Integrate Definition and 650 Threads

  1. A

    How to integrate K/[(y^2 + K)^3/2] dy

    As you can see the function given is K/[(y2 + K)1.5] The integral of this equation with respect to dy is part of the explanation my textbook gives of finding electric field due to line of uniformly charged wire, where y of course is the variable length of the wire. Then it gives the integral...
  2. B

    Integrate over complex contour

    Evaluate the integral over the contour C when: f(z) = 1/z and C = {z(t) = sin(t) + icos(t) | 0 <= t <= 2*pi} I know f(z) = 1/r*e^(-it) = 1/r(cos(t) + isin(t)). But, when I try to take the contour integral by integrating f[z(t)]*z'(t), I get really messy formulas ((1/r*cos(sin(t))...
  3. K

    What is an integral and how do you solve it?

    Hey guys! I have absolutely no experience with integrals, but i find them interesting. I do know that they represent the area between the function and the x-axis, but not much else. I was wondering if anyone could give me a simple explanation of what an integral is and how to actually solve one...
  4. Y

    How to integrate a sinc function?

    Can anyone show me how to do this: \int_a^b \left[\frac {\sin x}{x}\right]^2 dx
  5. A

    How do you integrate (x)/(x-1)

    Homework Statement How do you integrate S x/(x-1) dx Homework Equations IBP The Attempt at a Solution I tried using Integration by Parts with u= x/(x-1) and dv = dx and that did not work out. Then I tried using u= 1/(x-1) and dv = xdx but that did not work either. A google...
  6. R

    Integrate by parts the d'alembertian of a 4-variable function

    Can you please tell me how to integrate by parts the d'alembertian of a 4-variable function over a volume dx * dy * dz * dt. I have stumbled upon this seemnigly simple exercise on my way to understanding QFT of scalar fields.
  7. T

    What to do with the e^(y^3)? I dont know how to integrate it.

    Homework Statement Evaluate the following integral by first reversing the order of integration ZZR x^3 e^(y^3) dxdy The first integral is from 3 to 0 and the inner integral is from 9 to x^2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i know how to revers the order its just...
  8. S

    Integrate problem with undefined constant

    Hello! I'm trying to calculate this integral: Integrate [Exp[-I a *y] Exp[I*Sin[y]] Exp[-y*Sign[y]], {y, -Infinity, Infinity}] , where "a" - constant that i'll define later. So the result of the calculation acсording to Mathematica is the same expression : Exp[-I a *y] Exp[I*Sin[y]]...
  9. B

    How to integrate Joule's First Law (Joule Heating)?

    Homework Statement I know the current distribution through a rectangular cross section of metal. It varies only with respect to y. I need to find a heating function for the metal. (This is only the relevant part of a larger problem). Homework Equations Q=I2R The Attempt at a Solution I...
  10. C

    How to integrate [ x / (1 + x) ] dx

    Homework Statement Evalute the integral ∫ [x / 1 + x] dx Homework Equations ∫ [x / 1 + x] dx The Attempt at a Solution I forgot how to do solve this type of integral, or never had enough practice. And this problem is actually for a physics problem :-) And my algebra is very...
  11. F

    What trick is used to integrate this?

    Homework Statement \int e^x \frac{1 + sin(x)}{1 + cos(x)}\;dx The Attempt at a Solution Apparently there is a trick involving e^x integrals like this \int e^x[f(x) + f'(x)] dx = e^x f(x) + C Now my question is not how to compute the integral above but where did this \int...
  12. C

    How Can You Integrate (1-a-cos x)^(-1/2) in Terms of Elliptic Integrals?

    Homework Statement how does one integrate (1-a-cos x)-1/2, where a is an arbitrary constant? Homework Equations as above The Attempt at a Solution Thought of writing cos x as 1-2*(sin(\frac{x}{2}))2 then the integrand simplifies to [2*(sin(\frac{x}{2}))2 - a]-1/2... But then...
  13. B

    Integrating Gyroscope Output for Accurate Angle Measurement

    Hey guys, I recently did a project with combining and accelerometer and gyroscope together using the 6DOF IMU Razor and an Arduino and now i need to try something different but i need some help. How does one integrate a gyroscope output? I tried something like this below but i don't think...
  14. S

    Integrate 1/3(x^2(50 - x^2)^(3/2))

    Homework Statement How do you integrate: 1/3(x^2(50 - x^2)^(3/2)) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried by parts with no luck :(
  15. J

    Integrate using partial fractions (arctan x) / ((x+1)(x^2+1))?

    Integrate using partial fractions (arctan x) / ((x+1)(x^2+1))? My attempt: (arctan x) / ((x+1)(x^2+1)) = A/(x+1) + (Bx+C)/(x^2+1) arctan x = A(x^2+1) + (Bx+C)(x+1) when x= -1, A= -pi/8 so plugging in -pi/8 for B makes: x= tan[ (B-(pi/8))x^2 + (B+C)x + (C-(pi/8)) ] and when x=0, C=...
  16. Femme_physics

    How to integrate this fraction function - help

    I noticed that in this case this is the answer: But this is what I turned up with: And you can add a +c to that. What did I do wrong?
  17. P

    Why are they called differentiate & integrate ?

    Why are they called "differentiate" & "integrate"? I was wondering why. When we differentiate, don't we result in an equation that describes the slopes of many other equations ( + C ) ? So, we'd be "integrating" many equations, different from each other by C, into a single description...
  18. T

    How to integrate complicated differential equation

    Homework Statement I need to integrate ∫ -y3ey2/2 Homework Equations Integration by parts The Attempt at a Solution I have tried several times, I am unable to find the correct solution, which is: -yey2/2 + 2ey2/2 + c
  19. A

    Finding Values of A, B, and C for Parabolas on a Velocity-Time Graph

    Homework Statement The graph in the attached file is a velocity-time graph. We have to find the total displacement from t=0 to t=10. I know that integration will be used for this problem, and i know my formulas but i do not know of how to form the equation of the two parabolas here. I...
  20. U

    Integrate ln(cube root (2+y^3)) dydx

    Homework Statement integrate ln(cube root (2+y^3)) dydx with limits of y =sqrt (x) to 1 of x from 1 to 0 Homework Equations integral of ln x= x ln x. This ends up being very convoluted, haven't even begun to insert limits The Attempt at a Solution
  21. K

    How do i integrate this? Am i doing it right?

    dCb/dt = k1Ca-k2Cb dCb/(k1Ca-k2Cb)=dt Now integrate. ln(k1Ca-k2Cb)=t (k1Ca-k2Cb) = et Rearranging k2Cb=-et +k1Ca Cb= -et +k1Ca/k2
  22. H

    How to find the antiderivative of 4/(1+2x)^2?

    Homework Statement I have to find the antiderivative of 4/(1+2x)² New question: Find s(t) 2. Given variables and equations a(t) = 4/(1+2x)² v(0) = 0 s(0) = 5 The Attempt at a Solution ∫4(1+2x)-2 = 4∫(1+2x)-2 = 4[(1+2x)-1/-1] = -4/(1+2x) But the correct answer has a -2...
  23. R

    Integrating 2-Forms on the Unit Sphere

    Homework Statement I want to integrate the 2-form defined on R^3\{0,0,0} over the unit sphere. (x/r^3)dy wedge dz+(y/r^3)dz wedge dx+(z/r^3)dx wedge dy Homework Equations r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2} The Attempt at a SolutionI'm thinking this is like a surface integral but I'm not really...
  24. D

    Integrate Matrix: Can Matrices Have Antiderivatives?

    Hi. Is it possible to calculate the antiderivative of \frac{1}{Ax+B} if A and B are matrices? If they were scalars the result would be 1/A \log(Ax+B).
  25. S

    What is the most effective method for integrating difficult expressions?

    Which method do you use in integrating \int\((1-\beta^{2})sin(\varphi)d\varphi/(1-\beta^{2}(sin(\varphi)^{2})^{3/2} This integral is from Berkeley Physics Course Volume 2. Thanks in advance.
  26. C

    ?Do you have to integrate velocity (v) to get the position function r(t)?

    ?Do you have to integrate velocity (v) to get the position function r(t)? Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution attempted solution to first question below, don't know what to do for second...
  27. H

    How would you integrate (1+x^30)/(1+x^60)

    how would you integrate (1+x^30)/(1+x^60) from 0 to 1? tried so many ways but in vain.. any help?
  28. C

    Integrate product of heaviside function and function of x

    How would you integrate product of heaviside function and function of x i.e. int[f(x)H(x)dx] Thanks
  29. W

    MATLAB How to integrate Pwelch with Matlab

    Dears, Please help hem in order to resolve this problem. I estimated an power spectral density using welch method with Matlab program (Pxx). Now, I want apply this integration m[n] := Integral from f=0.0001 to f=0.001 over S(f) * f ^ n . In my case I think that m[n] := Integral...
  30. B

    What Happens When You Integrate the Square of the Delta Function Over All Space?

    Homework Statement \int \delta(t)^{2} dt from -infinity to +infinty Homework Equations \int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\delta(t)dt = 1 \int uv dt = u\int v dt - \int u^{'}(t)\int v dt dt \int^{b}_{a} f(x) dx = F(b) - F(a) \delta(-\infty) = \delta(\infty) = 0 The Attempt at a...
  31. S

    How to integrate a quadratic as the denominator.

    Homework Statement I'm having major issues working out how to integrate \int\frac{1}{F-Gx+x^{2}}dx , where F and G are constants. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Maple tells me it is an inverse hyperbolic tangent of some description, and I know I have to...
  32. T

    Is there an easier technique to integrate this

    Homework Statement \int\sqrt{sinx}*cos^3x Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution by writing as root(sinx) (1-sin^2(x)) (cosx) i can solve but since the worksheet is called basic techniques of integration i am looking for an easier and more obvious solution if possible...
  33. T

    Solving for x in 3^(log(base4)x)

    Homework Statement integrate 3^(log(base4)x) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i tried to write it in different ways. couldn't solve. i tried to divide the whole thing by ln3 and then add some more constants to cancel out the remainings. still i could not cancel out the x in the...
  34. J

    How do you integrate vectors, given vector components?

    Homework Statement We're trying to integrate a vector, E, with components, Ex = 6x^2y, Ey = 2x^3 + 2y and Ez = 0, from the origin to x = -0.4, y = 6.1, z = 0.0. Homework Equations integral E dot dr = V The Attempt at a Solution i don't know how
  35. C

    Can Someone explain Why we integrate over 4[tex]\pi[/tex]? What allows

    Can Someone explain Why we integrate over 4\pi? What allows us to get rid of Omega?
  36. 7

    How to integrate the last two terms in that integral

    I'm having trouble with integrating this. \int_1^8 \sqrt{9x^{4}+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{144x^{4}}} dx I can get the problem down to \int_1^8 9x^{2}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}+\frac{1}{144x^{2}}} dx , but I don't know how to integrate the last two terms in that integral. Am I doing something wrong?
  37. 7

    Integrating \int_0^2 \sqrt{65e^{2t}} dt for Beginners

    I am familiar with integration, but I'm stumped with this. How do you integrate something such as \int(from 0 to 2)\sqrt{65e(to the power of 2t}dt That is supposed to be the square root of 65e to the power of 2t.
  38. C

    How to integrate this integral?

    Homework Statement Perform the following integration: \int_{0}^{\sqrt{2}h}\frac{x}{\sqrt{h^2+x^2-\sqrt{2}hx}}dx Homework Equations The solution (via is: [\sqrt{h^2+x^2-\sqrt{2}hx}+\frac{h}{\sqrt{2}}ln(2(\sqrt{h^2+x^2-\sqrt{2}hx}+x)-\sqrt{2}h) Evaluated from 0 to sqrt(2)h...
  39. M

    Integrate x^4 / (1 - x^2)^(3/2)

    [b]1. Integral of (x^4)/(1-x^2)^(3/2) dx i let x=sint so dx=costdt used the right triangle and simplified to integral of ((sint)^4)/((cost)^2) dt
  40. L

    Integrating arctan(y) with respect to x

    Hi, Part of solving a differential equation involves integrating M(x,y) with respect to x, where M(x,y) = x + tan-1(y). What are the steps to integrating the arctan portion? \int tan-1(y) dx Thank you.
  41. C

    Integrate cos(lnx)dx - LIPTE Rule Help

    Homework Statement let u=lnx du=1/x*dx dv=cosdx v=-sin Homework Equations Now I am confused as I am getting nowhere with this substiution, i learned the LIPTE rule but its quite confusing, i have a function within a functionThe Attempt at a Solution
  42. R

    Can you integrate 0.5etm/s2 in terms of e?

    Homework Statement at= 0.5etm/s2 Homework Equations at = dv/dt The Attempt at a Solutionv = integration of 0.5et
  43. D

    Stuck trying to integrate a differential equation using substitution v=y/x

    Homework Statement dy/dx=a^2/(x+y)^2 where a is a constant need the answer in the form x=f(y) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution multiplying out (x+y)^2 gives dy/dx=a^2/(x^2+2xy+y^2) setting u=y/x dy/dx can be rewritten as dy/dx=a^2/((x^2)*(u+1)^2)...
  44. D

    Stuck trying to integrate a differential equation

    Homework Statement dy/dx=a^2/((x+y)^2) where a is a constant express answer in the form x=f(y) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution let u=x+y du/dx=1+dy/dx du/dx=1+(a^2)/(u^2) int(du/(((a^2)/(u^2))+1))=int(a^2 dx) after integration substituting back in for u...
  45. S

    How Can You Integrate 1/(x^4 + 4) Using Advanced Calculus Techniques?

    Homework Statement Well gentlemen, another year, another integral eh? Anyways, \int \frac{1}{x^4+4}\,dx I really want to do this without looking at Wolfram/Google. Homework Equations U-substitutions, parts, partial fractions The Attempt at a Solution Basically I tried to...
  46. G

    Integrate Exp[-(y^2)]*(y^2) w.r.t. y

    Homework Statement Integrate Exp[-(y^2)]*(y^2) w.r.t. y Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i need to express the answer in terms of error function Error Function: Erf(x) = 2/Sqrt[Pi] *Integrate Exp[-t^2] w.r.t. t, from 0 to x My attemp is to use integration by part, seems...
  47. G

    Integrating a Vector Modulus: Dealing with Square Roots in Exponential Form

    I am trying to do this integral \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{e^{-a| \vec{r}|}e^{-\vec{b}. \vec{r}}}{|\vec{r}|} But if I write the modulus as \vec{r}=\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}} I can't figure out how to handle the annoying square root in the exponential. Would be grateful for hints, thanks...
  48. A

    Integrate x^x^x: What do you think?

    how integrate x^x^x ?my teacher ask me)what do you think about it?
  49. 3

    Integrate y= arctan x for 0< x <1

    the question: integrate y= arctanx for 0< x <1 i know to solve this question you should use the method of integral by parts, so i tried doing that and at some point i got x arctanx - integral of x/1+x^2 (between 0 and 1) .. from this point on i tried using the substitution method, w = 1...
  50. 3

    Integrate arcsinw: Explaining the Result

    can someone explain what happened after the part where it says "= warcsinw - integral of w/sqrt(1-w^2) = ... " ? i don't see how they got sqrt(1-w^2) + C