Ionic Definition and 280 Threads

An ionic liquid (IL) is a salt in the liquid state. In some contexts, the term has been restricted to salts whose melting point is below some arbitrary temperature, such as 100 °C (212 °F). While ordinary liquids such as water and gasoline are predominantly made of electrically neutral molecules, ionic liquids are largely made of ions. These substances are variously called liquid electrolytes, ionic melts, ionic fluids, fused salts, liquid salts, or ionic glasses.
Ionic liquids have many potential applications. They are powerful solvents and can be used as electrolytes. Salts that are liquid at near-ambient temperature are important for electric battery applications, and have been considered as sealants due to their very low vapor pressure.
Any salt that melts without decomposing or vaporizing usually yields an ionic liquid. Sodium chloride (NaCl), for example, melts at 801 °C (1,474 °F) into a liquid that consists largely of sodium cations (Na+) and chloride anions (Cl−). Conversely, when an ionic liquid is cooled, it often forms an ionic solid—which may be either crystalline or glassy.
The ionic bond is usually stronger than the Van der Waals forces between the molecules of ordinary liquids. Because of these strong interactions, salts tend to have high lattice energies, manifested in high melting points. Some salts, especially those with organic cations, have low lattice energies and thus are liquid at or below room temperature. Examples include compounds based on the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (EMIM) cation and include: EMIM:Cl, EMIMAc (acetate anion), EMIM dicyanamide, (C2H5)(CH3)C3H3N+2·N(CN)−2, that melts at −21 °C (−6 °F); and 1-butyl-3,5-dimethylpyridinium bromide which becomes a glass below −24 °C (−11 °F).Low-temperature ionic liquids can be compared to ionic solutions, liquids that contain both ions and neutral molecules, and in particular to the so-called deep eutectic solvents, mixtures of ionic and non-ionic solid substances which have much lower melting points than the pure compounds. Certain mixtures of nitrate salts can have melting points below 100 °C.The term "ionic liquid" in the general sense was used as early as 1943.
When Tawny crazy ants (Nylanderia fulva) combat Fire ants (Solenopsis invicta), the latter spray them with a toxic, lipophilic, alkaloid-based venom. The Tawny crazy ant then exudes its own venom, formic acid, and self-grooms with it, an action which de-toxifies the Fire ant venom. The mixed venoms chemically react with one another to form an ionic liquid, the first naturally occurring IL to be described.

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  1. M

    Ionic Potentials across Cell Membranes

    Homework Statement In its resting state, the membrane surrounding a neuron is permeable to potassium ions but not permeable to sodium ions. Thus, positive K ions can flow through the membrane in an attempt to equalize K concentration, but Na ions cannot. This leads to an excess of Na ions...
  2. C

    What is the current and direction of flow in an ionic solution?

    Homework Statement Current passes through a solution of sodium chloride. In 1.00 second, 2.68 x 10^16 Na+ ions arrive at the negative electrode and 3.92 x 10^16 Cl- ions arrive at the positive electrode. What is the current passing between the electrodes? Express your answer in...
  3. B

    What is the magnitude of the current in this ionic solution?

    Current...please help! Homework Statement In an ionic solution, 3.93×10^15 positive ions with charge +2e pass to the right each second while 9.01×101^5 negative ions with charge -e pass to the left. What is the magnitude of current in the solution? Homework Equations I = Ch in Q /...
  4. L

    Are the ions at the edge of an ionic crystal complete spheres?

    or are they 1/8 of a sphere at the corners and 1/4 of a sphere at the edge?
  5. H

    Calculate Ionic Strength of Ca2+ in 0.01M CaCO3 Solution

    Calculate the ionic strength of Ca2+ in a 0.01M CaCO3 solution. equation to use is: u=0.5 sum(Mi)(zi)^2 where M is the concentration and z is the charge of the species my question is when I am calculating the ionic strength of Ca2+, do I have to include CO3^2- that is in that...
  6. H

    Net ionic equation and chlorine gas

    1.Chlorine gas is bubbled through an aqueous solution of sodium iodide. 2.Barium hydroxide is used to neutralize sulfuric acid. Ba(OH)2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) -> BaSO4(s) + H2O(aq) ­ Ba(aq) + 2OH(aq) + SO4(aq) -> BaSO4(s) + O(aq) 1.The reason I am having trouble with this equation is...
  7. K

    Which of these methods can break ionic bonds between amino acids?

    i am doing revision for my exams aand was wondering which one of these, high temperature, hydrolysis or pH change would break the ionic bond between amino acids. I would go for pH change. I have no reason, it's just instinctively.
  8. P

    Which pair of elements is most apt to form an ionic compound

    which pair of elements is most apt to form an ionic compound with each other? nitrogen and hydrogen or barium and bromine? please explain
  9. V

    Net Ionic Equations: Expected Observations for Chemical Reactions (True/False)

    elect "True" or "False" to indicate whether or not the stated reaction (or "no reaction") correctly corresponds to the expected observation in each case. Sodium bromide and hydrochloric acid; Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) --> NaCl(s) Copper(II) sulfate and ammonium carbonate; Cu2+(aq) + CO32-(aq)...
  10. L

    Ionic Strength: Find Info & Practice Problems

    Ionic I am taking Biochemistry. However, the prof talked about Inoic Strength in class. This is the example, u = 1/2 (Molarity) (ionic charge )^2 Example... .10M CaCl2 u = 1/2 (.10)(+2)^2 + (.20)(-1) ^2 u = 1/2 ( .40 + .20 ) = .30 I opened my Chemistry...
  11. J

    Ionic Bonding p.2: Na+¹ + O-² to Na2O?

    Homework Statement I just made a thread on this but i did not understand the answer so I am asking for a simpler definition. How do I get from Na+¹ + O-² to Na2O?? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution no idea
  12. J

    Combining ions to make ionic compounds

    Homework Statement How do i combine 2 different ions to make an ionic compound Homework Equations Na+¹ + O-² ---> The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea what to do plus I am new to this forum. Please try to help me in the simplest way possible because my teacher has failed...
  13. B

    What Is the Net Ionic Equation for HBr(aq) and NH₃(aq)?

    Homework Statement "Write the net ionic equation for the reaction between HBr(aq) and NH_3(aq)" Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution H^+(aq) + Br^+(aq) + NH_4^+(aq) + OH^-(aq) --> NH_4Br(aq) + H_2O(l) [edit] It's an online application that is a bit finicky, and I was...
  14. O

    Net Ionic Equations: How to Write and Balance Them

    i'm studying for my apchem exam. and rightnow; I'm currently reviewing my net ionic equations. but there's something I'm confused about in my ap chem book. Homework Statement the equation is: CaF2 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) ---> 2HF (aq) + CaCl2 (aq) and then the book says that the ionic equation...
  15. G

    Need article-Continuous, ionic liquid-catalysed propylation of toluene

    :smile: i need a literature, Continuous, ionic liquid-catalysed propylation of toluene in a liquid-liquid biphasic reaction mode using a loop reactor concept. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (2007), 349(4+5), 719-726.i
  16. M

    Understanding Ionic Isomers in Covalent Bonded Compounds

    Im reading about covalent bonds and I read that Molecular or true formula can fully identify ionic bonding compouds but not covalent ones because they cannot identify isomers. Does that mean the only kind of compouds that can have isomers are covalently bonded compounds?
  17. P

    Balancing Net Ionic Equation for Barium Fluoride Precipitate Formation

    Homework Statement Aqueous solutions of barium chloride and sodium fluoride are mixed to form a precipitate of barium fluoride. Homework Equations i'm not sure but i put. BaCl + NaF = BaF2 + NaCl2 The Attempt at a Solution I'm pretty much confused whether you balance the...
  18. D

    Net Ionic Equations: Balancing & Gases/Liquids

    Homework Statement solid ammonium dichromate will produce (when heated) solid chromium (IV) oxide, nitrogen gas, and water vapor. Write the balance equation and net ionic equation. Homework Equations First i wrote: (NH4)2Cr207 (s) --> CrO2 (s) + N2 (g) + H2O (g) The Attempt at...
  19. M

    Chemical Compounds = Ionic Bonds?

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  20. M

    What Should I Cover in an Atomic Radius vs. Ionic Radius Presentation?

    Homework Statement That's the problem statement (above). I basically need help knowing which fields to cover while talking about said topic in a 5-minute oral presentation. Pretty much, what I need to talk about (specifically). Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution...
  21. U

    Ionic Radius: Ordering Cl-, Be2+, Li+, F-, H-

    Hi I have a question involving periodic trends. This time the trend is on ionic radius. I'm not sure I got this right so I was wondering if anyone here may please offer their advice. Thank you! Question: Order each of the following ions according to largest to smallest. A. Cl^- B...
  22. J

    Mastering Net Ionic Equations: Easy Tips and Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Net Ionic Equations! Please help me out! i'm having a hard time with writing net inoic equations and here are some sample problems with the answers I came up with. Please look over them and if somethings wrong, please correct the errors teach me how to fix it. 1. A strip of copper is...
  23. J

    Mastering Net Ionic Equations: Tips and Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Net Ionic Equations! Please help me out! i'm having a hard time with writing net inoic equations and here are some sample problems with the answers I came up with. Please look over them and if somethings wrong, please correct the errors teach me how to fix it. 1. A strip of copper is...
  24. K

    Is 1 Mole of BaSO4 Equal to 1 Gram?

    I obtained a net ionic equn' as follows Ba +2 (aq) + SO4 2- (aq) ----> BaSO4 (s) Now I need clarification for the following question and my answer to it. What is the max amount of solid product that could be obtained by reacting one mole of each reactant? I believe that b/c of the...
  25. O

    Are These Net Ionic Equations Accurate?

    I was wondering if these net ionic equations were right? HCl + NH3 ---> NH4Cl + H2O Net Ionic is? 3H + NH3 ---> NH4 +H2O HCl + NaOH ---> NaCl + H2O Net Ionic is? H + OH ---> H2O NH4Cl + NaOH ---> NH3 + NaCl + H2O Net Ionic is? NH4 + OH ---> NH3 + H2O Are these Net...
  26. B

    Net ionic equations (NaOH; HCl; H2O)

    Hi, I completed a Grade 12 experiment and now I am doing some calculations about it but I am confused. Here is the question: "Write the net ionic equation for each reaction, and note the value of ΔH for each reaction. e.g. H+(aq) + OH-(aq) --> H2O(l) ΔH = -45 kJ/mol HaOH I had three...
  27. L

    Solubility and Net Ionic Equations for Chlorides and Iodides

    Ok here is the problem: 2NaI (aq) + Cl2 (g) ----- 2NaCl (aq) + I2 (s) For the net ionic I got: 2I- (aq) + Cl2 (g) ------- 2Cl- (aq) + I2 (s) Is this correct? Most chlorides and iodides are soluble, but one states (g) and the other states (s) so does that mean they are not...
  28. L

    Is There a Net Ionic Equation for Ba(OH)2 and CO2 Reaction?

    I have obtained the following in a lab: Ba(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) -- BaCO3(s) + H2O(l) First thing is this reaction correct? Second is their a net ionic equation since the product side has no soluble solutions?
  29. K

    Chemistry - Net ionic equations, ionic solids

    I am having a review test soon and I was not taught anything about ionic stuff last year, I have no idea what it is at all. Sample questions look like: "which of the following compounds are considered to be ionic solids? If it is an ioni solid, write an equation showing the dissociation of...
  30. G

    Explaining Opposite Ionic Flow in Galvanic & Electrolytic Cells

    My chem teacher is having trouble explaining the a particular happening in a fuel cell to the class. In a galvanic cell +ve ions move towards the +ve electrode and -ve to the -ve. In electrolytic cells the +ve ions move towards the -ve electrode and -ve to the +ve. He says that the reason why it...
  31. Y

    How to Write Net Ionic Equations for Dissolution Reactions

    This should be easy but I feel there is something I am mission I need to write the net ionic equations and then add #1 & #2 and compare to #3. Equation #1 - write net ionic equation for dissolution of solid NaOH in water Equation: NaOH (s) + H2O --> Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq) + H2O (l) Net...
  32. L

    Solve Net Ionic Equation of NaOH + (NH4)2CO3 Reaction

    Problem: When a solution of sodium hydroxide is added to a solution of ammonium carbonate, and the solution is heated, ammonia gas, (NH3) is released. Write a net ionic equation for this reaction. Hint: both NaOH and (NH4)2CO3 exist as dissociated ions in aqueous solution. Can someone help me...
  33. P

    Find Out When Acid & Metal Reactions Form One Water & CO2 or Carbonic Acid

    When doing reactions of acid and metal compound, How do you know whether (one water and carbondioxide) or one carbonic acid will be formed? Since they have the same number of elements in the same proportion.
  34. P

    Ionic Compound Formation: Cation & Anion Ordering

    When a cation and anion combine to form an ionic compound, the cation is usually written before the anion. I.e. NaCl But with some ionic compounds like sodium acetate, it is written with the anion acetate written first. i.e. CH3COONa Why like this?
  35. T

    Are Sodium Ethanoate and Magnesium Sulfate Ionic Compounds?

    A list of compounds and their formulae are given below. Select those compounds that are IONIC. (choose all that Apply) A.)sulfuric acid H2SO4 B.) glucose C6H12O6 C.) sodium ethanoate CH3COONa D.) magnesium Sulfate MgSO4 E.) Propyl ethanoate CH3COOC3H7 i've chosen C and D. am i...
  36. T

    Which Properties Concerning Ionic and Covalent Compounds Are Incorrect?

    Which properties concerning ionic compounds and covalent molecules are INCORRECT? pick 3 statements. A.) All ionic compounds are soluble in water. B.) All covalent molecules are INSOLUBLE in water. C.) Covalent molecules are usually soluble in organic solvents. D.) Covalent molecules have...
  37. K

    Net Ionic Equations for Common Chemical Reactions: Examples and Solutions

    Alright, these were asked on the test I took today, and I was just seeing if I did them correctly. Write the net ionic equations for the following reactions (don't need to be balanced): 1. Solid potassium amine is added to distilled water. KNH2 + H2O ---> K+ + NH3 + OH- 2. Sulfur...
  38. T

    Chemistry Determine/Predict if Substance is Ionic or Molecular

    How do I determine or predict if a substance is molecular or ionic? PLEASE HELP! Thanks!
  39. F

    Balancing Net Ionic Equation: Mg + HC2H3O2 --> Mg(C2H3O2)2 + H2

    i need help with the following problem: rewrite the following unbalanced equation, changing it to a balanced net ionic equation. Mg (s) + HC2H3O2 (aq) --> Mg(C2H3O2)2 (aq) + H2 (g) thanks. francisco
  40. D

    Trouble writing Net ionic equations

    having a little trouble writing net ionic equations: 1. the equation when you dissolve C02 (carbon dioxide) in water. I can't figure out the ions because is there such a thing as a C+4 ion? or do you use a carbonate ion? 2. the net ionic equation when ammonia gas reacts with oxygen gas...
  41. V

    What is the pH of a solution containing NH3 and NH4Cl?

    0.05ml of NH3 is dissloved in a solution containing water followed by 0.27g of NH4Cl. If the Kb for NH4OH is 1.8 * 10^-5 find the pH value of the solution. I am finding it difficult to predict the reactions that are going to happen here. I know to calculate Kh or the constant of hydrolysis of...
  42. A

    Understanding Cation and Anion Naming for Ionic Compounds

    Why is NO2 called nitrite? I'm going over this again and I'm still confused. Part 1: Cations Group 1A and 2A cations are given the name of the metal plus the word "ion." Example: Mg 2+ is called a "magnesium ion." Some metals form more than one kind of cation as we saw in the last...
  43. I

    How to test if some unknowns are covalent or ionic? do you carry out an experiment to test if some unknowns are covalent (polar or non-polar) or ionic? Unknowns: C6H12O6 --NaCl --CH4N20 --C6H8O7 :confused:
  44. A

    When a polar solvent dissolves an ionic substance

    I can't find the answers to these two questions...could someone help me? Describe the process when a polar solvent dissolves an ionic substance. Why would SO2 go down in solubility when temperature increases? And while I'm thinking of brother brought home his science book and...
  45. J

    Ionic or covalent- check this please

    Classify each of the following as ionic or covalent. I did all but I am not really sure about this one. NH4NO3 I put covalent. Is this correct? Thanks
  46. J

    Is (NH4)3PO4 Ionic or Covalent?

    Indicate whether the following compounds are ionic or covalent? (NH4) 3 PO4 I put this one as covalent. Is this correct. Thanks a lot.
  47. S

    Net Ionic Equations: Write Formulas & Predict Products

    Write the correct chem formula, predict products, and write the molecular, total, and net ionic equations. 1) barium chlorate + lithium carbonate Ba(ClO3)2 (s) + Li2CO3 (aq) --> BaCO3 (s) + 2LiClO3 (aq) Ba(ClO3)2 (s) + 2Li(+) + CO3 (2-) --> BaCO3 + 2Li(+) + 2ClO3- Ba(ClO3)2 (s) + CO3...
  48. T

    Net Ionic Equation: Ca^2+(aq) + 2H^+(aq) + SO_4^2-(aq) --> H_2O(l) + CaSO_4(s)

    I am supose to write the net ionic equation for Complete the right side of the following molecular equation (but do not enter). Then enter the net ionic equation. Assume all salts formed are soluble. Acid salts are possible. Use = instead of ==>. Do not use spaces or subscripts. You may use...
  49. C

    Balancing Silver(I)Nitrate & Potassium Iodide Reactions

    1. Calcium + Water yields calcuim hydroxide + hydrogen Need balanced and net ionic equation, I got Ca + 3/2H20 =Ca(OH)2 +H I can't figure out how to balance it further and I don't know how to get the net equation cause calcuim hydroxide is soluble which means it wouldn't be in the net...
  50. H

    Net Ionic Equations: Answers to Questions

    I am doing a study guide for an upcoming test, and I would like to check to make sure my answers are correct. Write the net ionic equation: (assume all aqueuos) calcium chloride and sulfuric acid: I am not sure what would happen here when sulfuric acid reacts. Would it donate one...