Homework Statement
Prove that \lim_{x\to0}\frac{e^\frac{-1}{x^2}}{x^n}=0 for any positive integer n.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I've tried using a combination of induction and l'hopital's rule to no avail. Perhaps I am over complicating it?
All help is...
How to prove that if $\varphi$ is the characteristic function of an integer valued distribution, then the probability mass function can be computed as
$ p(k) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \cdot \int^{\pi}_{-\pi} e^{-ikt}\varphi(t) dt \;,\forall k \in \mathbb{Z} $
I would be really grateful if you could help me.
Homework Statement
if n is a positive integer than √(4n-2) is irrational.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
√(4n-2) Assume is rational
then by definition of rationality
√(4n-2)=p/q for some integers p,q where q≠0
so √(2(2n-1))=p/q by factoring out the...
Homework Statement
(E): x^2+y^2=6+2xy+3x
The Attempt at a Solution
x^{2}+y^{2}=6+2xy+3x\Longleftrightarrow x^{2}-2xy-3x+y^{2}=6\Longleftrightarrow x^{2}+x(-2y-3)+y^{2}=6
Any further help to find the answer??
Homework Statement
Find a recurrence relation for Tn, the number of ways to write an integer n as the sum of terms, each of which is 2 or 3, and the order matters. [So 2+3 and 3+2 are different sums for 5.]Homework Equations
(if I had one, this would be easier)
The Attempt at a Solution
So I...
This is probably a silly question, but it is not really clear to me whether De Moivre's theorem of raising a complex number to the nth power only work if n is an integer value?
E.g. if I try to raise (2-2i) to the power of 3.01 then my manual calculation get a different result than my...
Homework Statement
The question is not really a question from a book but rather a statement that it makes : it says " Obviously the least divisor[excluding 1] of an integer a is prime if a itself is not prime." I kind of believe this statement but I'm having trouble proving the general case...
Homework Statement
find the least positive integer n for which 5^{n} \equiv 1 (mod17) or 5^{n} \equiv -1 (mod 17)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I really don't understand and method to doing these problems as I can't use a calculator and I can only work out...
Consider the region A in the complex plane that consists of all points z such that both \frac{z}{40} and \frac{40}{\overline{z}} have real and imaginary parts between 0 and 1, inclusive. What is the integer that is nearest the area of A?
Let z = a + bi and \overline{z} = a - bi
a = real part...
hi all,
i have the following code:
do n = ninit,nlast
character(len=20) :: filename
integer :: n
do n = 1,600
write (filename, "I0") n
open (unit=110,file='wave'//trim(filename)//'.dat',action = 'write',status = 'old')
do i = iinit+1,ilast-1
!boundary condition...
What is the probability that a number selected from 0-9 will be the same number as one randomly selected from 0-4?
Relevant equations: $$P(A \cap B) = P(A)*P(B|A)$$
I used the equation above, using A as the event that the number selected from 0-9 will be between 0 and 4, and B as the event that...
If there is a cloud of electrons around an atom than why can't there be orbitals between 1 and 2 or between 2 and 3. I know the probability of an electron being between certain nodes decreases as they approach them but why as the probabilities go away from the perfect orbital do they not become...
In:list5 = Import["Composites.csv"]; (*imports a list of odd integers each less than 1000000*)
Module[{xCo=Co,xS0=S0,xS1=S1,Temp},While[Temp=Mod[6 xS1-xS0-6,Caa];xCo>0&&Temp>=1,
This has to do with number theory along with group and set theory, but the main focus of the proof is number theory, so forgive me if I'm in the wrong place. I've been struggling to understand a piece of a proof put forth in my book. I know what the Gaussian integers are exactly, and what a...
I have three situations where might be overflow is occurring. I need to write test cases to resolve this problem. I don't know how to continue after this, please anyone have suggestions to overcome this.
Please help me.
It seems that there is a possible ambiguity in the number of significant digits if there are trailing 0's, but no decimal point or overline or underline. Specifically, I am looking at the definition of the second, which the Halliday & Resnick book has listed as
9 192 631 770
So is this 9...
Homework Statement
This is taken from an answer book that I have. I don't understand the bolded step. Can someone explain it to me?Suppose x = p/q where p and q are natural numbers with no common factor. Then:
pn/qn + an-1pn-1/qn-1 + ... + ao = 0
and multiplying both sides by...
Hello everyone,
I've been trying to figure out how to obtain the multiplicative inverse of an integer in Zn in Mathematica but I haven't found a way. Is there a way to do this anyone can help me with?
I want to prove that the square of any integer is in the form of 4n or 4n + 1.
I know that when we square any integer greater than 2 the result will be either divisible by four or four divides into the integer and leaves a remainder of one. How would I begin proving this in the most...
Homework Statement
a)Determine at least three limit points for the set {sin(n): n a positive integer}
b)How many limit points does the set {sin(n): n a positive integer} have?
The Attempt at a Solution
For a it seems that it wouldn't have a limit point because sin(n) would not converge to...
Hi there,
It is clear that
\lim_{n\to\infty }\frac{1}{n}\left[\frac{n}{3}\right]=\frac{1}{3}.
But the problem that I could not get a formal proof!
Thank you.
My first post on these forums, was referred here by a friend of mine. Thanks in advance!
Mind that this question is coming from a BA in psych's worth of understanding: If I understand correctly, estimations of error margins are based on the relationship between a population and a sample of...
I know the Cartesian product for an algebraic structure: A x B = {(a,b): a ∈ A, b ∈ B}
Which naturally gives An = {(a1, a2, ... , an): ai ∈ A ∀ i}
Some of the time, at least we can also have a non integer n.
For example [A x A x A]2/3 = A x A.
Is there any way of continuing the...
Homework Statement
prove that each nonzero integer may be uniquely represented in the form e0 + e131 + e232 + ... + ek-1ek-1 + ek3k where ek =/= 0 and each ek = -1, 0, or 1.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I feel like this has to do with the basis representation theorem because...
Homework Statement
b^2 = a
b is a rational number
a is an integer
prove that b is an integer.
This is self assigned, but I think this is the appropriate place to put my question.
Homework Equations
see above
The Attempt at a Solution
Is this legitimate...?
Since b is a...
So I have a simple selection sort function written. It takes an array of type double as the array to be sorted. If I declare the array to be of type int in my main program and then pass it to my sSort function, it gets mad. There must be a way that programmers deal with this kind fo stuff.
Homework Statement
Work out the order of the following elements;
33 \in Z_{36}The Attempt at a Solution
It's probably really simple. But this only happens when an integer times 33 is divisible by 36.
That is;
33n = 36m
Which I can re-arrange to find
n = 36m/33
Now, I can keep adding...
Say I have the equation a^2 - 10b^2 = 2. So even though this is an equation in two variables and not one, I can still reduce mod P to a^2 = 2 (mod 5) and use the fact that it has no integer solutions mod 5 to conclude the original equation has no integer solutions, correct? Also does this only...
Homework Statement
Prove that, for all x, y \in \mathbb{R},
[2x] + [2y] \geq [x] + [y] + [x + y].
Homework Equations
I am using [\cdot] to represent the floor function, and \{\cdot\} to represent the fractional part of a real number (\{x\} = x - [x] for real numbers x).
We may...
Homework Statement
I am stuck on a step from a simple proof in Gelfand's method of coordinates.
Here is a link to the part I am confused on. Pg. 44-45...
Whats the easiest way to take an integer in C# and convert it into an array of length equal to the number of digits and each element is a digit from the integer?
EG. If I had the integer 12345 I want to convert it to an array like so {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Right now I'm watching a US Public Broadcasting Corporation television program entitled: "The Linguists", in which a man (I think he was from Africa, but I'm not even certain of that, as I wasn't even listening until the math stuff surfaced), explaiined his integer progression, which was quite...
Hi everyone.
My first post on this great forum, keep up all the good ideas.
Apologies if this is in the wrong section and for any lack of appropriate jargon in my post. I am not a mathematician.
I have a theory / lemma which I would like your feedback on:- Take a finite set S of integers which...
Hi, I was studying for my upcoming calculus exam and couldn't be sure if I could solve this question:
\stackrel{lim}{x\rightarrow0} x [\frac{1}{x} ]
If x approaches 0 from left, then 0< x [\frac{1}{x} ]<1
If x approaches 0 from right, then x [\frac{1}{x} ]>1 since x [\frac{1}{x}...
Hello, the problem that I was asked to complete was ; Write a program that inputs a string and reverses it. After the string has been reversed you must convert it to an integer and then take the square root of the integer. (using atoi)
My code is as follows:
int main ()
int i=0,L=50...
Homework Statement
For every non-negative integer z, z2 - 3z is an even integer. Prove this statement. So far, I have learned about direct proofs and indirect proofs such as contraposition and contradiction.
Homework Equations
An integer z is odd when there is an integer a so that z = 2a+1...
It seems as if the charge we have labelled the electron with has simply been inferred by comparing it to the proton, in which case it is pretty much exactly the opposite, so we give the proton and electron charges of +1 and -1 respectively.
This is fine, but when we get to the standard model...
Homework Statement
Just as the title said, I need to prove:
For any integer n, n2 - 2 is not divisible by 4
by the method of proof by contradiction.
Homework Equations
(Relevant by division into cases)
Even numbers = 2k for some integer k
Odd numbers = 2m+1 for some integer m...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
solve for x when [x] is the integer part of the number.
The Attempt at a Solution
To solve it i removed the brackets and got x=1 and then i found the integer part of 1 is 1.
Is it correct? If not is there a concept to...
Find all integer solutions to ...
Homework Statement
Find all integer solutions to
{a^2} = a + b - 2c + 2d + e - 8\\
{b^2} = - a - 2b - c + 2d + 2e - 6\\
{c^2} = 3a + 2b + c + 2d + 2e - 31\\
{d^2} = 2a + b + c + 2d + 2e - 2\\
{e^2} = a + 2b + 3c + 2d + e - 8
Hello everyone, and thanks for reading.
I'm having a difficult time understanding something.
On yet another attempt to deepen my quantum mechanics understanding I referred to the widely recommended book of Griffiths.
I find the book indeed very good and pretty thorough in it's scope. There...
Find the integer zeros for equation of degree 8 ?
Hi I am trying to find the integer zeros of the equation:
I know that I need some substitution to make the degree goes down.
Hey everyone!
I was recently scribbling on paper, and after a series of ideas, I got stuck with a problem. That is, can I find out if there exists some integers A and B such that
For some integer C?
For an arbitrary C, how do I know whether some A, B \in \textbf{Z}...
Homework Statement
I needed to solve this single equation with two unknowns.
199x - 98y = -5
0< x <=99
0< y <=99
I typed the equation into Wolfram Alpha and got an integer solution of:
x = 98n + 31
y = 199n +63 when n is an integer
Since I know my restriction on x and y I can...
Hello every one, please help me finding the integer zeros for this equation
-15x^3+45x^2y-15xy^2+y^3+90x^2-210xy+40y^2-120x+184y = 0
I know that the solution should used by diophantine equation but i don't know
ho to solve it, Please help :(
Hello all,
I am trying to determine if my machine is 64 bit or 32 bit, according to this site:
the Intel Core 2 Duo I am using is 64 bit, but when I run the following code
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char c;