Image Definition and 1000 Threads

IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration) is a NASA Medium Explorers mission that studied the global response of the Earth's magnetosphere to changes in the solar wind. It was believed lost but as of August 2018 might be recoverable. It was launched March 25, 2000 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg AFB on a two-year mission. Almost six years later, it unexpectedly ceased operations in December 2005 during its extended mission and was declared lost. The spacecraft was part of NASA's Sun-Earth Connections Program, and during its run had over 400 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals using its data. It had special cameras that provided various breakthroughs in understanding the dynamics of plasma around the Earth. The Principal Investigator was Jim Burch of the Southwest Research Institute.
In January 2018, an amateur satellite tracker found it to be transmitting some signals back to Earth. NASA made attempts to communicate with the spacecraft and determine its payload status, but has had to track down and adapt old hardware and software to the current systems. On February 25, contact with IMAGE was again lost only to be reestablished on March 4, 2018. The signal disappeared once again on August 5, 2018. Recovery efforts are underway and if successful NASA may decide to fund a restarted mission.

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  1. M

    Is light a carrier to bring all the way of motion image of dead star?

    Hi Friends, I am Alen, doing research about light. I have submitted my thesis which contains few finding about light and utilizing maximum solar energy to produce electric energy from few square feet area. I got permission from my adviser to discuss on internet forum. I hope your commands and...
  2. P

    Location and Magnification of Coin's Final Image

    Homework Statement A converging lens of focal length 8.100 cm is 20.3 cm to the left of a diverging lens of focal length 6.63 cm. A coin is placed 12.4 cm to the left of the convering lens. Is the location of the coins final image to the left of the convering lens, between the lenses, or to...
  3. T

    Mirror image inversion in the 4th dimension.

    I don't really know where this topic belongs. Let's say you're an ugly asymmetrical person, with your right hand much larger than the left. A 4th dimensional being removed you and "flipped" you in the 4th dimesion, then put you back. Would you come back with a large right hand...
  4. E

    How to Insert an Image in TI89 Titanium?

    Hello Can anyone tell me how to insert an image in TI89 Titanium? I need to insert a graphic (computer image).
  5. S

    MHB Image, Range, and Matrix of a Linear Transformation

    Question Consider the linear transformation T(x1,x2,x3)= (2*x1 -2*x2- 4*x3 ,x1+2*x2+x3) (a) Find the image of (3, -2, 2) under T. (b) Does the vector (5, 3) belong to the range of T? (c) Determine the matrix of the transformation. (d) Is the transformation T onto? Justify your answer (e) Is the...
  6. S

    Decoding Image Homework: Troubleshoot Function

    Homework Statement Hello all. I have a function that is supposed to decode a string of integers and characters into an image. The function is not working 100%, and I cannot seem to figure out why. Here is my code: void part5(char F[80][80], int Y, int Z) // function for q1p5. { cin >>...
  7. O

    Finding the Image of a Line for Beginners

    Im stuck on this, the book has no examples on this kind of problem (and its the first one) And i learn mostly from examples Im on b) and i can't figure out gow to get the image of the line the back says the answer should be 9y1-4y2=6 and I've spent over a hour on this and I am not seeing it
  8. L

    Spatial frequency of pixels in an FFT transformed image

    This question is about converting from spatial to frequency domains when performing an FFT on 2D image data. I suspect my problem has a painfully obvious solution that I'm just not seeing. If I have some image data g(x,y) where I know the pixel resolution, say 256x256 pels at a resolution of...
  9. T

    Could someone explain this image to me?

    I know it's the formula for the Earth's orbit, but if someone would explain the actual formula itself to me in detail, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! :)
  10. S

    Analysis of Image superimposing using numerical analysis

    Dear, I need few Resources to get the help for my above topic. The above topic depicts that: one image will be imposed on the other one. and we have to shown it using numerical analysis. of course significant amount of programming effort is here. But I need help regarding resources/articles...
  11. S

    MHB Analysis of Image superimposing using numerical analysis

    Dear All, I need a few resources to get help with my above topic. The above topic depicts that: one image will be imposed on the other one, and we have to show it using numerical analysis. Of course significant amount of programming effort is required. But, I need help regarding...
  12. K

    Final image distance using lenses

    A 15cm focal-length converging lens is 18cm to the right of a 4.0cm focal-length converging lens. A 4.0cm tall object is distance to the left of the first lens. For what value of is the final image of this two-lens system halfway between the two lenses? My attempt: I am working...
  13. baby_1

    Vector image on another vector

    Hello I want to demonstrate a equation of Vector image on another vector (A on B) So i go this steps and as we know so change the equation but in my equation A is (vector scale) not a (Vector)! what is my problem?
  14. P

    What's the difference between a virtual and a real image

    I cannot seem to get the concept of real and virtual image. This is my understanding. If the light beams go to the reflecting surface(concave or convex mirror) then an image will be form assuming the reflecting beams meat at a point. If the image appears to be in front of the mirror(s' is...
  15. C

    Thin rod symbolic questions based on Image.

    Homework Statement A thin rod lies on the x-axis with one end at -A and the other end at A, as shown in the diagram. A charge of -Q is spread uniformly over the surface of the rod. We want to set up an integral to find the electric field at location ‹ 0, y, 0 › due to the rod. Use the...
  16. matqkks

    MATLAB Learn How to Efficiently Compress Color Images with SVD in Matlab

    Are there any resources which use Matlab to image compress a colour image using SVD? I can only find information where I need to convert to gray scale first.
  17. matqkks

    MATLAB SVD and image compression for Matlab

    Are there any resources which use Matlab to image compress a colour image using SVD? I can only find information where I need to convert to gray scale first.
  18. D

    Problems about torque and image charge 1. As shown in the figure, a gyroscope consists of a uniform disk of radius r and an axle of length R through its center and along its axis. The other end of the axle is hinged on a table but its otherwise free to rotate in any...
  19. M

    Electric Field at Surface of Earthed Sphere (using image charges)

    "A charged sphere is a distance d from the centre of an earthed sphere conducting sphere of radius a. An image charge (q') for this system is located at a distance b from the centre of the sphere where: q'= -(aq/d) and b=(a^2)/d Calculate the expression for the Electric field at point p...
  20. C

    MATLAB Java/C++ vs Matlab in Image Processing?

    I just recently picked up MATLAB and still learning its syntax and built-in functions. I am working on a project that deals with image analysis, such as extract every pixels from an image and analyze them in forms of matrices. I am more experienced in Java than C++ or Matlab. I also feel...
  21. P

    Image formation in concave mirror

    Can we see a real image with our naked eye without using a screen to capture image? Also, we all know that virtual image formation in a concave mirror will be always erect. Check out the image below. Spoon here acts as a concave mirror and the image is inverted. Why is it virtual then?
  22. H

    Why is virtual image not seen when a defective eye is corrected?

    Hello Everyone! I have a question related to the ACTUAL APPEARANCE of the virtual image/object formed when a person wears a lens. When a lens (spectacle) is used for correction of vision to make the rays meet at retina, my book says a virtual image seems to form before the lens. This takes...
  23. N

    How Do Image Sensors Convert Light into Electrical Signals?

    I understand the role of an image sensor is to convert incoming light into electrical charge (by splitting the light into RGB values and then measuring the intensities of each), but how does this occur? I know the answer is very basic (the sort of sensors I'm talking about are CCDs and CMOS)...
  24. P

    Transmission of a computer image via a laser

    Recently in the news NASA has transmitted an image of the Mona Lisa via a laser beam and i was wondering about some of the theory behind how they did it and maybe trying to recreate something similar on a (much) smaller scale. I've seen some articles online that show a method for transmitting...
  25. B

    Converting DVD Movies and TV Shows to Video Formats for Tablet and TV Viewing

    I converted some of my DVD movies and. DVD TV shows to video formats to put on my tablet to watch them. I made them 320x240 at. 2kbps and they look good on my tablet. Now just for fun I connected the tablet to my 73 inch TV with an. HDMI cable. I played it back in full screen and...
  26. F

    Optics, calculating image distance,.given magnification and focal length

    Homework Statement The image obtained with a converging lens is upright and 3x the length of the object. The focal length of the lens is 20cm. Calculate the object and image distances Homework Equations I have absolutely no idea how to even start this question The Attempt at a...
  27. R

    How Does an Astronomical Telescope Form an Image at Infinity?

    In astronomical telescopes, they use a convex mirror to from a real image, which is formed at the focus of the eyepiece lens, effectively forming an image at infinity. But how can it truly be at infinity? If it was truly at infinity then how could you see it? Also they say that image at infinity...
  28. R

    Why is magnification only defined for small angles?

    We're learning about magnification and they say how magnification is the ratio of the visual angle while looking through the instrument to that with the naked eye and then they say, For small angles, magnification is defined as, m= height of the image/height of the object Why only for...
  29. R

    Image formation in concave mirrors

    When you look in spoon from a reasonable distance you see an inverted image of yourself in the mirror. How can you see a real image in the mirror when I thought you saw virtual images in a mirror and real images had to be caught on a screen.
  30. S

    First direct image of DNA showing the Double-Helix structure

    The Daily Mail Even as a novice in biology, I found this amazing and had to post it here.
  31. Saitama

    Is There an Easier Method to Solve Problems Involving Image Charges?

    Homework Statement (see attachment) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think i need to use method of image charges here but if i do that, i need to place infinite fictitious charges and finding the electric field at the surface of any of the plate would be very...
  32. P

    MHB Is the Action of Conjugation by Sylow 2-Subgroups Onto?

    Assume that G of order 48 has 3 sylow 2-subgroups. Let G act on the set of such subgroups by conjugation. How do I know that this action is onto? I know that all 3 subgroups are conjugate but I'm not sure this is enough.
  33. PhizKid

    LaTeX How do I put the top of an image at the top of a page in LaTeX?

    So I just have one line for the image: \includegraphics[width=10mm]{C:/Users/PhizKid/Desktop/image1.png}\\ And then some text to explain the image below it. But when I try to print it out, approximately top half of the image is cut off and it runs off the top of the page. How do I...
  34. L

    What is the Speed of the Image in Optics?

    Homework Statement An object is placed 20cm from a converging lens of focal length 5cm. If the object moves towards the lens at a speed of 12cm/s, at what speed does the image move away from the lens? Homework Equations 1/f=1/di+1/do v=d/t The Attempt at a Solution Let's say the...
  35. baby_1

    Convert a Laplace Function to image & real part

    Hello if our function is how it convert to ?
  36. M

    Finding an image under a given transformation

    My question is in the paint document. And I think I know the answer to my question. I asked why can't I let v = 1 then my first first region transformation would the line y = b between -a≤x≤a. The reason I think I can't do this is because the end point v = 1 is a point and not a line...
  37. T

    Photographing a light source: why does it not make whole image equally bright?

    light O / \ / \ / \ ---*--- image The above image gets brightest in the middle, but photons get equally emitted in all the directions, so what is it that keeps them form making the whole image equally bright? Is it angle of impact? Could it be the rate by which photons...
  38. L

    What is the Image of the Complex Function f(z)=z+1/z on |z|>1?

    Let f(z)=z+\frac{1}{z}, the question is to find the image of this function on |z|>1. To do so, I tried to find the image of the unit circle which is the interval [-2,2] and so I could not determine our image. If also we tried to find the image of f we get f(re^{i\theta})=u+iv where...
  39. P

    Forming an Image Behind a Convex Mirror

    Homework Statement An object is placed in front of a convex mirror whose radius of curvature is R. What is the greatest distance behind the mirror that an image can be formed? A. Infinity B. R C. R/2 D. No image can be formed. Homework Equations 1/do + 1/di = 1/f The...
  40. L

    Order of image conjugacy class divides conjugacy class?

    I have a surjective group homomorphism ψ:G → G', and I've shown that if an element x in G has conjugacy class C and its image ψ(x) has conjugacy class C', then ψ restricts to a surjective map from C to C'. Now I'd like to show that the order of C' divides C. I know from the class equation that...
  41. A

    Why Does the Image in a Rear View Mirror Appear to Approach at Double the Speed?

    Homework Statement The rear view mirror of a car is a plane mirror. A driver is reversing his car at a speed of 2m/s.The driver sees in his rear view mirror, the image of a truck parked behind his car. The speed at which the image of the truck appears to approach the driver? The Attempt at...
  42. K

    Determine the magnet's poles from an image

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Where are the north and south poles of this magnet? Where are the north and south poles of the wire's magnetic field? The Attempt at a Solution I used the Right hand rule to determine the magnetic field of the wire, but I got confused when trying to...
  43. H

    Do we need a screen to view a real image?

    So, the question I ask is simple : " Is a screen necessary to view a real image?" For example, when I view my image at the 'concave mirror' side of a spoon, a real image is visible. Now, according to my book the image location should be between Centre and Focus. So, is the image actually...
  44. T

    Does aperture size impact image resolution?

    This is a very simple question. Does a larger f-stop lead to an image with a higher resolution? The reason why I think so is that with a larger f-stop (f-stop=f/D), the focal length will be greater, and because the image height is proportional to the focal length when the object is at...
  45. I

    What is the Image Height for a Converging Lens and Diverging Lens System?

    Homework Statement A converging lens with a focal length of 30cm and a diverging lens with a focal length of -64cm are 139cm apart. A 4.0cm tall object is 50cm in front of the converging lens. distance between image and diverging lens has been calculated to be -32cm, and it is right...
  46. F

    Dot product between arrays: basis representation of an image

    Hello Forum, When we represent a vector X using an orthonormal basis, we express X as a linear combination of the basis vectors: x= a1 v1 + a2 v2 + a3 v3+ ... Each coefficient a_i is the dot product between x and each basis vector v_i. If the vector x is not a row (or column vector)...
  47. S

    Linear algebra problem involving image spaces

    Homework Statement A is a mxn. V is nxn and invertible. Show that imA=imAV2. The attempt at a solution Up until now I haven't done much in the way of proving things. In this case is it enough to show that they are each closed under addition and scalar multiplication? Would that mean that imA is...
  48. X

    Understanding the Image output in Frequency Domain

    I need help understanding how frequencies are distributed when taking the FFT of an Image and how can i determine those frequencies, I really need a detailed and easy tutorial with practical example to understand it. When we take the FFT of a Sine/Cos wave we can easily see its frequencies in...
  49. L

    Is the CMBR a relic from the big bang or an image from background galaxies?

    Some time ago there was a thread which suggested that there was a logic / papers that demonstrated why the the CMBR could not be the result of ligh from background objects / galaxies. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate the thread or associated material. Is this correct, and could...
  50. L

    Proving a surjective map iff the map of the inverse image is itself

    In the recommended format :) Homework Statement First we say that f:S→T is a map. If Y ⊆ T and we define f-1(Y) to be the largest subset of S which f maps to Y: f-1(Y) = {x:x ∈ S and f(x) ∈ Y} I must prove that f[f-1(Y)] = Y for every subset Y of T if, and only if, T = f(S). Homework...