Inelastic Definition and 495 Threads

In economics, elasticity refers to the measurement of a percentage change of one economic variable in response to a change in another.

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  1. E

    Perfect Inelastic collision with string tension

    Homework Statement A small wooden block with mass 0.800 kg is suspended from the lower end of a light cord that is 1.60 m long. The block is initially at rest. A bullet with mass 0.0132 kg is fired at the block with a horizontal velocity v-_i. The bullet strikes the block and becomes embedded...
  2. xjcov

    Analysis of collisions from data

    Good afternoon! I would like to preface by saying, yes, this is for a project. I am only posting here to see if my method of solving is correct before I finish the project incorrectly. Homework Statement I chose two balls, mass A: .553 kg and mass B: .410 kg I recorded their collision and...
  3. G

    B Does Deep Inelastic Scattering Reveal the True Nature of Baryons?

    Hi, There's a pic on wiki page (Feynman type) showing deep inelastic scattering where a fast lepton interacts with a quark in a baryon by a virtual photon (clearly that doesn't change particle type) then there's an arrow labelled X that I guess is maybe a stream of other hadrons (mesons mostly I...
  4. P

    Inelastic collision between two perpendicular particles

    Homework Statement A particle of mass m1 collides with a particle of mass m2 initially moving at right angles to it(see Figure 1 below). Calculate the final velocities of each particle, and the angles at which the particles leave the collision site( as measured with respect to the original...
  5. P

    What Happens to Kinetic Energy in Inelastic Collisions in Space?

    Let's say that 2 objects inelastically collided in outer space. One has a Mass of 2kg, and velocity 5m/s. The other has a Mass of 4kg, and velocity is 0m/s. ( at rest) 1) Energy cannot be created or destroyed. (Energy is conserved) 2) Momentum is conserved. Total Momentum before was (2x5) +...
  6. Eclair_de_XII

    How much energy is lost in an inelastic collision?

    Homework Statement "Suppose a ##1000 kg## car slides into a stationary ##500 kg## moose on a very slippery road, with the moose being thrown through the windshield. (a) What percent of the original kinetic energy is lost in the collision to other forms of energy? (b) What percent of the...
  7. morrobay

    Momentum Transfer: Elastic Collision vs Inelastic Collision

    In elastic collision momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. Where as in inelastic collision K.E. and P are not conserved since K.E. lost during deformation in target object is consistent with momentum conservation. The question here is in context of working out with a 70kg heavy bag (m2 )...
  8. L

    Inelastic collision: block moving down a frictionless ramp

    Homework Statement In the figure provided, two suitcases are on a 6.36 m high ramp to passengers waiting in a baggage terminal. The top suitcase is released from rest, and it slides down the ramp and hits the second suitcase. If the suitcase at the top has a mass of 11.8 kg and the other...
  9. C

    I Deep inelastic scattering and the Q^2 large limit

    I am reading through Bailin and Love's argument (see P.151-152 of 'Introduction to Gauge Field Theory') that as ##Q^2 \rightarrow \infty##, we probe the product of the two electromagnetic currents appearing in the hadronic tensor for DIS on the lightcone. I will write out the argument here and...
  10. C

    Where does kinetic energy go in inelastic collision?

    I'm having a bit of trouble conceptualizing this. I've looked all over the Internet, and I've been seeing that in completely inelastic collisions the reason that kinetic energy is not conserved is because energy goes into deformation, sound, propelling shrapnel, and especially heat (among other...
  11. R

    Python Really simple Python program to simulate inelastic collision

    I'm trying to write this Python program that simulates a completely inelastic collision between two objects. The program seems to work for the most part, but I'm completely lost on the "heat released" part at the end. I have no idea if I'm calculating this right, or if I'm completely wrong. Can...
  12. E

    Inelastic collision: final velocity after collision

    Homework Statement You are driving your 1000-kg car at a velocity of(19 m/s )ι^ when a 9.0-g bug splatters on your windshield. Before the collision, the bug was traveling at a velocity of (-1.5 m/s )ι^. What is the change in velocity of the car due to its encounter with the bug?Homework...
  13. X

    Inelastic Collision: Kinetic Energy vs Momentum

    In an inelastic collision is the change in kinetic energy equal to the difference of final and initial momentum if one of the objects is initially at rest? For example: m1v = (m1+m2)Vf -----> 0 = (m1+m2)Vf - m1v1 1/2(m1+m2)Vf^2 - 1/2m1v^2 = (m1+m2)Vf - m1v1 Or totally wrong? Thanks!
  14. UMath1

    Momentum conservation inelastic collection

    If a car crashes with a stationary tree and comes to stop, we could say that the kinetic energy of the car was converted to heat and that the collision was inelastic. However, conservation of momentum dictates that momentum is still conserved. How would that be possible given that neither the...
  15. marsupial

    Calculate the impulse exerted after an inelastic collision

    Homework Statement A block A of mass m traveling with speed v collides head-on with a stationary body B of mass 2m. The two bodies stick together. Calculate the impulse exerted by body B on body A during the collision. Homework Equations ## J = p_{final} - p_{initial} ## ## p_{initial} =...
  16. R

    I Meaning of inelastic scattering length

    Hello, what is the physical meaning of the scattering length? I know this question was discussed here before but I still have questions. This quantity is listed in table 1 of this paper: I need to clarify a few things: does scattering...
  17. JayaSuria

    Inelastic Collision - Kinetic Energy

    A 6.0kg metal ball moving at 4.0m/s hits a 6.0kg clay ball at rest and sticks to it. The two move at 2.0m/s. a. calculate the kinetic energy of the metal ball before it hits the clay ball. b. calculate the kinetic energy of the metal ball after it hits the clay ball. c. calculate the kinetic...
  18. Freemann

    How to calculate/get info about inelastic scattered neutron?

    I have been researching in the Forum, but I did not see anything conclusive about this: sorry if that was posted anywhere else here, I am new here :smile:. The energy loss of a neutron after an elastic scattering is a pretty straightforward calculation that can be done by hand. However, I am...
  19. Y

    A Raman Spectroscopy vs. Inelastic Electron Tunneling

    I am a first year graduate student in physics and am becoming familiarized with Raman spectroscopy to study structure of materials based off of their vibrational states. In some personal study outside of this, I came across the idea of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS) and was...
  20. X

    Momentum with Two Carts on a Low-Friction Track

    Homework Statement A student runs an experiment with two carts on a low-friction track. As measured in the Earth reference frame, cart 1 (m = 0.48 kg ) moves from left to right at 1.0 m/s as the student walks along next to it at the same velocity. Let the +x direction be to the right. A. What...
  21. M

    Elastic and inelastic collisions

    Homework Statement A low-energy particle collides elastically with a stationary particle of the same mass. The angle between the subsequent paths of both particles are 90 degrees. But when a high-energy proton collides with a stationary proton, the angle between the two paths is not 90 degrees...
  22. P

    Inelastic and elastic collision (please explain)

    Homework Statement If a object 1 & 2 collide as a perfectly inelastic collision, would they will both stop. Also If this same situation happened elastic? please explain if this is true or false and draw a free body diagram if possible. Homework Equations F=ma Newton second Law KE=1/2ma The...
  23. R

    How Does Friction Impact Post-Collision Speed in Inelastic Car Accidents?

    For the Texas Department of Public Safety, you are investigating an accident that occurred early on a foggy morning in a remote section of the Texas Panhandle. A 2012 Prius traveling due north collided in a highway intersection with a 2013 Dodge Durango that was traveling due east. After the...
  24. P

    Velocity and Direction of a System after Inelastic Collision

    Homework Statement A hockey player with a mass of 30.0-kg is initially moving 2.00-m/s to the right. He catches on the stick a puck initially moving at 35.0-m/s at an angle of 60 degrees. The puck's mass is .18 kg and the player and puck form a single object for a few seconds. (A) Determine the...
  25. Karan Punjabi

    Inelastic collision and momentum

    Guys, I'm confused that how momentum is conserved when kinetic energy is lost?...I know this question is asked by many people and i searched for it but I'm not getting the reason. Here i have sent two photos which shows that momentum is not conserved from If I am wrong at any...
  26. R

    Inelastic collision of a cannonball

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Total initial momentum = total final momentum Momentum = m*v Kinetic energy = 1/2 * m * v2 The Attempt at a Solution What I found so far: m1v1i = (m1+m2)vf Total kinetic energy = 1/2 * (m1 + m2)vf2 - 1/2 * m1 * v1i2 I am confused on how friction comes...
  27. T

    Inelastic Collision and kinetic energy?

    Homework Statement A piece of taffy slams into and sticks to another identical piece of taffy that is at rest. The momentum of the two pieces stuck together after the collision is the same as it was before the collision, but this is not true of the kinetic energy, which is partly turned into...
  28. C

    Inelastic collision in two dimensions

    I am a programmer trying to simulate some 2D balls bouncing about and colliding with each other. I have both the ball's velocity components before the collision and I am trying to solve for them. I went to wikipedia to find a formula to satisfy my needs and ran into this section...
  29. M

    Elastic and inelastic collisions

    Homework Statement In a closed system, in an inelastic collision, momentum and total energy is conserved, but total kinetic energy is not. But how is this possible? If we have a change in total kinetic energy, we have a change in velocity, and so we must have a change in momentum as...
  30. I

    Inelastic scattering on a two level atom

    Homework Statement Consider a scattering problem that is described by the Hamiltonian . The target is prepared in the lower level. The kinetic energy of the incident particle is Ev. Find the transmission as a function of energy. Homework Equations . The Attempt at a Solution I tried going at...
  31. Negus

    Speeds regarding 2D inelastic collision

    Homework Statement You are called to the site of a collision between a small car and a half ton truck on a lonely country road. You are given the following information: a) On clean dry pavement at a temperature of 20 C, the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.600 on locked wheels. b)...
  32. N

    Momentum conservation in perfectly inelastic collision

    Dear Experts, Total momentum of a system is said to be conserved in perfectly inelastic collisions also. I have a slight problem trying to comprehend a simple example regarding the same. If a small mass 'm' , say a ball is thrown at a huge stationary mass 'M' , say a wall. If the collision is...
  33. D

    Elastic and Inelastic Momentum Problem

    Homework Statement A car whose mass is 2000 kg moves with a velocity of 30 m/s. It hits a stationary car that has the same mass. (Ignore all horizontal forces except for the ones that two cars exert on each other.) a) The two cars stick to each other after the collision. What is their velocity...
  34. N

    Momentum After Inelastic Collison

    Homework Statement Two hockey pucks are sliding across the ice in the same direction. One has a momentum of 35 kg*m/s. The other has a momentum of 7 kg*m/s. After the collision, the pucks stick together. What is the momentum of the pucks after the collision? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  35. Mr Davis 97

    Inelastic collision for equal masses

    Assume that we have two equal masses that collide horizontally, where one is initially at rest. From the conservation of linear momentum, we have ##P_0 = P## ##mv_{10} = mv_{1} + mv_{2}## ##v_{10} = v_{1} + v_{2}## Assuming we have an initial velocity, it would seem as though the final velocity...
  36. R

    Inelastic Collision of drunken driver

    Homework Statement A drunken driver crashes his car into a parked car that has its brakes set. The two cars move off together (perfectly inelastic collision), with the locked wheels of the parked car leaving skid marks 8.0 m in length. If the mass of the moving car is 2290kg and the mass of...
  37. C

    Prove inelastic collision loses the most KE?

    Homework Statement Prove that inelastic collisions have the most KE loss of any type of collision (i.e. partially inelastic and elastic are the others)[/B]Homework Equations m1v1+ m2v2= (m1+m2)Vf The Attempt at a Solution I have solved for Vf in that Vf=(m1v1+m2v2)/(m1+m2), but I am totally...
  38. X

    Proof of KE loss in inelastic collision

    Homework Statement Prove that a perfectly inelastic collision loses more kinetic energy than a partially inelastic collision. Given: $$m_1, m_2, v_{1i}, v_{2i}, v_{1f}, v_{2f}$$ Homework Equations $$KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2$$ The Attempt at a Solution From conservation of momentum...
  39. P

    Inelastic collision Two angles and final velocities

    Homework Statement Consider an inelastic collision between two blocks on a horizontal plane. Block M1 is moving with velocity Vo and collides with block M2 which is at rest. During the collision a fraction Q of the original kinetic energy is lost. It is observed that M1 is deflected by an angle...
  40. K

    Distance traveled during a head on collision

    Homework Statement During the head on collision of a 1500kg car moving 20 m/s and a 2400 kg truck moving 12.5 m/s does the car move farther than, a shorter distance than, the same distance as the truck, or is this indeterminate with the given information. Homework Equations...
  41. B

    Inelastic car collision, answers aren't matching up

    Homework Statement Car A, having a mass of 1.30 x 10+3kg is traveling at 60.0 km/h due east when it collides with car B, having a mass of mass 1.70 x 10+3kg traveling at 40.0 km/h due west. If the collision is totally inelastic, find the final velocity of car B. .Homework Equations I'm using...
  42. M

    Momentum and Kinetic Energy after an Inelastic Collision

    Homework Statement A small bullet is fired into a large piece of wood. After the bullet penetrates the wood, the assembly moves as one unit along a low-friction track in the direction of travel of the bullet. A. After the bullet is stuck in the piece of wood, is the momentum of the wood (not...
  43. M

    Velocity after a totally inelastic collision

    Homework Statement You are driving your 1000-kg car at a velocity of(25 m/s )ι^ when a 9.0-g bug splatters on your windshield. Before the collision, the bug was traveling at a velocity of (-1.5 m/s )ι^. What is the change in velocity of the car due to its encounter with the bug? Homework...
  44. oreo

    Which is more effective in this case, elastic or inelastic collision?

    Homework Statement A 2.9 ton weight falling through a distance of 6.5 ft drives a 0.5 ton pile 1.5 in. into the ground A) Assuming that the weight-pile collision is completely inelastic, find the average force of resistance exerted by ground B) Assuming that the resistive force in (A) remains...
  45. H

    Problem Concerning Inelastic collisions.

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution This problem is driving me nuts. Its the problem number 1 in the afternoon session exam provided in the link above...
  46. K

    Piston/bullet inelastic collision (not like other problems)

    Homework Statement a bullet has mass=0.01kg velocity=150m/s, you have a cylinder with 5.0m^3 of air at STP with a piston at one end that has mass=0.1kg and surface area of 10cm^3 and is at rest. The bullet strikes and embeds itself into the piston. The system is to be considered adiabatic after...
  47. L

    Inelastic collision of plane onto a barge? (challenging)

    Homework Statement A 1000 kg plane is trying to land on the deck of a 2000 kg barge at rest on the surface of the sea. The only frictional force to consider is between the plane’s wheels and the deck, and this braking force is constant and equal to one-quarter of the plane’s weight. What must...
  48. J-dizzal

    One dimensional inelastic collision; bullet through block.

    Homework Statement In the figure here, a 12.8 g bullet moving directly upward at 930 m/s strikes and passes through the center of mass of a 8.3 kg block initially at rest. The bullet emerges from the block moving directly upward at 520 m/s. To what maximum height does the block then rise above...
  49. A

    What happens to energy in a complete inelastic collision?

    Could be a stupid question. But in case of complete inelastic collision, when one particle is at rest and other one collides with it and both move together, I made calculations(pretty simple ones), the conservation of linear momentum and conservation of kinetic energy give different results. Can...
  50. E

    Collision and friction question

    Homework Statement This is just a question relating to an assignment I am doing, if a steel block mass m1 traveling at velocity v1 and friction of 0.1 hits a concrete barrier traveling at 0 with mass m2 with friction 0.6. they have an inelastic collision and travel 0.1m together. Homework...