increase Definition and 865 Threads

In Demography, the rate of natural increase (RNI), also known as natural population change, is defined as the birth rate minus the death rate of a particular population, over a particular time period. It is typically expressed either as a number per 1,000 individuals in the population or as a percentage. RNI can be either positive or negative. It contrasts to total population change by ignoring net migration.
This RNI gives demographers an insight into how a region's population is evolving, and these analyses can inform government attempts to shape RNI.

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  1. N

    Increasing the Melting Point via Pressure Increase

    1. What is the pressure needed to increase the melting temperature by 20 centigrade degrees? Given: Molar Volume (solid) at normal melting temp is 18.92 cm^3 Given: Molar Volume (liquid) at normal melting temp is 19.47 cm^3 Homework Equations delta H (s>l) = T(melting point)* delta S(s>l)...
  2. L

    Didn't Global Warming Theory Predict An Increase In Ice Levels At The Poles?

    If so, wasn't it confirmed when we saw an increase in ice levels at the poles this year?
  3. Andre

    Mysterious Increase in Methane Levels Baffles Scientists Also notice the stubborn misunderstanding: Run with the basic inputs to get an output radiation of 287.844 W/m2. Now put zero in the CO2 box to get 318.396 W/m2, then...
  4. R

    Calculating Separation Increase: 2000km Space Drop

    There is a spaceship in low-earth orbit, at 2000km above the surface of the earth. There are two balls in the spaceship that are dropped. The balls are 1m apart. How long will it take for their separation to increase to 1.01m? Assume that one ball is at 2000km, and the other is at 2000km+1m...
  5. A

    What is the Mass of Your Faster Running Friend?

    Homework Statement You run a race with your friend. At first you each have the same kinetic energy, but then you find that she is beating you. When you increase your speed by 21%, you are running at the same speed she is. If your mass is 77 kg, what is her mass? Homework Equations...
  6. A

    Speed Increase calculation for air over a wing.

    Hi All, This isn't really a physics course related question or anything (i barely passed secondary school science). But this seems like a place I might be able to find my answer. I'm trying to find the calculation to work out what the increase in speed is of air flowing over a planes...
  7. J

    Rate of Increase in Area of Circle with Circumference 20pi m

    Homework Statement The radius of a circle is increasing at a constant rate of 0.2 meter per second. What is the rate of increase in the area of the circle at the instant when the circumference of the circle is 20pi meters? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no...
  8. L

    Increase Entropy in Sealed, Thermally Insulated Container

    A sealed and thermally insulated container of total volume V is divided into two equal volumes by an impermeable wall. The left half of the container is initially occupied by n moles of an ideal gas at temperature T. Which of the following gives the change in entropy of the system when the...
  9. K

    How does a dielectric increase capacitance, conceptually.

    Hi all, I'm a little stumped with how the dielectric increases capacitance. The general solutions all involve using the formulas, but don't really treat it conceptually. I realize that inserting a dielectric decreases field strength, and hence decreases the voltage across the capacitor. But...
  10. L

    The Mystery of a 1000 Times Increase in Weight: Exploring the Physics Behind It

    not able to pick up a 1 kg iron object off the ground by overcoming the gravitational force between Earth and the object. Consider this : It can pick up a 1 gram (iron) object easily. Then, the increase (from 1gm to 1 kg) would be by a 1000 times. Clearly that increase cannot account for the...
  11. K

    Ocean Level Change Due to Temperature Increase

    Homework Statement The area of the Earth that is covered by water is 361×10^{6} km^{2}, the volume of the water is 1.4×10^{9} km^{3}, and the mass of the water is 1.4×10^{21} kg. The density of liquid water, as a function of temperature, can be approximated by ρ = 1008 − T /2 kg/m^{3}, where T...
  12. P

    Can numbers be infinitely large or small in mathematics?

    I have two questions about infinity: 1. Can infinity increase? In other words if a number can increase, wasn't it less than infinite before the increase? 2. If a number is finite, must it have a limit? The folks over in cosmology can't get through to me on how the universe can...
  13. M

    Laser Tube Cavities: Increasing Power w/Mirrors?

    Has anybody ever tried adding mirrors around a laser tube cavity where a lot of spontaneous emission can be reflected back into the tube? The idea is like this - if there is a low probablitity of absorption, perhaps the emissions will be induced to occur down the main laser tube where the...
  14. C

    Current in Top Loop: Increase, Decrease, or No Change?

    Two loops have current flowing through them (see picture). The top loop lies directly above the bottom one. When the current in the bottom loop is increased, what happens to the top loop's current? Does it increase, decrease, go to zero, doesn't change or it depends on the relative values for...
  15. D

    Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels Don’t Increase Earth’s Temperature

    Six days ago, the Dutch government added a flight fee at Schiphol, the Amsterdam airport, to be used to lower Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. The Netherlands is one of the four countries that tax carbon put into air in response to advice from the UN-sponsored Intergovernmental...
  16. E

    How Can You Calculate Temperature vs. Time for a 22 AWG Wire with 120V?

    So they decided to give me an electrical problem at work, and I am completely lost. They're worried about 120V from the wall crossing over onto a 22 AWG wire and causing it to heat up. Is there a way to calculate temperature versus time for this situation? The length of the wire will change...
  17. C

    Finding time to increase temp with power

    Homework Statement A hot water heater is operated by using solar power. If the solar collector has an area of 6 m^2, and the power per unit area delivered by sunlight is 1000 W/m^2, how long in hours will it take to increase the temperature of 1 m^3 of water from 20C to 60C? (1 cal=4.186 J)...
  18. S

    Work done to increase the charge on capacitor

    Homework Statement how much work is done in increasing the charge on a 3 microfarad capacitor from 300 microcoulombs to 600 microcoulombs? i am supposed to get work W = 0.045 joules Homework Equations capacitance C = Q/V where Q is charge in coulombs, V is electric potential in...
  19. 2

    Wavefunction collapse => increase in entropy?

    Wavefunction collapse ==> increase in entropy?? I just read an article in Scientific American by Sean Carroll, called something like Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes. In it, he says that the reason wavefunctions only collapse and never un-collapse is because collapsing represents an...
  20. S

    Calculating Length Increase of Aluminium Bar Due to Temperature Change

    Homework Statement A 40mm diameter bar of aluminium is 2.5m long the bar is has its temperature raised from 20°c to 40°c. Determine the increase in length of the bar in mm. Take the Al = 24 × 10-6 °C-1 How much heat has been transferred into the bar if the SCH = 0.9kj/kg °C Homework...
  21. A

    Calculating Mass Increase of Earth Annually From Sunlight

    Homework Statement By how much does the mass of the Earth increase each year as a result of sunlight reaching it? Radiation from the sun reaches the EArth at a rate of 1400W/m^2 of area perpendicular to the energy flow. Assume 100% absorption. Homework Equations I'm sorry but I haven't...
  22. B

    Will Running Increase Spit-Distance? Experimenting with Physics!

    Inspired by,23599,23696646-13762,00.html" . Would running before you spit increase the distance your spit travels? I figure, most of the energy comes from your mouth, and you'd probably stop at the end of your run, so would a "running start" increase the distance?
  23. M

    Increase the efficiency of brakes in an ATV?

    how can we increase the efficiency of brakes in an ATV specially? I'm working on an ATV these days n plan to use disc brakes... i read about cross-linked braking circuit...can someone tell me how efficient is this system...should i try to employ it?iv heard it has been used in Audi before...can...
  24. B

    Calculate Effects of 10% Increase in Gravity on Movement

    If gravity on Earth were to increase overnight by 10% how do I go about calculating the way this would affect my movements, how fast I could walk, run, swim etc and how this would affect my muscles? I'm presuming my body would be working harder so I would find movement more tiring and would be...
  25. F

    Does the resistance of strain gauge increase when temperature increases?

    Hello, could someone help on this question?? ok, I'm trying to find out how much a piece of wood expands and contracts with changes in humidity and temperature, I'm sticking a strain gauge on the wood to detect the expansion and contraction of it. my question is if the temperature increase...
  26. Chandra214

    Ripple increase on higher load: at rectified output: 18Vac to 25.5Vdc

    Hello All, glad to be a part of this elite community, i have been following the forum threads for quite few days now, i am really interested to hear from Mr.Berkeman. here is my problem: we are facing a problem at the rectified output of our power supply, we have used a bridge rectifier to...
  27. N

    Atomic Radius Increase Up Periodic Table: Why?

    If an atom with more protons have tighter electron orbitals than atoms with fewer protons, why doesn't the "atomic radius" decrease up the periodic table? Instead it increases, why is this?
  28. G

    Exploring the Paradox of Relativistic Mass Increase

    Hi all - this (seeming) paradox has been brought up on a few other forums with less than illuminating results. I'm curious to see what the solution is. Okay, so, you're watching a massive object approach the speed of light. From your reference frame, you are measuring the increase in apparent...
  29. S

    Force applied: calculating increase in temperature (work mostly done, )

    Ok, I need to calculate the increase in temperature of a nail hit by a hammer with force of 500N. The length of the nail is .06m, so the work done and, I'm assuming, the energy added to the nail (Q) is 30 Joules. The specific heat capacity of the nail is 450 J/kg *C(degrees Celsius). By using...
  30. G

    Calculating Energy Increase of Br2(ground) to 2Br(ground)

    This is the problem: The limit of continuous absorption for Br2 gas occurs at 19750cm^-1. The dissociation energy that occurs is: Br2(gorund) = Br(ground) + Br(excited) The transition of ground bromine atom to an excited one corresponds to a wave number of 3685 cm^-1: Br(ground) =...
  31. L

    Exploring the Physics of Dropped Objects: Does Speed Increase with Height?

    I'm relatively new to physics. I know that dropping 2 objects, at the distance from the ground, they will land at the same time. But what would happen if you dropped objectA at 2 meters height, and held objectB at one meter height, and only let go of objectB, when ObjectA has already...
  32. B

    Testing Fiberglass Panel: Unexpected Power Level Increase

    In testing the loss through a fiberglass panel I experienced instances where the received power level increased. I have checked and double checked my setup and changed the distances between the horn and panel, I still am seeing odd results. Has anyone had any experiences such as this. I am...
  33. D

    Gravity and Mass: Debunking the Relationship and Exploring Alternative Theories

    What I've learned is that when going at a fraction of C, the energy put into the acceleration is transferred into mass. However what is strange is that its gravitational strength does not increase. People keep saying that gravity is a property of the invarient mass and that alone. So then...
  34. B

    Medical Can i increase my vital capacity and peak flow

    hi, I am 21 years old 180cm tall and 73kg, I'm an ex smoker. I'm in the process of an army application but need to improve my peak flow. will increasing my vo2 max help and are there any other ways to increase peak flow.
  35. C

    Increase pressure in closed container

    an experiment^^ in a closed container, means tat it has a constant volume. when i increase the air pressure inside(without heating), the result is the temperature will increase. why? can i hav a theoretical explanation? thx for reading
  36. R

    How long does it take it increase speed?

    Homework Statement A freight train has a mass of 1.2e+7 kg. If the locomotive can exert a constant pull of 8.4e+5 N, how long does it take to increase the speed of the train from rest to 82 km/h? Homework Equations (mass*velocity)/time=force The Attempt at a Solution (1.2e+7 *...
  37. C

    Q about relativistic mass increase, starship

    A warning is often given that if one wants to have a spaceship traveling at relativistic speeds (usually to get to another star), the ship's mass increases, making acceleration more difficult. But if it where an antimatter propelled ship, with mass being turned into energy, then wouldn't the...
  38. B

    Mice and Yeast Lifespans: Does SCH9 + SIR2 Knockout Increase Longevity?

    Does knocking out SCH9 and SIR2 in mice increase their lifespans by 6 times? Longo said age-dependent mutations increase at a remarkably low pace in organisms lacking both SCH( and SIR2 but does that apply to mice as well as yeast?
  39. M

    Increase of mass and legth contracts with speed?

    OK, i have a final coming up, and i need a little help... i need to know how and why an object moving faster acquires more mass... it doesn't make sense... mass is how much matter somethign has as far as i know, but when you speed up, you acquire more mass? this goes hand in hand with the length...
  40. M

    Space travel, mass increase, and length shorteneing

    Alright, i have a final and i have to explain just three parts to einstein's theory of relativity... they are space travel (time slowing nearing the speed of light), increase of mass with speed, and length contraction... the space travel makes no sense, and the mass one, i have mixed feelings...
  41. W

    Increase gas pressure in unchanged volume

    Situation: Start pressure: p1=1 bar; Volume: V=36m3; Temp.: T1=T. Now I need to increase the pressure to 6 bar, but the volume remains unchanged. So: End pressure: p2=6 bar; Volume: V=36m3; Temp.: T2=T. So volume and temperature remain unchanged. What amount of gas (m3) do I need...
  42. J

    How Can Confidence and Clear Thinking Improve Interpersonal Skills?

    How can we increase our interpersonal skills?
  43. F

    Friction Questions: Why does it increase and why does it lag?

    I understand that physics is mostly based on empirical evidence, but sometimes it's interesting to know how some things are explained. My questions about friction are: 1. Why does friction increase as velocity increases? 2. Why does it take time for friction to become equal to the...
  44. L

    Does Removing a Partition Increase Entropy in a Gas Box?

    Suppose we have box with a volume V which is divided down its middle. So the box is split in two sides with equal volume (V_1 = V_2) and gas molecules (n_1 = n_2). Now, we remove the partition and the gas from both sides mix. Is there an entropy increase in the system? The whole process is...
  45. G

    Sound intensity increase as a result of wave interference?

    Homework Statement You're in an airplan whose two engines are running at 560rpm and 570 rpm. How often do you hear the sound intesity increase as a result of wave interference? Well, i know that the intensity will increase when the wave interference is constructive, but point me in the...
  46. I

    Efficiently Heat Soup: Calculate Time Needed with 350W Immersion Heater

    I know this is a simple problem, but I don't know where to begin. Please help! A small immersion heater is rated at 350W. Estimate how long it will take to heat a cup of soup (assume this is 250 mL of water) from 15 degrees celsius to seventy-five degrees celsius
  47. F

    How to increase max frequency due to half cycle constraints

    I'm trying to design a synchronous logic that uses a negative edge flop to shift data out of a chip (as part of the IEEE1149.1 standard). The input to this negedge flop is muxed from a whole bunch of shift registers within the chip, and these registers are all on posedges. Ideally, if...
  48. J

    Solving a Long Jump Problem: Find Takeoff Speed & Increase Jump Distance

    hey guys imm new here i got a question in my book i can't figure out it says: an athlete executing a long jump leaves the ground at a 30 degree angle and travels 7.80m (a) what was the takeoff speed? (b) if this speed were increased just 5.0 % how much longer would the jump be? anyone...
  49. R

    An increase of $0,15 on a price of 2,50 is an increse by a fraction

    an increase of $0,15 on a price of 2,50 is an increse by a fraction of 0.15/2.50=0,06 expressed as a percentage,therefore a 6% increase I don,t understand this and why we put 0.15 is numerator
  50. B

    Thermodynamics: Amount of work required to increase pressure at constant volume

    Homework Statement By means of a hand pump, you inflate a tire from 0 psi to 35 psi (overpressure). The volume of the tire remains constant at 3.5 ft^3. How much work must you do on the air pump? Assume each stroke of the pump is an adiabatic process and that the air is initially at STP...