Kevin Sites, the reporter present at the killing in the Fallujah mosque, has written an account of his experience that day as an 'Open Letter to Devil Dogs of the 3.1'.
The Middle East scholar who goes by 'Abu Aardvark' comments on how the current absence of al-Jazeera in Iraq affects public...
" 's paper prepared for the American Political Science Foundation annual meeting this past week.
Mearsheimer is a professor of Political Science and co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago...
Pleasant reading:
I woke up at 4:30 PST (San Diego) and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to take my telescope out and finally check out Saturn, the Orion Nebula, and Mars again. They looked awesome through the 8" telescope and I wish I was able to take pictures. Then around 5:30 I saw a really bright object...
In another thread, I posted this:
Please note, I am looking for WAR CRIMES. Theoretical future violations of a declaration are not crimes or even possible crimes. I won't limit this to the Geneva Conventions though - any international law will do. Please note however that "declarations" of...