Hot Definition and 571 Threads

A hot dog (less commonly spelled hotdog) is a food consisting of a grilled or steamed sausage served in the slit of a partially sliced bun, and much debate has centered around whether or not it can be considered a sandwich; the term can also refer to the sausage itself. The sausage used is a wiener (Vienna sausage) or a frankfurter (Frankfurter Würstchen, also just called frank). The names of these sausages also commonly refer to their assembled dish. Hot dog preparation and condiments vary worldwide. Typical condiments include mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, relish, and cheese sauce, and common garnishes include onions, sauerkraut, jalapeños, chili, grated cheese, coleslaw, bacon, and olives. Hot dog variants include the corn dog and pigs in a blanket. The hot dog's cultural traditions include the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest and the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.
These types of sausages were culturally imported from Germany and became popular in the United States. It became a working-class street food in the U.S., sold at stands and carts. The hot dog became closely associated with baseball and American culture. Although particularly connected with New York City and its cuisine, the hot dog eventually became ubiquitous throughout the US during the 20th century. Its preparation varies regionally in the country, emerging as an important part of other regional cuisines, including Chicago street cuisine.

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  1. G

    Maximum efficiency of an engine taking heat from two hot reservoirs

    Homework Statement A heat engine is taking identical amounts of heat from two hot reservoirs at temperatures ##T_{H1}, T_{H2} ## doing work and then heat to a cold reservoir ##T_C ## What is the maximum efficiency of this heat engine? Homework Equations For a Carnot cyle it is ## \eta = 1 -...
  2. E

    Collecting energy from a hot diffuse source

    Alright, let's see what ideas everyone comes up with on this question. I'm no optics guru, so I'm hoping you have better ideas than me. Here's the situation: I have a column of hot gas wherein every gas molecule emits radiation over 4π sr. At one end of the column I have a window where emitted...
  3. W

    How to Calculate Hot Water Supply for a House?

    HI i am a student from Singapore , and i was told to calculate the amount of hot water needed to supply to a house. The design brief stated 1)Deliver 15 gallons of water at average 110°F (43°C) temperature within 10 minutes; 16 water draws during 1 week 2)Dishwasher: Successfully wash five...
  4. D

    Which Sections of DNA Are Most Prone to Mutations?

    Can someone give me a non-technical explanation of a mutational hotspot? What exactly is it and what causes it?
  5. S

    Is it normal for a laptop power adapter to be hot

    I bought a ravpower brand laptop power adapter half year ago,it works well before,but this week i find it will become very hot,I don't know why.But I am thinking maybe it is relative with the time of using or the voltage?Or some other problem?Sometimes I play games for all day and I have a bad...
  6. M

    How quickly does hot air cool in a pipe?

    Dear Members, I am trying to calculate how quickly hot air cools in a stainless steel pipe. The details are as follows: • a stainless steel pipe conducts hot air with temperature at the top end of the pipe of 85oC (185F). • the pipe is 10m long and passes through 5m of ambient air with...
  7. S

    Interaction of hot gas with electrons

    Lets say, we have a cathode that emits electrons into the space under field emission and create a space charge in air.There is no arching of electrons to anode.We have hot dense gas which blow on space charge in certain direction.What would be the most likely outcome of interaction between...
  8. B

    Why Does Food Stick More to a Hot Pan Than a Cold One?

    I found this explanation here: Food that sticks is caused by chemical bonds that form between the food and the material of the pan - almost always a metal. These bonds may be relatively weak van der Waals forces or covalent bonds. Protein-rich foods are particularly prone to sticking because...
  9. B

    Understanding the Physics of Orange Glow in Hot Objects

    This is from a physics textbook All objects radiate energy continuously in the form of electromagnetic waves due to thermal vibrations of their molecules. These vibrations create the orange glow of an electric stove burner, an electric space heater, and the coils of a toaster Is the orange...
  10. R

    Exploring the Concept of Absolute Maximum Temperature

    Like absolute zero, is there an absolute maximum temperature?
  11. A

    Need to calculate how much a surface will heat up near a hot light

    This is killing me because I used to know how to solve this problem, and I can't remember how to make it work. Its been too long since I took a physics course. I will be placing some plastic sheeting near a 1000W lamp. I want to calculate how hot the sheeting is going to get, to make sure its...
  12. V

    The taste of hot water vs. cold water

    In my chemistry class today we learned about equilibrium and how temperature affects the equilibrium constant. An example that was cited was this chemical equation: H2O <--> H3O+ + OH- I learned that increasing the heat of the water will drive the equilibrium toward the right side...
  13. rhody

    Naming Hot Pepper Sauces - Get a Free Sample!

    Naming "Hot Stuff"... All of you who know me and the ones who follow my posts but don't know me, I would like to ask your humble advice and input for seven hot pepper sauces, 2 mild, 2 medium, 1 hot, and one extremely hot. Sounds easy right ? Not quite. I want names that the unscientific...
  14. C

    Stability of a moon of hot jupiter in red dwarf system

    I was trying to calculate possible orbit of a potential exomoon of a hot Jupiter within habitable zone of a red dwarf. Everything (heat absorbed, reasonably within Hill sphere, far from Roche limit) seamed reasonable. However, I encountered one problem - hot Jupiter should be tidally locked. It...
  15. Z

    Calculating Average Temperature in a Hot Air Balloon | Homework Guide

    Homework Statement Estimate the average temperature inside a hot-air balloon. Assume that the total mass of the unfilled balloon and payload, which we will all call mp is 500kg. Homework Equations Archimedes principle, ideal gas law ... The Attempt at a Solution Okay I'm not really...
  16. N

    My potential supervisor is SO hot

    My potential supervisor is SO hot! long time no see... I just have to let this out somewhere. and Here is the only place I can do this! forgive me! So... OMG! SOOOO HOTTTTTT! OHMYGOD! lollollol ok, so I'm on the course, and we have to choose supervisors for our projects. so I've been...
  17. B

    Does the color of a hot body depend on its composition ?

    Hi Does the color of a hot body depend on its material composition ? For eg. will bodies made of steel, Stainless steel, Ti, Cu etc. all look red in color if the temperature is ~ 550 deg C ? TIA
  18. R

    Why do wires get hot as current flows? Is it friction?

    Thanks. Why do wires get hot as current flows? Is it friction?
  19. Z

    Can Electricity Replace Heat to Make Hot Air Rise?

    Hello all, i was wondering this i doubt it but would it be possible to somehow replace the heat in hot air with electricity to make the air rise like it was heat but it's not? I would like to know if this is somehow possible I'm a bit of a noob on this so any help would be good thank you.
  20. J

    Constructing Mini Hot Air Balloon for Physics Olympics

    First , i am sorry if i posted on a wrong section because I am just new here . We , as a group of four ,need some ideas on constructing a hot air balloon with maximum diameter of 50cm (for balloon) and it should be powered only by candle (made or bought) with maximum of 3 wicks for our Physics...
  21. F

    Finding thermal equilibrium of hot iron placed in water

    Homework Statement You cool a 100g slug of red-hot iron (temperature 745 degrees C) by dropping it into an insulated cup of negligible mass containing 85g of water at 20 degrees C. Assuming no heat exchange with the surroundings, what is the final temperature of the water? Homework...
  22. S

    Why Does Hot Soup Create a Vacuum Effect?

    Hi this is probably very easy for you guys, but I can't figure this out. Heated air rises right? Then why is it that when I put a bowl of soup in the microwave and heat it in a plactic Tupperware-like container, then remove and cover it -- does a vacuum like effect occur? It would seem to me...
  23. wolram

    Daves insanity hot ghost peper sauce.

    I had some of this given to me as an exmas present, and i can tell you it is hot, what i need is a recipe that i can include it in, any ideas welcomed .
  24. N

    Hot Air Balloon Rises due to Kinetic Energy of Molecules

    When you heat the gases inside a hot air balloon it makes more sense (for myself at least) to say that it rises due to the velocity and kinetic energy of the molecules in their relation to the gases outside. Outside the balloon the molecules are obviously cooler, more dense, and moving slower...
  25. S

    Why water heated with electric heater remains hot for long time?

    Why water heated with electric heater remains hot for long time than water heated by gas stove
  26. E

    Power of a hot plate and actual heat power delivered

    Hey Guys, I really did my best to locate the best sub-forum for my question (I was hesitating between the Homework one and this one), so please bear with me if my choice is wrong ... Now to my question: So in my kitchen, I have a hot plate appliance, and it says on it that power...
  27. Buckethead

    About the hot gas around NGC 4555

    Upon reading about this galaxy I was curious about the gas surrounding it. This galaxy is a field galaxy so is not under the influence of any nearby galaxies. It is elliptical so I do not think it has any average rotation. It is approximately 40,000 parsecs in diameter and is surrounded by a...
  28. M

    Opposite of Absolute Zero? Absolute Hot?

    I've heard of something called Absolute Hot...the opposite of Absolute Zero (Absolute Cold). What happens at Absolute Hot?
  29. I

    IPhone app measures really hot temperatures

    I got this app Thermal Light and I wanted to know the temperature of my fireplace before I did some marshmallow roasting.
  30. C

    Why does methyl cellulose dissolve in cold water but not hot water?

    I was reading about cellulose derivatives there and came across the wiki page for methyl cellulose: which states that it is a hydrophilic compound that dissolves in cold water but not hot water. Up until now, every compound I've...
  31. S

    Does a Ball Dropped from a Rising Hot Air Balloon Continue Ascending?

    Hi, I was watching a hot air balloon show, and one of the demonstrations was someone dropping a ball out of a rising hot air balloon. If a hot air balloon is rising at let's say 19.6m/s, and you drop a ball directly down, will the ball continue to rise for two seconds because it has an...
  32. C

    Why are there crystals formed when a hot saturated solution is allowed

    Homework Statement why are there crystals formed when a hot saturated solution is allowed to cool? the solid has already dissolved into the solution, forming the solute, so when the solution is cooled, and the temp decreases. does this mean they dissolve out of the solution? (i know...
  33. N

    A hot air balloon has just lifted off and is rising at the constant

    Homework Statement A hot air balloon has just lifted off and is rising at the constant rate of 1.6 m/s. Suddenly, one of the passengers realizes she has left her camera on the ground. A friend picks it up and tosses it straight upward with an initial speed of 10.8 m/s. If the passenger is 2.5 m...
  34. I

    Is "When the Sun is Shining, Is it Hot?" a Logical Sentence?

    Do the sentence "when the sun is shining then it is hot" is a logic sentence ?
  35. M

    Will an induction cooker work in reverse if a hot pan is place on the coil?

    I was wondering whether an induction hob cooker would work in reverse if a hot pan is placed on the coil - so would this generate a current? I would assume not as the heat induction pan wouldn't be able to create a magnetic field in the coil?
  36. U

    Looking for reference on hot pressing

    Hello all, I am conducting some experiments in which the samples are to be produced via hot pressing. However, I have been unable to produce flaw-free parts (e.g., parts exhibit pancaking and crown defects). I'm not sure what modifications to the load schedule or die assembly should be made...
  37. N

    Hot metal added to Water, Heat Capacity Problem

    Homework Statement A 100.0 g copper sample (specific heat 0.385 J/g K) at 100 C is added to 50.0 g of water at 26.5 C. What is the final temperature of the copper-water mixture? Homework Equations q = q(copper) + q(water) q = (heat capacity)(change in Temp.) q = (specific...
  38. D

    Hot air balloon gravity homework

    Homework Statement A hot air balloon is traveling vertically upward at a constant speed of 3.4 m/s. When it is 11 m above the ground, a package is released from the balloon. After it is released, for how long is the package in the air? The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. Answer in units...
  39. F

    What's that sound on cars on a hot day?

    Like on a hot day, cars make these clicking sounds on the surface? Does having a silver or white-colored car make it worst? Because I've seen black -colored ones do that too
  40. zoobyshoe

    Medical Understanding the Hot Shot: My Experience with Heated Novocaine at the Dentist

    This morning I went to the dentist and when she shot me up I was startled to feel that the metal body of the hypodermic was hot when rested it against my lip. I stopped her and asked if she had heated up the novocaine. She said it wasn't hot, merely warm, and proceeded with the shot without...
  41. C

    Solving the Physics Problem: Density of Hot Air

    Hi Here is the physics problem that I could not figure out: Hot air balloons float in the air because of the difference in density between cold and hot air. Consider a balloon in which the mass of the pilot basket together with the mass of the balloon fabric and other equipment is m_b. The...
  42. Evo

    Woman dies after injecting hot beef fat into her face

    Her family knew she was doing this and didn't take her for psychiatric care? I'm thinking that the bacterial infection she died from could be related to the infection in her face...
  43. F

    Entropy change of a hot, falling object

    Homework Statement A shipyard worker drops a hot steel rivet (mass 125g, temperature 350 degrees C) into a river at temperature 5 degrees C, a distance 30m below. Stating any assumptions you make, calculate the entropy change of the universe as a result of this event. (specific heat capacity...
  44. S

    Calculating Temperature Needed for Hot Air Balloon Lift

    Homework Statement A man wants to go on a hot air balloon trip, and wants to build a balloon with a capacity of 10,000 m^3. The envelope and the balloon have a combined mass of 250 kg. His luggage would be 800 kg. Assume that the ambient air is at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. What...
  45. Ranger Mike

    Medical Can Drinking Hot Tea Cool You Down?

    i did a search in the forum and no posts on this.. question- will drinking hot tea cool you down?? does have caffeine..if i remember correctly, caffeine opens your arteries is a diuretic... is there any emperical data or does anyone have any knowledge of lab experiments?
  46. A

    Thickness of hot chocolate varying with temperature

    I noticed recently that hot chocolate when left on the table for a while and starts cooling at room temperature, starts getting thicker (more viscous). However, when it was put in the fridge overnight and got completely cold it became more liquid (less viscous). Why does this happen? Can someone...
  47. A

    Acceleration of Hot Air Balloon

    Homework Statement A hot air balloon of mass M has two forces acting on it. An upward lift force and its weight due to gravity. The balloon is initially accelerating at a rate of -g/3. A)Find the upward lift force in terms of the initial weight Mg. B) What fraction of the total weight...
  48. dlgoff

    Summer Heat: Would You Like 105 F Instead?

    Would you like the 105 F we had yesterday? I'll trade.
  49. N

    What is the temperature of cold & hot dark matter?

    what is the temperature of cold & hot dark matter?
  50. Andre

    Thunderstorm pictures and hot pixels

    So the other evening, the last at Mont Cru, nature finally regaled me with a beautiful thunderstorm. So I set myself up and shot lots of 30 sec exposures during an hour of awesome display. Many pixs were useless, between nothing captured and a complete white out, but some dozen seemed very nice...