Ib Definition and 119 Threads

The Saturn IB (pronounced "Saturn one bee", also known as the uprated Saturn I) was an American launch vehicle commissioned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the Apollo program. It uprated the Saturn I by replacing the S-IV second stage (90,000-pound-force (400,000 N), 43,380,000 lb-sec total impulse), with the S-IVB (200,000-pound-force (890,000 N), 96,000,000 lb-sec total impulse). The S-IB first stage also increased the S-I baseline's thrust from 1,500,000 pounds-force (6,700,000 N) to 1,600,000 pounds-force (7,100,000 N) and propellant load by 3.1%. This increased the Saturn I's low Earth orbit payload capability from 20,000 pounds (9,100 kg) to 46,000 pounds (21,000 kg), enough for early flight tests of a half-fueled Apollo command and service module (CSM) or a fully fueled Apollo Lunar Module (LM), before the larger Saturn V needed for lunar flight was ready.
By sharing the S-IVB upper stage, the Saturn IB and Saturn V provided a common interface to the Apollo spacecraft. The only major difference was that the S-IVB on the Saturn V burned only part of its propellant to achieve Earth orbit, so it could be restarted for trans-lunar injection. The S-IVB on the Saturn IB needed all of its propellant to achieve Earth orbit.
The Saturn IB launched two uncrewed CSM suborbital flights to a height of 162km, one uncrewed LM orbital flight, and the first crewed CSM orbital mission (first planned as Apollo 1, later flown as Apollo 7). It also launched one orbital mission, AS-203, without a payload so the S-IVB would have residual liquid hydrogen fuel. This mission supported the design of the restartable version of the S-IVB used in the Saturn V, by observing the behavior of the liquid hydrogen in weightlessness.
In 1973, the year after the Apollo lunar program ended, three Apollo CSM/Saturn IBs ferried crews to the Skylab space station. In 1975, one last Apollo/Saturn IB launched the Apollo portion of the joint US-USSR Apollo–Soyuz Test Project (ASTP). A backup Apollo CSM/Saturn IB was assembled and made ready for a Skylab rescue mission, but never flown.
The remaining Saturn IBs in NASA's inventory were scrapped after the ASTP mission, as no use could be found for them and all heavy lift needs of the US space program could be serviced by the cheaper and more versatile Titan III family and also the Space Shuttle.

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  1. D

    Calculating Acceleration and Error for a Ball Rolling Down an Inclined Plane

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  12. T

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  13. F

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  14. R

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  15. S

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  16. L

    IB extended essay topic suitability?

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  17. I

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  18. L

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  19. B

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  20. T

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  21. C

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  22. P

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  23. A

    Need Help with IB Physics? Check Out These Topical Online Resources!

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  24. Chi Meson

    Is the IB Program Worth Its High Cost?

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  25. B

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  26. S

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  27. B

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  28. M

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  29. M

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  30. M

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  31. E

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  32. S

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  33. N

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  34. S

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  35. 1

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  36. I

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  37. I

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  38. A

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  39. S

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  40. S

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  41. P

    Find a Mechanics Topic for Your IB Extended Essay

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  42. Q

    IB Extended Essay: Physics Topic w/ Home Materials

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  43. T

    IB Extended Essay in Physics, focusing on Fibre optics, any pointers?

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  44. S

    IB Extended Essay topics in Physics

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  45. T

    IB Program: Thoughts & Experiences on Math

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  46. S

    What Are Innovative Physics Extended Essay Topics for the IB Program?

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  47. P

    IB extended essay in Astrophysics

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  48. O

    Finance and Math with 37points in IB?

    I have a problem. I graduated with very hard combination from IB: natural sciences (except biology) all HLs, Economics HL, HL Math and two languages SL. In practise, I did 5 HLs but IBO allowed only 4. Yet, I cannot get to the best universities as the border is 38, despite my extra HL. My...
  49. G

    Senior Year Course Choices for Engineering: IB Film Studies?

    Hey, I'm going into my senior year of high school and am applying to some prestigious engineering schools namely berkeley =/ and am concerned about my senior year schedule. it is as follows: IB English II IB Spanish 6 IB European History II IB Physics II TOK/ ? (Maybe law or some history...
  50. H

    IB extended essay title tweaking help need ly

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