Internship Definition and 213 Threads

An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. Once confined to medical graduates, internship is used for a wide range of placements in businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. They are typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills and experience in a particular field. Employers benefit from these placements because they often recruit employees from their best interns, who have known capabilities, thus saving time and money in the long run. Internships are usually arranged by third-party organizations that recruit interns on behalf of industry groups. Rules vary from country to country about when interns should be regarded as employees. The system can be open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers.
Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways. Similar to internships, apprenticeships transition students from vocational school into the workforce. The lack of standardization and oversight leaves the term "internship" open to broad interpretation. Interns may be high school students, college and university students, or post-graduate adults. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are temporary. Many large corporations, particularly investment banks, have "insights" programs that serve as a pre-internship event numbering a day to a week, either in person or virtually.
Typically, an internship consists of an exchange of services for experience between the intern and the organization. Internships are used to determine whether the intern still has an interest in that field after the real-life experience. In addition, an internship can be used to build a professional network that can assist with letters of recommendation or lead to future employment opportunities. The benefit of bringing an intern into full-time employment is that they are already familiar with the company, therefore needing little to no training. Internships provide current college students with the ability to participate in a field of their choice to receive hands-on learning about a particular future career, preparing them for full-time work following graduation.

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  1. N

    Paid, year long undergraduate internship opportunites in accelerator science

    I was wondering if anybody knew of any good paid internship opportunities in the field of accelerator science/engineering or related fields for undergraduate students? They could be located anywhere in the world, but at least accessible for Canadian students. These internships would be...
  2. A

    What skills are required for programming internship?

    It would be fantastic if someone could come up with a rough list of what you think the necessary skills are for a programming internship. Let's say in C#, for example. I read that companies want interns who are (in theory) very proficient at a language but want to apply their learned skills in...
  3. I

    Get an Internship with Physics Major at U of I Urbana

    Ok, am a physics major currently a sophmore at U of I urbana..Now i have this feeling that i would not be good enough for the DOE to get an internship next year. I haven't accomplished anything major except i wrote a theoritical physics paper: Modelling Maxwell's solution in a vector and...
  4. H

    Physics Should I Be Enjoying My Physics Internship?

    This summer I've been working in an experimental cosmology lab, and its really not inspiring me to go into the field of experimental cosmology at all. At first I was pretty gung-ho about everything, but the work never really got interesting. I spend half my week looking up information about...
  5. A

    How important is an internship, or vacation work for an aspiring programmer

    I'm 2nd year of 3 into my CompSci degree, and just (!) starting to think about employment after I graduate. I've been ... lost ... shall we say for a good long time, back at uni after a long break, enjoying it, working hard etc ... but I have no idea what I want to do when I finish, except that...
  6. S

    Quitting Internship: Advice for Physics BS w/ 3.38 GPA

    Hey guys, I need some advice... So I'm doing research with a professor in my university's physics department and I really want to quit, is this a terrible idea for my future? I'm going into my senior year as a physics BS with a 3.38 gpa. Last summer I had a pretty good internship that I stuck...
  7. drizzle

    Research Internship in Materials Science & Renewable Energy

    Hey there, I was surfing the net trying to find any suitable research program, three months course or less this summer, until I decide which university I'm going to join for my PhD. Any advice is most appreciated. Btw, my major is materials science, and I'm interested in renewable energy...
  8. J

    Unprepared for Internship, Utterly Embarrassed

    So I go to this rather pitiful school that maybe graduates 10 students at most from its EE program. It's probably the only Eng school I could graduate from considering I'm far from the brightest or most motivated person either. My horrible education is my own fault really, everyone's education...
  9. C

    IBM vs NASA Internship: Help Me Choose!

    I'm in a tough situation and need help. I have the amazing opportunity to choose between and internship at IBM and an internship at NASA this summer. I know I'm in an great situation and probably can't go wrong either way, but I would still like to make the best choice and not just wing it. I...
  10. M

    CERN internship personal statement

    Hello, I am trying to write a personal statement for a summer internship at CERN. The question is: "Explain why you want to p?articipate in this program and describe what you hope to get out of it." Should I be very specific about one thing that interests me? Because there are about...
  11. romsofia

    Schools How to go about asking for an internship while still being in high school?

    I REALLY want to try for an internship this summer with something to do with physics, and I think I made a thread about this already, but how should I actually do this? Should I bring up that I'm currently auditing an intro to QM class at so and so university, or keep that out? Or should I just...
  12. S

    Etiquette in emailing a physics professor for an internship

    Hello All, I am currently emailing a professor I hope to intern under but am unsure what to say. What are the key things to bring up when emailing in such a situation? and more specifically, how can I show interest in his work without sounds brown nose-ish? I am having a hard time finding his...
  13. D

    Internship stretched a bit from my field

    I am a Math and Physics major. I eventually hope to go to graduate school for one or the other. The areas of Physics I am more interested in are a bit more towards academic research, not really applied physics or engineering. I have a friend who has a farther that works for an applied physics...
  14. J

    Research internship cv - any pointers?

    I've pretty much finished writing a CV which I intend to email to some prospective summer research placements at universities in London and possibly internationally. Some bits are nagging me though, for example: In the education section I've listed my previous year grades, and my expected...
  15. I

    Internship at the Perimeter Institute

    Hi, I am currently studying fundamental physics at University Paris 6 as an undergraduate (accomplishing my 4th year). I have to make an intership for 3months next summer, and I would like to it in theoretical physics (already did one in an experimental lab and i would like to see the other...
  16. M

    Physics Physics internship for summer 2011

    Hi, I am about to begin my second year at university studying a four year course in Medical Physics MSci at a good University in London. I am looking for a summer internship for next year and am finding it difficult to find suitable placements. I only managed to get a 2:2 in my first year...
  17. C

    Would this internship really help me gain relevant experience?

    I just graduated with my BS degrees in physics and applied math this December 2009. After taking a few mechanical engineering classes, I'm certain that I want to enter pursue a career in mechanical/aerospace engineering. I'm especially interested in working with aircraft, missiles, satellites...
  18. D

    Job Skills How Can I Ace My Upcoming Internship Phone Interview?

    I have a phone interview this monday the 12th coming up and I am extremely nervous. This is the job description: This summer intern will assist the Extrusion Engineering group with: -Evaluation extrusion tooling maintenance, storage, and control. - Support extrusion validation requirements...
  19. S

    Campus Job or Internship: Which Is Better for an Electrical Engineering Student?

    I'm currently having a job on campus which relates to my major (electrical engineering, working in electronic research lab). Should I continue work here or try to find an internship for this summer? I always have job on campus, thus, I never have any internship before. I really don't know...
  20. D

    Job Skills I have an interview for an internship - what to bring?

    I've finally landed an interview for a mechanical engineering internship for the summer and I want to make sure I'm as prepared as possible. The job will be as a Mechanical Reliability Engineer intern. I've practiced interview questions for hours and proofread my resume too many times to...
  21. A

    National space biomedical research institute summer internship

    my 1st post here... I recently applied to the NSBRI summer internship program... has anybody else applied/gone thru this internship as an undergrad? if so, what was it like? i'm also curious about how selective they are...
  22. C

    Modifying a Wine Cooler to Reach -20°C: Internship Project Help

    Hey all, I currently have an internship with a Nanotechnology Company. I am currently working on a cooling separator for the company's product. Nevertheless, I was doing some research and found that something already exist that I can just modify and meet my goals. I found a cooling chamber...
  23. B

    Internship at JPL for NASA: What to Expect and How to Prepare?

    I am going to be applying for an internship at JPL for NASA (Undergraduate Student Research Program). Does anyone know anything about this? I've talked to a robotics engineer at JPL and he says any internship program is good, along with the Space Grant program. I guess I'm wondering...
  24. F

    Schools Internship = research for nuclear engineering grad school?

    Hello all, How does an internship compare to research experience for grad school? I ask this because I am trying to finalize my private loan plan. If I do an internship for next summer, I will probably end up having to figure in the summer's rent and utilities into my loan for the place I am...
  25. S

    Unpaid Internship: intern or work experience?

    Hello, I'm in the process to apply for several jobs tomorrow and next week. I have two strong internships even though they are unpaid. In the linguistic sense; I was working in demanding tasks. However, can I say in my cover letter that I 'worked' or should I explicitly say I 'interned'? In...
  26. A

    Schools From reseach internship to grad school

    Say one is accepted for a research internship at some university for the summer, be it an REU or whatever. How much better of a chance at going to that university for graduate studies does one have?
  27. djeitnstine

    Can I Secure an EU Summer Internship with my British Citizenship?

    Hi I know some of you guys are from europe who may be able to answer my question. I'm seriously considering working in Europe (Preferably UK) after I've completed my masters in the US. However, I'm a British citizen - being born on a British territory and all (means I have an EU passport). So...
  28. P

    Waiting on Physics Internship Applications: Any Updates?

    Hi all, I've applied to about 10 Physics internship programs (8 REU's, DoE's SULI, and NASA's USRP), and I haven't heard from any of them yet. Has anyone heard from any yet/ does anyone know when the letters go out?
  29. S

    Advice about internship research challenges

    Hello everyone, I am an international student, and will be graduating this year (University of Florida). With the economy problems and such in the US it seems that looking for internships requires much more research, and there are significantly less spots available. I would value any...
  30. C

    Programs Physics major unable to get engineering internship

    i'm in my 4th year in college, double majroing in physics and applied math and I've only taken 1 engineering class (i'm taking it currently). since I'm staying for a 5th year, I'm looking for an aerospace/mechanical engineering internship this summer. I've applied to over 100 different positions...
  31. F

    Grades or Internship Experience?

    I am a senior computer engineering major at a university in the US. My overall GPA is 3.4 and my major GPA is 3.85. I've had two summer internships and one 6 month co-op. I'll be going to the workforce as engineer to one of the companies that I've worked for right after graduation. After...
  32. Shackleford

    Job Skills Have an internship interview this Thursday

    My physics professor referred me to an engineering internship. Obviously, I sent my resume and everything already. I'm a physics major, by the way. Any advice for the interview? I'd really like to get this position. It's a part-time job assisting the project engineer.
  33. D

    Massachusetts Physics Internship?

    Does anyone know where I would be able to get a physics internship in massachusetts or anywhere relatively close by? (i.e. New England, New York, Pennsylvania etc) It would be greatly appreciated if anyone had an information.
  34. Z

    Foriegn graduate, find internship?

    Hey, I'm a Chinese student studying in Ireland and I will be completing my course in Software Development in May of next year. My course in China has covered a broad range of topics from Software Programming to Development of Embedded Systems. I now have to decide which path to go down from...
  35. WolfOfTheSteps

    Looking for summer internship in physics

    Hello, So, summer started and I don't have an internship or summer job. I graduate in December, and I have not yet had an internship. :( I'm a good student at a top ranking school, with a 3.65 GPA in Electrical Engineering, specializing in communications and signals. (Lot's of upper level...
  36. J

    Internship Help for Diagnosing Breast Cancer with Elastography

    I am working at a company over the summer as an intern and they are working on new methods for diagnosing breast cancer. They are trying to help doctors to distinguish more accurately between benign and malignant tumors and avoid the need for more invasive procedures such as biopsy. They are...
  37. E

    Aerospace Engineering Internships in SE MN & WI

    I am studying to be an Aerospace engineer. I am approaching my junior year and am planning to transfer to the U of MN and I am interested in finding an internship or something else in southeast Minnesota or eastern Wisconsin. I seem to have trouble finding any opportunities in my field in my...
  38. D

    Ace EE Internship Questions: Boeing, IBM, LM

    These are a list of questions I have been asked, thought you perhaps could benefit from it somehow. I've been accepted to 2/3 of the companies below, so if you can ace these questions in the interview, you're golden. Good luck! MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR SCHOOL PROJECTS IN AND OUT! Boeing - for a...
  39. D

    Internship at Lockheed Martin: Is it a Good Thing?

    If I am going to be working at Lockheed Martin (Space Systems) as an intern... is it a good thing? I realize that any solid internship is a great experience to have, but will it make me competitive when searching for a fulltime job? I ask primarily because of the fact that LM hires MANY interns...
  40. A

    What to expect at internship interview

    Hi everyone, this is my first post but I hope someone with knowledge in this area could give me som pointers! I'm a 4th year Aeronautical Engineering student, and i have been invited to an interview for a summer placement internship. I'm just wondering what sort of things go on at these...
  41. U

    What if my internship isn't really that helpful?

    I have an internship with Lockheed Martin. The actual division of LM is interesting and something I'd like to do for the summer. However, when you apply for a job there, they interview you for a general intern position, in engineering. They know that I'm a computer engineering student... will...
  42. M

    Chemical Engineering Internship Resume Help

    Hello there, Im a chemical engineering major, and i need some help writing a resume for internships. Is there any good format that i should follow? Do i have to write an essay? List of references? thanks,
  43. U

    Interviewing for a summer internship in industry

    I have an offer from BAE for a summer internship for 2008. I am still looking at other companies, like Lockheed Martin. If they ask me if I have received other offers, what should I say? Should I say yes? Also, I've gotten one position at BAE and another recruiter called me for a position...
  44. M

    Summer internship for Non-US citizens

    Hello, I am a second year physics major. I am looking for an internship or research experience for summer 2008. However, all the REU programs I looked at are only available to either US-citizen or Permanent resident. I am an international student and do not have a green card. I know...
  45. S

    Summer internship programs in Europe for American students

    Hi. I am looking into summer programs for the upcoming summer. I am interested in programs with focus in math and/or computer science. Last summer I did a physics REU at Columbia, and this summer I was hoping to maybe do a program somewhere in Europe. Maybe Cambridge, ETH, or Oxford or some...
  46. U

    Internship: Focus on Electrical or Systems Engineerin?

    Internship: Focus on Electrical or Systems Engineerin? Hi, I'm a junior EE major. I've had an internship last summer as a manufacturing engineering intern and I'll have one more summer left (between my Jr and Sr year) until I graduate. When finding internships for this summer, should I solely...
  47. U

    Previous Internship - help or not?

    Hi all, I'm a junior EE with an excellent EE&CS GPA, and decent overall GPA. I'm very active in clubs with numerous leadership positions and believe I have good interviewing skills. I got called by a few major companies last year to be interviewed (like General Dynamics, etc) during my sophomore...
  48. B

    Winter Internship: Physics Institutes

    can anyone suggest me institutes offering winter internship in physics
  49. D

    What do you do during the winter? Research? Internship?

    Hi all, I'm currently entering my jr. year in college, as a BSEE. I'm currently doing an internship right now, but I'm planning for my winter. What do you all do? I have about 1 month and a week off from school. Dec 15 - Jan 24 or so. I'd hate to sit idle for a month, I'd rather do something...
  50. V

    Internship Applications: What to Include & Tips

    What should an internship application consist of? Should it contain a brief introduction even though the resume has been attached? Should the long term goals be mentioned at all?