Hi Definition and 291 Threads

  1. F

    Finding the Equation of a Circumference with a Tangent Line and Center at (0,0)

    What's the equation of a circumference that has center on (0,0) and a tangent line x + 3y = 10? The answer is supposed to be x^2 + y^2 = 10, but I don't know how to get there.
  2. N

    Hi, magnetic properties question please.

    :rolleyes: Can anyone tell me the main attributes of: a loud speaker magnet? a compass needle? In terms of permeability, remanence etc. many thanks
  3. J

    How Do New Members Feel Joining an Online Community?

    hi to all...am a new member here...:smile: :!) hi to all...am a new member here...:smile: :!)
  4. T

    How Does Relativity Affect Light Travel in Different Inertial Frames?

    Hi all, pls help me solve the problem below,easy for you right? I very appreciate your help, thank. Question: A flash of light is sent out from a point x1 on the x-axis of an inertial frame S, and it is received at a point x2 = x1 + g. Consider another inertial frame, S´, moving with...
  5. N

    Is Nissan the Newest Member After Chevrolet's Ban?

    Hi everyone I am new to this forum and i hope that in this forum i'll learn and help others to learn and understand more about physics.
  6. D

    Hi I have a question for which I am not sure that

    I know the answer. It is from homework. It is about tritium atom in its ground state which turns into He+. It says that right after the reaction, the wave function remains as that ot the tritium. The question is: what are tha allowed energies of the system right after the reaction...
  7. Y

    Is Nietzsche Responsible for the Concept of Shame?

    Hi, new user here:cool:
  8. W

    Why Are Humans More Intellectually Advanced Than Other Species?

    So, if it is okay, would you mind answering this question? There has been much scientific study on the evolution of humans. Although all humans universialtlly want to be accepted, I've come to realize that this "god" that Christians are talking about is perfect. People want to be accepted, so...
  9. F

    What Does the Equation PV=C(1+i)^n Represent?

    Hi everyone, Im new to this forum, just saying hi and am curious about something. Although I done physics at school I haven't dabbled for a number of years now...Anyway, some friends and I were having a dicussion on various topics until physics popped up (2 of them are rather heavy into...
  10. K

    Hi everybody,I am having a lot of trouble in my thermodynamics

    Hi everybody, I am having a lot of trouble in my thermodynamics course. Any help would be greatly appreciated. http://members.shaw.ca/KingofGods/Phys211Assignment2001.jpg . Thank you very much.
  11. D

    Hi do u know anything about fermi zones?

    Hi do u know anything about fermi zones? I need some good articles to read about...
  12. H

    Hi 2 Simple everyday things that I dont understand. Please help? Taps and vaccum

    Hello all Never occurred to me until a friend made fun of me for not knowing how a TAP and a vacuum cleaner works. And even I was surprised! How can I not know!? Question 1. I know that turning on the tap means increasing the pressure so water flows out, and the more you turn, the more...
  13. C

    Hi, i'm not sure how to prove this about buoyance

    Hi, I'm not sure how to prove this http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/5367/buoyancyq0wn.jpg I tried developing a bit but I'm stuck, can anyone point me in the right direction please thanks
  14. Evo

    Introducing bitjumper: A New Addition to Our Scientific Community!

    Everyone say hi to bitjumper! I've managed to lure, I mean invite, a good friend of mine here. He's been lurking for a couple of months, reading posts, getting a feel for the forum and you people have scared the bejeezus out of him! :biggrin: Now he's afraid to post. :frown: Come on...
  15. *Kia*

    Moving Pain: Wolram's Return Soon

    It is me wolram not kia, i am in the act of moving, a right pain in the ass, i have no internet, and i miss you all so much it hurts, i hope to be back online some time, but not sure when, but i will smite any anything that gets in my way :smile: to say i will be back, may send shudders down...
  16. M

    Hi friends about metallurgical & materials engineering

    I'm studying at Physics ,but I am interested in materials engineering,and I want to learn more about M.M.E.in the world. :confused: thanks, maria
  17. P

    Is Temporary Reading Loss Linked to Acute Leukemia?

    Hi folks Yes. I'm still alive. I'm not ready to climb back on board just this moment (later today? :)). I'm going through an extremely horrible time right now. I have lost some of my ability to read. This is temporary. The only other time this has happened was when they told me I had Acute...
  18. K

    Welcome Back! Introducing Dr. Kam: A University Student Studying Medicine

    I hope you guys still remember me. I do miss you, and of course I miss PF as well. :shy: Also want to say hi to those who don't know me. :smile: Just a brief introduction of myself. I'm a rather old member here but have left here for about a year, and now I'm back! Why have I left? A long...
  19. E

    Solving Physics Problem: Find Coefficient of Friction

    Hello all, I'm new to this site and think it's a great idea to have a Physics site to help with, b/c we all know physics is the devil... (j/k) :) Anyway I have this problem which I think i figured out but want to be sure. Suppose a block of mass 25 kg rests on a horizontal surface...
  20. H

    HI clouds in the center of the Virgo cluster

    This paper http://arxiv.org/astro-ph/0505397 reports the discovery of a HI cloud near the center of the Virgo cluster. According to the morphology and kinematics of a plume in a nearby galaxy (NGC 4388), it is assumed that tidal forces or the pressure of the ICM gas have stripped this HI gas...
  21. P

    Hi, does anyone know the character table for the inversion group?

    hi, does anyone know the character table for the inversion group?
  22. A

    News Will Mr. Bush Attack Iran? - Ardian's Opinion

    Hi everybody, what do you think will Mr. Bush next move is he going to attack Iran? I have heard some rumors that U.S.A. troops are trying to find a pretext, (justifications), in order to attack Iran, as they did for Iraq, will they? I think they are just mad about the petrol nothing else...
  23. S

    Hi 2 Every1 Can Some1 Please Plaz Help Me?

  24. H

    Welcome Back! Active Member Returns to Forum

    Hi, I have been a memeber of this forum for sometime and I was not that acive , :zzz: forgive me. I had lots of work and studies to do. I am back with many questions and hope to be as active as I should be :!) I am happy to see myself here again :biggrin:
  25. T

    Hi, quick problem regarding emission of gamma ray.

    A Fe (57) atom is in an excited state 14.4 keV above the ground state. The nucleus decays to the ground state with the emission of a gamm ray. What's the recoil speed of the nucleus? I'm not sure how to set this up. I thought a photon would have no mass, therefor no momentum. If so I...
  26. B

    Who is the new university physics student on the forum?

    Hello everyone ! I've just joined this forum.I am a university physics student.Just wanted to drop in and say a big HI ! to everyone !
  27. S

    How is the doctor related to the boy?

    Hi all, I am a nwebie for this forum... Let me start with some goqd sense! Try to answer this simple question without thinking much okay? A father and a son are traveling in a car unfortunately the met with an accident. Father died on that spot but the son was carried to the hospital...
  28. E

    Hi, heed help to choose a new web hosting.

    Hi, heed help to choose a new web hosting. Currently I need to move my hosting to more stable and high-speed provider. After some research I selected top three most suitable for my needs but looking for someone feedbacks and experience with them so I can stop on that best one. What...
  29. P

    Are you moving to Minneapolis this winter?

    Hi, Long time, and wow a lot of changes :surprise: Yes, I will probably be moving up to Minnesota this winter. Minneapolis, anyone live there? And umm, hi to old friends like Professional, Monique, Evo, and all those participated in my threads, too many lol to mention lol. And OMG...
  30. T

    Interested in discussing time, space, and science with an artist? :cool:

    :cool:My name is Johny. I just recently signed on here and have some ideas on time, space, travel, science stuff. I don't know all the technical terms and mathematics, but I thought i'd throw some ideas out and see what you guys thought. As soon as I get a chance I'll write again.
  31. V

    Are You From America or Britain? Say Hi to a Newcomer!

    I'm new here so i just thought I'd say hi. It's a bit scary 'cos you all seem to be from America and I'm a Brit born and bred. :biggrin: I'm sure you are all very nice people though! Luv vix :wink:
  32. C

    What is the meaning of E in calculator notation?

    Hi, I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question... how do you compute 10E4.2 on the calculator? thanks in advance.. cseet
  33. P

    Who else works with electronic attack systems like the EA-6B Prowler?

    Hey, just joined the site, actually just found out about it! I'm glad I did, I haven't read about physics since college! I miss it, does that make me weird? Probably not here right? Anway, I fly EA-6B Prowlers for the Marine Corps as the ECMO(navigator and Electronic Countermeasures Officer)...
  34. D

    Welcome to the Forum - Say Hi to Daz!

    Hey all, New to the forum's so thought i'd say Hi ^.^ Daz.
  35. M

    Hi again, here is my problem and my efforts

    i wish i could find a solution for that poblem it is about inverse function: Show that the function has an inverse function, and find [(d/dx)f^-1(x))] x=a for the given number a f(x)=e^3x + 2e^x - 5 , x>=0 , a=-2 Here i proved that the function has an inverse by finding...
  36. I

    How Do You Calculate the Force of Friction on a Curling Rock?

    I have this assignment to do and I am stuck on finding the force of friction acting on a curling rock. The mass is 19Kg and the acceleration is -0.2m/s^2 I calculated the force applied using F = ma This gave me -3.8N I let negative rep force applied positive rep force of...
  37. S

    Is False Equivalent to Not True in Quantum Mechanics?

    If False the same as Not true? Undoubtendly, this is a question in Quantum Mechanics which was why I put it up here and not a Philosophical Question though it may sound like one... Sridhar
  38. R

    What can I expect to learn about Physics and Calculus on this forum?

    Hello everyone, just wanted to stop by and say Hi. Seems like a very nice place here, did sign up a last year but account got deleted somehow so yeah... Anyway, chances are that I'll be starting thread asking for explinations on the many aspects of Physics that I do not understand. Been...
  39. D

    Hi, I'm in AP Calculus and I feel really stupid

    Hi, I'm in AP Calculus and I feel really stupid :( I feel really stupid because it's only the first week of school and I'm struggling with the review (I forgot a lot over the summer) I'm posed with these two problems (in addition to many other but I don't want to bore you all :))...
  40. T

    Looking for a Helium Neon Laser? Welcome to the forum!

    Hi, i just stumbled across this site while looking for a helium neon laser. Anyways, I'm not sure if this forum is the right place to introduce myself but ill give it a shot. Let's see, I'm most interested in sound, optics and high voltage toys, heh. Well I'm sure i'll be posting here with some...
  41. Simfish

    Hi; I have a question here About Intel Science Talent Search

    I'm new to the forum here; so I might say hi here.. I have a great interest in Science; and am highly ambitious; althoug I am a bit indolent in body, seeing that I never exercise. ^^ May I ask this question; and could you all also give some essential information to a newbie on these forums...