In quantum mechanics Definition and 256 Threads

  1. H

    Allowed energy for a potential in quantum mechanics

    Hi, I'm working on a problem where I need to find the different energies allowed for a potential, and I found this link, which is similar of what I'm doing. I'm using mathematica to find the values of E. However, I'm not sure how...
  2. D

    I "No objective reality" in quantum mechanics?

    As per title and the TL;DR, I'm curious if there could be some truth in these statements of the headlines I had read recently or are they just sensationalist fluff. Personally, I find these statements very hard to believe. In fact, impossible to believe. But I'm not a QM expert, not even an...
  3. gremory

    A Power series in quantum mechanics

    Just earlier today i was practicing solving some ODEs with the power series method and when i did it to the infinite square well i noticed that my final answer for ##\psi(x)## wouldn't give me the quantised energies. My solution was $$\psi(x) = \sum^{\infty}_{n=0} k^{2n}(\cos(x) + \sin(x))$$...
  4. Lynch101

    B Statistical Independence in Quantum Mechanics

    Very basic question here, about statistical independence in quantum mechanical experiments. The quote from PD below is what prompted the question. When we talk about "some kind of pre-existing correlation" are talking about a simple correlation in the sense of the correlation of sunglasses and...
  5. P

    A Position basis in Quantum Mechanics

    Can I conceive a countable position basis in Quantum Mechanics? How can I talk about the position basis in the separable Hilbert space?
  6. K

    I Particle on a sphere problem in quantum mechanics and its solution

    To solve a particle on a sphere problem in quantum mechanics we get the below equation :##\left[\frac{1}{\sin \theta} \frac{d}{d \theta}\left(\sin \theta \frac{d}{d \theta}\right)-\frac{m^{2}}{\sin ^{2} \theta}\right] \Theta(\theta)=-A \Theta(\theta) ## To solve this differential equation, we...
  7. Salmone

    I Inner products with spherical harmonics in quantum mechanics

    Let ##|l,m\rangle## be a simultaneous eigenstate of operators ##L^2## and ##L_z## and we want to calculate ##\langle l,m|cos(\theta)|l,m'\rangle## where ##\theta## is the angle ##[0,\pi]##. It is true that in general ##\langle l,m|cos(\theta)|l,m'\rangle=0## ##(1)## for the same ##l## even if...
  8. K

    I Definition of magnetic moment in quantum mechanics

    * The general formula for the magnetic moment of a charge configuration is defined as ##\vec{\mu} = \frac{1}{2} \int \vec{r} \times \vec{J} \,d^3r##* For an electron it's said that the correct equation relating it's spin and magnetic moment is is ##\vec{\mu} =g\frac{q}{2m}\vec{S}## * It's...
  9. Spathi

    I A thought experiment concerning determinism in quantum mechanics

    According to the uncertainty principle, when we measure a micro-object with a measuring device, we cannot predict what value the device will show. But if we knew exactly the wave function of this device, together with the wave function of the micro-object, could we exactly predict the result of...
  10. Morbert

    A Retrodictive Inferences in Quantum Mechanics

    Take a simple case: A system is prepared in state ##\rho_i## at time ##t_0##, and a projective measurement is performed at time ##t_2## with an outcome ##b##. We can retrodict a projective measurement outcome ##a## at time ##t_1## where ##t_0<t_1<t_2##$$p(a|b) =...
  11. ZIKA99

    B Can the Motion of an Electron in Quantum Mechanics Be Reversed?

    I had two questions in the field of physics: We know that in quantum mechanics there is an electron in a certain distance from the distance to the nucleus as a cloud or a cover. But is motion for the cloud defined by the electron moving around the nucleus? And the main question is, can the...
  12. M

    I Blackbody radiation in quantum mechanics

    Hello! If I place a particle with more energy levels (of the order of kT) in a well defined state, in a thermal bath at temperature T, how will the blackbody radiation affect the internal state of the particle i.e. will the distribution be classical or QM? Basically, if I prepare that particle...
  13. M

    B Description of isolated macroscopic systems in quantum mechanics

    If we prepare a macroscopic system (something like Shrodinger's cat) in a known quantum-mechanical state and we let it evolve for a very long time completely isolated, for what I understand the position of all it's particles will become more and more spread in space. But if the evolution of the...
  14. J

    I Origin of Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics?

    The non-normalized wavefunction of a general qubit is given by: $$|\psi\rangle=A|0\rangle+B|1\rangle.$$ The complex amplitudes ##A## and ##B## can be represented by two arrows in the complex plane: Now the wavefunction can be multiplied by any complex number ##R## without changing the...
  15. sergiokapone

    I What does motion mean in quantum mechanics?

    Consider the Schrödinger equation for a free particle: \begin{equation} -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \partial_i^2\psi = i\hbar\partial_t \psi. \end{equation} Let us be interested in the motion of a free particle in quantum mechanics. We say ok, we have a solution to the Schrödinger equation for a...
  16. patric44

    A Would it matter which inner product I choose in quantum mechanics?

    hi guys i was thinking about the inner product we choose in quantum mechanics to map the elements inside the hilbert space to real number which is given by : $$\int^{∞}_{-∞}\psi^{*}\psi\;dV$$ or in some cases we might introduce a weight function dependent on the wave functions i have , it seems...
  17. TechieDork

    Courses I think I won't get an A in Quantum Mechanics I

    This is by far the hardest undergraduate class I have ever take. The majority of class got less than 40% on the midterm. Unfortunately, I was sick during the exam hours too ,so it's hard for me to concentrate and think clearly Thank god,the professor uses the norm-referenced grading and My...
  18. Mayan Fung

    I Energy operator in Quantum Mechanics

    I learned that the energy operator is ##\hat{E} = i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} ## and the Hamiltonian is ##\hat{H} = \frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2+V(r,t)## If the Hamiltonian represents the total energy of the system. I expect the two should be the same. Did I misunderstand the concept of...
  19. K

    Quantum High-level book on scattering in quantum mechanics

    I'm interested in a book which treats scattering in quantum mechanics aimed at the research-level. I'm particularly interested in a text which focuses on mathematical details such as the analytic structure of the S matrix, the relation between the S matrix and various green's/two-point...
  20. L

    A Potential step at a Barrier in Quantum mechanics

    In quantum mechanics in books authors discuss only cases ##E<V_0## and ##E>V_0##, where ##E## is energy of the particle and ##V_0## is height of the barrier. Why not ##E=V_0##? In that case for ##x<0## \psi_1(x)=Ae^{ikx}+Be^{-ikx} and for ##x\geq 0## \psi_2(x)=Cx+D and then from...
  21. NightHaWk

    Understanding Exponential Terms in Quantum Mechanics Problem

    So I am trying to understand and solve the problem mentioned in the title.I found a solution online: The problem is, I can't understand this step : I relly can't find out how the two expontential...
  22. W

    I Notion of a "clock" in Quantum Mechanics

    Suppose the unitary operator ##e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}\hat{H}t}## acts on ##|\psi (0) \rangle##, does it make sense for one to think of the time-evolved state as some sort of time-keeping device? If not, why? If so, is such a notion useful? Thanks in advance!
  23. adosar

    I Momentum operator in quantum mechanics

    The momentum operator for one spation dimension is -iħd/dx (which isn't a vector operator) but for 3 spatial dimensions is -iħ∇ which is a vector operator. So is it a vector or a scalar operator ?
  24. M

    A Is time irrelevant in quantum mechanics?

    Could one come to think that time is irrelevant in quantum mechanics? we know that the QM equations are written with the time variable, (schrodinger equation). Yet everything suggests that time is irrelevant, as the search for loop quantum gravity seems to indicate
  25. R

    I Question About The Role of Observation in Quantum Mechanics

    In the double-slit experiment when a detector was placed before the two slits, a 2 strip pattern was produced after the two slits. When there was no detector placed before the two slits, a different pattern was produced after the two slits. Why does the presence of a detector before the two...
  26. J

    A Does the effective action make sense in Quantum Mechanics?

    I think the effective action should make sense also in Quantum Mechanics, not only in QFT. But I have never seen described in a QM book as such. Could there be a QM book that uses effective actions? Or maybe in QM effective actions are called another name? I think effective actions in QM could...
  27. Hawkingo

    I What is the failure of superposition in quantum mechanics?

    In a book it says that "we know of quantum phenomena in the electromagnetic field that represents a failure of superposition,seen from the viewpoint of the classical theory." I want to about what quantum phenomena is he talking about? This was from the page 11 of the book Electricity And...
  28. A

    I Which operator for reflection in quantum mechanics?

    Hello, I know we have the parity operator for inversion in quantum mechanics and for rotations we have the exponentials of the angular momentum/spin operators. But what if I want to write the operator that represent a reflection for example just switching y to -y, the matrix in real space...
  29. L

    I Definition of a symmetry transformations in quantum mechanics

    By the Wigner theorem, symmetries transformations are implemented by operators ##\hat{U}## that are unitary or antiunitary. This is what is written in most books. But I have read somewhere that, to ##\hat{U}## represent a symmetrie, it's necessary that ##\hat{U}^{\dagger} \hat{H} \hat{U} =...
  30. L

    I Symmetries in quantum mechanics and the change of operators

    When we make a symmetrie transformation in a quantum system, the state ##|\psi \rangle## change to ## |\psi' \rangle = U|\psi \rangle##, where ##U## is a unitary or antiunitary operator, and the operator ##A## change to ##A'##. If we require that the expections values of operators don't change...
  31. learn.steadfast

    I Interpretations of diffusion in Quantum Mechanics.

    Recently, I've been told I was wrong concerning the nature of stationary states and diffusion being related. Even though I pointed out to the people involved that I was merely paraphrasing Max Born, who was apparently quoting the same idea as Linus Pauling. No one has been able to tell me...
  32. Another

    Question commutation in quantum mechanics

    Homework Statement Show that ##[L_{x}^2,L_{y}^2]=[L_{y}^2,L_{z}^2]=[L_{z}^2,L_{x}^2]## Homework Equations ##L^2 = L_{x}^2+L_{y}^2+L_{z}^2## ##L_x = yp_z-zp_y## ##L_y = zp_x-xp_z## ##L_z = xp_y-yp_x## ##[x_i,p_j]=iħδ_{ij}## ##[L_x,L_y]=iħL_z## ##[L_y,L_z]=iħL_x## ##[L_z,L_x]=iħL_y##...
  33. Konte

    I Resolvent formalism in quantum mechanics

    Hi everybody, While reading some quantum mechanics book, I met the resolvent formalism which is presented as more powerful than the pertubative approach. For a system with a hamiltonian ## H = H_0 + H_{int} ##, when the interaction part ## H_{int} ## is no more a pertubation but rather having...
  34. MatthijsRog

    I Role of determinate states in quantum mechanics

    Hi, I'm an undergrad, following my very first serious course in QM. We're following Griffith's book, and so far we're staying close to the text in terms of course structure. Griffiths starts out his book by postulating that each and every state for any system \Psi must be a solution to the...
  35. Another

    I Question about Operators in Quantum Mechanics

    I study on quantum mechanics and I have question about operator. In one dimension. How do we know ## \hat{x} = x## and ## \hat{p}_{x} = -i \bar{h} \frac{d}{dx} ## When schrodinger was creating an equation, which later called "the schrodinger equation". How does he know momentum operator equal...
  36. Pushoam

    Momentum measurement of a particle in Quantum Mechanics

    Homework Statement What will momentum measurement of a particle whose wave - function is given by ## \psi = e^{i3x} + 2e^{ix} ## yield? Sketch the probability distribution of finding the particle between x = 0 to x = 2π. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The eigenfunctions of...
  37. S

    I Understanding Spin & Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics

    Hello! I got a bit confused about the fact that the whole the description of spin (and angular momentum) is done in the z direction. So, if we are told that a system of 2 particles is in a singlet state i.e. $$\frac{\uparrow \downarrow -\downarrow \uparrow }{2}$$ does this mean that measuring...
  38. CharlieCW

    Coherent states in quantum mechanics (Schrödinger Cat)

    Hello. I've been struggling for a day with the following problem on Quantum coherent states, so I was wondering if you could tell me if I'm going in the right direction (I've read the books of Sakurai and Weinberg but can't seem to find an answer) 1. Homework Statement *Suppose a Schrödinger...
  39. P

    Question about Many Worlds branching in Quantum Mechanics

    Supposing the Many Worlds interpretation of QM is true... If a branching occurs during what we perceive is a wave function collapse, why would this be perceptible to us as probabilties? Wouldn't we just branch, leaving it just as imperceviable as the passage of time? That is, it just happens...
  40. K

    I Interval in Quantum Mechanics?

    In Special/General Relativity invariance of a space-time interval is just so important. But in Quantum Mechanics, be it non-relativistic or QFT, there seems to be no such parallel. I have always noticed this. I have some ideas about the reason: 1 - it's not part of the theory to have a...
  41. Robert Shaw

    I Does the concept of an "object" belong in Quantum Mechanics?

    Consider the following examples: 1) combine a spin 1/2 state (with 2D Hilbert space and three spin 0 states (each with 1D Hilbert space). The resultant state is in 3D Hilbert space. 2) combine the same spin 1/2 state (with 2D Hilbert space and one spin 0 state. The states in (1) and (2)...
  42. Wrichik Basu

    Other Prerequisites for Internship in Quantum Mechanics

    I would be in college in 2019 (currently I'm in standard 11). I'm greatly interested in Quantum mechanics, QFT, QCD and Quantum Geometerodynamics. Of these, I want to do an internship on the first, because I don't think I'll be able to touch the others till the 2nd year in college. I'm living...
  43. I

    I Meaning of Dirac Delta function in Quantum Mechanics

    If I have a general (not a plain wave) state $$|\psi\rangle$$, then in position space : $$\langle \psi|\psi\rangle = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\psi^*(x)\psi(x)dx$$ is the total probability (total absolute, assuming the wave function is normalized) So if the above is correct, does that mean...
  44. grandpa2390

    Question about phase factor in Quantum Mechanics

    Homework Statement I am trying to understand a solution to a problem. I may not need to post the entire question, I just need to know if ##-i = e^{\frac{-i*pi}{2}}## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution the reason for this question is that one step of the problem has a quantity...
  45. D

    Constants of motion in quantum mechanics

    Homework Statement A particle of mass m and spin s, it's subject at next central potential: ## \begin{equation*} V(\mathbf{r})= \begin{cases} 0\text{ r<a}\\ V_0\text{ a<r<b}\\ 0\text{ r>b} \end{cases} \end{equation*} ## Find the constants of motion of the system and the set of...
  46. bhobba

    A Rigged Hilbert Spaces In Quantum Mechanics

    In discussing stuff in another thread I used the standard Dirac notion expanding a state in position eigenvectors namely |u> = ∫f(x) |x>. By definition f(x) is the wave-function. I omitted the dx which is my bad but the following question was posed which I think deserved a complete answer. It...