Homework problem Definition and 419 Threads

Homework, or a homework assignment, is a set of tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside the classroom. Common homework assignments may include required reading, a writing or typing project, mathematical exercises to be completed, information to be reviewed before a test, or other skills to be practiced.
The effects of homework are debated. Generally speaking, homework does not improve academic performance among young children, because children need more sleep to develop and grow. Homework may improve academic skills among older students, especially lower-achieving students. However, homework also creates stress for students and parents, and reduces the amount of time that students can spend in other activities.

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  1. C

    Solving Homework Problem: Masses, Pulleys, and Forces

    Homework Statement The problem seems like this: on the left, closer to the floor, is block3 with mass 1.0kg, there is a string above it which connects it to block2 with mass 3.0kg which has a string above it that circles around a pulley and comes back down connecting it to block1 with mass...
  2. C

    Coefficient of friction homework problem

    Homework Statement A 10kg mass is released from rest and slides down an incline that makes an angle of 37degrees with the horizontal. The coefficient of friction is 0.4 on the incline. Determine (a) the force of friction acting to oppose the motion, and (b) the acceleration Homework...
  3. L

    Angular Frequency for Small Oscillations

    [SOLVED] help with homework problem Homework Statement A uniform disk of radius 4.4 m and mass 9 kg is suspended from a pivot 1.364 m above its center of mass. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. Find the angular frequency w for small oscillations. The Attempt at a Solution I'm just...
  4. P

    How Does Magnetic Repulsion Affect Puck Velocities in Elastic Collisions?

    A 1.0 kg magnetized air puck moving across a level table at 0.24 m/s approaches head-on a stationary, similarly magnetized air puck of mass 0.50 kg. If the "magnetic collision" is repulsive and perfectly elastic, determine: (a) the velocity of each puck after the collision (b) the velocity of...
  5. J

    Newton's Second Law of Motion homework problem

    An applied force accelerates mass A at a rate of 6.0m/s^2. The same force applied to mass B accelerates the mass at a rate of 8.0m/s^2. If the same force were used to accelerate both masses together, what would be the resulting acceleration be?
  6. C

    Engineering Finding IA After a Long-Closed Switch: A Homework Problem

    Homework Statement The problem is: After being closed for along time, the switch shown in figure 1 opens at t=0. Find IA for all time. Homework Equations I believe it would be i(t)=Ioe^(-t/(CReq)) or i(t)=(Q/P)+Ae^(-Pt) Q/p=Vo/r and 1/p is time constant or t/(CReq) The Attempt at...
  7. X

    Inequalities math homework problem

    A rectangular solid is to be constructed with a special kind of wire along all the edges. The length of the base is to be twice the width of the base. The height of the rectangular solid is such that the total amount of wire used (for the whole figure) is 40 cm. Find the range of possible...
  8. D

    Projectile Motion homework problem

    A projectile is fired from the surface of level ground at an angle Ao above the horizontal. A) Show that the elevation angle B of the highest point as seem from the launch point is related to Ao by tanB = (1/2)tanAo B) Calculate B for Ao = 45 deg So I figure at the highest point, Vy must...
  9. S

    How Do You Solve a Pre Calculus Problem with Congruent Sides and Diagonals?

    [SOLVED] Pre Calculus Homework Problem...Help! [b]1. Homework Statement A quadrilateral has two pairs of congruent sides and a longer diagonal of length of 6, as shown. For what value of x will the area of the shaded region be 40% of the area of the unshaded region? [b]2. Homework...
  10. P

    When Does the Turtle Reach 10 cm from the Starting Point for the Third Time?

    Homework Statement A turtle crawls along a straight line, which we will call the x-axis with the positive direction to the right. The equation for the turtle's position as a function of time is x(t)=50.0cm+(2.00cm/s)\,t-(0.0625cm/s^2)t^2 At what time t is the turtle third time a distance...
  11. F

    Struggling with Bioelectricity Homework?

    I have received a homework document from one of my professors. However, I am having difficulty answering some of the questions, since the diagram seems so awful to understand. You can find the document here. http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcnj7bph_2fnmnzt For question # 1 and 2 I put...
  12. B

    Solving Strain in a Box on the X-Y Axis: A Homework Problem

    Homework Statement I've got a problem that I can't figure out. It deals with strain. I've got a box, sitting on the x-y axis(like normal x-y axis's are). The box extends 4 inches from the origin in the x direction, and 2 inches up. Going clockwise(starting at origin) the corners are...
  13. P

    Need help with homework problem

    Homework Statement In Figure 5-65, a force of magnitude 13 N is applied to a FedEx box of mass m2 = 1.2 kg. The force is directed up a plane tilted by ? = 38°. The box is connected by a cord to a UPS box of mass m1 = 5.0 kg on the floor. The floor, plane, and pulley are frictionless, and the...
  14. W

    Easy homework problem I know, how original.

    Homework Statement Four point charges are situated at the corners of a square with sides of length a. Find the resultant force on the positive charge q. HINT: write an expression for the resultant force, use Ke for Ke, q for q, and a for a! That makes sense, because not much information is...
  15. R

    What Is the Typical Volume Ratio Between the Bulb and Tube in a Thermometer?

    Homework Statement What is the ratio of the volume of the bulb of a thermometer to the volume of the thin tube in a bulb thermometer. It's not really a problem, but its just something I need to know to for my course. I can't find it anywhere else, so I was wondering if anyone knew it here...
  16. K

    Gravitation of two iron spheres homework problem

    Consider two iron spheres, each of diameter 100mm, which are just touching. At what distance r from the center of the Earth will the force of mutual attraction between the contacting spheres be equal to the force exerted by the Earth on one of the spheres? Here's my work... d = distance...
  17. I

    What is the Input Impedance of a Circuit at Low and High Frequencies?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I know that at low frequency the capacitor will act like an open circuit. However, i do not know what is meant by input impedance, does this just mean the combined impedance of the components in this circuit? The Attempt at a Solution Assuming it is...
  18. W

    Does the Sequence a_{n}=\frac{(n+2)!}{n!} Converge or Diverge?

    Homework Statement Determine wheatehr the sequence diiverges or converges:Homework Equations a_{n}=\frac{(n+2)!}{n!} The Attempt at a Solution I was going to treat it using limits but the factorial is not defined for a function. How do I deal with this? Edit: sorry it is suppose to be...
  19. P

    Linear algebra Homework Problem

    There doesn't seem to be a homework problem section for linear algebra so either this is the place to post it or they'll move it. The question is to prove that r0 = 0. I can't even figure out the first step. Can someone tell me the first step in solving this problem? Thanks. Pete
  20. M

    How do I accurately measure and convert g-force in smaller time intervals?

    1. If I measure the acceleration of an object every 1 second, I will have a g-force which I can use formula 1 to convert into meters per second per second. Therefore I know from the result of this formula how much the object has accelerated/de-accelerated in the last second. If however I wish...
  21. P

    Calculating Distance Traveled by Sam on Jet-Powered Skis

    I need help desperatley with this problem. Sam (65 kg) takes off (from rest) up a 50 m high, 10° frictionless slope on his jet-powered skis. The skis have a thrust of 160 N. He keeps his skis tilted at 10° after becoming airborne. How far does Sam land from the base of the cliff? I believe...
  22. A

    Homework problem- Work and energy problem

    Homework Statement A 68 kg in-line skater starts from rest and accelerates at 0.21 m/s square for 15s. a) Find her final velocty and total kinetic energy after the 15s of travel. b) If she exerts a breaking frictional force of 280N, find her stopping distance. Homework Equations...
  23. N

    Just clarify; Not a homework problem

    Homework Statement We know cyclic integral F(r).dl=0 => curl F(r)=0 and F(r) is a conservative vector field. What if the vector field is NOT a function of r(x,y,z)?Suppose,F is a function of velocity or time...i.e. F=F(v) or F=F(t).Say we do not know v=v(r) or t=t(r).In that case will the...
  24. T

    Collisions and Momentum: Solving for Initial Velocity

    Homework Statement A bullet of mass m moving with velocity V_o crashes into a block of mass M at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface the block is sitting at the edge of a table that is H high. When the bullet hits the block it flies off the table and it lands a distance x from the bottom...
  25. M

    How Fast Is the Spaceship Traveling Relative to Earth in Terms of c?

    Homework Statement As measured in Earth's frame of reference, two planets are 491,000 km apart. A spaceship flies from one planet to the other with a constant velocity, and the clocks on the ship show that the trip lasts only 1.10 s. How fast is the ship traveling? (Enter your answer to 4...
  26. T

    What Are the Highest and Lowest Frequencies Heard Due to the Doppler Effect?

    Doppler effect homework problem help (still lost) Homework Statement A block with a speaker bolted to it is connected to a spring having spring constant k = 17.0 N/m, as in Figure P17.40. The total mass of the block and speaker is 44.00 kg, and the amplitude of this unit's motion is 0.475...
  27. D

    How Do Forces Maintain Equilibrium in a Supported Shelf System?

    A container of mass 4kg on a shelf is supported by a strut as shown. The container is evenly loaded and it is centrally placed on the shelf. (Ignore the weight of the shelf) http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1038/7bq4tx9.gif a) What are the three forces acting on the shelf? b) What is...
  28. R

    Sound interference homework problem

    Really stuck at this question. In an experiment on sound interference, two sources A and B are placed 2m apart. As a girl walks from X to Y she hears a point of maximum loudness ar point P and the next at point Q. Using information from the diagram below find distances AQ and BQ...
  29. G

    How Does Increasing the Diameter of a Manometer Affect Liquid Levels?

    Homework Statement If the diameter of a manometer is increased, what effect will it have on height difference and individual heights of a liquid?
  30. K

    Electric Field Corner homework problem

    Homework Statement Positive charges are situated at three corners of a rectangle, as shown in the attachment. Find the electric field at the fourth corner. the numbers are: bottom left- 3.00 nC bottom right-5.00 nC top right- 6.00 nC the length of the rectangle is .6 m and the width...
  31. D

    Newbie Needs Op Amp Help on Homework Problem

    I'm new to op-amps, and would like some guidance. I have a quick question on this HW problem. I'm not asking you to do it for me, but I want to see if my hunch is correct: http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/8872/screenshot01bb7.jpg Now, using ideal op-amp model... I'm going to assume: V+ = V1...
  32. C

    Proving Continuity of a Piecewise Function at x=1

    Homework Statement f(x) is a piecewise function defined as: 2(2e-e^x) x<1 3\pi x-4 x>=1 Discuss the continuity of f(x) at x=1. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Putting x=1 in the above function gives you 2e and 3\pi -4. They seem to be equal, but how do I...
  33. A

    Double Checking a Bicycle Downhill Homework Problem

    Homework Statement I wasn't sure if i was doing this problem correctly, if anyone could double check for me, that would be great! You ride your bicycle down a hill. Your total mass is 40 kg. At the top of the hill, your speed is 5 m/s. The hill is 20 m high and 200 m long. If the force of...
  34. M

    Is My Spaghetti Bridge Design Ideal for Maximum Weight Support?

    I need a bit of help here. I have an upcoming assessment towards bridge design. The task is to create and construct a bridge made out of dried spaghetti sticks. The bridge is to be as light as possible while holding the most weight. I currently have 1 main design I'm leaning towards, but I'm...
  35. L

    Homework Problem: How to solve a projectile problem with given information?

    Hello. Homework Statement There is a link to the problem and its picture here: http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/19/04717580/0471758019-1.pdf It is # 46. Here is the problem as well: In Fig. 4-44, a ball is thrown up onto a roof, landing 4.00 s later at height h=20.0m...
  36. D

    What is the correct way to find the x'root'9^12?

    Homework Statement (9^(3/x))^4 (without calculator) Homework Equations a^n/m = m'root'a^n The Attempt at a Solution adding the powers: 3/x*4/1 = 12/x 9^12/x x'root'9^12 = ? ---------------------- Ok, it's supposed to be 27, but how can you know something that are...
  37. D

    Electric Field homework problem

    Hello all. I am new to this forum and I'm glad I found this place! Anywho, here's the problem I'm stuck on... Three equal charges 4.4 micro coulombs are located in the xy-plane, one at (0m, 63m), another at (52m, 0m), and th third at (49m, -53m). Find the magnitude of the electric field at...
  38. H

    What Happens When Voltage and Current are In Phase in a RLC Circuit?

    RLC Circuit Homework Problem Thia last HW problem is stumping me. This is my first year of physics class, and I am working on some homework problems tonight. It's the last m/c question out of 30 that I am doing tonight, and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring this one out: Question...
  39. M

    Hi, I need some help with a homework problem invovling acceleration

    Homework Statement What is the acceleration of your car? Time [s] Velocity[ms] 1 8.8 2 12.82 3 16.25 4 20.46 5 24.22 6 28.09 7 31.77 8 35.24 9 39.32 10 42.37 11 44.61 12 46.63 13 49.01 14 50.53 15 52.1 16 52.32 17 53.6 18 53.44 19 53.74 20 53.25...
  40. T

    Calculating Gas Consumption for Scuba Diving: A Homework Problem Solution

    Hi, I have been struggling a little with this question. Scuba divers breathe a mixture of O2(g) and He(g) to avoid "the bends, a condition caused by nitrogen in the blood. If 65.0g O2(g) and 2.00g He(g) are placed in a 5.0L tank at 25oC, calculate: If the average human takes 15 breaths...
  41. M

    Related Rates Homework Problem

    I am trying to do the problem below but I don't understand how to do it. Can you please show me how to do it? DON'T give me the answer, explain to me how to get the answer. http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/9168/untitled1au7.jpg Point C moves at a constant rate along semicircle centered...
  42. D

    Proving T_n(x) as Polynomials: Trig Homework Solution

    How do I show that T_n(x)=\cos(n\arccos(x)) are actually polynomials of degree n? If n=2 then T_2(x)=x^2-(1-x^2) but this seems to break down as n increases.
  43. F

    What is the Lagrange Point Between Jupiter and the Sun for a Space Probe?

    How far from Jupiter must a space probe be along a line toward the Sun so that the Sun's gravitational pull on the probe balances Jupiter's pull? i know that i need to use m1/r2=m2/((2.78e-11)-r)squared but my answers keep coming out wrong. For an answer, i got 2.4e7 km
  44. F

    Force and work homework problem

    I have all of my question pretty much divided out into formulas and just need some help with with what i am putting into it. The question reads, a 330kg piano slides 3.6m down a 28degree incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline. The...
  45. L

    Is My Calculation of NO2 Produced from N2O5 Decomposition Correct?

    2N2O5 heat-- 4NO2 + O2 1.618 g of O2 are produced, how much NO2 in grams are produced? I got 9.30 g NO2, is that right? I used 1 mol O2 = 32 g O2, and 1 mol NO2 = 46g NO2. I first converted g O2 to Mol O2 then used the balanced equation to convert from mol O2 to mol NO2, then converted to NO2...
  46. L

    Is My Calculation of NO2 Production Accurate?

    2N2O5 heat-- 4NO2 + O2 1.618 g of O2 are produced, how much NO2 in grams are produced? I got 9.30 g NO2, is that right? I used 1 mol O2 = 32 g O2, and 1 mol NO2 = 46g NO2. I first converted g O2 to Mol O2 then used the balanced equation to convert from mol O2 to mol NO2, then converted to...
  47. B

    Height of tree Homework problem

    Suppose there is a tree of unknown height. I am standing 76 meters away from the tree and the top of the tree is 32 degrees from where I am standing. Could I find the height of the tree by this: 76 cos(32) =64 76 sin(32) =40 Magnitude = SQRT 64^2 + 40^2 Height of Tree equals 75 meters??
  48. B

    Velocity and Acceleration Calculations for a Slowing Truck | Homework Help

    I been stuck on this homework problem for about an hour. A truck covers 40.0 m in 8.25 s while smoothly slowing down to final speed of 2.05 m/s. (a) Find the truck's original speed. m/s (b) Find its acceleration. m/s2 I was told to use this V^2 = Vo^2 + 2AdeltaX but became lost.
  49. D

    Need Help with a Homework Problem? Learn How to Solve it Here!

    http://tinyurl.com/hjybb thats a picture of the problem, anyone know how to solve it??
  50. H

    How many ways can you arrange 7 students with specific groupings in a line?

    [B][/B I have a question here. Please can someone solve this. The question is: There are 7 students of whom 2 are Americans, 2 are Russians and 3 Indians. hey have to stand in a line so that the two Americans are always together and the three Indians are always together. In how many ways...