Information Definition and 999 Threads

  1. A

    Where can I find information on torque?

    I don't actually need help with homework, but rather some advice. I'm in AP Physics B and we just finished learning torque. My teacher covered torque in just under two days and moved on to springs. Unfortunately, I was absent the first day, so I'm pretty rusty at torque. Does anyone know of a...
  2. S

    Is Intelligent Design About the Hierarchy of Information in the Universe?

    I'm quoting from here: Then, here: what is this? science? quackery?
  3. R

    Need information on metallography

    Hello!Can anybody help me!I have project in MAterials.If somebody knows any Web site which contains material for metallography.Please write me becouse I can't find nothing important.Thanks to all
  4. Q

    Enough information? (WaveLength Question)

    All it the question says is that AM modulation operates at 1 AM = 1 KHz and 800 AM = 800 KHz. the questions says to calculate the wavelength of radio station broadcasting at 820 AM now i know that frequency is 820 KHz but i don't know what velocity it travels at so how do i calculate the...
  5. JasonRox

    Get Pixel Color in VB.Net 2005 Picture Box

    Hey! Does anyone know how to get the "color" of a pixel in a picture box, in VB.Net 2005? I want to encode things into an image, and then later pull the information out of the pixels.
  6. A

    Schools Information on certain universities

    Hello, I just needed some information on a few universities, to which I am thinking of applying as an undergrad. My interests are Electrical Engineering, Physics, Maths and Computer Science. Here are the schools : Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ) Rowan University (NJ) New Jersey Institute...
  7. L

    Transactional Interpretation, space and information

    While trying to wrap my head around the Transactional Interpretation, I wondered why we need signals from the future. For the electron about to be ejected, the surrounding space is already filled with information about everything around, and if the momentum conditions assign it to strike beyond...
  8. S

    Where to find the following information?

    I have a soda/water bottle design coming up. And it requires me to find the proper shape that will have the minimum surface area. Do you know where I can find the related information on this? Where can I find some comparable models and so on? Any infor. will be helpful. Thanks.
  9. D

    Looking for good information center

    every now and then i look around for a website that is a well maintained search engine for journals, essays, articles and other general information publications and it seems that almost all are accessible exclusively through colleges/universities. I'm looking for info on international politics...
  10. B

    Finding Information on Thermal Louvers

    Firends I am searching for some good books or online sourses on thermal louver.Please guide me to get to the right place
  11. G

    Is teleportation the key to overcoming the Uncertainty Principle? Wow! :bugeye: What does everyone think about this one?
  12. M

    Getting information about a physics phd

    I have started my Master's programme in physics and I'm getting information about a physics phd. One question seems to keep coming up, will you go for 2 phd's? I'm interested in theoretical particle physics, but is it worth getting another phd in another field in physics? Can you do 2 phd...
  13. S

    Understanding Fisher Information: Visualizations & Explanations

    Maybe it is a good idea to have mathematical tutorials like in the subforum about Physics. I have no homework anymore :smile: but tend to think that doing mathematics is a skill that always pays back at the end. First thing I want to know what
  14. P

    Organisms respond to quantum information

    And: So they have used phase information to control a biological process, but how about the organisms themselves: do they use light in the same way? They also mention 'the vision response', is that our eyes? Do our eyes/brain use phase information to create our vision?
  15. 0

    Combinatorics or information theory?

    I have to choose between two classes because of a schedule conflict: CS 575, combinatorics and graph theory This course is taught by the chief undergraduate advisor and earlier I mentioned to him that I'd be taking the course. So politically it may be a good idea. The course says it...
  16. S

    Request for information related to QM

    Hi All, I have an undergraduate degree in computer science and engineering and master degree in computer engineering. Currently I am doing my second masters in nano technology. After this master degree, I like to do research in area related to QM e.g. qunatum cellular automata, Quantum...
  17. W

    News Is Uzbekistan Hiding Shocking Secrets?

    I was pretty shocked listening to this, and was REALLY hoping that someone in the group would have some logical argument. Thanks Warrick
  18. N

    Can I be Expressed in Terms of J and K for Arbitrary f,g,h?

    Hi, I have been thinking recently about integrating something with 3 parts such as: I=\int_{0}^{\infty}f(x)\ast g(x)\ast h(x)\ast dx If I is an unknown that we are trying to find and we know what J and K are where: J=\int_{0}^{\infty}f(x)\ast g(x)\ast dx and...
  19. Wallis

    Can Gravitons Convey Information Faster Than Light?

    Hi All, Gravity is (in String Theory at least) mediated by gravitons. Why is it these are the only "particles" that can convey information instantaneously even where light is retarded to the point of being super-red-shifted? Thanks, Wallis
  20. O

    Entropy, information and Omphalos cosmology

    Entropy, information and Omphalos cosmology Roger Penrose, in The Road to Reality, discusses the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Universe’s entropy. He floats (section 27.13) an order-of-order-of magnitude argument that the entropy of our Universe has increased from mighty big (10^10^88)...
  21. B

    Quantum information science and M-theory

    Hello. I've got childish question. I know that quantum computers are more effective than classical ones in solving some problems. Naturally, a thought have come to me: are there computers which are more effective than quantum ones, maybe some "Superstring" computers? And maybe there are...
  22. C

    Quantum entanglement information transfer proven?

    I'm seeing a lot of articles about refining the entanglement process, and how it should be applicable to information transfer, but I haven't seen any experiments where they have actually manipulated the states on one side to be observed on the other. I'm having trouble understanding exactly how...
  23. P

    Courses Information regarding MSc Physics course in Cambride or oxford

    HI everyone, I'm a student from India . I would like to know the procedure to enter Msc physics course in Cambride(if at all its there). Is a three year degree valid in UK
  24. Labguy

    Solar and Lunar exposure tables information

    I don't remember if I have ever posted these here before, but if I did it was a very long time ago. Some of these are worth keeping for you astrophoto buffs out there and I have found the exposure tables to be spot-on. For f/ratios not listed, it is easy to see where to start for bracketing...
  25. D

    Reproducing information as potential energy

    would someone like to consider information as a potential energy source, perhaps measureable. once information is reproduced its potential energy has risen. almost like it has a goal to achieve. given matter and information are inseperable, any energy source would contain information and...
  26. R

    News Nat. Guards' personal information stolen

    Yesterday I was whining about how the Veterans Administration initially misrepresnted the scope of the stolen data of 26.5M veterans. I was wondering just now whether that bureau is so incompetent as to not understand their own databases, or whether they did know exactly what went missing, and...
  27. R

    1.3M students' information stolen Yet again, sensitive personal information vanishes due to massive incompetence. Of course, when 26.5 million veterans' personal information was stolen, they . I think one must be very conservative here.
  28. Q

    The Nature of Energy: A Philosophical Perspective

    After having my "What Is Energy Made Of?" thread running in the Quantum Physics section I learned.. after the some great replies.. that energy is more of an abstract concept that explains interactions, transfers and potentials or storage... many times the analogy of money was used. With this...
  29. L

    Is information a physical quantity?

    I have the feeling that yes, it is. But what are the examples? What are the foundations? What are the derivations from physical laws to information theory? What are the conditions? What are the consequences? Any book, reference? Any suggestion? Any comment, contribution, any thought...
  30. L

    Have You Considered the Role of Fisher Information in Physics?

    Have some of you read this book by Roy Friedel? What are your comment? I am also interrested in other sources about "information" and "Fisher information" as it could be used in physics. Thanks Michel
  31. G

    Energy & Information: Biological Systems Link

    What is the link between energy and information in biological systems?
  32. U

    Information needed on this physics thesis

    i was replaying this FPS game and the game's main protoganist is a physicist who did his phd thesis on "Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked...
  33. M

    Is there jobs on quantum information?

    is there jobs on quantum information?? does anyone know the career potential for someone who takes phd on quantum information? i mean a kind of job other than research assisstant in university?
  34. C

    Upper and lower derivatives information

    Hello, does someone knows where I can find information about upper and lower derivatives?? For example, why they always exists and why if both have the same value L then the derivative exists and it is L ?? Thank you.
  35. F

    Livine/Terno Geometry from Information

    There's no discussion of this recent paper yet as far as I can see: Pasting from Marcus' Intuitive content thread: Reconstructing Quantum Geometry from Quantum Information: Area Renormalisation, Coarse-Graining and Entanglement on Spin Networks Etera R...
  36. L

    Information Preservation in Quantum Gravity

    This is the start of a presentation of some work I have done over the past year and hope to publish. This is how it is that quantum information is preserved in quantum gravity and cosmology. This will involve a number of posts along this thread. The next three posts involve quantum...
  37. R

    How do I solve a uniform motion problem without knowing the distance?

    Okay so "The fast freight completed the trip in 10 hours while the slow freight needed 12 hours for the same trip. How long (distance) was the trip if the fast freight train was 10 kph faster than the slow freight?" These are uniform motion problems at egual distance (which aren't difficult...
  38. H

    Radio, in which parameter is the information?

    When I listen to radio, then I know that the radio gets the information from electromagnetic radio waves. But in which parameter is the information of the song/news/output/whatever included? It can't be amplitude, since amplitude decreases with distance of obstruction, and the data most...
  39. T

    Information concerning the Hubbert Peak Theory

    In the last couple of days I have been searching for information concerning the Hubbert Peak Theory. Most of the information about peak oil seems to be alarmist and/or conspitacy theorist make-preparations-now-or-you're-gonna-die stuff. I have read that most oil companies and the US...
  40. P

    Information on a fission reaction

    I'm trying to write a stochastic simulation of a chain fission reaction in an enriched uranium sample (I plan to vary the concentration of U235 - from what I've read 4%U235 vs 96%U238 is what is used in commercial reactors). from my basic understanding of the process, a neutron is fired into...
  41. G

    Quantum Computation and Quantum Information

    Hey all, I'm a beginner of the Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. For a long time, I feel very confuse about the question bellow. Could you do me a favor and show me the proof? Many thanks! Question: Show that any qubit can be expressed as psi=exp(iγ)[cos(θ/2)0+exp(iΦ)sin(θ/2)1]...
  42. wolram

    Constructing Theories with Little Information

    How can anyone construct a theory with less than 5 % of the information, i know that you lot are very cleaver, but AE would be a dwarf to any one that can get a 100% ansewer from 5% information available.
  43. I

    13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006)

    ******************************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong...
  44. robphy

    What is the Relativator and How Does It Explain the Theory of Relativity?
  45. A

    Understanding Information Propagation in Special Relativity: Explained

    This thread is slightly related to another question: I was hoping someone here could give a better explanation since it's essentially a relativity problem. In general however, what exactly does it mean to say that information propogates...
  46. S

    Organization, filing systems, archiving and retrieving information

    I'm trying to build myself a very robust and effective filing system so that I can process all the paperwork I generate and not lose it. This would include: - Course notes - Textbook notes - Generalized notes about subjects - Various subjects such as E&M, QM, etc, and also "hybrid"...
  47. U

    Delayed choice and information erasure

    In double-slit experiment one can observe either an interference pattern or which-path information, but never both. Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) is used in the recent experiments to create entangled pairs of photons. One of them is used to observe the interference pattern...
  48. K

    How Does a Turbofan Engine Work?

    Hi, :approve: I want to do porject for Turbo Fan, so I need some information about it. If you could help me, please don't shame and gimme me this information to help me. Thanks,:smile: I appreciate it:biggrin:
  49. Astronuc

    Ignoring useless information aids memory: study;_ylt=AlPSw4B__4xnfkOM13Mg0LMDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl How appropriate for GD! :smile: