Impact Definition and 956 Threads

An impact event is a collision between astronomical objects causing measurable effects. Impact events have physical consequences and have been found to regularly occur in planetary systems, though the most frequent involve asteroids, comets or meteoroids and have minimal effect. When large objects impact terrestrial planets such as the Earth, there can be significant physical and biospheric consequences, though atmospheres mitigate many surface impacts through atmospheric entry. Impact craters and structures are dominant landforms on many of the Solar System's solid objects and present the strongest empirical evidence for their frequency and scale.
Impact events appear to have played a significant role in the evolution of the Solar System since its formation. Major impact events have significantly shaped Earth's history, and have been implicated in the formation of the Earth–Moon system, the evolutionary history of life, the origin of water on Earth and several mass extinctions. The prehistoric Chicxulub impact, 66 million years ago, is believed to be the cause of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.Throughout recorded history, hundreds of Earth impacts (and exploding bolides) have been reported, with some occurrences causing deaths, injuries, property damage, or other significant localised consequences. One of the best-known recorded events in modern times was the Tunguska event, which occurred in Siberia, Russia, in 1908. The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor event is the only known such incident in modern times to result in numerous injuries. Its meteor is the largest recorded object to have encountered the Earth since the Tunguska event.
The Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 impact provided the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects, when the comet broke apart and collided with Jupiter in July 1994. An extrasolar impact was observed in 2013, when a massive terrestrial planet impact was detected around the star ID8 in the star cluster NGC 2547 by NASA's Spitzer space telescope and confirmed by ground observations. Impact events have been a plot and background element in science fiction.
In April 2018, the B612 Foundation reported "It’s 100 percent certain we’ll be hit [by a devastating asteroid], but we’re not 100 percent certain when." Also in 2018, physicist Stephen Hawking, in his final book Brief Answers to the Big Questions, considered an asteroid collision to be the biggest threat to the planet. In June 2018, the US National Science and Technology Council warned that America is unprepared for an asteroid impact event, and has developed and released the "National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy Action Plan" to better prepare. According to expert testimony in the United States Congress in 2013, NASA would require at least five years of preparation before a mission to intercept an asteroid could be launched.

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  1. tjvv

    Impact forces feet can receive without get injured

    Hi guys, I have been searching for references that could tell what are the average limits of impact (in Newtons per example) of running activity into human´s feet (material = bone). Basically the question I am trying to answer is per example to understand how much of linear acceleration...
  2. K

    Calculating Impact Forces on a Human Being Struck by a Moving Vehicle

    How do you calculate the amount of pounds per square inch force on say a female human being approximately five feet tall at 185 pounds at rest being struck by a moving vehicle at motion by gravity with a curb weight of 2700 lbs going 4 mph.
  3. D

    How to calculate the impact energy of a door hitting a door

    Could someone help me with this problem? I have a scenario where a glass door is being caught by the wind and slamming against a door stop and shattering. I would like to work out the impact energy of the door hitting the stop, and if possible an equivalent static force. The door is 1.5m...
  4. E

    Impact of air resistance at varying angles

    I recently read that the impact of air resistance on the horizontal range increases as the launch angle increases ( A graph depicting this is attached. Is there a reason for why this...
  5. M

    Impact force on a falling object that spreads

    Hi, Homework Statement I'm doing some research into the hydraulic jump and was wanting some help in calculating the impact force. Hydraulic jump is a phenomenon to do with the turbulence of the water - it is the 'ring' around the stream of water when a tap is turned on Homework Equations The...
  6. M

    Impact Force of a falling object causing it to spread out

    Hi, I'm doing some research into the hydraulic jump and was wanting some help in calculating the impact force. The equation I have found to use is: F = m g h / s I have the mgh, and was wondering what to use as the slow down distance. If you didn't know what the hydraulic jump was, it is a...
  7. T

    Angle of Impact: Calculating with Velocity & Distance

    Homework Statement A ball rolls off a table at speed v and impacts the floor at distance d. What is the angle between the path of the ball and a vertical line drawn at the moment of impact. Homework Equations I have derived from basic projectile motion formulae: Time of impact t =...
  8. ZapperZ

    Impact of question structure on student's performance.

    This EJP paper is open access, so you should be able to read it. The conclusion isn't unexpected, because having a "scaffolding" to guide a student through a problem is almost like hand-holding without an instructor being there. I've used this type of questions during quizzes and maybe even...
  9. F

    Flowmeter Impact from Changing Pressure

    I have an argon piping system. The pressure is set at 50 psi. Assume no pressure drop. I have a flowmeter that is calibrated to run at 25 psi. Basically, I want to know what the "new" scale will be on the flowmeter as a result of the increased pressure (from 25 to 50 psi). In other words...
  10. SSGD

    How Can Vibration Damping Materials Reduce Machine Noise?

    I am trying to reduce the noise created from a machine that makes contact (impact) with a thin plate. I just don't have anyone to bounce ideas off of. I can change the support geometry to whatever I want as long as it will with stand a static load and the impact. I can handle this, but the...
  11. K

    Impact of molecular bonding on therm. neutron cross-sections

    Hi everyone. Most of what I've read on thermal neutron cross sections talks only about what isotope makes up the neutron target. Likewise, all of the cross sections listed on Sigma: ... are broken down just by isotope. However...
  12. U

    Single photon double slit, reset detector after each impact

    What is the experimental outcome of a single photon or electron double slit experiment under the constraint that after each detection the detector material is reset to the original state ie, in the limit it is substituted by another detector sheet, or photographic plate. Of course that the...
  13. trytodoit

    Impact of 2 rigid beam without energy loss has multiple slns

    Today, I discussed my friend about two rigid beams impact and assuming no energy loss in the impaction. As in the above figure, the upper beam move down with a uniform velocity ##v_c##, and hit a beam with ##0## velocity. After that the above beam will rotate and move away, which can be...
  14. layman2015

    How Do You Calculate Water Velocity and Force of Impact?

    Hello Everyone, I am brand new to this forum and know basically nothing about physics, but I am hoping there is someone in these forums that could help a layperson obtain a comprehensible answer to a question that is simply above his head. I have a home whose water pressure averages between...
  15. M

    Impact force calculation of a Full Suspension Mountain Bike

    Hello Folks! I want to find the maximum applicable force on a full suspension mountain bike and i will use this force on a FEA software structural analysis for a uni design project. This bike has a rear suspension with 400 lbs/in spring rate.Also rear wheel vertical displacement(travel amount)...
  16. C

    Did a Giant Impact Make the Martian Moons?

    by Ken Croswell The Martian moons look like asteroids—dark, crater-pocked, and potato-shaped—suggesting Mars had snatched them from the nearby asteroid belt. But now planetary scientists have conducted the first computer simulations that bolster a controversial alternative idea: The satellites...
  17. T

    Boundary condition of wave impact on mass

    Homework Statement Two elastic bars are joined. A step wave is coming in from left. Derive the shape and magnitude of the reflected wave if the right bar is approximated by a rigid body (point- mass) that is free to move in the axial direction. The Attempt at a Solution I have problem with...
  18. moenste

    Speed of bullet and kinetic energy lost in the impact

    Homework Statement A bullet of mass 2.0 * 10-3 kg is fired horizontally into a free-standing block of wood of mass 4.98 * 10-1 kg, which it knocks forward with an initial speed of 1.2 m s-1. (a) Estimate the speed of the bullet. (b) How much kinetic energy is lost in the impact? (c) What...
  19. B

    How Fast Must a Truck Travel to Knock a Motorcycle 3 Feet Away?

    I know an exact answer is impossible but an estimate will prove the following statement impossible. Allstates insured driver said he backed up hit my sons motorcycle, did not feel the impact, and stopped when he heard it hit the ground. He parked and got out and the motorcycle was 3' from the...
  20. P

    Explaining the Impact of Increasing Bits on Step Height

    Homework Statement I have always learned (and read) that an increase in the number of bits causes the height of the 'step' on the graph to decrease. I tried to think about it but cannot come up with a proper explanation for this. THe books I read do not explain why? Can someone please explain...
  21. Astronuc

    Nepal Earthquake - Human Impact

    In the Earth forum, there is a thread about the Nepal earthquakes which started with a mag 7.8 earthquake. This thread is about the human impact. More than 2,200 confirmed dead in Nepal earthquake International...
  22. B

    Water Jet Impact Force Calculator

    Hi, I've got this water circulation system. Diagram attached: In the upper container jets of water come out from the pipe due to the small holes I have drilled into the sides. I would like to know how I can work out the impact pressure on surfaces that may...
  23. C

    Interpretation of Accelerometer Measurements

    I have performed an impact test on different football shin guards to assess their performance. I am however confused with the readings measured by the accelerometer I have used. The sensor was attached to a striking mass of 4.3 kg which was dropped at different heights. The graph I have attached...
  24. Misha Kuznetsov

    How are electrons accelerated in electron impact ionization?

    Hello, I just have a quick question about electron impact ionization. How exactly are the electrons accelerated? Are they attracted by an anode?
  25. Spinnor

    PC dying? Runs 2-3 sec., stops. Sharp impact, runs.

    I have an old Windows Vista PC that has started acting up. Normally it is in the sleep mode. Lately when I push the start button the fans start running for 2-3 seconds and then it shuts down. This can happen many times in a row but if I lift one side of the computer case a bit (which lies flat...
  26. Helmet

    Developing impact protection, kinetic energy diffusion

    Hi, I'm just an average guy here, mostly self educated, and am looking for experts to verify my theories on developing revolutionary impact protection. If I disrupt direct impact to the head using a highly elastic layer of material, does that create an inelastic impact interruption? A helmet...
  27. C

    Is Impact Force Equal to G-Force in Newtons?

    Hi, I am dropping an object of mass m at different heights on another body. From the accelerometer I have I can get the g-force and then convert it into Newtons. What I am wondering, is the force converted into Newtons equal to the impact force the mass exerts on the body?
  28. G

    Electron impact ionization cross section

    Homework Statement I want to find the ionization cross section in a mass spectrometer for the gas Argon. The value obtained should be in the 2x10-16 cm2 range. Homework Equations Q = ionization cross section I = K(V,B)xNxQxdxIe Where I = (0.17 x 10-11, K(V,B) =1, d = 0.1 cm, and Ie = 5 x...
  29. S

    What is the impact of the refutation of "quantum foam"?

    Hi. I just saw this: They are saying that they have found data showing that the "quantum foam" does not exist. What is the impact of the disproof of "quantum foam", anyways, on the search for a theory of quantum gravity?
  30. C

    How Can I Calculate Energy Absorbed by a Shin Guard During Impact?

    Hi, I am doing a drop impact testing on a football shin guard. I know how to find the impact force but how do I determine the energy absorbed by shin guard during impact?
  31. T

    Impulse of Impact: Force vs Time

    Is there any way to obtain the exact function of force with respect to time of an impact? I have heard of the equation: which tells you the impulse of an object with constant velocity as it impacts another object.
  32. OmCheeto

    Impact: Earth A meteor/comet impact simulator

    Impact: Earth! A meteor/comet impact simulator(text only) provided by Purdue University. Lots of fun. :smile: You can smash things into the Earth varying the diameter, density, velocity, angle, land or water entry, and your distance from impact. 1 meter: very boring. happens every 1.1 year...
  33. J

    Maximum impact force that a cable can withstand

    Homework Statement " A 1100 kg lift is suspended by a series of 24 steel cables of mean diameter 20mm. The cables are attached to the lift top and are arranged so that torsional vibration is minimised.If the cable is manufactured from steel with an elastic modulii of 185GN/m2 and elastic...
  34. S

    Impact speed of an electron in a parallel plate capacitor

    Homework Statement The electric field strength is 2.50×104 N/C inside a parallel-plate capacitor with a 1.20 mm spacing. An electron is released from rest at the negative plate. What is the electron's speed when it reaches the positive plate? Homework Equations F = eE = ma vf2 = vi2 + 2ad...
  35. M

    Determining average acceleration during point of impact

    Homework Statement Hello, new to the physics world, I am trying to self-teach through reading textbooks, videos etc and application. I came across a problem I do not know how to begin to answer. A dodgem car of mass 200g is driven due south into a rigid barrier at an initial speed of 5.0...
  36. E

    Cross Section for Asteroid Impact

    Homework Statement In this problem, you will estimate the cross section for an earth-asteroid collision. In all that follows, assume that the Earth is fixed in space and that the radius of the asteroid is much less than the radius R of the earth. The mass of the Earth is M_e, and the mass of...
  37. E

    Why did Dark Matter have less of an Impact on the Universe

    Why did Dark Matter have less of an Impact on the Universe than Dark Energy? Under a different set of universal laws, do you think it would be possible for Dark Matter to have more of an impact than Dark Energy during an alternate big bang to create a infinitely dense point as a universe?
  38. V

    Calculating Impact Energy for Beginners

    I need to work out the impact energy for three different drop heights. I am really struggling to get my head around it. Am i on the right lines with this? mgh = (1/2) mv2 Please excuse my basic knowledge, I left school 21 years ago with a D in maths, but I am now trying to improve my maths...
  39. R

    How does magnetic pull affect the force of an impact

    for example say I were to roll a magnetic ball down a hill and placed another magnet at the end of the hill, would the magnetic ball hit the magnet with more force than a non magnetic ball. This question is for my science fair, all people answering must be prepared to answer follow-up questions...
  40. siddharth23

    Plunging into water feet first, as streamlined as you can be

    There is a thread on plunging into water but it doesn't specify how you land. Consider that a man plunges into the water vertically with his toes pointing downwards, streamlining his body to the maximum possible extent. How can you calculate if the person falling will die or not? Rather how can...
  41. T

    Calculating the Force on impact?

    Hi folks, this is a problem I am having in a collage project I am doing. I'm not too sure about my results and keep chasing my tail using the same formulas, e.g. F=ma etc. I think I need to allow for the fact that the force is applied as a collision but I am not sure how or if I need to do it...
  42. UseAsDirected

    Does mass impact speed on a ramp?

    Mentors Note: Posts from a duplicate thread have been merged into this one. Hello, please explain the following in detail. I am a learning assistant (LA) at a major university but am stuck explaining a concept to my students. Does mass have an impact on an inclined plane? A cart with wheels or...
  43. ChrisVer

    Calculating Radius of Crater from Meteor Impact

    When a stellar object falls into the Earth's surface, it creates a crater on the ground. Most of the times, when people refer to these things, they refer to their age and their diameter/radius. My question is mainly about the radius. Is there a dynamical way to solve for the shape and radius of...
  44. R

    Designing using Impact Energy of Plastics

    Hi, I am attempting to design a plastic scrap grinder. To begin my calculations I need to know the force needed to shear a certain area of plastic. After noticing that by using the shear stress equation would result in a huge, unrealistic force, it came to my mind that the plastic will be cut by...
  45. H

    Measuring impact force on rubber spacers

    I need to find the impact force that can be absorbed by these spacers as shown in the image. The spacers are radially distributed over the shell, and they are supposed to dampen any external impact loads to reduce the effective stress inside the inner shell. Since the FEA model is not showing...
  46. S

    How to work out the impact force of a colision

    Hi :) Here is a true story... I was in my car which weighs 820 Kgs, I for arguments sake weighs 80Kgs and the vehicle has an acceleration of 0-100 Kph in 15sec I was at a stop and went to go around a stationary vehicle in front of me.. I locked the wheel and attempted the pass but instead made...
  47. W

    Asteroid Collision: Calculating Impact Speed

    1. An asteroid is 10r away from the earth, and traveling at a speed of 12 km/s. What is the impact speed of the asteroid when it hits the earth?2. Gravitation problem: U = -Gm[E]m / r ...I think3. I've been looking in my book and online and cannot figure it out, please help!
  48. B

    How Massive Must an Asteroid Be to Extend Earth's Day by 28%?

    Homework Statement [/B] Suppose that an asteroid traveling straight toward the centre of the Earth were to collide with our planet at the equator and bury itself just below the surface. What would have to be the mass of this asteroid, in terms of the earth’s mass, for the day to become 28.0%...
  49. L

    Impact strength of various thermoplastics

    How does TPU compare to other thermoplastics in regards to impact strength? How does the impact strength of PU vary depending on its form?
  50. V

    Resonance in electron impact on atoms

    Can someone please explain the significance of resonance levels that forms when electron collides with atoms. How this resonance levels are different from other levels ?