High energy Definition and 163 Threads

  1. W

    Has anyone noticed that there are patterns everywhere in high energy physics?

    As I am studying the very basics topics of high energy physics on my own time I find that there are patterns everywhere, the same kind of patterns. Where there are 6 quark types and those come in three pairs, for example the up and down quarks. Then you have leptons which do the exact same...
  2. G

    Deflecting high energy proton beam

    hi everyone, I have a question concerning the magnets physics more precisely about the Kickers/Dipoles. For my work, I need to design an optical system capable of deflecting a proton beam (4 GeV) switching between to 2 angles (+ 118 mard and -118 mrad) in a raw. Can a pulsed magnet...
  3. J

    Extremely high energy density batteries?

    Are there articles written on exotic, ultimate batteries? I'm not referring to those for hybrid cars, but those that have energy densities up to that of nuclear fuels or higher. Rather than batteries that operate via chemical oxidation and reduction, is there a theoretical type of battery...
  4. S

    Can high energy radiation create momentum?

    Suppose there's an atom in deep space, beyond the reach of gravity of any close-by galaxies. When this atom is bombarded with gamma radiation, and an electron is ejected, wouldn't this ejection also exert reverse 'thrust' on the atom itself, in accordance to Newton's 3rd law? In other words...
  5. N

    Difference between nuclear, particle, and high energy physics?

    What is the difference in them? They all seem to be very similar at face value and they have some overlapping study. Particle physics studies subatomic particle and its constituents, nuclear physics studies how they interact in the nucleus of a proton/proton and the quark-gluon force...
  6. Z

    Is Pure math of any use in Theoretical high energy physics?

    Is Pure math like functional analysis and real analysis of any use in Theoretical high energy physics research ? Do I need to learn them?
  7. I

    Which European Universities Offer Top Programs in High Energy Physics?

    Hello, I'm currently an undergraduate student (well, a graduate one in France, but I'm considered as an undergraduate in the UK or the US) in Ecole Polytechnique, France. I followed a strong cursus in mathematics and physics and I am know in my last year in Ecole Polytechnique with a major in...
  8. mrspeedybob

    Could High Energy Virtual Particles Destroy a Starship?

    I am told that the space surrounding me is filled with virtual particles, popping into and out of existence. I could believe that they exist for such short times and at such low energies that sophisticated equipment is needed to detect them. However, a collision between even 1 virtual electron...
  9. P

    Extremely High Energy Photons?

    I was wondering whether it was possible for an extremely high energy photon to exist, or if there's a limit to the energy in just one photon. And I'm talking REALLY high energy here. Like twice the energy of, say, the gamma rays released in a supernova. If this is possible, what is that photon...
  10. S

    Why Are Organic Compounds More Energy Rich Than Inorganic Compounds?

    Is there any particular reason other than "law of nature" for us to consume organic compounds which are high energy compounds. Are inorganic compounds not so energy rich like organic compounds? What are the reasons? I couldn't really figure out where to post this question, in bio or chem.
  11. T

    High Energy Electron- Proton Collison

    I was wondering What would happen if one was to smash a High Energy Electron with a High Energy Proton let's say they both have a kinetic energy of 1 Tev.
  12. Dadface

    High energy electron/electron collisions

    Can anybody tell me if any research is currently being carried out,or planned,to investigate further high energy electron/electron collisions?If so what sort of information may such research reveal?The only thing I can think of is that any research may be able to test Coulombs law down to...
  13. Z

    High Energy Physics: Q&A on Computational Skills & Math Courses

    I have some questions regarding High Energy Physics Are Computational Physics and Programming Skills of use for The High Energy Physicist or is it sufficient to only know how to use MATLAB ? Also should I take courses in Algebraic topology and Algebraic geometry ? Also What other math courses...
  14. S

    High energy rechargeable Aluminum batteries

    In this article http://www.adlabs.com/library/battery.html" (read PDF) an author proposes high energy density rechargeable aluminum-based batteries.They are based on reaction of Aluminum with Iron (or other metals) and oxygen.I still trying to understand why autor is so sure that such type of...
  15. L

    180 degree Compton Scattering: low versus high energy initial photon

    So when you calculate the scattered electron energy and the scattered photon energy (for 180 degree deflection) you get roughly the following (in keV). Photon(in)__Photon(scattered)__Electron(recoil) 27.5_______24.8______________2.7 81_________62_______________19...
  16. H

    Splitting H atom = High energy?

    Hydrogen Fusion = High energy? Where does the energy come from when a Hydrogen atom is fused? Is the energy stored in some part (proton, neutron, electron)? Thank you if someone can give me some idea about this. I guess it is about the strong nuclear force, but I'd like to know in a bit more...
  17. A

    Research in high energy phenomenology.

    For doing research in high energy physics phenomenology, specially in physics beyond standard model, what background should one have? What are the tools researchers in this area generally use? Do you think research in this area to be hard? In phenomenology papers, sometimes very complicated and...
  18. O

    Advices for a career in high energy physics

    Hi everyone-- This is my first post here, and I don't want this thread to look one of those that is created on every forum resulting on google, helplessly seeking help. I have been reading this forum for some time, and I guess I can ask for some academical advice and guidance. I believe it is...
  19. T

    High energy light slower than lower energies?

    Hey all, am new here so please go easy on me. This regards observation of Markarian 501 with the MAGIC telescope. Gamma rays appear 4 minutes after the visible light. That high energy photons (gamma rays) travel more slowly through the "quantum foam" has been suggested, and even more mundane...
  20. K

    High Energy Physics: Exploring the Possibilities

    I've always been fascinated by the simplicity and elegance intertwined within the fabric of High Energy Physics, from Particle Physics to Superstring Theory/LQG and it has convinced me that this is a field I wish to pursue. The idea discoursing my dream is: "Is this still a fruitful area of...
  21. K

    High energy free electron and low energy photon collision

    please feel free to correct me on any of this. is it possible for a high energy free electron to collide with a low energy photon? If so, what happens? And can this be replicated in a laboratory setting?
  22. Pengwuino

    Question about Natural Units in High Energy Physics

    I have a quick question about the units used in high energy physics. In natural units, c = h = 1, but I keep seeing time referenced as t=\frac{1}{m^2}. I figure there's 2 h-bars on top but that still leaves s^2. Can someone straighten me out here? Thanks!
  23. X

    Schools High Energy Physics: Navigating the Application Process

    More and more I'm thinking that I'd like to do high energy physics in grad school. But at the same time I recognize that I'm not a genius and the competition is very stiff in high energy physics. So I'm wondering if applying to a particular school for their high energy program would make it...
  24. D

    Opinions Sought on Hawking Radiation and High Energy Collisions

    Can someone give some opinions on the following? The 2 main arguments from this site i can tell are: that hawking radiation isn't proven. And that high energy collisions in the upper atmosphere travel at a fast speed & the small black holes can escape from Earth unlike in the lhc. I...
  25. R

    Energy deposited by high energy electrons in matter

    Hello all, i am trying to calculate the energy deposited by high energy electrons traveling through Silicon. I am dealing with energies in the range of 10^6 - 10^12 eV. I have read that radiative losses will dominate at higher energies and the critical energy where ionization loss =...
  26. nomadreid

    High energy photons collapsing into small black holes?

    One of the arguments for the existence of a minimum distance, the Planck distance, is (*) that in order to probe a smaller distance, you need a probe, e.g. a photon, of wavelength smaller than that distance, that is, of very high energy, and indeed such high energy that when it is localized it...
  27. R

    Math needed for high energy physics?

    How important is measure theory for high energy physics? My math skills are poor compared to my physics knowledge, so I want to focus more time studying math rather than physics, but I don't know what type of math to study. I can't find any online video lectures of things like differential...
  28. M

    Need advice for high energy physics programs with low GPA but good otherwise

    Top university in my country (Taiwan) Undergrad GPA: 3.3/3.1 overall/major Grad (Master) GPA: 3.5 sGRE: 970 GRE: 580/800/4 v/q/w TOEFL: 112 Publication: 3rd out of 50+ authors in PRL I would like to pursue a PhD in physics, but to do that I'd need to get admitted somewhere first... I...
  29. T

    High energy electrons and hydrogen(protons) A Level Physics Question

    Hi the question I am asking help for can be found here http://www.hinchingbrookeschool.net/science/documents/A_GCE_Physics_B_2864_01_January_2007_Question_Paper.pdf page 13. question 11b and 11c. Page 12 will give you the experiment setup b - Can somehow please explain how that little...
  30. D

    History of High Energy electron-positron collisions

    Can someone please tell me the history of high-energy electron-positron collisions? In specific when was it discovered that such collisions can create hadrons? Any information would be useful. Thanks.
  31. B

    Best 3rd year project for High Energy Physics

    I have to choose my disertation for next year and I've been given a selection of topics. I'm interested in doing an MSc/PhD in high energy physics but my school doesn't have anybody working in that area (only quantum gravity). I've singled it down to some choices: Hamiltonian Algebra and...
  32. K

    Particle-Antiparticle Pairs: When High Energy Photons Split

    when do high energy photons become a paritcle/antiparticle pair?
  33. S

    Programs Physics undergrad degree (→theoretical high energy physics) in the US?

    I am currently a high school student (in my final year) in South Africa. I am passionate about physics, and can frankly see myself following no other career path. Ultimately it is my goal to become a theoretical high energy physicist. (And then unify quantum mechanics with general relativity...
  34. H

    Graduate School for HEP: What to Do?

    I originally wanted to go into graduate school for exp. HEP. I now have several options for graduate studies and I'm now confused as to what to do. I want to work on particle physics specifically on the LHC experiments. However, I was told by my undergrad. advisor that after taking my...
  35. M

    High Energy Gamma Rays: Interaction w/ Matter

    Is there any on-line reference which describes the interaction of high energy (> 100 Mev) gamma rays with matter. These are gamma rays from gamma ray bursts, etc. in contrast to low energy from nuclear radiation.
  36. S

    Hyperconductivity in dense high energy particle streams/sheets

    Anyone know anything about this? I've heard that above a "hyperconduction threshhold" of charged particle density, particularly with electrons, the stream or sheet current magnetically locks, syncrotron radiative losses vanish and the stream exibits many of the properties of superconductivity...
  37. N

    High Energy Photon/Curved Space Limit?

    High Energy Photon/Curved Space Limit?? Energy curves space. The smaller the wavelength of a photon, the higher its energy. With regards to a high energy photon, Could there be an energy threshold for a photon at which its high energy could curve space to such an extent that the photon...
  38. Y

    Electrical/Computer Engineer wants to become a High Energy Physics Theorist

    I want to learn and contribute to things like quantum gravity, M-Theory, and other theories beyond the standard model. I would also like to be able to interpret the results of experiments done in the LHC when it finally works again. So some amount of experimental work is needed too...
  39. 0

    High Energy Lasers: Questions & Answers

    Does someone here know about high energy lasers? As I understand it, at a certain field strength you damage your optical media, but I know high power cw lasers do exist, so I wonder: 1) How do you shutter a high power laser? 2) Is it possible to join two laser beams. The only way I see...
  40. G

    High Energy Electron Collisions

    Hello, I have two electrons one at (0,0,0) in a (x,y,z ) grid with velocities (.99c, 0,0) respectively and the other at (1000,0,0) with velocities (-.99c,0,0). Considering relativity and other factors, I need to find whether or not they hit where if they do collide to find their resultant...
  41. J

    Relativistic dynamics of high energy particles

    Homework Statement a) a photon of energy E = 2m0c2 hits a resting particle of rest mass m0 and is absorbed by it. What is the subsequent speed of the new particle after absorption b)Protons have been observed with energies of up to 1021 eV. How thick does Earth appear to the proton? c)...
  42. B

    ATP contains energy in its high energy bond

    I understand that ATP contains energy in its high energy bond. However, there are two high energy bonds in ATP. Thus ADP still has 1 high energy bond. Is this bond used for energy? Can you give an example where the energy of ADP is used?
  43. T

    How to involve people in high energy physics?

    how to involve people in high energy physics? how to improve our basics? what is needed to improve or build our basics?
  44. S

    Physics How Is High Energy Physics as Career?

    Lot of people asking about the jobs and salary of Astrophysics and i have also asked before. Now i ask about high energy physics..What about salary at CERN and Fermilab ? and is it has more job opportunities than Astrophysics and theoritical physics at usa or europe? What do you say?
  45. K

    Calculate Depth of Water & Shielding for X-Rays (10MeV)

    how do i calculate the depth of water an electron takes to stop at different energies? ( for instance at 10MeV is 6cm) would it be a dirrect relationship? Also i need to know how to calculate shielding for the xrays created. Thickness of concrete? (per MeV) thanks
  46. ZapperZ

    Proposed US Budget A Major Blow to High Energy Physics

    If you haven't noticed it yet, the budget that was approved by the US House of Representative, and which President Bush intended to sign after it makes its way through the Senate, is a severe blow to several areas of physics, especially in High Energy Physics. This includes a severe cut to the...
  47. S

    High Energy Gamma Rays Go Slower Than the Speed of Light?

    http://www.universetoday.com/2007/10/03/high-energy-gamma-rays-go-slower-than-the-speed-of-light/ Bad news or bad journalism?
  48. T

    Objects melt and burned if a high energy ray is shined unto it?

    Will all objects melt and burned if a high energy ray like gamma ray is shined unto it? My guess is no, since gamma photons will be absorbed by the objects if the photon energy is the same as the transition levels in the object. If it doesn't, then the photons will not be absorbed, and just...
  49. I

    High energy electron scattering and proof of nucleus structure

    Hey all, I am currently revising for my Physics mock but i can't get my head around high energy electron scattering, and the proof this provides for the size of the nucleus. I have read from a variety of texts and some of the links on here but these have lead me to become even more...