Ionization Definition and 289 Threads

  1. C

    Ionization energy - compare 2 unknown elements and decide their group

    Hello. I have a question about ionization energy: Two hypothetical elements in the 2nd or 3rd period have the following ionization energies: Element X First: 800 kJ/mol Second: 2500 kJ/mol Third: 3900 kJ/mol Fourth: 23000 kJ/mol Element Y First: 700 kJ/mol Second: 2200 kJ/mol...
  2. fluidistic

    Ionization energy of the dihydrogen

    Homework Statement Calculate the energy of ionization of the dihydrogen H_2, knowing that the binding energy of H_2 and H_2^+ are worth -4.48 eV and -2.65 eV respectively and that the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV.2. Relevant thoughts Energy of ionization of H_2 is the...
  3. D

    The ionization chamber as a capacitor

    An ionization chamber is like a capacitor in many ways. The gas inside is the dielectric, and if ionization occurs, the ionized dielectric atom or molecule will no longer be able to store the same energy at a voltage potential. The chamber will have dielectric breakdown during ionization...
  4. D

    What is a recombination ionization chamber?

    I have been under the impression that recombination is a bad thing, not a good thing. And you increase your voltage on an ion chamber until recombination is eliminated. I also understand that recombination is a bigger problem for neutron and alpha radiation because its ionization trail is much...
  5. C

    Calculating volume of plasma per watt, based on ionization energy

    This is not homework, but I'm developing a new machine and doing my own research as a mechatronical engineer. I'm trying to calculate the maximum volume of Helium gas that can be ionized into plasma if I apply a power of 1 watt, where the voltage is 1000 volt and the current is 0,1mA. DATA...
  6. C

    Plasma volume & Ionization Energy relationship

    I'm trying to calculate the maximum volume of Helium gas that can be ionized into plasma if I apply a power of 1 watt, where the voltage is 1000 volt and the current is 0,1mA. The ionization energy for Helium is 2372,3KJ/mol (1/2372,3*10^3)mole * 2372,3*10^3 J/mole = 1 Joule 1 Watt = 1...
  7. C

    Ionization Energies Of Noble Gases

    Homework Statement I was going through my past question and answer, I then came across this: "The noble gases have the highest ionization energies in each period". I then wondered why and how the above statement is a reality. How can the above statement be true when the noble gases have...
  8. L

    How to Calculate Average Atom Separation in the Sun's Core?

    Homework Statement in part 1 i used the Saha equation to calculate that the hydrogen in the center of the sun was fully ionized (given temperature and central electron density). part 2 says: Re-examine the result by computing the average separation of atoms at the center of the sun knowing...
  9. K

    Calculating Ionization Energy of Elements Beyond H

    Can anyone tell me which formula is used to calculate the ionization energy of elements different then H. E= Z^2 13,6eV/ n^2 where n- number of the shell, and Z- number of protons only gives the ionization energy in case of one electron around the nucleus. Thank you in advance.
  10. A

    Ionization of surrounding air due to metal sphere

    Homework Statement A metal sphere of radius 0.15m carries an initial charge Q1 = +6.4x10-6 Coulombs a) show that this amount of charge is insufficient to ionize the surrounding air. b) your body, initially neutral, and the soles of your shoes are made of insulating material. You move...
  11. G

    Neutronium, Ionization Limit, and Decay Types?

    Hi guys, I'm developing a video game that centers around the creation of atoms. I know that I'll have to suspend reality to some degree to make the game playable, but I also want to be careful not to spread horribly inaccurate misinformation with the game. Actually the idea is to make the...
  12. T

    Electronic Band Structure, Ionization Energy

    Hi, thanks for reading my questions. I've been reading and reading and reading and reading and I'm trying to understand the difference between conductors, semiconductors, and insulators at an atomic level. When reading about electricity I often find that metals have a "sea" of "free"...
  13. H

    What is the Ionization Energy of Lithium?

    Homework Statement Estimate the ionization energy of Lithium. Neglect the repulsion between the electrons. Homework Equations what is the equation that can be used here? There are thousands of tables in the web having tabulated the values of various ionaziation energies. But one can hardly...
  14. fluidistic

    How to Estimate Z Effective for Alkali Atoms Using Ionization Energy?

    Homework Statement Consider an alkali atom in its fundamental state and assume that its valence electron experiment a constant shielding with Z_{eff}>1. Use the tabulated values of the ionization energy to estimate Z_{eff} for the Li, Na and K atoms. Homework Equations I do not know...
  15. fluidistic

    Difference between ionization energy and work function

    I'm looking at the ionization energy of some elements and their work function. To my astonishment these energies are quite different (factor close to 2). How is that possible that if say a piece of copper has almost all its atoms in the fundamental state (room temperature ensures this I...
  16. T

    Ionization and its effect on other orbitals.

    Just hit a mental wall here, I was thinking of simple formation of an ionic compound, where a metal with a small number of outer electrons loses the outer electrons to a electronegative atom. Simple right? I know! But it got me thinking, even though the outer electrons are easily ripped off...
  17. S

    Ionization resonant frequencies

    Is it true that by finding exact resonant frequency we could ionize matter or split molecules? What is frequency to split water molecules into H+ and HO- ions? What is resonant frequency to split up hydrogen atom into proton and electron? Would spliting water molecule require less energy...
  18. C

    Physics of a Cloud Chamber: Neutrons, Kinetic Energy, and Ionization

    Why can't I have a neutral particle come into a cloud chamber and leave a track? I was reading about cloud chambers and it says when the charged particle comes in it ionizes the vapor in the chamber. But why couldn't a neutron come in and ionize the particles in the chamber with its kinetic...
  19. G

    Why Should n Be 1 When Calculating I3 for Lithium Using the Rydberg Formula?

    Hello all- I am working to calculate the value of I3 for Li. I am working through the formula: Z2hR/n2 Can anyone tell me what n is equal to? I had originally set n=3 since I am looking for I3, but it was marked incorrect as n should have been set at 1. I'm not sure why in this case...
  20. ShayanJ

    Molecular Ionization: Is Rydberg Formula Possible?

    Is there sth like rydberg formula for Molecular ionization?
  21. M

    Ionization Energy in Electron Volts

    Homework Statement (10.) It requires roughly 10 eV to ionize one hydrogen atom. How much energy (in joules) are needed to ionize all the hydrogen atoms in one mole of molecular hydrogen (H2)? [Recall: 1 eV = 1.6 × 10−19 J and Avogadro’s constant is about 6 × 1023.] Homework Equations...
  22. ShayanJ

    Force vs. Energy Curve of MgO Ionization (.22 nm Distance)

    The distance between two ionizations of MgO is .22 nm. Sketch its curve of Force vs. energy. Its a question,one of my classmates requested me to find the solution and its not related to the things I'm studying at university. The only thing I remember about it is the ridberg equation which as...
  23. L

    Is there a difference between ionization energy and ionization potential?

    Wikipedia says they are synonymous. Ionization energy is how much energy it takes to abstract an electron from an atom. A molecule with a low ionization energy can more easily be ionized. It seems weird to call this a low ionization potential though. You are trying to say it can easily be...
  24. khurram usman

    Ionization Energy: Across Period or Metal to Non-Metal?

    ionization energy...? i got a mcq in my test: Ionization energy increases: a) across a period b) down a group c) from metal to non-metal d) all of above i am confused between option 'a' and 'c' what should be the right answer?
  25. Q

    Given the ionization energy, find the number of protons

    Homework Statement A hydrogen like system has ionization energy of 11808 kJ/mol. Find the number of protons in the nucleus. Homework Equations Not sure. Should I use the formula En = E1/n2? The Attempt at a Solution The ionization energy of H is 1312 kJ/mol. The ionization...
  26. P

    Ionization Energy / Electron Affinity Systems

    Homework Statement We have two atomic systems, Na+ + Cl- (System A) and Na + Cl (System B), where all the particles are separated in the infinite distance. Which system (A or B) is higher in energy? Describe the energy difference of the two systems by ionization energy and the electron...
  27. C

    Photoelectric effect and material ionization

    What happens to the ions that are released from the material after e- are released? How come the material doesn't completely degrade?
  28. T

    Work function and ionization energy

    Why is it that the energy required to pull an electron out of a metal surface(work function) is approximately half of the energy required to pull an electron out of the free atom(ionization energy) of the same metal (or element)? Is there any formula relating the two quantities?
  29. C

    Calculating the threshold ionization intensity for hydrogen gas.

    Homework Statement Calculate the threshold ionization intensity for hydrogen gas. The attempt at a solution The way I tried to work it out was to use the field intensity of air which breaks down at, 3x10^6V/m. The ionization potential of oxygen is 13.618ev, 14.534ev for nitrogen and 13.598ev...
  30. A

    Direct ionization as a result of photoionization- What is the probability?

    I'm working on a personal project trying to figure out if lasers can be effectively used to generate plasma from a gas at specific rates. As part of this, I assumed that most of the ionization would take place because of the laser photons rather than the power generated by the laser. Working...
  31. A

    Exploring Photoionization in Combination with Direct & Stepwise Ionization

    I'm working on a personal project trying to figure out if lasers can be effectively used to generate plasma from a gas at specific rates. As part of this, I assumed that most of the ionization would take place because of the laser photons rather than the power generated by the laser. Working...
  32. T

    Alpha Decay & Ionization: Modeling an Electron's Tunneling

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out if an atom undergoing alpha decay can knock out its orbital electrons. I was hoping someone might give me a hand coming up with a model to figure this out. What I need to figure out is: How far out does an alpha particle tunnel can I use a classical...
  33. M

    What is the Second Highest Ionization Energy?

    1. Which one of the following configurations depicts an excited oxygen atom? a. 1s2 2s2 2p2 b.1s2 2s2 2p2 3s2 c.1s2 2s2 2p1 d.1s2 2s2 2p4 a. is out of the question c. is out of the questioin I know d. is the ground state of oxygen but how did they get 3s2 for b.? It must be b. But...
  34. K

    Ionization energy of electrons?

    I am in grade 12 physics and we're currently doing atomic physics. So far I understand that when electrons get excited, they move on to higher energy levels by absorbing photons. Also I understand that when an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower one, photons are emitted. But my...
  35. L

    Understanding Ionization Energy, E- Negativity, and Electron Affinity

    Electro Negativity, Ionization Energy, and Electron Affinity... Can anyone explain these to me in normal English please? I am having a hard time understanding these concepts from the definitions given in the book and from my teacher. Thank you.
  36. M

    Ionization of Air with a Laser

    Hi guys, I am currently doing a project which involves firing a class 4 laser into a small enclosure (200mmx200mm) and onto a target, which is to emit IR. I am trying to theoretically prove that there will be no ionization of the air (i.e. turn the air into plasma) inside the enclosure...
  37. H

    Why Is the Sum of I2 to I5 Used in This Ionization Energy Calculation?

    Homework Statement I1, = 786 kJ molG1 I5 = 16,091 kJ molG1 I2 = 1577 kJ molG1 I6 = 19,784 kJ molG1 I3 = 3232 kJ molG1 I7 = 23,766 kJ molG1 I4 = 4355 kJ molG1 I8 = 29,251 kJ molG1 Determine the energy required in kJ molG1 for the following process: M(g)^+ ------> M^5+(g) + 4 e...
  38. L

    Saha ionization equation I plug in the #, i still dont get same answer

    Homework Statement In my notes, they give an example of Saha ionization equation. Its astrophysics. Homework Equations N11/N1=(2K(T)(Z11)/pe(z1))(me(k)(t)/(2pi(h)2)3/2 e-x1/(kt) The Attempt at a Solution They say z1=2, z11=1 pe=15g/cms2 x1=13.6ev T=5770k me =electron...
  39. A

    Work function, Activation energy and Ionization potential of Insulators.

    What is work function of an insulating polymer (eg: Polystyrene ,PMMA etc..)? is it half of HOMO and LUMO? Do the ionization potential (IP) and Electron affinity (EA) change with work function? IP= E(vacuum)-E(HOMO). So I guess this is always a constant. am I right? But EA=E(Vacuum)-E(LUMO)...
  40. M

    Helium Atom Ionization: Dual Electron Energy?

    Can we ionize the helium atom at once? ie the two electrons simultaneously and not one after another. If yes, what is the ionization energy in this case?
  41. M

    Why does helium have a greater first ionization energy than hydrogen?

    I have had this question in the back of my mind for a while. Hydrogen has 1 proton and 1 electron, and the atom is electrically neutral. So that means that the electrical charge from the electron and the proton cancel each other out as they have equal/opposite charge. Then when you add another...
  42. R

    What Is the Second Ionization Energy of Helium?

    Homework Statement The first ionization energy of an atom is the minimum energy needed to remove one electron. For helium, this is 24.6 eV. The second ionization energy is the additional energy required to remove a second electron. a) Calculate the second ionization energy of helium...
  43. D

    Solving the Mystery of Hydrogen Atom Ionization

    Here comes a pretty hard question, which not even my QM teacher has been able to answer. When we think about one hydrogen atom, and put it in an electric field along the z-axis \bar E = \bar e_z E. Then the potential for a hydrogen atom will look like this: U = -\frac{e^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0...
  44. O

    Ionization energy of the gold atom?

    Ionization energy of the gold atom?? You have a cold gas of gold atoms, and you observe that if you shine light consisting of photons with energy 10.2 eV through the gas, some free electrons are observed, implying that a photon of this energy is able to ionize an atom in the gas. You find that...
  45. B

    High Potential Batteries: Is Stripping Multiple Electrons the Key?

    When looking through the ionization energies/mol of various elements, I'm wondering if it wouldn't be possible to create an incredibly high potential battery by stripping off 10, 20, 30, or more electrons from each atom on the positive side of the battery. I suppose I should ask first, is...
  46. L

    Number of photons for multi-photon laser ionization

    Homework Statement The ionization potential of a nitrogen molecule is 15.5 eV. How many photons from a beam of a 1054 nm high power laser must be absorbed by a nitrogen molecule simultaneously to cause multi-photon ionization? Homework Equations None were given. The Attempt at...
  47. K

    Ionization Potential of molecules

    I wonder what is the technique that measure ionization potential for molecular systems experimentally ?
  48. K

    Electric Dipole / Air Ionization

    I have an electrodynamics question stemming from a recent episode of the game show "1 vs 100" in which I disagreed with the show's answer. The question is: "You touch your grandma's elbow and feel a spark. What do you have an excess build-up of, besides shame?" Answer choices were...
  49. kelvin490

    Question about ionization process

    we know that particles produced in radioactive decay process, such as alpha and belta particles, can produce "ion pairs" along their paths. Does the "ion pairs" means "positive ion and election pairs" or "positive ion and negative ion pairs" ? I am not sure whether negative ions can be produced...
  50. T

    Measuring Ionization Energy of Candles

    Hi all, I have been wondering how much energy does a candle produce per second. I know, that the heat energy can be measured, but what about the ionization energy? By ionization energy I mean the energy which is consumed when neutral atoms in the air are ionized. How can the amount of ions...