Hydrostatic Definition and 242 Threads

Fluid statics or hydrostatics is the branch of fluid mechanics that studies "fluids at hydrostatic equilibrium and the pressure in a fluid or exerted by a fluid on an immersed body".It encompasses the study of the conditions under which fluids are at rest in stable equilibrium as opposed to fluid dynamics, the study of fluids in motion. Hydrostatics is a subcategory of fluid statics, which is the study of all fluids, both compressible or incompressible, at rest.
Hydrostatics is fundamental to hydraulics, the engineering of equipment for storing, transporting and using fluids. It is also relevant to geophysics and astrophysics (for example, in understanding plate tectonics and the anomalies of the Earth's gravitational field), to meteorology, to medicine (in the context of blood pressure), and many other fields.
Hydrostatics offers physical explanations for many phenomena of everyday life, such as why atmospheric pressure changes with altitude, why wood and oil float on water, and why the surface of still water is always level.

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  1. F

    Hydrostatic Pressure: Radial Inwards vs Outwards

    Hydrostatic pressure is exerted in all directions but what determines whether it acts radially inwards or radially outwards. For example, if you are a diver you feel pressure from the water acting inwards, giving you a crushing sensation. However, if you fill a balloon full of water and poke...
  2. H

    Hydrostatic Pressure: Height vs Volume

    Why in hydrostatic pressure we care about height and not about volume? For example if we have into a thin and a thick tube water in the same height,why both tube have the same pressure?? Is wrong to say that the more water makes the bigger pressure? If yes,why?
  3. H

    Law of Hydrostatic Pressure: What is the Significance of Height?

    Law of hydrostatic pressure is: Ph=p*h*g. That what I do not undestand is,why we care about the height? Thanks.
  4. W

    When should we use p = ρ.g.h and p = ρ.g.hcg for hydrostatic pressure?

    For the hydrostatic pressure, when do we use [ p = ρ.g.h ] and [ p = ρ.g.hcg ] where: ρ = density g = acc of gravity h = height of water column hcg = the distance to the center of gravity from the surface of water downward
  5. S

    How to Find Hydrostatic Force on a Submerged Plate?

    Even problem in textbook.Homework Statement "Set up the integral to find the hydrostatic force on the face of the aquarium water tank, whose cross sectional area can be described by, y = e^-x^2 on 0.5≤x≤4.5 meters, resting at the bottom of the water 4 meters deep. Assume the bound y=0". The...
  6. T

    Why Do Hydrostatic Forces Cause Differing Mass Estimates in a Cone Experiment?

    I am working on a lab report on hydrostatic forces. I have encountered a problem. I did the experiment by putting a cone in a container with a opening at the bottom. Here're the procedures. a. Weight the cone Wc, measure its dimensions, and measure the diameter of the opening at the bottom...
  7. MarkFL

    MHB N's questions at Yahoo Answers regarding hydrostatic forces

    Here are the questions: I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
  8. S

    Understanding Buoyancy: Calculating Pressure and Buoyant Force in Fluids

    A tank contains a pool of mercury 0.3 m deep, covered with a layer of water that is 1.2 m deep. The density of water is 1.0 x 10^3 kg/m3 and that of mercury is 13.6 x 10^3 kg/m3. Find the pressure exerted by the double layer of liquids at the bottom of the tank. Ignore the pressure of the...
  9. V

    Hydrostatic forces on a gate with no width?

    Hydrostatic forces on a gate with no width?? Homework Statement A gate is placed at the bottom of a dam wall at a distance of "H" below the surface (measured from the top of the gate). The gate is hinged so that there is 1.2m above the pivot point and 0.8m below the pivot. A stop is placed at...
  10. R

    Hydrostatic forces on a curved surface

    Hello, I'm trying to go through an example problem in a fluid dynamics textbook, and I'm having trouble understanding some of their logic. The problem deals with a solid cylinder of radius 0.8 m hinged at its midpoint that opens when the water it holds back reaches 5 m, and it is asking for...
  11. shounakbhatta

    Hydrostatic equilibrium of a cylindrical area

    Hello, Consider a cylindrical region (length dr, end area dA) at a distance r from the center of the sun Density =ρ(r) Volume = Length x area = dr.dA (How is the formula for volume of a cylinder works here?) Mass= Density x Volume = ρ(r).dr.dA Now, computing F(grav) =...
  12. S

    Hydrostatic pressure on a teapot spout

    Homework Statement First of all I apologize, the question is originally in my mother language, so I will do my best to translate it. I apologize if I commit any mistakes, and feel free to tell me if something is unclear. The phenomenom where water flows on the outside side of a teapot...
  13. S

    How to Calculate Hydrostatic Force and Center of Pressure on a Gate?

    Homework Statement The question asks to find the pressure force on the gate A-) centered on a tanker under 3m of water sector and on the cover plate is manufactured to calculate the net hydrostatic force. B-) Determine the location of the center of pressure. (With seal liquid...
  14. A

    Building a hydrostatic pressure chamber

    Hello! I am currently looking into building a small hydrostatic pressure chamber to test the behaviour of a piece of tissue (cartilage) under physiological pressures. The pressure range should be between 5-15 MPa. I need to measure the volume change/deformation of the tissue, so the...
  15. J

    Find the hydrostatic pressure on the bottom of the aquarium in lb/ft^2

    Homework Statement An aquarium 5 ft long, 1 ft wide, and 5 ft deep is full of water. (Recall that the weight density of water is 62.5 lb/ft3.) (a)Find the hydrostatic pressure on the bottom of the aquarium in lb/ft^2 Homework Equations hydrostatic pressure = ρgd = δd ρ = 62.5...
  16. R

    Exercise combining Wave and Hydrostatic: Pulley and Submerged Ball

    Homework Statement One end of a horizontal string is attached to the wall, and the other end passes over a pulley. A sphere of an unknown material hangs on the end of the string. The string is vibrating with a frequency of 392 cycles per second. A container of water is raised under the sphere...
  17. S

    Solve Hydrostatic Force w/ Triangle Plate - Math Homework

    Homework Statement A triangular plate with height 6 ft and a base of 8 ft is submerged vertically in water so that the top is 3 ft below the surface. Express the hydrostatic force against one side of the plate as an integral and evaluate it. (Recall that the weight density of water is 62.5...
  18. T

    Vertical hydrostatic force acting upwards on a curved surface?

    Homework Statement I am only confused about F_y. The Attempt at a Solution I don't understand why in the equation F_y = ρghcA, the hc is 5m. Why do they take the centroid distance to be the very bottom?
  19. J

    Hydrostatic Vacuum Distillation Idea

    Hey, I came across this idea a couple of years ago. It's been a long time since I took introductory physics. But I'm curious as to whether this is feasible. If I'm crazy, just say so! See attached image. 1. Intake tube, vacuum chamber and condenser are initially filled with water. Valve (A)...
  20. jaumzaum

    Hydrostatic problem - Impossible integral

    Hydrostatic problem - Impossible integral! Just studying hidrostatic over the internet and I saw the following problem: A U-Tube filled with water, initially at rest in a horizontal table, has A1=40cm2, A2 = 20cm2, A3=30cm2, h1 = 80cm, h2 = 20cm and L = 100cm (below piture). It is pressed in...
  21. M

    Hydrostatic force incline plane

    I understand all the concepts, the only thing I don't know is were does Yc=hc/sin 60 comes from. Im kind of visual, if you could upload how you do it, it would help
  22. A

    Hydrostatic Pressure Force must be perpendicular

    Hydrostatic Pressure Force "must" be perpendicular Hi, I'm taking AP Physics B and we started learning about fluids and pressure. My teacher told me that the pressure of a fluid acting in a a container only applies a perpendicular force to the sides, which doesn't make sense. If you 'zoomed...
  23. J

    Hydrostatic Force in swimming pool

    A swimming pool is 20 ft wide and 40 ft long and its bottom is an inclined plane, the shallow end having a depth of 3 ft and the deep end, 9 ft. If the pool is full of water, estimate the force on one of the sides. They mean one of the trapezoidal sides, not the rectangular ones. Anyway, I've...
  24. N

    The hydrostatic equilibrium equation including temperature, T(z)

    Homework Statement In this problem, you'll model the lower atmosphere of Venus. The atmospheric pressure reaches 1 bar (100 kPa) in the middle of the dense cloud deck, where T ~ 350 K. At the surface, the pressure is 90 bars (9000 kPa). From the surface to the 1 bar level, the temperature T(z)...
  25. E

    Cheap Hydrostatic Testing Chamber

    "Cheap" Hydrostatic Testing Chamber As background information, I'm a computer programmer by trade but I want to get into underwater ROVs as a hobby because I need a hobby that doesn't involve sitting in a chair all the time, because Bob Ballard was one of my heros as a child, and because there...
  26. S

    Pressure Gradient in Hydrostatic Equilibrium

    Homework Statement Consider an isothermal atmosphere (T = const.) over a sufficiently small range of radii, so that you can assume that the gravitation acceleration g is constant. Use the equation for the gas pressure gradient in hydrostatic equilibrium to show that the gas pressure decreases...
  27. S

    Moment of the Hydrostatic Force on a body

    This problem is for a Fluid Dynamics course, but it is mostly math and thus I figured it should be posted here. If it should be moved elsewhere, please let me know and I will do so! Homework Statement We saw in class the hydrostatic force acting on a body at rest in an incompressible...
  28. M

    How can hydrostatic pressure be zero?

    I was reading a paper and I saw a statement that says zero hydrostatic pressure. I was wondering what it means..
  29. P

    Hydrostatic equilibrium in sphere

    I want to derive a formula for pressure at depth in a constant density planet, which sounds pretty simple. Setting up a force balance, d(4∏*r2P) = -4/3∏r3*ρ*4∏ρ*r2*dr*G/r2 I'm too lazy to write down a thorough derivation, but by pretty simple calculus and integrating from the planet surface...
  30. B

    Abaqus: Fluid Cavity - Moving cavity under uniform hydrostatic pressure

    Hi Dear All, Hope I can have some suggestions to tackle this weird problem. I have an axisymmetric ball, with CAX8R elements being inflated with hydrostatic fluid elements. Fluid elements surface is put on the internal surface of the ball (defined by picking the surface of the CAX8R...
  31. S

    Is Standard Glass Strong Enough to Hold Back Water in a Bubble Panel?

    hi, i know hydrostatic pressure has been discussed on this forum but I'm still not convinced (i know, crazy me) i have a practical application actually. i'm planning to build a bubble panel (a.k.a bubble wall). its like a tall, wide but very narrow fish tank but no fish, just bubbles. i'd...
  32. S

    Hydrostatic force on a plane surface

    Homework Statement im required to find the width of the strip of integration across the triangular lamina w(s) and then integrate to find the area I am given w(s) = x_right(s) - x_left(s) between 0<s<λh and λh<s<h Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i have...
  33. S

    Hydrostatic force on a plane surface

    i have this example of a hydrostatic force on a plane surface. what i don't understand is how the width of the integral strip is derived it says w(s)=b(s-s1)/L i don't understand how this comes about? would be really greatful if anyone could direct me i can't find anything on...
  34. Z

    Answer:Hydrostatic of Oceans: Analyzing Earth's Gravity Field

    Hello, Homework Statement We consider the Earth as a homogenous sphere or radius R_0, rotating with angular speed of \theta' = \omega. We work in a terrestrial reference frame (geographical reference of the terrestrial sphere whose center O is the center of the Earth and whose axes are...
  35. J

    Help Deriving Hydrostatic Equilibrium

    Hey all, I posted this in the Astrophysics sub-forum, but traffic here seems higher (if a mod sees this, can you close the other thread please?) Long story short, for my Modern Physics course, we have to do a research paper on a physics topic we didn't cover in class. Since I've always...
  36. JJBladester

    Hydrostatic pressure in the Bernoulli Equation

    Homework Statement The hydrostatic pressure term in the Bernoulli equation (ρgz) decreases with fluid depth. Why? Homework Equations Bernoulli Equation (multiplied by density ρ to give us pressure units): P+\rho\frac{V^2}{2}+\rho gz=constant The Attempt at a Solution In the hydrostatics...
  37. J

    Help Deriving Hydrostatic Equilibrium and Virial Theorem

    Hey all, Long story short, for my Modern Physics course, we have to do a research paper on a physics topic we didn't cover in class. Since I've always been interested in astronomy and the cosmos, I figured I'd do star formation / life cycle of stars. The paper has to have mathematical and...
  38. S

    What Is the Hydrostatic Force on One End of a Tank Filled with Gasoline?

    1. Homework Statement A large tank is designed with ends in the shape of the region between the curves y =(1/2)x^2 and y = 12, measured in feet. Find the hydrostatic force on one end of the tank if it is filled to a depth of 8 ft with gasoline. (Assume the gasoline's density is 42.0 lb/ft^3)...
  39. M

    How Do You Calculate Hydrostatic Force and Moments in Curved Apparatus?

    Using the picture added Q4, work out the hydrostatic force applied to AB when the water level is at 9cm and 12.8cm. 50g of weight was added to balance the setup. And 260g and 460g were used respectively. width of container was 75mm Also need the moments Heres what I've done F...
  40. J

    Hydrostatic Equilibrium in an Accretion Disc

    This is regarding an accretion disc orbiting a star. In the z (vertical) direction there is a hydrostatic equilibrium. \frac{1}{ρ}\frac{∂P}{∂z} = -\frac{GMz}{(R^{2} + z^{2})^{3/2}} The right hand side of the expression is the Gravitational potential energy and the left side is the pressure...
  41. A

    Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface

    Homework Statement I am confused with the derivation of Hydrostatic force on a plane surface. What is confusing me is, how can the integral of the differential force get the resultant force for the entire area of the surface? The differential force is as follows: dF = ρgh dA and the...
  42. T

    Conceptual Question About Hydrostatic Forces

    Homework Statement A 30-ft-high, 1-ft-diameter pipe is welded to the top of a cubic container (3ft x 3ft x 3ft). The container and pipe are filled with water at 20°C. Determine the pressure forces on the bottom and sides of the container. I already know the solution to this problem, but I...
  43. R

    Hydrostatic Force on a Plate: Solving with Reimann Sums and Integrals

    Homework Statement Find the hydrostatic force against one side of the plate by Reimann sum. Then express the force as an integral and evaluate it.Homework Equations F=pg*Ad pg do not need to be solved. they can be left like that. F=force p= density g=gravity a= area d= distance The Attempt at...
  44. E

    Doubts about the formula for hydrostatic water pressure on a vertical surface

    Hey guys, So I have just learned that the formula for a fluid's hydrostatic pressure (let's say water for the purpose of simplification) in terms of depth is: P = ρ * g * h Now I have been reading a bit on my textbook and I found out that the derivation of this formula is based on the...
  45. M

    Finding Hydrostatic Force on the Plate

    Before I begin I would like to say hello to everyone. This is my first post. I will follow and abide by all rules here. Homework Statement A rectangular plate measuring 2m by 5m is suspended vertically in a liquid with density 500 kg per cubic meter in such a way that one of its longer sides is...
  46. B

    Hydrostatic Force on a submerged dome

    Homework Statement A half-spherical dome of radius R is submerged at a depth H underwater. Find the hydrostatic force acting on the dome. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  47. S

    Hydrostatic Equation/Finding depth

    One atmosphere of pressure is equal to 101,325 Pa. If the density of water is 998 kg/m3, what is the necessary depth to reach 2 atm of pressure relative to the surface Hydrostatic equation: p=-wh where p is change in density, w is specific weight (density*gravity), and h is change in...
  48. J

    Hydrostatic Pressure on Sponge

    Hi there, I was wondering if the hydrostatic force applied on the surface of a sponge is the same of the same force applied on a different material with the same surface area. Let's say I have 1m^3 of water soaked sponge and 1m^3 of rubber. The forces applied on the surface of those...
  49. G

    Find the total hydrostatic force on the face of a semi-circular dam

    Homework Statement Find the total hydrostatic force on the face of a semi-circular dam with radius of 20 m, when its reservoir is full of water. The diameter of the semicircle is the top of the dam. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution the width at any point would be...
  50. S

    Hydrostatic paradox one step further- weights of the different fluid amounts

    Homework Statement Two open-top containers, #1 on the left and #2 on the right, with equal base area A are placed on two scales. The #2 container on the right has an lower diameter twice that of its upper diameter and the height of its lower (larger) diameter is half that of its water height...