates with a gap between them are used as a heat insulator. How does the heat flow rate through this device depend on the temperatures on its two sides in the following two cases?
Case 1: The gap is filled with air.
Case 2: There is a vacuum in the gap.