Higgs Definition and 684 Threads

  1. E

    Wiki Quote-2 - Higgs Mechanism

    "Although the evidence for the Higgs mechanism is overwhelming," As far as I know there is no evidence for the Higgs mechanism. The only potential evidence is the Higgs particle which has not been found! Is this also SM propaganda?
  2. E

    Wiki Quote 1 - Higgs Mechanism?

    "The Higgs mechanism in the standard model successfully predicts the mass of the W±, and Z weak gauge bosons," How does the higgs mechanism predict the masses of the W & Z? The Higgs has no specific coupling value to any particle and it is the coupling value that gives the mass value Is...
  3. marcus

    Predict Higgs mass by AsymSafety: Shaposhnikov and Wetterich

    http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.0208 Asymptotic safety of gravity and the Higgs boson mass Mikhail Shaposhnikov, Christof Wetterich 12 pages (Submitted on 1 Dec 2009) "There are indications that gravity is asymptotically safe. The Standard Model (SM) plus gravity could be valid up to arbitrarily high...
  4. humanino

    How is the Tevatron able to improve their Higgs boson mass exclusion range?

    After improving their statistics and analysis, the Tevatron gets a narrower exclusion range for the Higgs boson mass Combined CDF and D0 Upper Limits on Standard Model Higgs-Boson Production with 2.1 - 5.4 fb-1 of Data I am unsure how Alain Connes feels now. I have difficulties to understand...
  5. D

    Learning enough to understand the Higgs boson prediction?

    If I wanted to learn just enough physics and maths to understand the predicted existence of the Higgs boson, how long would that take? (Assuming average undergrad ability). If you view the prediction as the top point of a pyramid of knowledge, how big is that pyramid?
  6. K

    Apparently, Higgs bosons created in an alternative future can alter the present.

    http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2009/10/is-a-time-travelling-higgs-sab.html Can you believe this? I guess we all need a good laugh every once in a while.
  7. C

    Mass, Higgs Field and Speed of Light

    I saw in a documentary, that the higgs mechanism is what gives us mass and that a massless object should be able to move at the speed of light. Therefore the higgs field is slowing us down. When i move my arm in the air, am i interacting with the higgs field? Am I assigning movement to...
  8. Z

    Is the Higgs Particle the Sole Determinant of Inertia?

    The Higgs particle is said to be required for mass. Does this mass in this case mean inertia? Surely all that is required for mass is energy.
  9. T

    Inertial mass, gravitational mass, and the Higgs

    If we explain the origin of inertial mass with the Higgs mechanism, how do we explain the origin of gravitational mass? In other words, how does the Higgs mechanism contribute to the gravitational field of a particle? (Note: the closest thread I've found to this is...
  10. marcus

    Unifying Gravity, Gauge Interactions & Higgs Bosons: Smolin & Speziale

    A. Garrett Lisi, L. Smolin and S. Speziale, “Unification of gravity, gauge interactions and Higgs bosons in the extended Plebanski formalism,” to appear. This interesting reference was found in a recently posted preprint by Smolin and Speziale. (thanks to MTd2 for spotting the Smolin...
  11. M

    Who did I see at the bus stop today?

    He was standing at a bus stop...
  12. S

    Is the Higgs field the substance that fills the universe?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_mechanism Since the proposed Higgs field is a quantum fluid filling all of space, what is it's relationship to gravity? Is gravity the result of pressure created by the Higgs Quantum Fluid?
  13. K

    How did physicists predict anything about the Higgs boson?

    Perhaps asking this question is like someone who just learned how to add asking about differential equations, but I decided to go ahead and ask it anyway. The reasoning behind the Higgs field and its associated particle makes sense; however, how could physicists possibly predict its mass and...
  14. E

    Stringy landscape v.s higgs fine tuning

    Susy has been offered as a way to stabilize the Higgs sector from radiative corrections, on the argument that w/o SUSY the higgs expansion would have to be fine-tuned to 32 decimal places. But string theory landscape posits 10^500 different compactification schemes w/anthropic principle...
  15. C

    Is the Higgs Boson Really the Graviton?

    Hello there. I have a question, or better yet, a proposition on the higgs boson/graviton: would it be possible for these to be one in the same? What I mean by this is that under the assumption that higgs boson does exist (which I agree with) that gravity is then propagated from the boson...
  16. A

    Couplings of fermions and bosons to the Higgs

    Homework Statement I have to show that the couplings to the Higgs ( W+ W- h , ZZh, hhh, and e+e-h) are proportional to the mass squared (for bosons) or mass (for fermions) of the particles. But according to this problem I don't have to explicitly construct the interaction terms in the...
  17. U

    Explanation of the Higgs Field?

    I want to understand the higgs field more, but all the explanations i read i only slightly understand. Even that explanation of the celebrity walking into a room just made me more confused. Why does the higgs field gives objects mass? and how is the higgs field created? I want to know more but...
  18. S

    The Higgs Mechanism: What Gives the Supposed God Particle its Mass?

    If the Higgs field imparts mass, and is composed of Higgs bosons, what gives this supposed "God" particle its mass ? Of course causation is a deterministic space/time entity. And QM proves that determinism is not the whole story. But I cannot see the logic behind the idea that a particle...
  19. Andrew Mason

    Is the Higgs boson necessary to explain the source of mass and gravity?

    I understand the theory that "forces" as we conceive them are mediated by force particles or force carriers (the gauge bosons: photons for electro-magnetic force, gluons for strong nuclear force and W-Z bosons for the weak nuclear force, ). The analogy to gravity is the graviton. I am not...
  20. B

    A question on the Higgs fields and Mass

    Assuming the existence of the higgs field, what would happen to an inertial object if it were to 'magically' reduce it's mass, through reducing it's ability to interact with the higgs field? Would it's velocity relative to a stationary object increase, decrease, or remain unaffected? Are there...
  21. K

    Understanding the Higgs Mechanism: W & Z Boson Mass & Particle Mass

    I need help understanding the Higgs mechanism: what is the Higgs condensate, what is the Higgs boson, why do only the W and Z bosons have mass, and how exactly do particles receive mass? thanks guys!
  22. T

    Higgs Boson & Relativity: A Layman's Explanation

    Hello, I am looking for a layman's description of how the Higgs Boson is related to relativity, I've searched the forum and google but can't seem to find an answer. As I understand it the HB doesn't contradict the geometric interpretation of gravity (Spacetime bending and all that). So...
  23. D

    Higgs, Fermi-Dirac distribution, and Pauli exclusion principle

    hi, I am studying the Higgs Mechanism these days. And I get two questions. I hope some ones could help me. 1>We know that due to the non-zero VEV, SSB takes place and higgs condensates give masses to bosons and fermions. I wonder that after the SSB and before the universe became as cool...
  24. C

    Higgs Field & Gravity: What's the Connection?

    This may or may not be the correct place for this question. Having looked on-line for the answer and found nothing I could understand, I hope someone here can shed some light on my question: If the Higgs field exists, what sort of relationship might it have with gravity?
  25. F

    Does the Higgs violate E=mc^2?

    The Higgs boson couples to all particles with mass. But even a photon has, through E=mc^2, an equivalent mass. Therefore, the Higgs should also couple to the photon. But every text says that it does not, because it is uncharged. How can this paradox be solved? François
  26. B

    'Extra' terms in Abelian Higgs model

    I'm taking 5 mins (hours) during some down-time to remind myself of some theory. Taking a simple Abelian Higgs model, where the Lagrangian is given by: \mathcal{L} = |D_\mu\Phi|^2 - \frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} - V(\Phi) With the covariant derivative, field strength tensor and potential...
  27. H

    Explaining Aether & Difference between Higgs Field & Aether

    Can someone explain to me what Aether is? And what's the difference between the Higgs field and the aether? thanks
  28. C

    Solving the Mystery of the Higgs Field

    My understanding of the Higgs ocean comes from Briane Greene's The Fabric of the Cosmos. The book says that the Higgs field is a nonzero value field, and that if enough energy where put into it, enough to raise it to zero value, then mass would no longer exist since there would be no resistance...
  29. J

    Tradition of physics wagers : Higgs Boson

    A friend just showed this to me and I thought it was neat. There's always been a history of physicists wagering on theoretical or experimental results, but it looks like it has spread to the mainstream. You can bet on whether the Higgs boson will be discovered before the end of the year...
  30. MTd2

    How to impose a boundary on higgs mass given the top mass?

    Please, I would like sugestions on how to calculate that. It seems a very common topic on higgs experimental search, and I would like to understand that. Thanks!
  31. K

    Higgs Boson and Hawking Radiation

    Hey everyone, I'm new here. I'm currently a Grade 12 Student interested in Astrophysics, who has just recently applied to University (in Canada: UBC, UVic, UofT, UWO, Queen's, and York; all for Astrophysics and/or Astronomy, if anyone wants to give me advice on which one to choose, please do...
  32. Chewy0087

    String Theory & Higgs: Explaining Spin 0

    Don't really want to go into much detail here :P, was just wondering during a crappy elctro/physics lesson today; I find it hard to understand the concept of spin at all in string theory, but assuming it's the same as the standard model (it's physically spinning) as opposed to vibrating or...
  33. M

    Question about Higgs fields in SU(5) GUT.

    [[Mod. note -- I have "repaired" various non-ASCII characters as best as I can, but it's *much* safer if postings are submitted in 7-bit-ASCII only. In particular, Microsoft Windows "smart quotes" tend to get quite mangled before they arrive at s.p.r moderstors' mailboxes... :( -- jt]] In the...
  34. F

    Will the Higgs mix with glueballs?

    Both the Higgs boson and glueballs are expected to be 0++ particles: spin 0, positive C and P parity. Thus the two particles will probably mix - or not? Will this have any effect on either of the two? François
  35. M

    Measuring the spin of a Higgs Boson.

    Premature, I am well aware. However, I was given an assignment to write an experimental procedure for measuring the spin of the Higgs Boson. I've already finished the paper so this isn't homework, but I am curious as to the motivations of my Professor. It is my understanding that the Higgs...
  36. F

    Is the Higgs Field the Only Way to Explain Mass in the Standard Model?

    Assume that fermion masses arise by some other mechanism, and that W and Z masses arise as well, would then the Higgs be necessary? Or could one find a way to use the standard model up to the Planck energy without Higgs sector at all? Would the unitarity problem at 1 TeV still exist...
  37. D

    Why is the Higgs Field a Scalar Field? Exploring Its Nature

    Why is the Higgs field a scalar field? I understand if it is one, it will have no spin and no angular momentum. But understanding that a particle is a scalar seems to me a leap of faith. What am I not getting?
  38. F

    Higgs mechanism and Angular momentum

    There is an aspect of the Higgs mechanism I am troubled about. This applies to any theory with Higgs, but for sake of definiteness I will restrict the discussion to the Standard Model. The (unbroken) theory starts with a complex Higgs doublet, which corresponds to four degrees of freedom...
  39. Q

    Exploring the Higgs Field: Photons and Neutrinos

    Why don't the photon and the neutrinos couple to the higgs field? Is there any associated charge which determines which particles couple to the Higgs field?
  40. J

    Is the quadratic divergence of the Higgs mass really bad?

    I just happened to read two papers that pretend that the quadratic divergence of the Higgs mass is not a problem. The first is "Vacuum energy: Quantum Hydrodynamics vs Quantum Gravity" http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0505104 (Update: this is now the correct paper from arxiv) where Volovik says that...
  41. U

    Higgs boson and the mass of W and Z

    Thanks for everyone's help so far, it's been extemely useful for researching my talk. Whilst doing other research for my talk I came across this on wikipedia: "More specifically, the Higgs boson would explain the difference between the massless photon and the relatively massive W and Z...
  42. J

    Higgs particle, supersymmetry and dark matter.

    Could someone help explain how these are related? I kind of understand the Higgs particle/field. It is believed to be the reason why fundamental particles (fermions and bosons) have mass. So, then I read that one of the problems with the Higgs field is that if it is true things should be...
  43. J

    String Theory: Higgs and Blackholes

    First question: Since a neutral Higgs boson is its own anti-particle, and has zero spin, it appears to have zero for all quantum numbers (in the standard model). This is what one would expect as well for the smallest neutral black hole with no angular momentum. What "new" quantum numbers...
  44. P

    How will LHC know the Higgs when they see it?

    How will LHC know the Higgs when they "see" it? Amid the petabytes of information about to stream forth from Europe, how will Physics know if it has been wrong about the Higgs field and what may prove the premise? What's the best or worst case scenario, and what comes next?
  45. ZapperZ

    Hawking Bets $100 the LHC Will Not Find The Higgs

    Hawking certainly will put his money where is mouth is. He has bet $100 that the http://www.physorg.com/news140161003.html" (or at least, one of the Higgs being predicted to be within the LHC energy range). So who is taking his bet? He does think that the LHC will find a supersymmetric partner...
  46. C

    Higgs Boson Q: Implications for Weak Interactions & Standard Model

    If the higgs boson is never found does that mean that the theory of weak interactions is partly useless because there is no local gauge invariance? If that this not the case then I really want to know what does it entail for the standard model and what would possibly have to be done to fix this...
  47. 2

    Is the Higgs Boson Just a Force?

    Hello I am trying to understand the function of the Higgs bosun which appears to lend mass to other particles. But what if it has no mass and is purely a force? Could the Higgs force be assimulated by another particle but at the same time it also imparts a reactional force - gravity. If...
  48. marcus

    Higgs excluded at 170 GeV (press release 4 August)

    Monday 4 August press release http://www.fnal.gov/pub/presspass/press_releases/Higgs-constraints-August2008.html ===sample excerpt=== Tevatron Experiments Double-Team Higgs Boson Joint CDF, DZero effort lands Fermilab in Higgs territory Batavia, Ill.--Scientists from the CDF and DZero...