Ideas Definition and 912 Threads

In common usage and in philosophy, ideas are abstract concepts. Also in philosophy, ideas can also be mental representational images of some object. Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being. The capacity to create and understand the meaning of ideas is considered to be an essential and defining feature of human beings. In a popular sense, an idea arises in a reflexive, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection, for example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place. A new or an original idea can often lead to innovation.

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  1. J

    Electricity & Magnetism Honors Project Ideas?

    I am going into my fall semester of E&M and am trying to decide upon a topic to write about for an honors project. I have not taken an E&M course yet so it is difficult for me to really find which topics are too advanced scientifically or mathematically at this point. So far I have taken a...
  2. R

    Work experience placement ideas.

    Hey, I'm currently in year 9 in secondary school and am aspiring to become a theoretical physicist. Since my year is taking linear G.C.S.E. physics and all the exams are taken at the end of the 11th year our school is taking ages teaching all of G.C.S.E. physics and over a year we have almost...
  3. U

    Automotive Some ideas for a CO2 emission reduction device to be attached to cars

    Hi, I and my team-mate have proposed an idea to develop a CO2 emission reduction device to be installed in automobiles. We have mentioned that it will operate on the principle of 'active adsorption of CO2 on charcoal'. However, although the basic scientific principle is pretty simple...
  4. M

    Job Skills Need some new ideas on resume formatting for CS

    Hello All! What are some different ways that those of you with CS background have formatted your resumes? I'm preparing for graduate school and was just trying to re-vamp my portfolio I know that sounds like a very broad topic but I was wondering if anyone could upload some example/samples...
  5. C

    Automotive Exploring CVT Extroid Gearbox: Looking for Ideas!

    I'm very interested in the cvt extroid gearbox, and I'm looking for more information. I make a project using SolidWorks and all the information i could receive is useful for me! I put the video here, if you have some ideas for improve the project please tell me! thanks...
  6. C

    Time machine/time travel device construction ideas

    Anyone have any ideas how I can make one? Please discuss below!:biggrin: The only thing I know so far is that to time travel you have to go faster than the speed of light...
  7. E

    Any ideas about how to solve this problem involving fourier transforms?

    \dfrac{\mathcal{F}^{-1} \Big( \sqrt{\mathcal{F}(f(x))} \Big)}{f(x)} = g(x) g(x) is known, and for an example let's say g(x) is something simple like g(x) = x so we have \mathcal{F}^{-1} \Big( \sqrt{\mathcal{F}(f(x))} \Big) = x \cdot f(x) my question is, how do i find f(x)? it's...
  8. T

    Ideas for practical application of electromagnetic field theory

    Hello, I have to give a presentation on an application of electromagnetic field theory of my choosing, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions that might be more interesting than the ones that have been suggested. It's for a 2nd year university level physics (E&M) course, so the...
  9. I

    Need ideas on how to induce spikes on 600VDC signal

    Hi, I have an issue I hope you guys will help me solve. I need to re-create a problem seen on Rail equipment where high voltage spikes are affecting equipment (resistive load) normally running on 600VDC. I thought about using a simple RC circuit to produce the spikes over the 600VDC...
  10. M

    Anyone have any ideas on a technique to tackle this pde

    anyone have any ideas on a technique to tackle this PDE: u_{tt} = u_{xx} + u_{xxxx} its like a 4th order wave equation any help or references would be appreciated
  11. F

    Ideas for physics experimental investigation

    Hey, My name is Mark, I am currently in grade 12. This term we have been given an open topic experimental investigation as an assignment. I have done some research of my own and found a couple of sites dedicated to giving you ideas for this kind of thing but I just really haven't found...
  12. T

    Senior design project ideas merging biomedical and electrical engineering

    Do you have any electrical engineering senior design projects suitable for someone who is BME/EE? This is one of the (few) classes necessary if I want to also complete the EE major, which I sort of joined for fun, because (i) they have all the math courses, not sure why and (ii) the professors...
  13. ArcanaNoir

    Math-y or Nerdy License Plate Ideas

    It's that time of year again...time to renew my license plate! I currently have a generic one. Boring! So I'm trying to think up a new one. Some ideas I've thought of or heard: LIMSUP, LIMINF, RLANLYS, PR MTH, AXMFCHC. So I like math. But anything geeky could work. Ideas anyone? (Limit to 7...
  14. W

    Summer project ideas? Possibly a cyclotron?

    I'm looking for some sort of project to do this summer. I was looking around, and I heard about making a small, home-made cyclotron, but it sounds like materials would be hard to get and expensive. So, does anyone have any examples of a great, preferably time-consuming project that I could...
  15. A

    Ideas for extra credit on thermodynamics.

    I need help with ideas for theoretical works for extra credit. Any proof or interesting essay is valid.
  16. M

    I want the ideas for solving those questions

    Hi all How are you ... I want the ideas or for solving those questions . 1 ) The piston of steam engine moves with simple Harmonic motion . The crank rotates at 150 rpm and the stroke length is 2 m . Find the velocity and acceleration of the piston when it is at a distance of 0.8...
  17. M

    Ideas to mitigate risk of 911 calls being misdirected

    So, everyone knows that sometimes a 911 call can be routed to the wrong call center when you're calling from a cellphone. Well, I have a few ideas as to ways of keeping response times as high as possible. 1) Route all 911 calls to an operator who works for the user's carrier. If the user...
  18. M

    Quantum electronics/communication project ideas

    I am pursuing an undergraduate degree in electronics and communication engineering. I intend to apply for grad school in physics after my undergrad. We are starting off with minor projects From next semester, and i would like to work on something that has a strong overlap between physics and...
  19. D

    What Physics Experiment Can Combine Computers, Soccer, or Music?

    Hi everyone, I have a project in school coming up where I need to come up with my own idea for a physics experiment, record data on said experiment, and report my findings to the class in a presentation. I'm a bit stumped as to what I should do, as I want to do something that I'd actually be...
  20. M

    Science Fair Project Ideas for Astronomy

    Hey there guys! I haven't been on this forum a while, been busy with school work and assessments, but still catching up on astronomical developments and physical advancements (Higgs Boson around the corner soon?!) Anyways, as the title suggests, I'm definitely entering a local science fair...
  21. C

    Creative Ideas for Simple Game with Loops, IF-THENs & Inputs

    I need an idea for a simple game in basic (i was told it can't be battleship for some reason) to program. I do not want whoever reads this post to give me the coding for it i am just looking for ideas. It must use loops, IF-THENs, and inputs and those 3 things are the only things it needs to...
  22. P

    Opinions on the QG ideas in the latest Scientific American?

    Just got this issue (also linked to from PF home page): This whole line of development is unfamiliar to me, and outside of my expertise. The following appear to be some of the papers behind the work described. I am...
  23. V

    Automotive Can you give any ideas about brake torque produced by car

    I m doing ABS simulation, now I just wonder that how much break torque that brake pressure can produce,,, in my simulation I used about 1000 NM, I don't know is it too much? However, the result shown that car will stop from 180km/hr in abt 5 s,,,Is it make sense? Between, in the my code, I...
  24. K

    I need ideas for my graduation project , help

    I need ideas for my graduation project , help please ! I'm an aerospace engineering student in BC's year ... and I need an idea for my graduation project ... any idea please ! :confused:
  25. S

    Seeking for Power System engineering project ideas

    Can anyone help me with finding good ideas ( or direct me to any useful websites /pages ) for Power system engineering projects !? Suggestions are highly needed , ASAP ! my appreciation in advance to you .
  26. R

    Ideas for work experience for Chem. Eng, E.E. or physics?

    I'm interested in studying Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (I'm more interested in Electronic) or Physics at university. I'm looking to get some work experience days for after my GCSEs. I have 4 days at the end of June for work experience (I also could get more...
  27. I

    Ideas for Physics Research Proposal?

    It's not really a "problem", but I want to do research in physics over the summer for my school, and I am having some trouble thinking of good research proposal ideas. In other words, I don't know what I should do! I am interested in Nuclear physics, as well as nuclear engineering and...
  28. D

    Rube Goldberg Machine for physics class in highschool any ideas?

    I need to build a rube goldberg machine for physics class and i am stuck on ideas. It must include circular motion, projectile motion, rolling motion, gravitational energy, kinetic energy, elastic enrgy, conservation of momentum, and electric or magnetic fields. It cannot be powered by more than...
  29. A

    Image array processing, need function ideas

    I want to write a code for a MCU, the MCU will output an image to a TFT screen, and here is the tricky part: I want to make the final display to mimic old CRT, which means it will shrink, skew, and out of sync randomly, and the image will be constantly shaking. I hope the FPS would be 60...
  30. M

    What Are Some Innovative Undergraduate Physics Experiments?

    Hi guys, I'm in my 3rd year of a 4-year masters degree in the UK - I've just come to the end of my lab course for this year and have been encouraged to make suggestions for improvements to the course. I wanted to suggest some new experiments for the convenors to consider and wanted to know the...
  31. N

    Physics or Astronomy informative speech ideas?

    I need some ideas for a physics or astronomy related speech?
  32. J

    Difficult situation in auto repair needs ideas

    We were working on the van yesterday changing spark plugs. the air filter was in the way so I went to remove it and a small socket fell into the open spark plug hole into the cylinder. We went out and bought a small spring loaded magnet to fish it out, but it kept picking it up from the side and...
  33. K

    Anyone can give me ideas of how to find resistance of a liquid

    How to find copper sulphate resistance. I know that with the increase on concentration to the solution the resistance will decrease because of less water in it and water is a conductor of electricity but i want to know if there is a method of finding the resistance. I was thinking to place...
  34. S

    Creative Physics Avatar Ideas for YahooM

    Hey , can you give me any idea of a cool physics avatar for yahooM?I tried the one with Schrodinger's cat is DEAD/ALIVE , but you can't understand the writing.I need something physics-related and funny, something to observe even in a small picture. TY guys!
  35. H

    Ideas for a 7-minute lesson plan (biology)

    Hello there, I am new to this forum and am looking for a little advice. I have to conduct a 7-minute lesson plan in front of a high school biology class as part of a selection process for a teacher residency program. I seem to be stumped on finding an activity that will; a. be within the...
  36. J

    Electrical engineering research proposal ideas

    I am taking a senior electrical engineering course in which I and other group members will write and present a research proposal. I am looking for ideas for a research topic and was wondering if anyone knows of good sources to checkout to help find an original research topic. Please note that...
  37. T

    Ideas for a thesis on dynamical systems?

    Hi there, I'm looking for a topic for my physics master thesis. The topic is free, and I'm really interested in (parallel) computing, as well as dynamical systems and "chaos". However, I'm kinda short on specific ideas, so this is where I'm looking for help. Current ideas for the project: 1)...
  38. E

    Exploring Wireless Technology for Go-Kart Innovation

    I posted this in the other section but didn't seem to get any replies and thought this would be a better forum for this type of question. Looking to brainstorm a little. Looking for some EE's or anything related to share thoughts. Trying to come up with some ideas to incorporate into a...
  39. E

    How Can Wireless Technology Enhance Go-Karts?

    Looking to brainstorm a little. Looking for some EE's or anything related to share thoughts. Trying to come up with some ideas to incorporate into a wireless buggy(go cart). Will have a wireless connection between steering wheel and pedals, front/rear wheels. Will probably install sensors later...
  40. G

    Career at your University - Ideas?

    So I had an idea pop into my head. After completing my degree do you think it would be a good idea to try to get a degree related job on campus? That way I would never have to leave =). It's pretty screwed up but some kids I went to high school with got free tution to my university who...
  41. V

    Is there a way to get published new ideas about our universe on this

    Is there a way to get published new ideas about our universe on this forum ? Let's say Einstein would not have been, or Einstein would have had access to this forum, how would he have had to proceed to publish his ideas ?
  42. T

    Ideas for physics car design project?

    Hi guys. We have recently got a design 'competition' where we build a vehicle that will propel itself 1.0 m forward and then fire a projectile in attempt to hit a target that is 2.0 m away, perpendicular to the direction of travel. The vehicle will be traveling on sand, and can only move by...
  43. C

    Report Ideas for Applied Physics Student

    Hello, I'm a first year (Applied) Physics student (in Holland, writing style mistakes preserved :) ), and for quite an easy subject i have to write an approximatley 12 pages long report about an appearance I can physically describe. It doesn't need to be complicated, it doesn't have to be...
  44. J

    Ideas on how to start volunteering, pre-university?

    Hello everyone, my name's Jordan and I'm new to these forums. I went through about 3 pages of recent Career Guidance, and searched for what I was looking for, but didn't find it. So I decided to make this post! I am currently in the 11th grade, and studying the three sciences my school...
  45. B

    What are some unique physics-related tattoo ideas?

    Physics-related tattoo ideas :D So, I'm starting college in March - to major in Astronomy - and, as a tattoo lover, I'd like to represent my obsession over Astronomy and general Physics by getting a tattoo, as it has changed my life in many ways. Thing is, I'm out of ideas. I am thinking of...
  46. M

    Two main ideas how to find a career that might combine the two?

    Hi everybody, It's been quite a while since I have posted on here, but I used to cruise around and read quite a bit and answer a question every now and again. Now I have a question that I have been trying to answer myself, and it isn't an easy one, and I just remembered this forum and all of...
  47. R

    Ideas for circuit simulation project?

    In school we have to make a theoretical circuit using a simulator, in our case its CircuitWizard2. For this project we need to think up a problem and then create a virtual circuit that solves this problem. Throughout we have to show our calculations, testing and development of ideas. We...
  48. J

    Water transfer printing activator ideas

    hi, I am from scotland uk and have little chemistry knowledge so i hope I've posted in the right section to start lol. as in the uk I am finding it difficult to get activator for water transfer printing. there a few formulas that can be mixed up by myself but id rather be able to understand...
  49. W

    How Are Simple Harmonics Related to Circular Motion?

    Hello PF, This is my first EVER thread in this website. Excuse me for my bad english. I'm a junior high student from Thailand. Yep, you heard it, Junior high. (Studying in a Math-Sci Program) Back to the topic. Can you give me some basic ideas on simple harmonics? I've just finished...
  50. R

    Physics IB EE ideas and Gallieo's results

    I'm new here but I have seen other posts about Physics EE here, so I’m hoping this is the right place. The Extended essay needs to be around 4000 words long and needs to include an experiment. My original idea was to repeat one of Galileo’s experiments and see how accurate it was in comparison...