What is Idea: Definition and 833 Discussions

In common usage and in philosophy, ideas are abstract concepts. Also in philosophy, ideas can also be mental representational images of some object. Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being. The capacity to create and understand the meaning of ideas is considered to be an essential and defining feature of human beings. In a popular sense, an idea arises in a reflexive, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection, for example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place. A new or an original idea can often lead to innovation.

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  1. B

    Submit Ideas for Quantum Physics of Heat Here

    I have an relevation. Where should I submit this, it has to do with quantum physic's of heat, and how that interacts with objects. How about this forum?
  2. T

    Should We Vote on These Bigger, Nice Logos?

    I believe janus drew the original picture, I just made it a mosaic. what do you think? I made this picture small so it isn't as easy to see the individual pictures, but open up the bigger one and zoom in. Bigger
  3. E

    What is the idea behind Group Field Theory by Oriti?

    In plain English, what is the idea behind Group Field Theory by Oriti? How does this involve LQG, SF, and CDT? There is not a popular exposition on the subject nor even a wiki article. thanks
  4. R

    Volume of Ellipse No idea how to do this

    Homework Statement Rotating the ellipse x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 about the x-axis generates and ellipsoid. Compute its volume. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  5. L

    Need help choosing a research topic for Caltech? Let's collaborate!

    research project idea!? Hey, I am currently a junior in high school, and I need help on choosing a research topic. While looking and analyzing many "web pages" over the prestigious Caltech, I noticed one common thing. They only wanted students who showed a strong admiration toward science and...
  6. B

    Embossing graphics into a casting - any idea of max resolution?

    We're producing high quality steel castings which are then hot dip galvanized, so the surface has a layer of zinc in addition to the steel. We need to cast some basic branding and size details into the product, with a slightly raised embossing, and I can't get any sensible info from anyone...
  7. D

    My idea on what happened to all the antimatter.

    I have recently been reading Moment of Creation by James Trefil, and I have stumbled upon the question, where has all the antimatter gone? I asked myself, what if micro black holes produced by the tremendous energy at the big bang are the answer? If you have an understanding in hawking radiation...
  8. Saladsamurai

    What is the breakdown of electric power sources in Salem, MA?

    Homework Statement So I am supposed to write up a report as part of one of those "design" problems in a Thermo text. I am supposed to find determine the respective contributions to the electric power provided to customers by the electric utility serving my area (Salem,Ma) attributable to...
  9. S

    What are some potential chemistry research ideas for grant funding?

    So I am doing an independent study with a chemistry teacher next semester and I have to turn in a paper for grant money by October 1st. The only problem is that I can't think of a research project to do. It can be on any science topic, but I would prefer it be chemistry... any suggestions?
  10. B

    Schools Did any of you have any idea of what subject you would study in grad school

    I am 100 % certain that I want to earned my Phd in physics . I have some idea ofwhat physics subjects I am interested in. The problem is, each physics subject I am interested in all are in different physics topics. The physics topics I like lie from the structure of neutron stars in astrophysics...
  11. T

    No idea how to find the equation of a plane

    would this be ok for this question because i thought we had to find normals and things and every site i go on about plane equations is different and i need to know this for an exam tomorrow. find the equation of a plane that passes through the points (2,-2,1)(4,-1,6)(3,-3,-2) (1)2a-2b+c=d...
  12. B

    Trouble with the idea of frequency.

    I've been looking around with google and I understand WHAT frequency is but I don't understand how it really works with light. For example, looking at a star if we are moving from it (or it's moving from us, or both) the light is red-shifted, but if we're moving towards it then it's...
  13. lisab

    Are Jack Stands Really Safe for Working Under Cars?

    Yesterday, my hubby and I were out running errands in the pickup. We somehow ran over a big piece of metal and blew out a front tire. No problem, we're not totally mechanically incompetent. We get the spare tire out, loosen the lug nuts, jack the truck up...and it's just barely high...
  14. L

    Gift idea for chemistry teacher?

    Hi, I used to take private tutions in chemistry from a researcher in inorganic reaction mechanism (55 years old). What do you think will be a suitable inexpensive parting gift to give to him? Last year I gave him Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Warthous's Organic Chemistry. Thanks for your help...
  15. A

    Idea that EM radiation propagates through space in straight lines

    OK so I'm familiar with the idea that EM radiation propagates through space in straight lines at a uniform speed, that of light. The idea that light moves in waves, that each wavelength carries a uniform energy and that the wavelength differs yet because the same speed is maintained each...
  16. E

    Programs 1 Nursing associates degree online a good idea?

    what schools should i try? how much is the registration fee? know anyone who liked it?
  17. L

    Does Plate Tectonics Exist Because of the Moon?

    I was sitting in my recliner when I was struck by a thought. That sometimes happens. Is the reason that plate tectonics exist is because we have the moon? It's conceded by most that the moon's construction was the crash of a proto-planet into Earth. It's contents are principally the same as...
  18. W

    What do you think about this Idea

    Hello, I stumbled onto this site because I was looking about how to become a physicist some how and really I need some advice what is a smart move for me. Right now I am in high school taking all of my classes and staying along with what I want to do. I always had an interest in science ever...
  19. D

    Start a Company Making Entertainment Systems for Nail Salons

    Today nail salons have spa chairs and I want to start a company that makes entertainment system that could be mounted to those spa chairs. The system consists of a 7" to 10" touch screen LCD and a mini computer. With this system and user friendly software, the users can surf the web, play video...
  20. S

    Idea of alphavoltaic power conversion

    I was musing once again about the idea of alphavoltaic power conversion, and suddenly I thought about the idea of solid electrolytes as a possible conversion material. Recently, solid electrolytes have been in the news, due to the announcements about HP's invention of the Memristor, which...
  21. L

    Timid Smart Person: Chances of idea acceptance?

    I know someone in school who I would consider extremely bright and who would make a good scientist...except for one tiny problem. If a superior says he's wrong (even though he's not), he will accept it and continue on. He really won't try to defend it and will make excuses on why the superior...
  22. marcus

    Citation to string has crashed-any idea why?

    Citation to string has crashed--any idea why? Citations to a paper are a rough indicator of its value in the eyes of other experts. When we are sampling stringy papers it indicates value/usefulness/importance as judged by other string researchers. Measured this way, the perceived value of...
  23. L

    Could a Lightning Rod Power Your Home? A Crazy Idea Explored

    First of all, I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong sub-topic but I didn't know which would be correct. Anyway, so we're having this horrible lightning storm here at my house, and it got me thinking about the power that a lightning strike contains. Would it be feasible to have a...
  24. E

    Can someone explain the idea of degeneracy of orbitals?

    This is a confusing topic. What does it mean to be degenerate? How does this apply to atomic orbitals versus molecular orbitals? Can you point me to a good reference book on the subject?
  25. U

    Medical Caffeine pills, are they a good idea?

    ...for the addicts among us? I remember back in the early nineties there were what was called "pick-ups", or caffeine pills supposedly used by students, in order to ingest a lot of caffeine. Do such pills still exist? Has anyone thought of adding caffeine to orange juice or any other...
  26. C

    Chemistry Meets Quantum Physics: An Exciting Posterboard Project?

    I have a chemistry posterboard project coming up, and, to not waste time and actually learn something, I want it to be something related to quantum physics. Does anyone have any idea what it could be about so that it still has some 10th grade chemistry in it? Or no chance? D=
  27. B

    Can we use our own Sun to travel through space?

    Hi this is my 2nd post so pls be kind guys. Let me know of any other cool cosmology forums out there as they seem hard to find with google. So to my idea! Instead of waiting for some hyper-drive to be invented (I read of pushing spaceships with lasers?) how about we use our own star, the...
  28. K

    An idea for integration that has been bugging me.

    I've only recently started teaching myself Calculus, so you'll have to forgive me if I'm trying to do something silly or impossible. This has been bugging me for a few days, so I figured it's high time I ask someone. Since we can write \int_{a}^b f(x) as \int_{a}^b\ e^\ln(f(x)) would it be...
  29. U

    Quiet pc's, are they a good idea?

    A problem with pc's is noise. One solution is slower CPU's made with today's chip technology so they need no cooling fans. Coupled with power supply fans designed for minimum noise. But someone suggested converting any high-spec contemporary PC into a very quiet one by replacing the power...
  30. M

    Balloon neutral buoyancy + an interesting idea

    Hi, I'm trying to achieve neutral buoyancy with a sounding balloon (a large latex balloon). Is there a certain weight/helium ratio that will make it afloat at 10km/20km etc (tyhe balloon bursting altitude is ~38km) One idea that I had was to attach another balloon, which is mostly empty...
  31. R

    Does have any idea about Robotics

    Hiiii... Friends I am engineering student I want to build up my career in Robotics. my stream is computer science... can anybody suggest my how to start ? about books which i should read which could benefit me?...
  32. I

    How can I control a single pin with electromagnetics?

    Hello i am an Electrical Engineering undergraduate student at Iowa State University. My purpose here in this thread is to ask anybody interested in my idea, I am asking an educated contribution on how to control a single pin with electromagnetic waves. Lets go by parts, the model i am trying...
  33. H

    Exploring the Big Bang Theory: Is the Universe Spinning?

    Could the big bang be the point at which centrifugal force overcomes gravity? The fact that galaxies collide leads me to believe that the universe may be spinning, which may support the idea. All comments and ideas appreciated. Thanks, Hool
  34. W

    Alternative idea on expanding universe

    This may be a little crazy of an idea, and I am posting it just for fun, so don't take it too seriously. What if the universe was not expanding, but instead we along with all other objects are shrinking?
  35. M

    The idea behind renormalization group.

    What is the idea behind renormalization group ?? i believe you begin with an action S[\phi] =\int d^{4}x L(\phi , \partial _{\mu} \phi ) then you expand the fields into its Fourier components upto a propagator.. \phi (x) =C \int_{ \Lambda}d^{4}x e^{i \vec p \vec x} + c.c but...
  36. S

    Revolutionizing Electric Cars: A New Innovative Idea

    new? electric car idea...! Hey guys, I don't have any formal education in engineering (yet :D) but i think i have had a reasonable (and original??) idea for powering electric cars and I was wondering if it could possibly work. Here goes... My idea is to have some sort of magnets in an...
  37. lisab

    Anyone have an idea of what's going on?

    Four years ago, during a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, I heard transformers around our house blowing - pretty normal in our neighborhood, during a storm. Then I saw a bright light flash outside the window, and heard our electric garage door open. I woke up my husband, thinking maybe...
  38. G

    Shear Thickening Fluid Armour - Poject Idea

    Hi Im currently doing an HND in chemical engineering and everyone in my class has to do a project of their own choice. Iv been doing a bit of reading on shear thickening fluids and their application to kevlar to increase its strength against ballistics. The STF is made up of silica particles...
  39. H

    Friend's Wacky Idea: Could Levitation be Possible?

    A friend of mine . kind of savant genius ,but this time he has gone too far . he's got this wacko idea . he's all set to try and patent . I am trying to help him out by getting some "real" physicists to tell him he's got his head on backward heres what he thinks that if someone were to have a...
  40. G

    Oddball idea: Living in an RV at a young age

    What do you guys think about living in an RV at a young age (meaning, not retirement)? Right off, I could see the benefits: You own where you live, but it doesn't cost as much as a house. Your home is mobile. You can take more things with you when you travel (by road). You can go on...
  41. P

    Desperatly , have no idea where to start

    Homework Statement A block of 10kg is on a plane elevated 35 degrees. if it starts at rest at the bottom of the 10m ramp, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is .15, what is the force need to push the block up the entire ramp in 8.0s. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  42. glondor

    What Are These Birds Doing in This Hypnotizing Video?

    any idea what this is? Found this on stumble upon. Hope the link works. If anyone knows what this is... http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=806lnnegr8
  43. O

    Understanding the core idea behind determinants

    I'm really putting some effort into understanding the core idea behind determinants. For a 2x2 matrix, I obviously saw how to derive the formula for the determinant (using AA^-1=I). The question is, how did they define the |A| for higher order matrices? I'm reading a textbook on linear algebra...
  44. B

    Why Is Concrete Weak in Tension and How Can It Be Improved?

    Hi all in here, Do you have any idea why concrete is weak when tested in tension and list the steps that can be taken to overcome this? and why might a welded stainless steel structure fail from corrosion?
  45. N

    A crank's idea about Uncertainty Principle

    Uncertainty principle is a quite revolutionary concept and go hand in hand with the so-called probabilistic picture of the quantum particle. What is worrying me for last a few days if there has been any attempt---theoretically or, experimentally to check the position and momentum uncertainty...
  46. S

    Boost Your AI Project Ideas for a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

    I need to create an AI project for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and I'd welcome some ideas. Thanks!
  47. Holocene

    Keyboard not responding, any idea?

    I have a desktop that I was foced to run a system recovery on. After the recovery was completed, pressing keys would do nothing. The mouse works, so I can navigate around, but I cannot type anything. Anyone know where I might start? I have two keyboards (USB and serial port) and neither are...
  48. M

    Chemistry Idea for a molecular biology-based, laboratory research plan

    Hey! This is for a 4th year undergrad project in Applied Molec Bio. I need an idea for a molecular biology-based, laboratory research plan. It needs to be an "original" idea but I'm having trouble of picking one... I will not actually be performing any experiments. It will contain...
  49. C

    Is an RFID Warehouse Tag System the Solution for Efficient Inventory Tracking?

    I had this idea a while ago but having just finished reading an article about the recent increase in college-aged entrepreneurs, I was inspired. At present, I am a freshman math major at a small state college in Vermont. I plan to transfer into a competitive Economics/Mechanical Engineering...
  50. L

    Is Gravity Riding Into the 5th Dimension Feasible for FTL Travel?

    Hi guys, I had an idea the other day about riding gravity into the smaller 5th dimension and then jumping out of it back to normal space time as a way of FTL travel. Now i don't know if this is the right place to ask questions like this but what would the feasibility/problems be like for such...