Higgs boson Definition and 272 Threads

  1. H

    Scalar fields and the Higgs boson

    This is more of a QFT question, so the moderator may want to move it to another forum. The simplest example of a QFT that I learned was the scalar field; in Sakurai's 1967 textbook. I know the Higgs is a J=0 particle. Is it described by the simple scalar field discussed in Sakurai's text? I ask...
  2. Q

    Could the Higgs Boson Help Identify Dark Matter?

    I have been looking into Dark Matter recently and how we know really little about it to even try to identify what it is clearly. But Dark Matter obiously has mass which means that in some way it must be interacting with the Higgs Field. So could studying the Higgs Boson and comparing its...
  3. Swetha.M.L

    Is Higgs boson massless or does it gain mass when interacting with water?

    Is higgs boson massless? Photon is massless , is photon get mass when interract with water?
  4. S

    What Happens When a Street Urchin Walks Into the Higgs Boson Analogy?

    i was thinking about the Higgs Boson analogy that was put forward to help describe how it works/interacts to produce mass, of a very famous person walking into a party, everyone gathers round impedes progress, high interaction with Higgs field and particles therefore high mass, and then a less...
  5. N

    Exploring the Higgs Boson and Photons: What Gives Mass to Particles?

    Is highs boson a subatomic particle? If so what gives it mass. I mean if Higgs boson give mass to other particles then what gives mass to Higgs boson? Also could anyone explain how it can give mass to other particles? I would also like to ask about the light photons. How come they hon have mass...
  6. Marc Brown

    How do Physicists know the Higgs Field imparts mass?

    I can understand using calculations to determine if a particular quark configuration will work and not decay instantly, but how do calculations determine which particles or fields will have a specific influence over space-time if they weren't able to control the particle or field at will? How...
  7. N

    Resting masses of isolated neutrons versus neutrons in atoms

    I'm a high school student reading through a book on the discovery of the Higgs boson, and, among several other things, there's one part that I don't understand completely. I understand that the Higgs field is what gives mass to lots of particles that would otherwise be the same without the...
  8. QuantumKangaroo

    Difference between Photons and the Higgs Boson?

    I'm new to quantum physics, and this might be a stupid question. What is the difference between Photons and the Higgs Boson? I know that neither of them interact with the Higgs field. And that when CERN found the Higgs Boson, it decayed into other particles INCLUDING photons. So what's the...
  9. N

    Higgs particle and standard model Higgs particle difference?

    Hey physics enthusiasts, I have been reading and watching various videos, which talks about the possibility that the Higgs particle which was discovered by collisions in the large hadron collider(LHC) may not be the standard model Higgs particle. What does this mean? What is the difference...
  10. S

    Do you believe the Higgs boson was experimentally confirmed?

    Do you believe the Higgs boson was already experimentally confirmed? I guess that, as with any elementary particle, the Higgs boson should have a lot of theoretical properties that must all be experimentally confirmed to be sure it is Higgs' and not some other entity. Have the scientists...
  11. G

    Higgs field and my non-physicist friend

    I have heard many physicists in the media attempt to describe the Higgs boson in terms of analogies. Many seem to my amateur physicist mind to fall down immediately. One such analogy is that particles with mass interact with the Higgs field as if swimming through treacle. This is particularly...
  12. Swetha.M.L

    Unravelling the Mystery of Higgs boson and Light Particles

    from a malayalam language newspaper i read about Higgsboson that is according to standard model the Higgsboson is the piece of the atom that endows all the other piece with their mass. when electrons,quarks,etc are associated with higgs field they get mass. the light particle called photons have...
  13. andres0l1

    W_L-W_R Mixing in the Left-Right Symmetric Model

    Homework Statement The question is how to get the mass term for the W Gauge bosons within the Left Right Symmetric Model (LRSM). My main struggle is with the Left-Right Mixing part. So the LRSM has the gauge group $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L}$ and with an additional discrete...
  14. Vailanor

    What discoveries has the LHC made besides the Higgs Boson?

    Seeing as how the LHC is going to reboot soon, I am rather curious about what discoveries the LHC has made besides the Higgs Boson. I am also curious about what the LHC will be doing soon. I would also like more details about the Particle Physics field in a whole because it seems incredibly...
  15. jim mcnamara

    Did Homer Simpson Accurately Calculate the Mass of the Higgs Boson?

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/03/homer-simpson-higgs-boson_n_6793204.html?utm_hp_ref=media&ir=Media According to Simon Singh, in a 1998 episode the writers of the Simpsons had Homer in front of blackboard with a supposedly accurate calculation of the mass of the Higgs boson. Hmm...
  16. Trevor Hulette

    Higgs Boson: Decay, Proton Remnants & Detection

    I am concerned about the idea of decay of HB... when two photons collide in Hadron .. exploding outward.. as the proton remnants leave trails in the field surrounding .. revealing a smaller particle field which quickly disappear... My contemplations lead me to think they do NOT quickly decay...
  17. Q

    What does "the Higgs Boson destroys itself" means?

    I was reading a book that said the Higgs Boson destroys itself within trillionth of a second, I really did not understand this, so what does it mean?
  18. ohwilleke

    Theory of Everything (TOE) Without a Grand Unified Theory (GUT)

    Normally, we think about a grand unified theory (GUT) that unifies the standard model forces and particles into an overarching unified framework, as a pre-requisite to a theory of everything (TOE) which adds quantum gravity to a GUT. But, developments of both beyond the Standard Model physics...
  19. Safinaz

    CMS public results for Higgs boson

    Hi all, I read one of the CMS results for new charged Higgs on : https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/Hig14020TWiki I can't understand this sentence at the main results: What does it mean? is that constrains the theoretical calculations of sigma(pp -> H+- tb) to be 0.41-0.030 pb...
  20. H

    Does the higgs mechanism explain the observed masses of sub particles?

    I was wondering if there are any theories that show how much mass the higgs field gives to each particle and why? I am specifically wondering about the observed masses for each particles rest mass. Does the higgs mechanism give mass in quanta, and if so is there a reason for the amounts?
  21. J

    Higgs mechanism and relativity

    Hi all, Having looked into the Higgs mechanism a bit (I am a physics undergrad, so my understanding is pretty basic if even correct), I have come up with a question. I understand that the way that the Higgs field gives mass to the W and Z bosons is different to the way that it gives leptons...
  22. rpthomps

    Understanding the need for the Higgs Field

    Hello, I am a layman who just read Sean Carroll's The Particle at the End of the Universe and I am trying to understand what I think is the crux of the book, the need for the Higg's boson according to the Standard model. This is my thought process: 1. The weak interaction only interacts...
  23. F

    How many higgs particles are there in the universe

    And does not their mass add to the mass (or energy) of the universe? Does that not create problems in cosmological models ? I know about the Dark energy/higgs conjecture, but that is NOT my question.
  24. TrickyDicky

    Higgs boson semantic questions

    The first question is why it is sometimes called the "Higgs meson"?-even by its discoverers, see recent controversy about the particle's name and the proposal to call it "standard model scalar meson", isn't a meson a composite particle while the particle detected by the LHC supposed to be...
  25. S

    Why was Higgs not discovered at Tevatron?

    As far as I can tell Tevatron was able to identify relative to background an excess in decay processes in the range from 105 to 145 GeV. But what was different with Tevatron that didn't allow it to discover the Higgs before the LHC? The LHC had double the CM-energy but the Higgs could've still...
  26. Z

    Higgs boson decays to Bottom/Anti-Bottom then what?

    The charts at CERN show calculations that a 126 GeV Higgs boson is expected to decay to a bottom/anti-bottom quark combination 56% of the time. Do they mean as an Upsilon Meson which decays in a certain pattern according to the wiki meson decay charts? Or, do they mean independent bottom and...
  27. N

    One quick question about Higgs boson and supersymmetry

    Peter Higgs is going to get a Nobel prize for physics, since Higgs boson's existence was confirmed in the experiments in CERN. But I do have some questions: I read the following, but I'm not qualified to say if this is true or not, so I'm asking you for help, and if the following statement is...
  28. ZapperZ

    MOOC on The Discovery of the Higgs Boson

    MOOC on "The Discovery of the Higgs Boson" The University of Edinburgh is offering a massive online open course on "The Discovery of the Higgs Boson" to the public. This is a 7-week course, with 2 hours per week of online presentation. After this, there should be no more whining from people...
  29. my2cts

    Higgs model predicts a universe the size of a football.

    Veltman states that the cosmological constant in the Higgs model takes the form C= m2M2 / 8g2 , which is way too large. In fact, the universe should be about the size of a theorists head or a football. http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/...temVeltman.pdf He states that "since the energy of...
  30. F

    Could Black Holes Be Baby Universes Evolving Backwards in Time?

    If seems to me that the conditions in the early universe which led to the activation of the Higgs field might be found inside a black hole, but in reverse. This might explain the mystery of infinite density inside a black hole, uniting Gen Rel and QM. Might a black hole then be a baby universe...
  31. C

    Why was the LHC required to find the Higgs?

    If the Higgs is around 126 GeV, why was the LHC required to find it, when the Tevatron is capable of 1 TeV collisions and had already found the top quark which is quite a bit heavier? Is this because of something special about proton-proton collisions? Thanks! PS Please don't say "they did...
  32. Z

    Uncovering the Mystery: Higgs Decay Modes and the Weight Paradox

    Under the Higgs in wiki it says "Another possibility is for the Higgs to split into a pair of massive gauge bosons. The most likely possibility is for the Higgs to decay into a pair of W bosons (the light blue line in the plot), which happens about 23.1% of the time for a Higgs boson with a mass...
  33. M

    Frampton & Hung's Higgs mass ansatz

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.3904 A Possible Reason for MH ≃ 126 GeV Paul H. Frampton, Pham Q. Hung (Submitted on 15 Oct 2013) It is speculated that a possible reason for the scalar mass MH ≃ 126 GeV is equality of the lifetimes for vacuum decay and instanton-induced proton decay.
  34. M

    The homogeneous strength of the Higgs field

    Dear Physics Forum, As I understand it, the Higgs field is a quantum field that stretches throughout our universe. Particles that carry mass (for example protons and electrons) acquire this property by interacting with the (local) Higgs field. I assume this interaction can be written in the...
  35. K

    Higgs boson's mechanism for giving mass?

    What is the Higgs boson's mechanism for giving mass?
  36. L

    Which interaction does the Higgs field rely on?

    Dear Physics Forum, can anyone tell me which of the fundamental interactions is involved in the Higgs Field? Or is it a new and unique type of interaction apart from the fundamental 4?
  37. C

    Did the Higgs Boson boost undergraduate physics enrollment?

    I am writing about some crazy hypothesis I have about the impact the quest for the Higgs Boson, thereafter designated as HB, might have had on the number of people who declared physics majors during the years following its discovery. The preliminary data I have concerns two universities in my...
  38. J

    Elementary particles pre-Higgs coupling

    My question relates to the very origin of the elementary particles. I understand that the Higgs field breaks the mass symmetry of the elementary particles and that the Higgs field-based mass value for each particle is dependent upon the strength of interaction between each elementary particle...
  39. F

    Higgs Mechanism, how does it work?

    I'm not sure this thread belongs in this forum since we have now discovered a Higgs like boson. But I'm trying to get a better understanding of how the Higgs mechanism works. Let me share what I think I know, and you tell me how far off I am. Particles gain mass as they travel through the...
  40. Safinaz

    Why Does Higgs Production Cross Section Calculation Differ from Expected Values?

    Hi all, I try to calculate the Higgs production cross section by Mathematica using for example the formula in [arXiv:hep-ph/0503172]. The problem comes when I calculate " σ_0 " it's of order 10^-10 pb at mh = 125 GeV ( 3.57), then when I convolute with the parton distribution function to get...
  41. M

    Supersymmetry vs minimalism: what is the Higgs mass telling us?

    We have had several threads that discuss the 2009 prediction of the Higgs boson mass by Shaposhnikov and Wetterich, which used the assumption that quantum gravity is "asymptotically safe". But it's also true that the observed value is within a range predicted by some orthodox supersymmetric...
  42. E

    Can Higgs experiment give other new particles

    The Higgs experiment was intended to discover Higgs boson. But, can measurement data give any other new elementary particles? Or, are the measurements so specific, that other particles cannot be seen?
  43. lonewolf219

    Higgs potential and fluctuations about the vacuum

    Hello! I was hoping somebody may be able to help me understand something much beyond the physics I have learned so far. I need to complete an assignment that I believe is asking me to find the Higgs potential function? 1. My professor mentioned the following: minimization at the origin...
  44. marcus

    Higgs-driven cyclic conformal cosmology (Steinhardt Turok Bars)

    I approach this cautiously but with interest. (How often do ideas like this work out?) http://arxiv.org/pdf/1307.1848v1.pdf and suggest you jump immediately to page 24 where there is a suggestive graph, Figure 1. ==quote page 24 of Bars Steinhardt Turok 1307.1848== Fig.(1) is an...
  45. J

    Exploring the Possibilities: Higgs Boson Interactions and Energy Release

    I'm not very good at physics but please forgive me. What will hapen now when we found the higgs boson: I have a proposition i don't know if it is posible but if someone can help and explain to me i will be greatiful. Is it possible that now when thay found the higgs to do the same like the...
  46. Q

    Was the mass of the Higgs given at 125.8?

    Hi Everyone. In the Resonaances blog, I recall that it was mentioned there that the particle physics group at CERN had made an updated statement of the mass of the Higgs as being 125.8. When I look at the Resonaances blog I cannot find reference to this statement and they are only now...
  47. T

    What is the relationship between scalar fields and tensor fields?

    I've PMd some of you with this question, but I got some conflicting replies or no replies at all lol, so I'm posting it here. I also did a Google search and found this which I'm almost sure answers my question, but I just want to confirm with you guys: ''In general, scalar fields are referred...
  48. T

    Is the higgs boson necessary for particles to exist.

    why without the higgs boson, would particle physics be nonsense. why does this particle have such an important impact on particle physics. is this why it was called the god particle? its existence is unquestionably but no one had ever seen it. I bet when they discovered it the pa's were like...
  49. P

    Why is the Higgs field a scalar field?

    as i understand it the higgs field is a spin-0 scalar field that gives mass to elementry particles. How is it a scalar field? I thought it was homogenous.
  50. P

    Exploring the Higgs Field: Tachyonic Behavior at Critical Temperatures

    the wiki article on the higgs mechanism says "at a critical temprature the higgs field becomes tachyonic". Does it? If so what temprature? And how can a field be taychonic? Thanks in advance.